ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 79-92.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2021.00079 cstr: 32111.14.2021.00079

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭滢1, 龚先旻2, 王大华1()   

  1. 1北京师范大学发展心理研究院, 北京 100875
    2香港中文大学何鸿燊海量数据决策分析研究中心&心理学系, 香港 999077
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-14 出版日期:2021-01-15 发布日期:2020-11-23

The cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying false memory: An information processing perspective

GUO Ying1, GONG Xianmin2, WANG Dahua1()   

  1. 1Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
    2Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre & Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China
  • Received:2020-05-14 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2020-11-23


采用信息加工视角, 在划分不同信息来源的基础上分析编码、存储(巩固)、再激活/再巩固和提取的一系列加工过程如何导致错误记忆形成, 由此总结出错误记忆产生的三个可能原因:(1)因缺乏针对目标事物特异性细节的记忆表征而侧重于编码和提取目标和非目标事物共享的抽象记忆表征, 使被试更倾向于依赖抽象表征对缺失的目标细节进行重构, 引发错误记忆; (2)目标事物启动了对应图式, 导致与图式相关的非目标事物记忆表征得到增强, 引发错误记忆; (3)误导信息干扰了再度激活状态下目标事物的记忆表征, 妨碍其进行准确的记忆再巩固, 从而引发错误记忆。未来研究可进一步探讨目标事物特异性细节的表征区域、不同类型的图式表征促进非目标事物记忆表征的具体机制以及提取阶段的图式复现对错误记忆形成的影响等问题。

关键词: 错误记忆, 认知图式, 神经机制, 信息加工


By reviewing both behavioral and neuroimaging research, the present article illustrates how processing of information from different sources (i.e., the target event/stimulus, internal cognitive schemas, and external interference) and at different stages (i.e., the encoding, storage, re-activation/reconsolidation and retrieval stages) contributes to false memory. We conclude that false memory may arise from three mechanisms: (1) The lack of distinctive item-specific memory representations that makes it difficult to distinguish targets from related lures; (2) The engagement of cognitive schemas strengthens the memory representations of non-target information (including related lures) in the schemas; and (3) Re-activated memory representations of targets are distorted and modified by external interference. Future research may use updated approaches, e.g., multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA), to further investigate the brain regions responsible for representing item-specific details, the way different types of schema (e.g., event-based script) promote the representations of related lures, and the way re-activation of schema during memory retrieval influences false memory.

Key words: false memory, cognitive schema, neural mechanisms, information processing
