ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1576-1589 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01576



郭丽月, 严超,, 邓赐平,

华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院, 上海 200062

Enhancing mathematical abilities: A meta-analysis on the effect of working memory training

GUO Liyue, YAN Chao,, DENG Ciping,

School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

通讯作者: * 严超,** 邓赐平,

收稿日期: 2017-07-10   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71373081)

Received: 2017-07-10   Online: 2018-09-15

Fund supported: (71373081)


工作记忆训练指针对工作记忆各成分进行的训练, 以实现个体记忆与其他认知能力的提升。该领域一直都是研究者关注的热点, 越来越多的研究正在试图利用工作记忆训练改善个体的数学能力。然而回顾过往的研究, 发现研究所关注的数学能力类型、针对的被试人群、使用的方法、结论等存在较大差异, 目前尚没有系统性综述专门探讨工作记忆训练对数学能力的影响。因此, 本文首先回顾和数学能力有关的工作记忆训练方式, 然后结合元分析, 从数感、运算能力和数学推理能力三个方面, 分别回顾归纳工作记忆训练对数学能力的提升作用。具体而言, 尽管研究数量相对有限, 工作记忆训练可能有效改善数感, 其效应量为中等(Cohen’s d = 0.51); 而可能无法有效改善运算和数学推理能力, 它们的效应量小(运算:Cohen’s d = 0.04; 数学推理:Cohen’s d = -0.06)。此外, 训练目标类型与训练效果有着密切的联系。

关键词: 工作记忆训练; 数学能力; 数感; 运算; 数学推理


Working memory training can effectively improve individual’s cognitive performance. In last decades, accumulating studies examined the transfer effects of working memory training on the mathematical abilities. However, findings from these studies render inconsistent depending on the measure of mathematical abilities, types of working memory training, and participants. In this meta-analysis, we thus reviewed two types of trainings strategies-uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional trainings - and their effects on the enhancement of mathematical skills, including number sense, arithmetic and mathematics reasoning. Results showed that working memory training significantly improved number sense with a medium effect size (Cohen’s d = 0.51), rather than arithmetic (Cohen’s d = 0.04) and mathematics reasoning (Cohen’s d = -0.06). Furthermore, the types of working memory training significantly moderated the transfer effects of working memory training on mathematical performance.

Keywords: working memory training; mathematical ability; number sense; arithmetic; mathematical reasoning

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郭丽月, 严超, 邓赐平. 数学能力的改善:针对工作记忆训练的元分析 . 心理科学进展, 2018, 26(9): 1576-1589 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01576

GUO Liyue, YAN Chao, DENG Ciping. Enhancing mathematical abilities: A meta-analysis on the effect of working memory training. Advances in Psychological Science, 2018, 26(9): 1576-1589 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01576

1 引言

工作记忆训练指对存储系统(包括语音回路(phonological loop)、视空模板(visuospatial sketchpad))或中央执行系统(包括转换(shifting process)、刷新(updating)和抑制(inhibition)成分)的训练, 通过提升个体工作记忆容量或工作记忆资源使用效率, 从而产生迁移效应(von Bastian, Langer, Jäncke, & Oberauer, 2013; 黎翠红, 何旭, 郭春彦, 2014; 刘春雷, 周仁来, 2012)。常见的训练模式主要有两大类, 一类是针对单一系统(如语音回路)进行训练, 另一类针对多种系统(如语音回路与视空模板)进行同时训练。

工作记忆在数学能力的发展中发挥重要作用, 研究显示不论是成人还是儿童, 正常发展还是发展障碍儿童, 工作记忆所有子成分的加工过程都与数学表现的优劣(比如运算)存在密切联系(Friso-van den Bos, van der Ven, Kroesbergen, & van Luit, 2013; Raghubar, Barnes, & Hecht, 2010)。鉴于此, 研究者开始逐步关注工作记忆训练对数学能力的提升或者改善效果。尽管, 过去有综述和元分析探讨了工作记忆训练对数学能力的提升效果(Peijnenborgh, Hurks, Aldenkamp, Vles, & Hendriksen, 2016; Schwaighofer, Fischer, & Bühner, 2015; 刘春雷, 周仁来, 2012), 但其或者只从数学能力的单个维度探讨, 或者一概而论。事实上数学能力是一个多维概念, 涉及数感、运算能力和数学推理能力等多个层面(Geary, 2006)。过去的研究结果存在很大的异质性, 具体来说, 不同的研究关注数学能力的不同层面(如数感、运算和数学推理), 纳入不同特征的被试群体(如不同年龄、心理发展状况)、使用不同的干预手段, 都可能会导致不同的研究结论(Alloway, 2012; Ang, Lee, Cheam, Poon, & Koh, 2015; Bergman-Nutley & Klingberg, 2014; Dahlin, 2013; Dunning, Holmes, & Gathercole, 2013; Harrison et al., 2013; Kroesbergen, Van’t Noordende, & Kolkman, 2012, 2014; Kyttälä, Kanerva, & Kroesbergen, 2015; Nelwan & Kroesbergen, 2016; Redick et al., 2013; Robert et al., 2016; Söderqvist & Nutley, 2015; Witt, 2011)。因此, 从单一维度或者笼统地探讨工作记忆训练对于数学能力的作用可能会阻碍我们对于工作记忆训练迁移效果的理解。然而, 目前尚未有综述专门针对数学能力这些不同层面的迁移效应做过系统地概括和探讨。本文试图从数感、运算和数学推理这三个层面着手, 结合元分析的研究方法, 深入探讨工作记忆训练对数学能力的提升和改善效果, 并分析影响训练效果的可能因素, 在前人工作记忆训练元分析的基础上(Melby- Lervåg & Hulme, 2013; Peijnenborgh et al., 2016; Schwaighofer et al., 2015), 我们将聚焦考察年龄、被试类型、训练目标、训练任务、控制组类型、训练强度、训练频率、每次训练时长和训练持续时间对训练效果的影响。

2 工作记忆的训练任务

在介绍工作记忆训练对不同数学能力的提升效果之前, 我们首先回顾与数学能力有关的工作记忆训练方式, 以更好理解工作记忆的训练类型及训练目标, 本文主要从工作记忆单一系统以及多系统的这两个训练模式进行总结。

2.1 单一成分训练任务

2.1.1 语音回路

分类工作记忆广度任务(Categorization Working Memory Span task, CWMS)

分类工作记忆广度任务适用于9~86岁的被试群体(Borella, Carretti, & De Beni, 2008; Giofrè, Mammarella, & Cornoldi, 2013), 其训练周期一般为3个系列, 每个系列持续时间大约60分钟。在每个系列中, 被试将会完成一项任务, 这项任务包含有一系列以语音形式呈现的词语, 被试被要求记住这些词语, 待词语呈现完毕后将任务要求回忆的词语写出来(如图1所示)。三项任务的广度都为2~5个单元, 即呈现的词语在2~5个之间变化 (Borella, Carretti, Riboldi, & De Beni, 2010)。


