ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (10): 1328-1339.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2024.01328

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


张引1,2, 李月1,3, 梁腾飞4, 陈江涛4, 刘强5()   

  1. 1绍兴文理学院心理学系, 浙江 绍兴 312000
    2河南大学心理学博士后流动站, 开封 475000
    3安阳师范学院教育学院, 河南 安阳 455000
    4辽宁师范大学脑与认知神经科学研究中心, 大连116000
    5四川师范大学脑与心理科学研究院, 成都 610000
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-17 发布日期:2024-07-10 出版日期:2024-10-25
  • 通讯作者: 刘强, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

The promotion effect of automatically activated long-term associative representation on working memory

ZHANG Yin1,2, LI Yue1,3, LIANG Tengfei4, CHEN Jiangtao4, LIU Qiang5()   

  1. 1Department of Psychology, Shaoxing University, Shaoxing 312000, China
    2Postdoctoral Research Station of Psychology, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China
    3School of Education, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000, China
    4Research Center of Brain and Cognitive Neuroscience, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116000, China
    5Institute of Brain and Psychological Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610000, China
  • Received:2023-08-17 Online:2024-07-10 Published:2024-10-25


本研究通过让被试学习具有语义关联性的图片对, 以达到在短期学习的基础上迅速建立自动激活的长时记忆联结表征。在此基础上, 通过3个实验探讨了自动激活的长时记忆联结表征对工作记忆的影响机制。实验1控制呈现方式(联结/独立)与记忆方式(学习/无学习), 结果表明学习条件下, 联结条件的正确率与记忆容量显著高于独立条件, 说明自动激活的联结表征促进了当前工作记忆的加工; 实验2控制呈现时间(500 ms/1000 ms)与呈现方式(联结/独立), 结果显示两种呈现时间下, 联结条件相较于独立条件, 在正确率与记忆容量方面均有显著提升, 从而排除了促进作用是由编码速度提升所导致的可能性; 实验3进一步采用alpha震荡作为脑电指标, 探究长时联结表征促进工作记忆的机制, 结果发现, 联结表征增加了工作记忆的维持数量。3个实验结果表明, 自动激活的长时记忆联结表征对当前的工作记忆任务具有促进作用, 并且这种促进作用是来自联结关系辅助了工作记忆的维持加工, 而不是压缩的简化作用。

关键词: 长时记忆, 工作记忆, 联结记忆, alpha震荡


Research has demonstrated that long-term memory can improve working memory processing. However, these studies only used item memory as a representation of long-term memory. Associative memory also plays a critical role in long-term memory. An investigation revealed that associative representation impeded working memory, in contrast to the outcomes generated by item memory. It is possible that the participants were unable to generate activated associative memory from unrelated paired items. The purpose of this study was to explore how the activation of associative representations in long-term memory, through semantic relations, impacts working memory processing.

This study is comprised of three experiments. For Experiment 1, twelve pairs of semantic association pictures were required to be memorized for long-term storage prior to the working memory task, whereas the other twelve pairs did not require pre-memorization. During the working memory array, images were presented in pairs (associative condition) or separately (independent condition) for 500 ms. Following a 1000 ms interval, participants had to decide whether the probe item was identical to the memory array. Experiment 2 was similar to Experiment 1, except that the memory array was presented for either 500 ms or 1000 ms and all items required memory training to be completed the day before. In Experiment 3, the variable of time was removed and two items were included as benchmarks. Additionally, Electroencephalogram (EEG) Alpha power was recorded and analyzed.

Experiment 1 revealed that the accuracy and memory capacity of the associative condition were significantly higher than those of the independent condition, suggesting that the automatic activation of the association representation in long-term memory enhanced the performance of the current working memory task. Experiment 2 showed that the associative condition had higher accuracy and memory capacity than the independent condition for both the 500 ms and 1000 ms presentation-time conditions. Experiment 3 demonstrated that participants in the associative condition had better working memory capacity and accuracy than those in the independent condition. EEG data showed that alpha power was greater in the associative condition than in the independent condition during the maintenance phase. The findings from the experiments demonstrated that the associative condition had a higher working memory capacity than the independent condition.

In conclusion, activating long-term memory associations can enhance working memory processing, regardless of the duration of encoding. The benefit of associative representation on working memory stems from its ability to aid in the storage and manipulation of information, rather than the simplification effect of compression.

Key words: long-term memory, working memory, associative memory, alpha power
