ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R


    2003, Volume 11 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Psychologist Daniel Kahneman Wins 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics
    Zhou Guomei,Jing Qicheng
    2003, 11 (1):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 3462 )   PDF (554KB) ( 4145 )  
    The 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to psychologist Daniel Kahneman. Based on the theory of “bounded rationality” and the principle of heuristics put forward by Herbert A. Simon, 1978 Nobel laureate in Economics, Daniel Kahneman maintained that there are three kinds of heuristics: representativeness, availability, and anchoring and adjustment. Contrary to predictions made by traditional economic theory,. Expected Utility Theory, Kahneman discovered that human decision making behaviors are often irrational and biased, and follow definite rules. Kahneman elaborated the Prospect Theory to explain judgment and decision making under uncertainty. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics "for having integrated insights from psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision making under uncertainty." The contributions of Daniel Kahneman to psychology and economics, with illustrative examples, are briefly described.
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    The Lexical Access Theory In Speech Production
    Zhang Qingfang, Yang Yufang
    2003, 11 (1):  6-11. 
    Abstract ( 2694 )   PDF (581KB) ( 3676 )  
    The study of speech production is a challenging question in language research. The topic of this paper is to introduce two important theories of lexical access in speech production. There are three main questions to answer in two-step interactive activation theory and discrete stage theory. First, how many steps or stages are involved? Second, what is the time course of the processes involved? Third, are these stages independent or interact with one another? According to these three questions, we compare the similarity and the difference between two theories.
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    Research On Core Knowledge Systems And Indications To Relative Fields
    Sun Yuhao,Fu Xiaolan
    2003, 11 (1):  12-21. 
    Abstract ( 1653 )   PDF (605KB) ( 1995 )  
    To make the mechanism under complex cognitive skills such as readings and calculation understandable, core knowledge systems are suggested as component cognitive systems with a long ontogenetic and phylogenetic history which children and adults use as building blocks to construct new cognitive abilities. Studies of human infants suggest that core knowledge systems are mechanisms for representing and reasoning about particular kinds of ecologically important entities and events. Core knowledge systems are limited in a number of ways: They are domain specific, task specific, and encapsulated. Research on older children and adults suggests that core knowledge systems continue to exist and they serving as building blocks for the development of new cognitive skills. A single case study of core knowledge and cognitive development centering on the domain of number is presented in this article explaining how core knowledge system work. From research on core knowledge, some indications arise. First, human infants and other animals are also available for cognitive studies because they both exhibit many of the cognitive systems serve as cognitive skills’ building blocks. Second, comparison as a basic cognitive operation needs more studies on it. Third, research on conceptual formation and conceptual structure will have some ideas from the combination of study on core knowledge system and psychological essentialism.
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    Review Of Studies Of Implicit Sequence Learning
    YuanRubing,Guo Chunyan, Fang Ping
    2003, 11 (1):  22-27. 
    Abstract ( 2537 )   PDF (570KB) ( 2191 )  
    Implicit sequence is an important format of implicit learning. This article reviewed the related developments and findings on this topic recently, including the factors that may do effects to it, its relation to awareness and its learning mechanism, the psychological representation of sequence knowledge,the neural bases of implicit sequence learning and the relation between it and age. A prediction of the future trends in this field is also suggested.
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    The Research Patterns And Theory Models In The Subliminal Semantic Activation Research
    Shui Rende,Ding Haijie,Shen Mowei
    2003, 11 (1):  28-34. 
    Abstract ( 2466 )   PDF (595KB) ( 1997 )  
    Subliminal semantic activation(SSA)has been researched for 20 years. With the development of the research, four research patterns have emerged. They are congruent and incongruent pattern, indirect without direct effect pattern, indirect greater than direct effect pattern and regression analysis strategy pattern. The present paper gave a general review of the four patterns and made a brief introduction of the theory models on the subliminal semantic activation research. The mechanism of unconsciousness in SSA was discussed in detail with spreading priming model, response competing model and compound cue model.
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    The Cognitive Neuroscience Of Face Processing: A Review
    Xu Yan,Zhang Yaxu,Zhou Xiaolin
    2003, 11 (1):  35-43. 