图1   广度为3的CWMS任务范例(Borella et al., 2010; Carretti, Cornoldi, De Beni, & Palladino, 2004)。词语以每秒1个呈现, 听到动物词语时轻击桌面, 并记住每个系列中的某个词汇, 词语系列之间的时间间隔为2秒。所有词语系列呈现完毕后, 回忆所有要求记住的词汇。

2.1.2 视空模板

(1) 找不同(Odd One Out, OOO)

找不同任务, 适用的年龄范围为4~22岁(Alloway, Gathercole, Kirkwood, & Elliott, 2008)。任务会呈现三个图形, 其中一个形状与另外两个不同(如图2-A), 被试需要辨认出不同的图形并记住它所在的位置, 当每次所有刺激呈现完毕之后, 会呈现空白方格(如图2-B), 要求被试在上面指出那个不同图形所对应的位置。任务难度通过增减试次中刺激的呈现数量来进行调整, 同时, 被试所需记忆的图形数量也随之改变。这项任务的主要指标是广度, 即被试最多能够正确回忆多少个不同刺激所在位置。


图2   广度为2的找不同任务范例 (Henry, 2001)。A)刺激; B)反应卡片。先呈现反应卡片, 之后呈现刺激, 要求指出每行中不同的图形并记住其位置, 之后在反应卡片上指出不同图形对应位置。

van der Molen, van Luit, van der Molen, Klugkist和Jongmans (2010) 的训练中, 被试每周接受3次训练, 每次6分钟, 持续5周, 训练难度从1到7单元逐步递增, 并随着被试的表现而改变。

(2) Cogmed JM

Cogmed是应用最为广泛的工作记忆训练程序(, Cogmed工作记忆训练包含3个版本, 分别为Cogmed JM 、Cogmed RM和Cogmed QM, 其中Cogmed JM(如图3所示)专门针对视空模板进行训练。在Cogmed JM中, 每天训练15~20分钟, 每周训练5天, 持续训练5周, 适用人群为4~6岁的学前儿童。训练包括7个视空间工作记忆任务, 具体为水塘任务(Pool)、动物任务(Animals)、碰碰车任务(Bumper Cars)、过山车任务(Rollercoaster)、摩天轮任务(Ferris Wheel)、旅馆任务(Hotel)、旋转任务(Twister)。以动物任务为例, 任务以转盘为背景, 在转盘上有8种动物, 这些动物以随机的顺序变亮, 要求受训儿童按呈现顺序依次点击。


图3   Cogmed JM (Pearson Inc.,

2.1.3 刷新

(1) N-back任务

N-back任务根据刺激呈现的形式, 可以分为视觉N-back任务和听觉N-back任务。一些研究进行一种形式的N-back任务训练, 如视觉空间位置的N-back训练(Jaeggi, Buschkuehl, Jonides, & Shah, 2011), 在训练中, 呈现6个位置, 一只青蛙随机在这6个位置出现, 要求判断每一次青蛙出现的位置与此前第n次出现时所在的位置是否一样(见图4)。也有研究使用双N-back任务, 如同时呈现视觉的位置和听觉的字母进行训练(Jaeggi, Buschkuehl, Jonides, & Perrig, 2008), 视觉的任务为在8个位置呈现方块, 要求判断每一次出现方块的位置是否与此前呈现过的第n个方块所在的位置一致, 与此同时, 听觉上呈现字母语音, 要求判断当前所听到的字母与之前听到的第n个字母是否一样(见图5)。


图4   空间n-back (Jaeggi et al., 2011)。青蛙在6个位置随机出现, 呈现时间500 ms, 试次之间的时间间隔2500 ms。每个回合有15+n个试次, 每个试次中要求判断每一次青蛙出现的位置与此前第n次出现时所在的位置是否一样。


图5   双N-back范例(Jaeggi et al., 2008)。同时呈现视觉的位置和听觉的字母任务, 视觉的任务为在8个位置呈现方块, 要求判断每一次出现方块的位置是否与此前呈现过的第n个方块所在的位置一致, 一致时按“A”键, 与此同时, 听觉上呈现字母语音, 要求判断当前所听到的字母与之前听到的第n个字母是否一样, 一样时按“L”键。

在研究中, N-back的指标主要包括被试所能达到的水平n, 正确率与反应时。在不同研究中, 训练强度有所不同, 一般每次的训练时间范围大概在10~45分钟, 训练次数为8~20次, 在训练中, 任务难度与被试的表现相匹配, 训练结束给予一定的奖励。

(2) 活动记忆任务(Running Memory, RM)

活动记忆任务最早由Pollack, Johnson和Knaff (1959)设计, 任务以视觉或听觉方式呈现一系列未知长度的项目串后, 要求按顺序回忆一个指定长度的项目串。比如在屏幕中呈现字母串Q、A、I、N、D、T, 之后要求回忆最后三个字母, 即NDT。任务的刺激内容包括字母、数字、位置或图片, 可通过改变项目串的长度和指定回忆的长度, 或者刺激呈现的时间长短来改变任务难度。活动记忆任务在研究中用于6~75岁的被试群体(Ang et al., 2015; Jahanshahi, Saleem, Ho, Fuller, & Dirnberger, 2008)。

活动记忆任务的指标同样为广度, 该任务训练刷新能力, 在赵鑫等人(赵鑫, 王一雪, 刘丹玮, 周仁来, 2011)的研究中, 每天训练15~20分钟, 每周3~4次, 共完成15次的训练。

2.2 多成分训练任务

2.2.1 Cogmed工作记忆训练(Cogmed Working Memory Training, CWMT)

Cogmed工作记忆训练的另外两个版本为Cogmed RM和Cogmed QM (见表1), 其中Cogmed RM版本每天训练30~45分钟, 针对7~18岁的学龄儿童和青少年设计, 包括13个言语工作记忆和视空间工作记忆任务, 这些任务分别为资料室任务(Data room)、编码者任务(Decoder)、分类者任务(Sorter)、3D立方体任务(3D cube)、行星游戏(Asteroids)、旋转数字连线任务(Rotating data link)、旋转点阵任务(Rotating dots)、太空漫步游戏(Space Whack)、输入模式任务(Input module)、视觉数字连线任务(Visual data link)、限制输入模式任务(Input module with lid)、校正者任务(Corrector)、平衡杆游戏(Stabilizer)。以视觉数字连线任务为例(见图6-A), 表盘上的红灯以随机顺序亮起, 呈现完之后要求按顺序依次点击这些变亮的灯。Cogmed QM每天训练30~45分钟, 适用于成人, 训练任务包括扭动任务(Twist)、3D网格任务(3D Grid)、校正任务(Correct)、隐藏任务(Hidden)、立方体任务(Cube)、分类任务(Sort)、弹出任务(Pop-Up)、网格任务(Grid)、数字任务(Numbers)、字母任务(Letters)、旋转任务(Rotating)、混沌任务(Chaos)、组装任务(Assembly)等13个任务。例如隐藏任务(见图6-B), 受训者在听到一系列的数字之后, 需要按顺序在表盘上点击这些数字。以上两个版本的训练强度均是每周训练5天, 持续5周。

