ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (9): 1453-1464.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2023.01453 cstr: 32110.14.2023.01453

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


张玮玮, 陈逸群, 朱莉琪()   

  1. 中国科学院行为科学重点实验室, 中国科学院心理研究所, 北京 100101
    中国科学院大学心理学系, 北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-10 发布日期:2023-06-09 出版日期:2023-09-25
  • 通讯作者: 朱莉琪, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

“Attraction of the like”: The influence of peer’s donation choice on prosocial behavior of adolescents and the role of the belief in a just world

ZHANG Weiwei, CHEN Yiqun, ZHU Liqi()   

  1. CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
    Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2023-01-10 Online:2023-06-09 Published:2023-09-25


青少年的社会行为容易受到同伴影响, 然而以往相关研究大多关注其消极影响, 较少考察同伴对青少年亲社会行为的影响。本研究招募了77名12~15岁青少年(Mage = 14.06 ± 0.74岁, 32名女生)被试, 结合自适应行为实验范式和冲突信息源范式, 考察了信息提供者(同伴vs.成人)和社会信息的性质(均利他、均利己、冲突)对青少年(付出实际代价的)捐赠行为的影响, 以及公正世界信念特质在其中的作用。研究发现, 相比较利己信息的影响, 青少年更容易受到利他信息的影响, 从而提高捐赠数额。特别是, 当同时观察到冲突信息时, 青少年仍然受到利他影响。青少年更容易受到同伴榜样而非成人榜样的影响。公正世界信念调节了青少年的亲社会影响。研究结果验证了青少年更容易受到积极的同伴影响, 同伴道德榜样对于青少年的亲社会行为有助益。

关键词: 青少年, 亲社会行为, 社会信息, 冲突信息源, 同伴影响


Social influence refers to the process by which the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals are directly or indirectly influenced by others. Adolescents’ social behavior is easily influenced by peers. However, most of the previous studies on peer effects have focused on the negative aspect of peer influence, such as peer influence on adolescent aggressive behavior, antisocial behavior, and risk-taking behavior, whereas the positive effects of peers have received relatively less attention. Existing work has not reached consensus on whether adolescents' prosocial behavior is more likely to be influenced by altruistic peers or egoistic peers, and the underlying mechanism is also unclear. The present study focuses on the positive effects of peers. Furthermore, the impact of different information providers is also an issue examined in this study. Given that children in Chinese culture are more subordinate to authority, Chinese adolescents may be more influenced by adults than peers. The belief in a just world may also play a moderating role in the peer influence, which would be explored in this study.

The present study used the adaptive behavioral experimental paradigm and the conflicting source paradigm in developmental research on selective trust to investigate the effects of social information (prosocial, selfish, conflict) provided by peers or adults on adolescents’ donation behavior at real cost, and the role of the belief in a just world in it. The sample included 77 adolescents aged 12-15 years (Mage = 14.06 ± 0.74 years, 32 girls). The specific setting of the adaptive paradigm was as follows: under the condition of prosocial influence, the decision of the peer observed by the participants was always more altruistic than their initial decision; similarly, under the condition of selfish influence, the decision of the peer was more selfish than their initial decision. In other words, the amount of donation that participants observed was determined by their initial donation.

The results showed that the secondary donation after viewing the peer’s decision was more altruistic than the initial donation in both the prosocial and the conflict conditions, while the difference between the two rounds of donation was not significant in the selfish condition, which indicates that the prosocial behavior of adolescents was more susceptible to prosocial influence. In addition, compared with the conflict condition and the selfish condition, the second donation of the participants in the prosocial information condition changed the most, which again confirmed the reliability and stability of the results. Moreover, adolescents were more likely to be influenced by information provided by peers than that provided by adults: adolescents changed their donation amount more in the peer influence condition than in the adult influence condition. We further focused on the performance of participants in the conflict condition: when adolescents observed both prosocial information and selfish information, their secondary donations were more likely to change in the direction of altruism, and this transition was more likely to occur in the peer influence condition, which indicates that adolescents are more likely to be influenced by peer role models than by adult role models. The belief in a just world moderated the prosocial influence of adolescents: individuals with high belief in the just world were more likely to be affected by positive social influence.

The results indicate that adolescents are more likely to be positively influenced by peers. This study expands the theory of social learning theory, reveals the benefit of peer moral models on adolescents' prosocial behavior, and provides reference for improving the educational practice of adolescents' prosocial behavior.

Key words: adolescents, prosocial behavior, social information, the conflicting source paradigm, peer influence.
