ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 1463-1487.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.01463

• 元分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


苏涛, 曾浩文, 钟晓琳, 马文聪, 陈修德   

  1. 广东工业大学管理学院, 广州 510520
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-07 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-06-26
  • 通讯作者: 马文聪, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    * 国家自然科学基金项目(72372035, 72002045)、广东省哲学社会科学规划项目(GD22XGL28)、广东工业大学“青年百人”A类科研启动项目(220413736)资助

Woe-fortune interdependence: A meta-analysis of the two-sided effect of narcissistic leadership on subordinate effectiveness

SU Tao, ZENG Haowen, ZHONG Xiaolin, MA Wencong, CHEN Xiude   

  1. School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510520, China
  • Received:2023-11-07 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-06-26

摘要: 颇具争议的自恋型领导的效用尚未形成共识。本研究基于资源保存理论, 对67篇文献的73项独立实证研究(总样本N = 30493)进行元分析, 探讨并验证自恋型领导是否、何时、如何“祸福相依”。研究显示: (1)虽然自恋型领导的整体影响效果是负向的, 但却具有双面效应, 即该领导方式会增加下属的压力, 抑制其工作态度、行为和绩效, 但却会促进其创新。(2)行业类型、组织属性、员工类别、员工学历和测量工具具有调节作用。即自恋型领导对于制造业(vs.服务业)、营利性组织(vs.非营利性组织)、非知识型员工(vs.知识型员工)以及低学历员工的危害更大, 且使用Hochwarter和Thompson量表(vs.NPI-16量表)测量自恋型领导时, 其负面影响更强。(3)自恋型领导的双面效应分别通过员工心理安全感(负面效应)、创新自我效能感(正面效应)稳定地实现。研究为扬长避短地发挥自恋型领导效用提供了依据。

关键词: 自恋型领导, 元分析, 资源保存理论, 创新, 结构方程模型

Abstract: With the emergence of leaders with narcissistic personality in enterprises, scholars have gradually turned their attention to the role of narcissism in leadership. However, there are many disputes about the effectiveness of narcissistic leadership on subordinates’ effectiveness, and no consensus has been reached. Therefore, it is important and necessary to use the meta-analysis system to explore the specific relationship between narcissistic leadership and subordinate effectiveness, the process mechanism of action, and the boundary conditions of effectiveness.
Based on the conservation of resources theory, this study conducted a meta-analysis of 73 independent empirical studies (total sample of 30493) on the relationship between narcissistic leadership and subordinate effectiveness in order to obtain phased conclusions. Specifically, the system clarifies the effect of narcissistic leadership on subordinate effectiveness and its degree of influence, explores the internal mechanism of the relationship between narcissistic leadership and subordinate effectiveness, and studies the regulatory role of many situational factors and demographic characteristics. Through publication bias test, main effect test, mediating effect test, adjustment test and other analysis steps, this study obtained the following periodic conclusions.
First of all, narcissistic leadership has a two-sided effect, which is manifested in that it will inhibit subordinates’ work attitude, behavior and performance, increase their work pressure, but promote subordinates’ innovation. The study found that although the overall effect of narcissistic leadership is negative, it does have a double-sided effect. On the one hand, it is harmful to subordinates’ work attitude, workplace behavior and work performance, and will increase subordinates’ work pressure. On the other hand, it is beneficial to subordinates’ innovation. Among the specific indicators, narcissistic leadership has a greater impact on subordinate organizational cynicism and knowledge sharing behavior, and has a prominent positive impact on subordinate innovation. The study comprehensively and systematically clarifies the two-sided effect of narcissistic leadership and its specific impact on the effectiveness of the five major categories of subordinates, and answers the question of ‘whether narcissistic leadership truly exhibit an interdependence of fortune and misfortune’.
Secondly, industry type, organizational attributes, employee category, employee education and measurement tools can significantly regulate the relationship between narcissistic leadership and subordinates’ work results. Specifically: (1) Compared with the service industry, narcissistic leadership has a stronger negative impact on manufacturing. (2) Compared with non-profit organizations, narcissistic leadership is more destructive to subordinates’ work efficiency in for-profit organizations. (3) Compared with knowledge workers, narcissistic leadership is more harmful to non-knowledge workers. (4) Compared with highly educated employees, narcissistic leadership is more harmful to low-educated employees. (5) Compared with the NPI-16 scale, the negative impact of using the Hochwarter and Thompson scales to measure narcissistic leadership is stronger. In general, narcissistic leadership is particularly harmful to non-knowledge-based low-educated employees in manufacturing enterprises, and its negative impact is stronger when using Hochwarter and Thompson scales to measure narcissistic leadership. This finding fully explains the boundary mechanism of the relationship between narcissistic leadership and subordinates’ work efficiency, and also answers the question of ‘when is narcissistic leadership exhibit an interdependence of fortune and misfortune’.
Finally, the two-sided effect of narcissistic leadership is stably realized through employees’ psychological safety and innovative self-efficacy. It exerts a negative effect by affecting employees’ psychological safety, that is, it negatively affects subordinates’ work attitude, behavior and performance, and exerts a positive effect by affecting employees’ innovative self-efficacy, that is, it promotes innovation. The study found that narcissistic leadership produces a double-sided effect through two paths: cognition (psychological safety) and motivation (self-efficacy). This finding reveals the ‘black box’ of the formation process of the double-sided effect of narcissistic leadership, and also answers the question of ‘how narcissistic leadership exhibit an interdependence of fortune and misfortune’. The research provides a basis for developing the effectiveness of narcissistic leadership.

Key words: narcissistic leadership, meta-analysis, conservation of resources theory, innovation, SEM