表1   Cogmed三个版本的比较

Cogmed JM4~6岁15~20分钟7个视空间工作记忆任务颜色明亮, 主题公园
Cogmed RM7~18岁30~45分钟13个言语工作记忆和视空间工作记忆任务机器人, 类似电子游戏
Cogmed QM成人30~45分钟13个言语工作记忆和视空间工作记忆任务颜色较单调, 视觉吸引力较小, 防止干扰

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图6   Cogmed 任务界面(Pearson Inc.,。A)视觉数字连线, 表盘上的红灯以随机的顺序变亮, 要求按顺序依次点击这些变亮的灯; B)隐藏任务, 要求在听到一系列的数字之后在表盘上按顺序点击这些数字。

2.2.2 丛林记忆(Jungle Memory, JM)

丛林记忆(为在线干预任务(T. Alloway, 2012; T. P. Alloway, Bibile, & Lau, 2013), 训练语音回路和视空模板, 适用于7~16岁的儿童, 包括三个游戏, 游戏一针对视空模板, 如图7-A所示, 字母在矩阵中呈现, 要求记住目标刺激的位置; 游戏二针对视空模板, 如图7-B所示, 呈现两个字母, 其中一个字母旋转, 被试需要记住旋转字母配对所旋转的角度, 当一系列的字母呈现结束后, 需要按顺序将这些字母的旋转角度回忆出来; 游戏三针对语音回路, 要求解决难度逐渐增大的数学运算问题, 如图7-C所示, 左侧呈现运算问题, 右侧呈现数字键, 受训者在此输入正确答案, 等题目呈现完毕, 按顺序回忆这些答案。该程序的难度有30个水平, 且训练难度随受训者的表现而改变。


图7   丛林记忆任务(Memosyne Ltd.,。A) 矩阵任务, 在矩阵中呈现字母, 要求记住目标刺激的位置; B)字母旋转任务, 呈现两个字母, 其中一个字母被旋转, 要求记住其旋转角度, 当一系列的字母呈现结束后, 按顺序回忆这些字母的旋转角度; C)计算广度任务, 要求解决难度逐渐增大的数学运算问题。

与数学能力有关的工作记忆训练中常用多任务开展干预, 其中较为常见的训练任务为CWMT和JM, 并且CWMT最被广泛应用, 而另外几个任务更多和其它工作记忆任务结合进行训练。通过对以上任务(概括见表2)的简单介绍, 可以更好理解训练任务类型和训练目标, 从而认识数学能力提高的机制。

表2   工作记忆的训练任务

单一成分训练任务CWMS语音回路Borella, Carretti, Cornoldi, & De Beni, 2007广度(个数)9~86岁
OOO视空模板Hitch & McAuley, 1991广度(个数)4~22岁
Cogmed JM视空模板Klingberg et al., 2005正确率、水平4~6岁
N-back刷新Krichner, 1958水平n、正确率、反应时4~77岁
RM刷新Pollack et al., 1959广度(个数)6~75岁
多成分训练任务Cogmed RM和Cogmed QM语音回路和视空模板Klingberg et al., 2005正确率、水平7岁及以上
JM语音回路和视空模板Alloway & Alloway, 2008正确率、水平7~16岁

注:CWMS=Categorization Working Memory Span; OOO=Odd One Out; RM=Running Memory; JM=Jungle Memory

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3 工作记忆训练对数学能力的提升作用

3.1 数学能力的多维结构

数学能力是一个多维的概念, 涉及包括数感、运算能力和数学推理能力等多个层面(Geary, 2006)。数感是心理表征和操作数字与数量的能力(Friso-van den Bos, Kroesbergen, & van Luit, 2014; Dehaene, 2001), 主要包括数数、数量区分、数轴估计等能力(Jordan, Kaplan, Ola´h, & Locuniak, 2006; Kroesbergen et al., 2012)。运算包括执行计算所需的事实和过程(Brainerd, 1983)。数学推理指对数量关系进行分析以解决问题的能力(Nunes, Bryant, Barros, & Sylva, 2012)。本综述将首先针对以上三种数学能力的工作记忆训练研究进行元分析, 之后再结合元分析结果分别详细介绍三种数学能力的工作记忆训练研究, 以了解工作记忆训练对它们的作用机制。

3.2 工作记忆训练对数学能力作用的元分析

3.2.1 研究方法

(1) 文献检索与纳入

在数据库检索平台(PubMed, PsycINFO)对2000~2016年发表的文章进行检索, 检索关键词working memory training和math*、arithmetic*、calculation*、number sense*、reason*的组合。另外, 为了避免遗漏文献, 对当前几篇综述进行文献回溯检索(Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013; Peijnenborgh et al., 2016; Schwaighofer et al., 2015; Titz & Karbach, 2014)。具体检索流程见图8。文献纳入和排除标准为:干预类型为工作记忆训练; 训练效果中包含对数感、运算或数学推理能力的测量, 且在这些测试中可以抽取以上三种数学能力的相关数据以计算效应量; 文献语言为英文; 仅纳入已发表的文章。最终有23篇文献纳入元分析, 具体包括:数感的文献4篇, 运算能力的文献11篇, 数学推理能力的文献10篇, 其中2篇文献同时测量运算能力和数学推理能力。


图8   文献检索流程图

(2) 调节变量的编码

表3显示调节变量的具体编码。调节变量有助于解释影响训练效果的因素, 参照已有研究的编码方式(Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013; Schwaighofer et al., 2015), 本文将各类调节变量进行如下编码。

表3   调节变量的编码

年龄段样本年龄低于10岁, 11~18岁, 或高于18岁年幼儿童、 儿童、成人
训练任务类型单个任务或多个任务单一任务、 多任务

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(3) 效应量计算

本研究采用Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2005)进行元分析。采用Cohen’s d作为效应量指标, 其中0.8为大效应量, 0.5为中等效应量, 0.2为小效应量。元分析采用随机效应模型(random-effects model)。

