ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 2031-2049.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.02031

• 元分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


韩志伟, 程延园(), 任志帅, 王丹阳, 李国静   

  1. 中国人民大学劳动人事学院, 北京 100872
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-13 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-09-24
  • 通讯作者: 程延园, E-mail:

A meta-analysis of work connectivity behavior after-hours and work-life conflict: Based on the work-home resources model

HAN Zhiwei, CHENG Yanyuan(), REN Zhishuai, WANG Danyang, LI Guojing   

  1. School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
  • Received:2022-10-13 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-09-24


随着信息和通信技术的不断发展, 非工作时间和场所通过信息和通信技术处理工作, 即工作连通行为(Work Connectivity Behavior After-hours, 简称WCBA), 已经成为了一种普遍的现象。由于WCBA是一种发生在非工作时间和场所的工作行为, 因而其与工作−生活冲突的关系得到了大量实证研究的关注, 但现有的实证结果却不甚一致。本研究基于工作−家庭资源模型提出了一个WCBA影响工作−生活冲突的两阶段过程性理论模型, 并在此基础上识别了导致两者之间关系不一致的因素。基于67个独立样本(30498名被试)的元分析结果表明:WCBA与工作−生活冲突具有中等程度的正相关(¯ρ = 0.34), 两者的相关性受到工作−生活冲突表现形式、WCBA使用工具、婚姻状况、子女抚养状况、样本取样方式和WCBA测量方式的影响。研究结果澄清了WCBA与工作−生活冲突的关系以及关系不一致的原因, 并为组织和员工合理地管理WCBA以缓解工作−生活冲突提供了一定的启示。

关键词: 工作连通行为, 工作?生活冲突, 工作?家庭资源模型, 元分析


With the continuous evolution of information and communication technologies, working through information and communication technologies during non-work hours and in non-work locations, referred to as work connectivity behavior after-hours (WCBA), has become increasingly prevalent. Given that WCBA represent a form of work behavior occurring outside of conventional work hours and locations, its association with work-life conflict has garnered significant attention in empirical research. However, existing empirical results regarding this association has not yet reached a consensus. Importantly, the inconsistency in existing empirical results has led to an unclear and incomplete understanding of the relationship between WCBA and work-life conflict. This ambiguity creates confusion for organizations and employees in managing WCBA, such as determining which measures to adopt to mitigate potential work-life conflict arising from WCBA. Therefore, this study focuses on examining the relationship between WCBA and work-life conflict, as well as the factors that influence this relationship.

Drawing upon the work-home resources model, this study proposes a two-stage process theoretical model of how WCBA influence work-life conflict, and subsequently identifies factors contributing to the inconsistency in this relationship, including the manifestations of work-life conflict, tools utilized for WCBA, job positions, gender, marital status, parental status, and the economic conditions of the country or region. Additionally, beyond identifying the aforementioned factors from a theoretical perspective, this study also identifies several other potential factors, including the publication status of the literature, sampling methodology, research design, measurement methods of WCBA, employee age, employee organizational tenure, timing of WCBA, location of WCBA, and types of work-life conflict. The meta-analytic investigation, encompassing data from 67 independent samples comprising 30,498 participants, reveals a moderate positive correlation between WCBA and work-life conflict ($\bar{\rho}$ = 0.34). Furthermore, the strength of this correlation is contingent upon several factors, including the manifestations of work-life conflict, tools utilized for WCBA, marital status, parental status, sampling methodology, and measurement methods of WCBA. First, the correlation between WCBA and time-based work-life conflict is stronger than the correlation between WCBA and stress-based work-life conflict, as well as between WCBA and behavior-based work-life conflict. However, there is no significant difference between the correlations of WCBA with stress-based and behavior-based work-life conflict. Second, the correlation between WCBA and work-life conflict is stronger when using mixed tools compared to phone-based tools. Third, compared to married employees, the correlation between WCBA and work-life conflict is stronger among unmarried employees. Fourth, the correlation between WCBA and work-life conflict is stronger among employees without children than among those who have children. Fifth, the correlation between WCBA and work-life conflict is stronger when the sample is drawn from multiple organizations compared to when the sample is drawn from a single organization. Sixth, the correlation between WCBA and work-life conflict is stronger when WCBA was measured based on frequency rather than duration.

The research results indicate a moderate positive correlation between WCBA and work-life conflict, suggesting that WCBA generally hinders employees' ability to effectively fulfill their life role demands. Additionally, the research results also indicate that the manifestations of work-life conflict, tools utilized for WCBA, marital status, parental status, sampling methodology, and measurement methods of WCBA all affect the relationship between WCBA and work-life conflict. Specifically, the identification of these factors not only offers insights for management practices but also provides clear directions for future research. For example, employees should consider leveraging external resources (such as family and financial resources) to meet life role demands during the WCBA process, thereby alleviating work-life conflict resulting from individual resources shortage. Furthermore, incorporating reports from significant others (such as spouse) and utilizing specific applications (Apps) to record employees' WCBA levels can contribute to more robust and precise research conclusions.

Key words: work connectivity behavior after-hours (WCBA), work-life conflict, the work-home resources model, meta-analysis
