ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10): 1621-1639.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.01621

• 元分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


蒋建武1, 龙晗寰1, 胡洁宇2   

  1. 1深圳大学管理学院, 深圳 518060;
    2南京大学商学院, 南京 210093
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-01 出版日期:2024-10-15 发布日期:2024-08-13
  • 通讯作者: 蒋建武, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    * 国家自然科学基金项目(72072119); 广东省哲学社会科学规划2023 年度人才研究专项项目(GD23RCZ07)

A meta-analysis of the impact of AI application on employees in the workplace

JIANG Jianwu1, LONG Hanhuan1, HU Jieyu2   

  1. 1College of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China;
    2School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
  • Received:2023-11-01 Online:2024-10-15 Published:2024-08-13

摘要: 随着数字科技的发展, 人工智能为组织带来了新的机会和挑战, 其在工作场所中的应用对员工行为和心理的影响日益得到学术界的密切关注。但相关影响方向、程度和边界等研究结论尚未取得共识。本研究对包含85个结果变量, 150个效应量的64篇国内外文献进行了元分析。研究发现:工作场所AI应用有助于触发员工工作投入、组织承诺、工作幸福感等积极心理, 调动其知识共享、数字创新、工作重塑等积极行为, 但同时也会引发员工焦虑、离职倾向、工作不安全感等消极心理, 出现知识隐藏、工作退缩、服务破坏等消极行为, 且AI应用类型、行业类型以及AI应用测量方式对上述关系有不同程度的调节作用。研究结论表明工作场所AI应用是一柄双刃剑, 它既可以作为技术支持丰富员工心理资源, 激发积极行为, 亦会给员工造成威胁从而消耗心理资源, 引发消极行为。本研究在工作要求-资源模型的理论框架下, 明晰了工作场所AI应用与员工行为和心理结果变量间的关系效果以及边界条件, 对组织科学地调整AI管理方式、引导员工正确认识AI以有效发挥其价值具有指导意义。

关键词: 工作场所, 人工智能应用, 积极行为和心理, 消极行为和心理, 元分析

Abstract: Given the widespread application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in workplaces, there has been a rapid increase in literature exploring AI-related themes. Scholars are increasingly focused on understanding how these applications influence employee behaviors and psychology. However, consensus on the direction, boundaries, and extent of these effects remains elusive. To address this issue, this paper conducts a meticulous review and selection of literature published from January 2017 to July 2023. A meta-analysis is performed on the 64 literatures (N = 150) to advance knowledge in three main areas: (1) Explore the strength and direction of the relationship between AI application and employees’ positive behaviors and psychological effects, as well as their negative behaviors and psychological effects. This aims to clarify the inconsistent conclusions and fill gaps in quantitative integration. (2) Based on the Job Demands-Resources model, this paper delineates the theoretical rationale underlying the impact of AI on employees’ behavior and psychology within an organizational context, upon its integration as a new technology, and elucidate specific pathways of its effects. (3) Investigate whether the effects of AI application on employee behavior and psychology are potentially influenced by the type of AI application, industry context, and measurement methods. Endeavor to furnish a clearer and more comprehensive overview of the correlation between AI and employee outcomes, thereby providing a theoretical foundation for tailored AI advantages in practical settings and methodological designs for subsequent empirical research in academia.
The result finds that: (1) The application of AI in the workplace exhibits a “double-edged sword” effect, which can enrich employees' psychological resources as technical support and stimulate positive behaviors, may also threaten employees to consume psychological resources and cause negative behaviors. (2) The relationships between AI application and employee behaviors/psychological effects vary under different AI types. Assisted and augmented AI enhance employee job satisfaction by reducing task costs, thereby increasing work engagement, creativity, and productivity. Such abundance in work resources contributes to an uplift in employees' job satisfaction and happiness. Consequently, when employees experience greater job involvement, there is a notable increase in creativity and productivity. However, managerial and autonomous AI types, despite improving efficiency and autonomy to some extent, introduce stress due to their supervisory and controlling attributes, suppressing positive work experiences and fostering negative psychological states. (3) Variations in AI application effects on employee behaviors and psychological effects across different industry types are evident. Employees in labor-intensive industries, with structured work environments and lower occupational skills, perceive more negative effects from AI. Conversely, employees in knowledge-intensive industries benefit from more flexible and autonomous work environments enhanced by AI, demonstrating stronger abilities in receiving, learning, and adapting to new information and technologies. (4) The relationship between AI application and employee behavior, as well as psychological impacts, varies depending on diverse measurement of AI application. Studies using subjective evaluations tend to reveal more negative impacts of AI on employee behaviors and psychological effects compared to those using objective measurement methods.
This study has made several theoretical contributions: (1) Systematically integrate and evaluate the fragmented research conclusions on the effects of AI application on employee behaviors and psychology, synthesizing empirical findings and responding to calls in the literature for understanding the personal impacts of automation technologies. (2) Within the framework of Job Demands-Resources model, this paper elucidates the diverse impacts of different types of AI application on employee behavior and psychology, expands the influencing factors that could augment the positive results of AI application, and further validates the concerns regarding potential adverse consequences. (3) Enrich the boundary conditions in the relationship between workplace AI application and employee behavior and psychology. This paper explores the moderating effects of the type of AI application, industry context, and measurement methods, responding to the scholarly calls for further examination of moderating variables of AI application affecting employee experience, thereby offering new insights for inconsistent research conclusions in the academic literature. Beyond theoretical advancements, the results of this study provide guidance for organizations to scientifically adjust the management strategies of AI, accurately direct employees perceptions, and effectively maximize its value.

Key words: workplace, AI application, positive behavior and psychology, negative behavior and psychology, meta-analysis