3.2.2 工作记忆训练对数感的效果

工作记忆的各个成分在数感任务中均发挥一定作用, 其中语音回路对于言语理解和获得产生作用, 使儿童理解数感任务中对数字的口头指导(Friso-van den Bos et al., 2014)。为正确执行数感任务, 数字表征需要与对应数量相联系, 这种数量表征的空间映射与视空模板相关(Bachot, Gevers, Fias, & Roeyers, 2005; Herrera, Macizo, & Semenza, 2008; Kroesbergen et al., 2014); 并且特定策略的使用也需要视空模板的参与, 如手指数数的策略(Kyttälä, Aunio, Lehto, Van Luit, & Hautamäki, 2003)。中央执行系统在数感任务的提取和存储过程发挥作用, 以数字比较为例, 对于两个不同的数字, 需要使其与对应的数量匹配, 为更准确地执行任务, 这些信息需要被储存起来, 中央执行系统的功能为帮助从长时记忆中提取这些信息, 执行任务时, 帮助整合与更新信息(Kroesbergen et al., 2014)。

由于工作记忆与数感之间存在的紧密联系, 因此工作记忆训练对数感能力的作用也受到研究者的关注。一些研究发现, 当进行工作记忆训练时, 不论是正常儿童还是数感能力较低的儿童, 他们的数数、数量比较、数轴任务等成绩都得到了提高(Kroesbergen et al., 2012, 2014; Passolunghi & Costa, 2016)。但是也有研究者对正常儿童进行数数和工作记忆结合进行训练, 结果却显示进行这样训练的被试在数数任务上并没有得到提高(Kyttälä et al., 2015)。具体信息参考电子版附表1

尽管如此, 研究更为一致的发现是工作记忆训练对数感的改善可能是有效的, 并且在我们元分析的发现也验证了这一点, 尽管研究数量相对有限, 我们发现数感的效应量为中等(Cohen’s d = 0.51), 即工作记忆训练可能有效改善数感能力(如表4所示)。同时, 我们也考察训练强度等变量对数感能力改善效果的影响, 然而结果显示这些因素均无法预测效应量的改变(如表5所示), 即这些因素对训练效果的影响较小, 但由于研究数量相对有限, 这一结论需要更多研究验证。

表4   工作记忆训练对数学能力的作用

数学能力kCohen’s dI2 (%)组间比较(Q检验)

注:k表示纳入研究个数。**p < 0.01.

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表5   连续的调节变量对数感能力作用的影响

训练强度0.0020.001-0.001, 0.0041.400.162
每次训练时间0.0180.014-0.010, 0.0461.280.200
-0.212, 1.413

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3.2.3 工作记忆训练对运算能力的效果

已有研究表明, 工作记忆参与运算执行的过程中, 包括:工作记忆在运算的表征中发挥作用(Demir, Prado, & Booth, 2014; Rotzer et al., 2009), 比如对于水平呈现的题目人们倾向于使用语音回路进行言语表征, 垂直呈现的题目则使用视空模板进行视觉表征(Caviola, Mammarella, Cornoldi, & Lucangeli, 2012); 影响运算题目信息、中间结果(如29+34, 个位数上9+4=13, 需要将进位的中间结果保持, 并在十位数的运算中提取这个中间结果)及其它暂时信息的存储 (张明, 陈骐, 2006); 影响策略的选择与切换(Hubber, Gilmore, & Cragg, 2014; Wu et al., 2008; 陈英和, 王明怡, 2006; 王明怡, 陈英和, 2006); 抑制无关运算的进行与无关信息的干扰(Cragg & Gilmore, 2014; 陈英和, 耿柳娜, 2004)等等。

鉴于工作记忆在运算过程的重要作用, 因此很多研究者利用工作记忆设计针对运算能力的训练。不少研究发现了工作记忆训练能够提高运算能力。例如, 对存在轻微智障的儿童进行视空模板任务的训练, 结果发现他们在10周之后运算能力提高了(van der Molen et al., 2010)。此外, 对注意缺陷和数学困难的儿童(Nelwan & Kroesbergen, 2016)、患有工作记忆缺陷的儿童(Bergman-Nutley & Klingberg, 2014)或正常儿童(Söderqvist & Nutley, 2015)进行语音回路和视空模板的训练, 训练均提高了他们的运算表现。当在正常儿童中同时针对工作记忆三个成分进行训练时, 结果发现他们在加法任务中的错误率更低(Witt, 2011)。在这些研究中, 不管是对工作记忆的单一成分, 还是同时对多个成分进行训练, 都发现了训练对于运算能力的积极作用。

但是, 也有很多研究并未验证这个训练的积极效应。有研究对成人进行语音回路或刷新能力的训练, 在正常、注意缺陷多动障碍(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)或需要接受特殊教育的儿童中进行CWMT训练, 均未能提高他们的运算能力(Dahlin, 2013; Fälth, Jaensson, & Johansson, 2015; Minear et al., 2016; Partanen, Jansson, Lisspers, & Sundin, 2015)。对工作记忆和数学困难的儿童用CWMT与刷新任务进行训练, 结果发现这两种训练均无法提升障碍儿童的运算能力(Ang et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2016)。有研究甚至对工作记忆的三个系统都进行训练, 但仍然未获有效提升(Kuhn & Holling, 2014)。具体信息参考电子版附表2。类似的, 我们元分析的结果也显示工作记忆训练无法迁移到运算能力, 其改善的效应量小, Cohen’s d = 0.04, 这与过去的元分析的发现是一致的(Melby-Lervåg, Redick, & Hulme, 2016; Peijnenborgh et al., 2016)。

由于分类调节变量样本分布较为不均, 如表6所示, 所以本部分仅探究连续的调节变量的作用(见表7), 结果发现训练频率、训练强度、每次训练持续时间和训练持续周数对训练效果没有影响, 已有研究也证实了这些因素对于迁移效果没有作用, 研究者解释可能是由于样本数量太少, 数据统计力低(Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013; Schwaighofer et al., 2015)。

表6   分类调节变量对运算能力作用的影响

变量kCohen’s dI2(%)组间比较


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表7   连续的调节变量对运算能力作用的影响

训练强度< 0.001< 0.001-0.001, 0.0010.110.914
训练频率0.1240.092-0.006, 0.3041.350.177
每次训练时间-0.0010.001-0.018, 0.016-0.130.897
训练持续时间(周)-0.0490.084-0.214, 0.117-0.580.565

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另外, 训练方式的差异可能也会影响训练效果, 比如Kuhn和Holling (2014)Witt (2011)的研究, 前一项研究采用的是适应性训练, 每天的训练内容一样, 但是任务难度会随被试表现而改变, 训练方式属于核心训练(core training), 即训练目标是工作记忆的内在机制, 任务中需要运用工作记忆资源, 后一项研究中, 学生每周训练的任务不同, 并且学习内容中涉及完成任务的策略, 不仅包括核心训练, 还包括策略训练(strategy training), 策略训练指授予被试有效的编码、保持和提取方法(Morrison & Chein, 2011), 因而后一项研究的训练方式产生的效果更大。但由于在本研究中, 采用后一种训练的研究很少, 因此无法对训练方式进行编码, 分析其作用, 未来还需要更多研究对此进行探讨。