    Abstract ( 2016 )   PDF (584KB) ( 2579 )  
    Is there a face-specific processing module which is cognitively and/or neurally dissociable with the module of object processing? And how is face processing system organized? Both of these questions are the core issues in the current cognitive neuroscience of face processing. With evidence from both neuropsychology and neuroimaging studies using ERPs, PET or fMRI, researchers had found a face-specific brain area, which was named fusiform face area (FFA). In this paper, we first review some critical studies investigating both the specificity and the multiple components of face processing. We then evaluate the popular cognitive and neural models of face recognition and speculate on the direction of future studies.
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    The Brain Mechanism Of Temporal Cognition
    Zhang Zhijie,Huang Xiting
    2003, 11 (1):  44-48. 
    Abstract ( 1757 )   PDF (555KB) ( 2157 )  
    The brain mechanism of temporal cognition was reviewed based on the research findings of neuropsychology and brain imaging. The neuropsychological research showed that cerebellum is related to internal clock, and prefrontal cortex control attention in temporal processing. The results of PET and fMRI indicated that basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex and cerebellum were activated in timing tasks. The evidences from ERP research revealed that there is distinct ERP components between the temporal information processing and nontemporal information processing. Furthermore there showed lateralization in temporal processing. Based on the results, Basal ganglia, prefrontal cortex and cerebellum may contribute to the functional of temporal cognition. Under different experimental conditions and timing task, various cortex were presumably involved the temporal information processing.
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    Modeling As An Effective Way Of Constructive Learning
    Liu Rude
    2003, 11 (1):  49-54. 
    Abstract ( 1846 )   PDF (567KB) ( 1875 )  
    Modeling as a constructive learning way can engage students in understanding some phenomenon and expressing their representation to them by exploring the situation through some given objects and tools, so it can enhance students' deep understanding and flexible application of knowledge. Modeling includes exploratory mode and expressive mode, and can be divided into three different levels: quantitative, qualitative, and semi-quantitative modeling. Instructors can help students engage in some modeling activities according to their developmental levels and in some adequate supports.
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    Review On Children’s Moral Emotion Judgment
    Liu Guoxiong, Fang Fuxi
    2003, 11 (1):  55-60. 
    Abstract ( 2063 )   PDF (566KB) ( 3117 )  
    This paper interpreted the concept of moral emotion, discussed the results of recent studies about children’s moral emotion judgment and the corresponding influencing factors. 3~10- year-old Children’s moral emotion judgment developed from sad to happy, then to sad again. This trend was influenced by children’s inner social cognition ability such as understanding desire as a kind of subjective mental property, the ability to think over moral factors, perspective taking ability and their viewpoints toward wrongdoer’s personality traits, and factors about the outside situations they were confronted with such as characteristics and the coincidence of situations. Future research tendency in this field were prospected in the end.
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    Review On The Development Studies On Expressivity In Children’s Drawings
    Gao Xuemei,Zheng Chijun,Li Hong
    2003, 11 (1):  61-64. 
    Abstract ( 1885 )   PDF (545KB) ( 3063 )  
    Since Goodman proposed the three properties of aesthetic (expressivity、substantiation、 constraction), developmental psychologists have been interested in discussing children’s cognitive development. Based on the children’s expression of drawing. This article summarized the developmental study of children’s expression of drawing abroad, and discussed the model of children’s cognition on drawing.
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    Review: Parent-Adolescent Communication Research
    Fang Chao,Fang Xiaoyi
    2003, 11 (1):  65-72. 
    Abstract ( 3197 )   PDF (577KB) ( 7727 )  
    Parent-adolescent communication research has become one of the key research areas between family and adolescent psychological development. Since 1970’s, western developmental scientists began to explore the inner mechanism of parent-adolescent interaction. They used questionnaires and interviewed contents, frequency, satisfaction and problems of parent-adolescent communication, and also factors which influenced parent-adolescent communication, the relationship between parent-adolescent communication and adolescent psychological development.
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    Definition And Measurement On Pathological Internet Use
    Lei Li,Li Hongli
    2003, 11 (1):  73-77. 
