ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (9): 1393-1407.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.01393

• 研究构想 • 上一篇    下一篇


贾云丞1,2#, 程刚2,3#, 丁芳媛1,2, 陈加2,3, 龙女2,3, 陈玉荣4, 林楠2,3   

  1. 1贵州民族大学民族文化与认知科学学院, 贵阳 550025;
    2贵州师范大学农村儿童青少年心理健康教育研究中心, 贵阳 550025;
    3贵州师范大学心理学院, 贵阳 550025;
    4贵州民族大学学生工作部, 贵阳 550025
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-04 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-06-26
  • 通讯作者: 丁芳媛, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:#共同第一作者。
  • 基金资助:

The relationship between attentional bias toward neutral infant faces and uncertainty in facial expressions

JIA Yuncheng1,2, CHENG Gang2,3, DING Fangyuan1,2, CHEN jia2,3, LONG Nv2,3, CHEN Yurong4, LIN Nan2,3   

  1. 1School of National Culture and Cognitive Science, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang, 550025, China;
    2Center for Rural Children and Adolescents Mental Health Education, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, 550025, China;
    3School of Psychology, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang, 550025, China;
    4Student Affairs Department, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang, 550025, China
  • Received:2024-01-04 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-06-26

摘要: 目前已有研究发现, 在成人观看不同表情的婴儿面孔时, 中性婴儿面孔所诱发的注意偏向最强, 这种现象被称为“中性婴儿面孔注意偏向凸显效应”, 且该效应会受到表情不确定性的影响, 但还尚未有研究对该效应的注意加工进程, 以及表情不确定性在其中的作用机制展开深入剖析。因此, 本研究拟开展两个研究共计8个实验来解决上述问题。具体来说, 研究一基于注意加工的不同阶段和成分, 采用切分时程的分析方法考察中性婴儿面孔注意偏向凸显效应的注意加工进程特点; 研究二再采用面孔融合技术, 对表情不确定性的程度进行调控, 从而进一步探究表情不确定性对中性婴儿面孔注意偏向凸显效应的注意加工进程所产生的影响及其神经机制。本研究有助于揭示表情不确定性是如何影响成人对婴儿情绪面孔的注意加工进程及其机制, 这对于探究其他类型情绪信号的不确定性程度是否会影响其注意加工进程具有一定的启发性。

关键词: 注意, 社会情绪, 婴儿面孔, 注意偏向, 表情不确定性

Abstract: Adults’ attentional bias toward infant faces plays a crucial role in forming early parent-child relationships. During interactions between adults and infants, infants express their physiological and psychological states through facial expressions. Adults, in turn, interpret these expressions to understand the infant’s needs. Previous studies have primarily focused on how infants’ positive or negative facial expressions influence adults’ attentional bias toward infant faces. However, the unique impact of neutral infant faces, which often convey ambiguous emotional signals, has been largely overlooked in attention processing studies. In fact, compared to neutral adult faces, neutral infant faces remain highly biologically relevant stimuli. Adults tend to pay close attention to them, demonstrating an attentional bias. This attentional bias, to some extent, helps caregivers avoid missing or misinterpreting crucial signals from infants, ultimately promoting infant survival.===Based on previous research, our studies further found a salient effect of the attentional bias toward neutral infant faces, that is, the attentional bias toward neutral infant faces in adults was the strongest when adults viewed infant faces with different expressions. Meanwhile, this salient effect was influenced by the uncertainty in expressions. Although the salient attentional bias toward neutral infant faces has been confirmed, the attention processing course behind this effect and the impact of uncertainty in expressions remain largely unexplored. Therefore, this research primarily aims to outline the attention processing course and its neural mechanisms, which underline the salient effect of attentional bias toward neutral infant faces. Second, it seeks to reveal how the change of uncertainty in expressions influences the attention processing course and its neural mechanisms concerning the salient effect of attentional bias towards neutral infant faces. To achieve these objectives, this research designed two studies with a total of eight experiments.
The first study aims to shift the research focus from the overall attention bias toward infant faces in adults to analyze the different stages and components of the attention processing in the salient effect of the attentional bias toward neutral infant faces. Specifically, this study first investigates the temporal characteristics of different attention processing stages using eye tracking technology (Experiment 1) and its neural mechanisms using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology (Experiment 2). Then, within these attention processing stages, it further explores the unique performance of specific attention processing components using a dot-probe paradigm (Experiment 3) and their electrophysiological mechanisms using event-related potential (ERP) technology (Experiment 4). This study will help reveal the specific processes and mechanisms of dynamic attention processing in response to uncertainty in infant emotional expressions, deepening understanding of the parental brain and advancing the development of social affective neuroscience. Simultaneously, this study holds significant value in guiding the enhancement of the public’s ability to recognize and comprehend infants’ emotions, thereby optimizing parenting behaviors. It also provides a new approach and empirical foundation for designing intervention programs for parents struggling with forming early parent-child relationships, ultimately improving their parenting quality.
The second study aims to regulate the degree of uncertainty in expressions using the face morphing technique to further investigate how the change of uncertainty in expressions influences the attention processing of the salient effect of the attentional bias toward neutral infant faces. Specifically, under the condition where the degree of expression uncertainty is regulated, this study first investigates how the change of uncertainty in expressions influences the temporal characteristics of different attention processing stages using eye tracking technology (Experiment 5) and its neural mechanisms using fMRI technology (Experiment 6). Then, within these specific attention processing stages, it further explores how the change of uncertainty in expressions influences the unique performance of specific attention processing components using a dot-probe paradigm (Experiment 7) and its electrophysiological mechanisms using ERP technology (Experiment 8). This study will shed light on adults’ dynamic attention processing mechanisms in response to varying degrees of uncertainty in infant emotional expressions. This understanding will enrich knowledge of adult responses to infant emotional faces and the social adaptive implications of these responses. Simultaneously, a deeper understanding of how adults process infant emotional faces, especially those with uncertain expressions, can offer valuable insights for scientific parenting advice. This can help the public better comprehend and manage infants’ emotional responses, thereby improving parenting quality and fostering healthy infant development.
In conclusion, this research provides a fresh perspective for exploring how the degree of uncertainty in other types of emotional signals impacts the attention processing of human beings to these emotional signals. This not only expands theoretical understanding of emotional signal processing, but also offers insightful guidance for dealing with emotionally complex social situations such as interpersonal communication and conflict resolution in practice.

Key words: attention, social emotion, infant face, attentional bias, uncertainty in expression