3.2.4 工作记忆训练对数学推理能力的效果

大量研究已经探讨工作记忆对一般推理能力的影响, 通过影响推理过程, 个体将题目信息维持在工作记忆中, 随后利用这些信息确定各单元图形的关系, 做出选择(张清芳, 朱滢, 2000)。研究发现工作记忆的不同成分在不同类型的推理任务中发挥作用各异, 比如视空模板可预测图形推理能力的改善 (Stevenson, Heiser, & Resing, 2013)。通过训练, 增大工作记忆容量, 或者提高使用策略与知识的效率, 便能够提高推理能力。另外, 工作记忆与流体智力有重叠的脑区, 包括侧前额皮层和顶叶皮层(Gray, Chabris, & Braver, 2003; Kane & Engle, 2002), 对这些重合的脑区进行训练, 也能使推理能力得到提升。由于数学推理能力在一般推理能力、数能力(如运算)等能力的基础上发展而来(Geary, 2006), 因此, 工作记忆训练可能也能够提高数学推理能力。

然而, 现有的较少研究表明工作记忆训练能够提高数学推理能力。用听力广度任务对正常儿童进行训练, 8次之后, 他们的数学推理能力提高了, 并且效果保持到3个月后(Cornoldi, Carretti, Drusi, & Tencati, 2015)。在异常儿童中, 如学习困难儿童或低工作记忆能力的儿童, 用JM或CWMT任务进行语音回路和视空模板的训练, 也得到了积极的结果(Alloway, 2012; Holmes, Gathercole, & Dunning, 2009)。但是, 更多的研究发现这样的训练对数学推理能力没有提升作用, 无论是正常(Harrison et al., 2013; Mansur-Alves & Flores- Mendoza, 2015; Redick et al., 2013; Rode, Robson, Purviance, Geary, & Mayr, 2014)还是异常(Alloway et al., 2013; Dunning et al., 2013; Phillips et al., 2016)个体都是如此。具体信息参考电子版附表3

在本研究元分析的结果中, 同样显示工作记忆训练无法改善数学推理能力, Cohen’s d = -0.06, 这与前人的发现一致(Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013)。这可能是因为很多研究的训练目标主要集中在语音回路和视空模板, 而不是中央执行系统, 而过去有元分析表明刷新能力与数学表现之间存在着较强的联系(Friso-van den Bos et al., 2013), 刷新训练能够改善一般推理能力(Au et al., 2015)。因此未来关于提升数学推理能力的研究应该更专注于利用中央执行系统的训练。

进一步分析调节变量的作用, 发现多目标训练效果可能差于单一目标训练效果(见表8, 单一目标:Cohen’s d = 0.07, 多目标:Cohen’s d = -0.24, p = 0.060 )。这与已有研究结果不一致(Schwaighofer et al., 2015), 尽管对工作记忆多个系统进行训练, 可以增加训练和迁移情境之间的相似性, 但若是受训者无法对各种混合情境进行正确辨认, 则可能会减弱它的作用, 甚至损害训练的效果。研究还发现其它调节因素(如年龄段、被试类型等)均不影响训练的迁移效果, 但也有一些研究却发现10岁以上的儿童能够在言语工作记忆上获益更多, 但这一特点并没有体现在数学推理能力上, 这可能是因为迁移到与工作记忆较为不一致的任务中, 其难度更大, 无法体现出年龄上的优势(Peijnenborgh et al., 2015)。Titz和Karbach (2014)则认为低能力个体在工作记忆训练中能获益更多, 但我们的元分析并未验证这一观点。另外, 虽然研究中发现训练任务类型和控制组类型对训练效果没有影响, 但是由于样本差异较大, 需谨慎对待。最后, 训练强度、训练频率和训练持续时间对干预效果的影响(见表9)与已有研究的发现较为一致(Melby-Lervåg & Hulme, 2013; Schwaighofer et al., 2015), 它们对于远迁移的作用较为有限。训练持续周数对数学推理能力也没有影响, 这或许是因为对于数学推理能力的工作训练持续时间较为接近, 变异性低, 因此无法体现它的作用。

表8   分类调节变量对数学推理能力作用的影响

变量kCohen’s dI2(%)组间比较

注:k表示纳入研究个数。*p < 0.05.

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表9   连续的调节变量对数学推理能力作用的影响

训练强度< 0.001< 0.001-0.001, 0.001-0.220.826
训练频率< 0.0010.070-0.138, 0.13800.997
每次训练时间-0.0060.008-0.021, 0.010-0.740.459
训练持续时间(周)-0.0400.052-0.142, 0.062-0.770.440

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综上所述, 工作记忆训练对数感可能具有改善作用, 效应量为中等(Cohen’s d = 0.51), 而在运算和数学推理能力中工作记忆训练则无积极作用。此外, 训练目标会影响数学能力的改善效果。但值得注意的是, 由于研究数量的有限, 对这些分析所得出的结论需谨慎看待, 未来还需要更多的研究来探讨这些变量的作用。

尽管本研究发现工作记忆训练可能对数感具有改善作用, 但是数感能力为什么得到提升的背后机制还不是非常清楚, 值得深入探讨。另外, 鉴于导致数学障碍的原因之一是数感能力的缺陷, 因此是否能够通过工作记忆训练改善数感能力, 从而对数学障碍有所缓解, 这也是值得进一步探讨的方向。

本研究发现了训练任务所针对的目标会影响训练效果, 但是依然存在很多问题需要进一步探讨, 比如, 训练方法的有效性, 训练任务是否准确触及了所针对的工作记忆能力?不同目标的训练方式对于提高数学能力究竟存在哪些不同影响。由于过去的研究很多都采用多维度任务进行训练, 因此我们很难判断究竟哪些训练更为有效, 或者完全无关哪个训练任务, 而是取决于不同训练任务叠加训练效应。这些问题同样需要今后大量的实证研究进行探讨。


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近年来的研究发现, 通过训练个体的工作记忆能力可以提高其流体智力水平. 但是, 以往的研究混淆了工作记忆存储功能与中央执行功能对训练效果的影响. 该研究采用活动记忆任务, 通过双盲对照实验设计, 对9~11岁儿童的工作记忆刷新能力进行训练. 研究结果发现, 通过工作记忆刷新能力的训练, 儿童的流体智力得到显著提高. 研究表明, 通过工作记忆训练使得流体智力水平提高与工作记忆中央执行功能的改善有关.

