ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (1): 66-78.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2023.00066 cstr: 32110.14.2023.00066

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈旭燕1,2, 李鹏1(), 闫志英1()   

  1. 1云南师范大学教育学部, 昆明 650500
    2云南轻纺职业学院, 昆明 650300
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-20 发布日期:2022-10-13 出版日期:2023-01-25
  • 基金资助:

The influence of anxiety on weight perception

CHEN Xuyan1,2, LI Peng1(), YAN Zhiying1()   

  1. 1Faculty of Education, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China
    2Yunnan Light and Textile Industry Vocational College, Kunming 650300, China
  • Received:2021-04-20 Online:2022-10-13 Published:2023-01-25


行动经济理论认为个体对物理环境的感知与其具备的资源有关, 而焦虑与资源不足有关。基于此, 本研究通过3个实验来探讨3种不同性质的焦虑对重量感知判断的影响。实验1通过身体姿势诱发焦虑, 结果发现同放松的身体姿势相比, 焦虑的身体姿势能诱发出焦虑且此姿势下个体会认为背包的重量更重。实验2通过具有压力性的外部任务诱发焦虑, 结果显示同奇偶判断任务相比, 心算任务能诱发出明显的焦虑且此任务下个体将背包的重量判断为更重。实验3探讨特质焦虑的影响, 结果发现高特质焦虑个体同低特质焦虑者相比会认为背包的重量更重。本研究表明焦虑会影响个体对物体物理属性的感知。

关键词: 焦虑, 重量, 感知, 判断


The economy of action argues that individuals’ perceptions of the physical environment are related to the resources they possess. Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often associated with threat or risk, that can be viewed as a manifestation of inadequate coping resources. Therefore, anxiety may affect individuals’ perceptions of the physical environment around them. Previous studies have shown that exercise influence perceptual judgments mostly based on vision-based perceptual indicators, and rarely involved stress anxiety and trait anxiety that are more common in the field of life. However, this study employed weight-based perception indicators rather than vision-based indicators to investigate the effects of two kinds of state anxiety in daily life with different mechanisms and the more stable trait anxiety on the perception of object weight, and proposed the following research hypothesis: individuals perceived objects as heavier in state or trait anxiety.

In the present work, we conducted three studies to systematically investigate the effects of three types of anxiety with different attributes on the perception of weight: body posture-induced anxiety (Experiment 1), external task-induced anxiety (Experiment 2), and trait anxiety, which is stable at the personality level (Experiment 3). Participants in both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 were asked to report their anxiety before and after the experimental task was manipulated and to judge the weight of the backpack they carried. In Experiment 1, 64 participants were randomly assigned to the anxious body posture group (n = 32) and the relaxed body posture group (n = 32) by being asked to do different body postures. In Experiment 2, 65 participants were randomly assigned to either the mental arithmetic task group (n = 33) or the odd-even task group (n = 32). In Experiment 3, based on the scores of the Trait Anxiety Inventory (T-AI) Scale, high and low scorers were selected to constitute a high-level trait anxiety group (n = 64) and a low-level trait anxiety group (n = 64), and were asked to perceive the post-test weight of the three backpacks.

The results of three experiments showed that the influence of anxiety on weight perception. In Experiment 1, we found that the anxious body posture induced anxiety, and participants in the anxious body posture group perceived the weight of the object as heavier than those in the relaxed body posture group. The results of Experiment 2 revealed that the stressful mental arithmetic task induced anxiety, and participants in the mental arithmetic task group perceived the weight of the object as heavier than those in the odd-even judgment task group. The results of Experiment 3 indicated that participants in the high-level trait anxiety group perceived the weight of the object as heavier than those in the low-level trait anxiety group.

The results of the three experiments suggest that either the state anxiety induced by physical changes or cognitive evaluations, or the more stable trait anxiety at the personality level, affects individuals’ perceptions of physical properties of objects, leading them to perceive objects as heavier. This study extends the indicator of perception from the visual to the weight domain at the theoretical level, validates and extends the economy of action theory again; the revealed features of weight perception of anxious individuals provide a new physical perspective for anxiety intervention, and such findings can be applied to the design of human-computer interfaces in the future, which is of great practical significance.

Key words: anxiety, weight, perception, judgement