    Abstract ( 1747 )   PDF (558KB) ( 2874 )  
    Pathological internet use (PIU) is a new kind of mental illness accompanying with people’s surfing on-line. Many researchers considered the main causes of PIU were the extreme use of internet or misuse of some internets functions. Based on the past researches, this paper analyzes and reviews the PIU,s definition and measurement. Finally, how to conceptualize and measure PIU is discussed with the context of Chinese culture.
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    Review Of Organizational Justice Research
    Li Ye,Long Lirong,Liu Ya
    2003, 11 (1):  78-84. 
    Abstract ( 2589 )   PDF (571KB) ( 3246 )  
    Justice and perceived justice are introduced and analysized first, then organizational justice is defined. The research on organizational justice is divided into three stages which are equity theory of Adams(1965), also called distributive justice, procedural justice created by Thibaut Walker(1975), and Leventhal et al.(1980), and interactional justice by Bies and Moag(1986) separately. Although enough empirical results have been accumulated by now after Adams’ work, there is some debate on the elements and their relations of organizational justice and their effects of different dimensions on the employees’ feeling and behaviors in the organizations.
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    The Effect Of Culture On Advertising
    Xu Jincan,Xu Jieyi
    2003, 11 (1):  85-91. 
    Abstract ( 3063 )   PDF (575KB) ( 3374 )  
    As the development of international marketing, culture difference becomes one of the most important factors that affect the international companies’ marketing strategies. The article summarizes the new researches of the culture’s effect on advertising. First, it introduces the concept and the structure of culture. Second, it outlines the effect of culture on advertising, mainly on the audiences’ attitude about the advertising, advertising operational ways, the media habits, advertising strategies and the advertising limitations. Last, it describes the three main international advertising strategies: standard strategy, local strategy and the in-between strategy.
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    New Development Of Legal Social Psychology In USA In Last 20 Years
    Yue Guoan,Zhao Delei
    2003, 11 (1):  92-100. 
    Abstract ( 2570 )   PDF (596KB) ( 2564 )  
    Since early 1980s’, legal social psychology research in America has got a lot of new fruits in many aspects such as the study of jury, testimony, public attitudes toward crime, and so on. From these new achievements we can summarize that in order to make the theory study accord with practical demands researchers in theses fields pay more attention to integrating the viewpoints and research angles of social psychology and jurisprudents.
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    The Second Cognitive Revolution And The Establishment Of Social Constructionism
    Ye Haosheng
    2003, 11 (1):  101-107. 
    Abstract ( 2369 )   PDF (568KB) ( 2944 )  
    The second cognitive revolution is a postmodern one and it results in the establishment of social constructionism. Social constructionism claims that : (1)knowledge is a product of social construction; (2)mental phenomena like personality, attitude, emotion etc. are not inside people but between people; (3) language is not straightforward expression of thought but a pre-condition for thought; (4) all forms of knowledge are historically and culturally specific; (5) psychologists should give more attention to the function of discourse and discursive analysis may be the basic method of psychology.
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    Review And Trend On The Research Of Traditional Polygraph Procedures
    Fu Genyue, Chen Changkai
    2003, 11 (1):  108-115. 
    Abstract ( 2105 )   PDF (571KB) ( 2945 )  
    This article, based on review of research literatures, introduces the theories and techniques of traditional polygraph briefly, and then discusses the problems on research of polygraph, in the view of psychological measure, as follow: (a) the representativeness of analog studies and veracity of field studies, (b) high incidence of false-positive classifications due to instandardization, (c) criterions and improvement of reliability and validity of polygraph, (d) the effective of preventing countermeasure. Finally, it suggests the trend on the research of traditional polygraph.
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    On Taoist Managerial Psychological Thoughts
    Fan Tingwei, Zhu Yongxin
    2003, 11 (1):  116-119. 
    Abstract ( 2286 )   PDF (540KB) ( 3016 )  
    The authors drew psychological thoughts from the Taoist managerial thoughts in the following six aspects: Non-action-principle of management; Dialectical strategy of management; Modest and humble way in leadership; Appreciation of person’s character and capability in HRM; Drawing on collective wisdom in decision- making; Seizing all opportunities in time management.
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