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Can interactive working memory training improve learning

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Background: Working memory is linked to learning outcomes and there is emerging evidence that training working memory can yield gains in working memory and fluid intelligence. Aims: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether interactive working memory training would transfer to acquired cognitive skills, such as vocabulary and academic attainment. Sample: To determine the efficacy of memory training in improving cognitive skills, we randomly allocated high school-aged students with learning difficulties into one of two groups. The Training group participated in an interactive working memory training program, while the Control group received targeted educational support for an equivalent amount of time. All participants were tested on measures of vocabulary, academic attainment (spelling and arithmetic), and working memory before and after training. Results: The findings indicate that the Training group performed significant better in working memory, vocabulary, and math

Alloway, T. P., & Alloway, R. G. ( 2008). Jungle memory training program. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Memosyne.

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Evaluating the validity of the Automated Working Memory Assessment

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the construct stability and diagnostic validity of a standardised computerised tool for assessing working memory: the Automated Working Memory Assessment (AWMA). The purpose of the AWMA is to provide educators with a quick and effective tool to screen for and support those with memory impairments. Findings indicate that working memory skills in children with memory impairments are relatively stable over the course of the school year. There was also a high degree of convergence in performance between the AWMA and the WISC V Working Memory Index. The educational implications are discussed.

*Alloway T. P., Bibile V., & Lau G. ( 2013).

Computerized working memory training: Can it lead to gains in cognitive skills in students?

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Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 4( 2), 121-128.

DOI:10.1016/j.jarmac.2015.03.001      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Au J., Sheehan E., Tsai N., Duncan G. J., Buschkuehl M., & Jaeggi S. M. ( 2015).

Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory: A meta-analysis

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22( 2), 366-377.

[本文引用: 1]

Bachot J., Gevers W., Fias W., & Roeyers H. ( 2005).

Number sense in children with visuospatial disabilities: Orientation of the mental number line

Psychology Science, 47, 172-183.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

AbstractVarious sources of information demonstrate a tight link between visuospatial and...

*Bergman-Nutley, S., & Klingberg, T. ( 2014).

Effect of working memory training on working memory, arithmetic and following instructions

Psychological Research, 78( 6), 869-877.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-014-0614-0      URL     PMID:25260390      [本文引用: 2]

Mathematical ability is dependent on specific mathematical training but also associated with a range of cognitive factors, including working memory (WM) capacity. Previous studies have shown that WM training leads to improvement in non-trained WM tasks, but the results regarding transfer to mathematics are inconclusive. In the present study, 176 children with WM deficits, aged 7-15 years performed 5 weeks of WM training. During the training period, they were assessed five times with a test of complex WM (the Odd One Out), a test of remembering and following instructions and a test of arithmetic. The improvements were compared to the performance of a control group of 304 typically developing children aged 7-15 years who performed the same transfer tasks at the same time intervals, but without training. The training group improved significantly more than the control group on all three transfer tests (all p < 0.0001), after correction for baseline performance, age and sex. The effect size for mathematics was small and the effect sizes for the WM tasks were moderate to large. The transfer increased linearly with the amount of training time and correlated with the amount of improvement on the trained tasks. These results confirm previous findings of training-induced improvements in non-trained WM tasks including the ability to follow instructions, but extend previous findings by showing improvements also for arithmetic. This is encouraging regarding the potential role of cognitive training for education, but it is desirable to find paradigms that would enhance the effect of the training on mathematics. One of the future challenges for studying training effects is combining large sample sizes with high quality and compliance, to detect relevant but smaller effects of cognitive training.

Borella E., Carretti B., Cornoldi C., & De Beni R. ( 2007).

Working memory, control of interference and everyday experience of thought interference: When age makes the difference

Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 19( 3), 200-206.

DOI:10.1007/BF03324690      URL    

Borella E., Carretti B., & De Beni R. ( 2008).

Working memory and inhibition across the adult life-span

Acta Psychologica, 128( 1), 33-44.

DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2007.09.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Borella E., Carretti B., Riboldi F., & De Beni R. ( 2010).

Working memory training in older adults: Evidence of transfer and maintenance effects

Psychology and Aging, 25( 4), 767-778.

DOI:10.1037/a0020683      URL     PMID:20973604      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Few studies have examined working memory (WM) training-related gains and their transfer and maintenance effects in older adults. This present research investigates the efficacy of a verbal WM training program in adults aged 65-75 years, considering specific training gains on a verbal WM (criterion) task as well as transfer effects on measures of visuospatial WM, short-term memory, inhibition, processing speed, and fluid intelligence. Maintenance of training benefits was evaluated at 8-month follow-up. Trained older adults showed higher performance than did controls on the criterion task and maintained this benefit after 8 months. Substantial general transfer effects were found for the trained group, but not for the control one. Transfer maintenance gains were found at follow-up, but only for fluid intelligence and processing speed tasks. The results are discussed in terms of cognitive plasticity in older adults. (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved).

Borenstein M., Hedges L., Higgins J., & Rothstein H. ( 2005). Compreshensive meta-analysis (Version 2) [Software]. Engelwood, NJ: Biostat.

[本文引用: 1]

Brainerd, C. J. ( 1983).

Young children's mental arithmetic errors: A working-memory analysis

Child Development, 54( 4), 812-830.

DOI:10.2307/1129887      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Presents a stochastic model for distinguishing mental arithmetic errors according to causes of failure. A series of experiments (1) studied questions of goodness of fit and model validity among four and five year olds and (2) used the model to measure the relative contributions of developmental improvements in short-term memory and arithmetical processing to age changes in mental arithmetic. (Author/RH)

Carretti B., Cornoldi C., De Beni R., & Palladino P. ( 2004).

What happens to information to be suppressed in working-memory tasks? Short and long term effects

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A, 57( 6), 1059-1084.

DOI:10.1080/02724980343000684      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Caviola S., Mammarella I. C., Cornoldi C., & Lucangeli D. ( 2012).

The involvement of working memory in children's exact and approximate mental addition

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112( 2), 141-160.

DOI:10.1016/j.jecp.2012.02.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

*Cornoldi C., Carretti B., Drusi S., & Tencati C. ( 2015).

Improving problem solving in primary school students: The effect of a training programme focusing on metacognition and working memory

British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85( 3), 424-439.

DOI:10.1111/bjep.2015.85.issue-3      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Cragg, L., & Gilmore, C. ( 2014).

Skills underlying mathematics: The role of executive function in the development of mathematics proficiency

Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 3( 2), 63-68.

DOI:10.1016/j.tine.2013.12.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

*Dahlin, K. I. E. ( 2013).

Working memory training and the effect on mathematical achievement in children with attention deficits and special needs

Journal of Education and Learning, 2( 1), 118-133.

