ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2009, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (02): 156-166. cstr: 32110.14.2009.00156

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  1. 清华大学经济管理学院, 北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2008-06-16 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2009-02-28 出版日期:2009-02-28

The Influence of Different Kinds of Reference Groups on Self-brand Connections

DU Wei-Qiang;YU Chun-Ling;ZHAO Ping   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  • Received:2008-06-16 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-02-28 Published:2009-02-28

摘要: 自我-品牌联系(Self-brand Connection)指消费者使用某品牌构建、强化和表达自我的程度。研究参照群体的类型对消费者的自我-品牌联系的影响。研究结果表明:三种非成员群体对自我-品牌联系的影响是不同的,消费者会使用品牌形象与渴望群体一致的品牌来表明自己是什么类型的人,也会使用品牌形象与规避群体相悖的品牌来表明自己不是什么类型的人;消费者对成员群体的情感承诺程度会调节成员群体对自我-品牌联系的影响,情感承诺度高、中的成员群体比情感承诺度低的成员群体对自我-品牌联系的影响更大

关键词: 自我-品牌联系, 参照群体, 自我, 品牌联想

Abstract: Self-brand connections (SBC) measure the extent to which consumers have incorporated brands into their self-concept. Reference groups and their “typical brands” play an important role during this process. Brands with images consistent with an ingroup enhance SBCs whereas brands with images consistent with an outgroup have lower SBCs. However, previous research does not investigate the influence of different categories of outgroups and ingroups and brands with images consistent or inconsistent with all kinds of reference groups on SBCs.
Two studies were conducted. 82 undergraduate students participated in study 1. We employed a 4(group type)×2(match, not match) mixed design. Participants of the four groups were asked to write an ingroup, aspirational group, dissociative group or neutral outgroup respectively. They then wrote down a brand whose image is consistent and inconsistent with the group they had chosen respectively, and estimated the SBCs of the two brands. SBCs were measured by the scale (α=0.90) developed by Escalas and Bettman (2003). 92 undergraduate students participated in study 2. We employed a 2(ingroup, outgroup)×2(match, not match) between subject design. The study is similar to study 1. The scale developed by Ellemerset et al., (1999) was used to measure the consumers’ affective commitment to the ingroups (α=0.712).
Two ANOVA models were used to predict SBCs in the two studies. The main effects and the interaction effect are significant in study 1 (F(3, 160)=5.64,F(1, 160)=14.44,F(3, 160)=20.08, ps<0.001). In study 2, we find a significant interaction of ingroup type by brand image match on SBCs (F(3, 160)=20.08, p<0.001). The results show that possible selves motivate behavior to achieve the realization of personal goals and brand images consistent with an aspirational group enhance SBCs whereas brands with images inconsistent with an aspirational group have lower SBCs (t =6.41, p<0.001). Brand images consistent with a dissociative group have lower SBCs whereas brands with images inconsistent with a dissociative group enhance SBCs, t =3.79, p<0.001. As for brands whose images consistent or inconsistent with a neutral outgroup, the SBCs are indifferent, t =1.55, p>0.12. Affective commitment is an important part of social identity. When consumers’ affective commitment to the ingroups is high, brand images consistent and inconsistent with an ingroup led to higher and lower SBCs respectively, t=2.41, p<0.02. When consumers’ affective commitment to the ingroups is moderate, brand images consistent and inconsistent with an ingroup led to higher and lower SBCs respectively, t=2.27, p<0.03. However, if affective commitment is low, consumers do not want to be a member of the ingroups, so the conclusion does not hold, t=0.54, p>0.59. The effects of ingroup on SBC are moderated by the consumers’ affective commitment.
These findings improve our understanding of the influence of reference groups on SBCs. Companies could employ our findings to promote SBCs between consumers and their brands, which is important because high SBCs could promote brand equity, improve customer loyalty and induce positive WOM

Key words: self-brand connection, reference group, self, brand association
