ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (8): 1342-1353.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.01342

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇


何婷1, 胡惠南2, 乔璐2, 杨靓靓3, 李明英4, 蔺秀云2()   

  1. 1南京师范大学心理学院, 南京 210097
    2北京师范大学心理学部, 北京 100875
    3北京市海淀区花园路学区管理中心, 北京 100080
    4重庆市秀山县东风路小学, 重庆 409900
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-06 出版日期:2024-08-15 发布日期:2024-06-05
  • 通讯作者: 蔺秀云, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

How parental coping socialization influences the adjustment of children and adolescents: Perspectives from long-term and real-time timelines

HE Ting1, HU Huinan2, QIAO Lu2, YANG Liangliang3, LI Mingying4, LIN Xiuyun2()   

  1. 1School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
    2Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
    3Haidian District Huayuan Road School District Management Center, Beijing 100080, China
    4Dongfeng Road Primary School, Xiushan County, Chongqing 409900, China
  • Received:2023-08-06 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-06-05


父母应对社会化是指父母向儿童青少年提供认知、情感和行为策略以应对压力的过程。实证研究从长时程发展时间轴、具体情境下的实时时间轴及不同时间轴的结合等角度探讨父母应对社会化的作用, 揭示了父母应对社会化对于儿童青少年适应的独特效应。对于其中的心理机制, 应对社会化过程理论模型探讨了儿童青少年应对过程在父母应对社会化与儿童青少年适应之间的中介作用, 教养×压力放大和差异效应模型考察了应对社会化作用过程的边界条件。本研究将此两种模型进行整合, 并基于动态系统视角提出应对社会化动态过程理论模型, 从长时程发展时间轴和具体情境下的实时时间轴两个层面、儿童个体和亲子二元两个水平完善父母应对社会化对儿童青少年适应的作用机制。未来研究可进一步考察父母应对社会化作用效果的普遍性, 深化探索父母应对社会化影响儿童青少年适应的机制, 为父母应对社会化在家庭教育与临床干预领域的应用与推广提供科学依据。

关键词: 父母应对社会化, 儿童青少年适应, 应对社会化动态过程理论模型, 长时程发展时间轴, 具体情境下实时时间轴


Parental coping socialization encompasses the interactive process through which parents impart cognitive, emotional, and behavioral strategies to their offspring, aiming to equip them with the essential abilities to effectively manage and navigate challenging situations. Empirical research, considering perspectives such as long-term developmental timelines, real-time contexts, and their integrations, has explored the implications of parental coping socialization, revealing its unique effects on the child adjustment. However, current theories encounter two main shortcomings. Firstly, existing theoretical models primarily articulate the role of parental coping socialization from the perspective of children, which fails to fully capture the mechanisms through which parents contribute to child adjustment. Actually, child adjustment is determined by the dyadic interaction process between parents and children, whereby the developmental and transformative processes of parent-child interaction ultimately result in qualitative changes in child adjustment. From this perspective, the dyadic interaction between parents and children uniquely contributes to the coping socialization process. Secondly, although existing theories and empirical research failed to differentiate long-term and real-time timelines, which is necessary for understanding the process of coping socialization. Socialization is not a one-time event; rather, it involves a continuous process of long-term developmental changes and real-time interactions. The process of coping socialization exists on both the long-term and real-time timelines, with both interrelatedness and differences between them.

The present study proposes an integrative model, the dynamic process model of coping socialization. This model integrates existing coping socialization process models and the parenting × stress amplification/differentiation effects model, incorporating dynamic systems theory to provide a comprehensive understanding from both macro and micro perspectives. Drawing from integrated theoretical frameworks and related research, this model considers antecedents/moderators from the perspectives of parental factors, child factors, and characteristics of stressors. These factors act as predictors affecting parental coping socialization, child coping processes, and their adjustment. Moreover, they serve as moderators influencing the strength and direction of the relationships between parental coping socialization, child coping processes, and adjustment.

With regard to the potential mechanisms, the model focuses on both the role of parental daily coping socialization, as emphasized in previous research, and highlights the effects of real-time dyadic coping interactions on child adjustment from a dynamic perspective. Firstly, based on the coping socialization process model and relevant empirical research, the model suggests that child coping processes may serve as a critical mechanism through which parental coping socialization influence child adjustment. Secondly, according to dynamic systems theory, the model hypothesizes that within real-time coping interactions, parental coping socialization directly influences child real-time coping processes and also indirectly affects their real-time performance through parent-child behavioral, physiological, and neural synchrony. These effects persistently impact child long-term developmental outcomes.

Concerning the relationships between processes across different timelines, the long-term developmental timeline and the real-time timeline are interrelated and mutually influential in three aspects. Firstly, parental coping socialization exists correlation across the two timelines. Secondly, child coping processes across the two timelines are interconnected. Thirdly, parental coping socialization on the long-term developmental timeline could indirectly predict child daily and real-time coping processes through real-time dyadic synchrony, ultimately affecting child long-term adjustment. The real-time timeline serves as a tangible manifestation of the long-term developmental timeline, wherein the latter represents the cumulative outcome of the former. Together, they significantly impact child adjustment.

Future research should investigate the universality of parental coping socialization effects, delving deeper into the mechanisms by which parental coping socialization influences children and adolescents' adjustment and their bidirectional relationships. This knowledge would provide a scientific basis for applying and promoting parental coping socialization in family education and clinical interventions.

Key words: parental coping socialization, children and adolescents' adjustment, dynamic process model of coping socialization, long-term developmental timelines, real-time situational timelines