[本文引用: 2]

Dehaene, S. ( 2001).

Précis of the number sense

Mind and Language, 16( 1), 16-36.

DOI:10.1111/mila.2001.16.issue-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Demir Ö. E., Prado J., & Booth J. R. ( 2014).

The differential role of verbal and spatial working memory in the neural basis of arithmetic

Developmental Neuropsychology, 39( 6), 440-458.

DOI:10.1080/87565641.2014.939182      URL     PMID:25144257      [本文引用: 1]

We examine the relations of verbal and spatial working memory (WM) ability to the neural bases of arithmetic in school-age children. We independently localize brain regions subserving verbal versus spatial representations. For multiplication, higher verbal WM ability is associated with greater recruitment of the left temporal cortex, identified by the verbal localizer. For multiplication and subtraction, higher spatial WM ability is associated with greater recruitment of right parietal cortex, identified by the spatial localizer. Depending on their WM ability, children engage different neural systems that manipulate different representations to solve arithmetic problems.

*Dunning D. L., Holmes J., & Gathercole S. E. ( 2013).

Does working memory training lead to generalized improvements in children with low working memory? A randomized controlled trial

Developmental Science, 16( 6), 915-925.

[本文引用: 2]

*Fälth L., Jaensson L., & Johansson K. ( 2015).

Working memory training - A Cogmed intervation

International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 14( 2), 28-35.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

This study of working memory training investigates the impact of intervention with memory training on students' school performance. The training consisted of 25 occasions spread over five weeks. A total of 32 students from the first grade of primary school participated in the study, with 16 students in the intervention and 16 in the control group. Before and after the intervention, all the participants were tested on word decoding skills, reading comprehension, and automated mental arithmetic. The results showed that both groups had improved on all tests after the intervention, but that the intervention group performed significantly better on the word decoding test than the control group. However, this study demonstrated no differences due to memory training with regard to mental arithmetic between the intervention group and the control group. A possible interpretation of the result is that structured memory training is beneficial for students reading development.

Friso-van den Bos I., Kroesbergen E. H., & van Luit, J. E. H. ( 2014).

Number sense in kindergarten children: Factor structure and working memory predictors

Learning and Individual Differences, 33, 23-29.

DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2014.05.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

61The factor structure of number sense and working memory predictors are investigated.61Number sense factors are symbolic and nonsymbolic number processing.61Symbolic processing is predicted by central executive and visuospatial sketchpad.61Nonsymbolic processing is predicted by central executive, but not slave systems.

Friso-van den Bos I., van der Ven, S. H. G., Kroesbergen E. H., & van Luit, J. E. H. ( 2013).

Working memory and mathematics in primary school children: A meta-analysis

Educational Research Review, 10, 29-44.

DOI:10.1016/j.edurev.2013.05.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Working memory, including central executive functions (inhibition, shifting and updating) are factors thought to play a central role in mathematical skill development. However, results reported with regard to the associations between mathematics and working memory components are inconsistent. The aim of this meta-analysis is twofold: to investigate the strength of this relation, and to establish whether the variation in the association is caused by tests, sample characteristics and study and other methodological characteristics. Results indicate that all working memory components are associated with mathematical performance, with the highest correlation between mathematics and verbal updating. Variation in the strength of the associations can consistently be explained by the type of mathematics measure used: general tests yield stronger correlations than more specific tests. Furthermore, characteristics of working memory measures, age and sample explain variance in correlations in some analyses. Interpretations of the contribution of moderator variables to various models are discussed.

Geary, D. C. ( 2006).

Development of mathematical understanding

In W. Damon, R. M. Lerner, D. Kuhn, & R. S. Sielger (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol 2. Cognition, perception, and language ( 6th ed., pp. 777- 810). New York: Wiley.

[本文引用: 3]

Giofrè D., Mammarella I. C., & Cornoldi C. ( 2013).

The structure of working memory and how it relates to intelligence in children

Intelligence, 41( 5), 396-406.

DOI:10.1016/j.intell.2013.06.006      URL     [本文引用: 1]

61The tripartite model of working memory fits well in children.61Working memory predicts 66% of the variance in children's intelligence.61Short-term visuospatial memory also explains a large portion of the variance in children's intelligence.

Gray J. R., Chabris C. F., & Braver T. S. ( 2003).

Neural mechanisms of general fluid intelligence

Nature Neuroscience, 6( 3), 316-322.

DOI:10.1038/nn1014      URL     PMID:12592404      [本文引用: 1]

We used an individual-differences approach to test whether general fluid intelligence (gF) is mediated by brain regions that support attentional (executive) control, including subregions of the prefrontal cortex. Forty-eight participants first completed a standard measure of gF (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices). They then performed verbal and nonverbal versions of a challenging working-memory task (three-back) while their brain activity was measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Trials within the three-back task varied greatly in the demand for attentional control because of differences in trial-to-trial interference. On high-interference trials specifically, participants with higher gF were more accurate and had greater event-related neural activity in several brain regions. Multiple regression analyses indicated that lateral prefrontal and parietal regions may mediate the relation between ability (gF) and performance (accuracy despite interference), providing constraints on the neural mechanisms that support gF.

Harrison T. L., Shipstead Z., Hicks K. L., Hambrick D. Z., Redick T. S., & Engle R. W. ( 2013).

Working memory training may increase working memory capacity but not fluid intelligence

Psychological Science, 24( 12), 2409-2419.

DOI:10.1177/0956797613492984      URL     PMID:24091548      [本文引用: 2]

Working memory is a critical element of complex cognition, particularly under conditions of distraction and interference. Measures of working memory capacity correlate positively with many measures of real-world cognition, including fluid intelligence. There have been numerous attempts to use training procedures to increase working memory capacity and thereby performance on the real-world tasks that rely on working memory capacity. In the study reported here, we demonstrated that training on complex working memory span tasks leads to improvement on similar tasks with different materials but that such training does not generalize to measures of fluid intelligence.

Henry, L. A. ( 2001).

How does the severity of a learning disability affect working memory performance?

Memory, 9( 4-6), 233-247.

DOI:10.1080/09658210042000085      URL     PMID:11747580      [本文引用: 1]

Working memory performance was examined in children aged 11-12 years who had borderline, mild, and moderate learning disabilities. Comparisons with children of average abilities were used to determine whether those with more severe learning disabilities had greater impairments in working memory. Seven measures of working memory span were used to assess temporary phonological short-term storage (digit span, word span), temporary visuo-spatial short-term storage (pattern span, spatial span), and temporary short-term storage with additional processing, or central executive, demands (listening span, odd one out span, reverse digit span). Children with mild and moderate learning disabilities were impaired on all measures of working memory compared to children of average abilities. Children with borderline learning disabilities were just as good as children with average abilities on visuo-spatial and complex span tasks, but showed an impairment on phonological span tasks. Children with moderate learning disabilities were indistinguishable from children with mild learning disabilities on simple span tasks, but were significantly poorer than the mild group on the more demanding complex span tasks. For the group as a whole, working memory was strongly related to mental age.

Herrera A., Macizo P., & Semenza C. ( 2008).

The role of working memory in the association between number magnitude and space

Acta Psychologica, 128( 2), 225-237.

DOI:10.1016/j.actpsy.2008.01.002      URL     PMID:18295166      [本文引用: 1]

In two experiments, participants performed a magnitude comparison task in single and dual-task conditions. In the dual conditions, the comparison task was accomplished while phonological or visuospatial information had to be maintained for a later recall test. The results showed that the requirement of maintaining visuospatial information produced the lack of spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) effect. The SNARC effect was not found even when the performance in the comparison task did not decline, as indicated by a similar distance effect in all conditions. These results show a special role for the visuospatial component of working memory in the processing of spatial representation of numbers and an interesting dissociation between SNARC and distance effects.

Hitch, G. J., & McAuley, E. ( 1991).

Working memory in children with specific arithmetical learning difficulties

British Journal of Psychology, 82( 3), 375-386.

DOI:10.1111/j.2044-8295.1991.tb02406.x      URL     PMID:1954527     

Siegel & Ryan (1989) reported that children with specific arithmetical learning difficulties (ALD) were impaired if they had to retain temporary information concurrently with counting visual arrays, but not if the concurrent operations were non-mathematical. This selective deficit was attributed to an impaired arithmetical working memory system. In the present study 15 children aged eight to nine with ALD were compared with 15 normally achieving controls. Experiment 1 examined performance on a number of tasks assessing span for information storage during concurrent operations. The results confirmed that children with ALD are impaired on concurrent span only when the operations involve counting and showed that this holds independently of the visuospatial or auditory-verbal characteristics of the task. Experiment 2 went on to investigate the possibility that children with ALD might be impaired at counting or retaining temporary information when each is assessed in isolation. The ALD group tended to count more slowly than controls and had lower auditory digit spans. It is argued that these deficits can account for the selective impairment of ALD children on concurrent counting span, without appealing to a special, arithmetical working memory system. Possible interpretations of the cognitive deficits associated with ALD and their implications for the ability to perform arithmetical skills are discussed.

*Holmes J., Gathercole S. E., & Dunning D. L. ( 2009).

Adaptive training leads to sustained enhancement of poor working memory in children

Developmental Science, 12( 4), F9-F15.

DOI:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2009.00848.x      URL     PMID:19635074      [本文引用: 1]

Working memory plays a crucial role in supporting learning, with poor progress in reading and mathematics characterizing children with low memory skills. This study investigated whether these problems can be overcome by a training program designed to boost working memory. Children with low working memory skills were assessed on measures of working memory, IQ and academic attainment before and after training on either adaptive or non-adaptive versions of the program. Adaptive training that taxed working memory to its limits was associated with substantial and sustained gains in working memory, with age-appropriate levels achieved by the majority of children. Mathematical ability also improved significantly 6 months following adaptive training. These findings indicate that common impairments in working memory and associated learning difficulties may be overcome with this behavioral treatment.

Hubber P. J., Gilmore C., & Cragg L. ( 2014).

The roles of the central executive and visuospatial storage in mental arithmetic: A comparison across strategies

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67( 5), 936-954.

DOI:10.1080/17470218.2013.838590      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Jaeggi S. M., Buschkuehl M., Jonides J., & Perrig W. J. ( 2008).

Improving fluid intelligence with training on working memory

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105( 19), 6829-6833.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.0801268105      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Fluid intelligence (Gf) refers to the ability to reason and to solve new problems independently of previously acquired knowledge. Gf is critical for a wide variety of cognitive tasks, and it is considered one of the most important factors in learning. Moreover, Gf is closely related to professional and educational success, especially in complex and demanding environments. Although performance on tests of Gf can be improved through direct practice on the tests themselves, there is no evidence that training on any other regimen yields increased Gf in adults. Furthermore, there is a long history of research into cognitive training showing that, although performance on trained tasks can increase dramatically, transfer of this learning to other tasks remains poor. Here, we present evidence for transfer from training on a demanding working memory task to measures of Gf. This transfer results even though the trained task is entirely different from the intelligence test itself. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the extent of gain in intelligence critically depends on the amount of training: the more training, the more improvement in Gf. That is, the training effect is dosage-dependent. Thus, in contrast to many previous studies, we conclude that it is possible to improve Gf without practicing the testing tasks themselves, opening a wide range of applications.

Jaeggi S. M., Buschkuehl M., Jonides J., & Shah P. ( 2011).

Short- and long-term benefits of cognitive training

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108( 25), 10081-10086.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1103228108      URL     PMID:21670271      [本文引用: 2]

Does cognitive training work? There are numerous commercial training interventions claiming to improve general mental capacity; however, the scientific evidence for such claims is sparse. Nevertheless, there is accumulating evidence that certain cognitive interventions are effective. Here we provide evidence for the effectiveness of cognitive (often called "brain") training. However, we demonstrate that there are important individual differences that determine training and transfer. We trained elementary and middle school children by means of a videogame-like working memory task. We found that only children who considerably improved on the training task showed a performance increase on untrained fluid intelligence tasks. This improvement was larger than the improvement of a control group who trained on a knowledge-based task that did not engage working memory; further, this differential pattern remained intact even after a 3-mo hiatus from training. We conclude that cognitive training can be effective and long-lasting, but that there are limiting factors that must be considered to evaluate the effects of this training, one of which is individual differences in training performance. We propose that future research should not investigate whether cognitive training works, but rather should determine what training regimens and what training conditions result in the best transfer effects, investigate the underlying neural and cognitive mechanisms, and finally, investigate for whom cognitive training is most useful.

Jahanshahi M., Saleem T., Ho, A. K, Fuller, R., & Dirnberger G. ( 2008).

A preliminary investigation of the running digit span as a test of working memory

Behavioural Neurology, 20( 1-2), 17-25.

DOI:10.3233/BEN-2008-0212      URL     PMID:19491471      [本文引用: 1]

The objective of this study was to compare performance on different versions of the running span task, and to examine the relationship between task performance and tests of episodic memory and executive function. We found that the average capacity of the running span was approximately 4 digits, and at long sequence lengths, performance was no longer affected by varying the running span window. Both episodic and executive function measures correlated with short and long running spans, suggesting that a simple dissociation between immediate memory and executive processes in short and long running digit span tasks may not be warranted.

Jordan N. C., Kaplan D., Ola´h L. N., & Locuniak M. N. ( 2006).

Number sense growth in kindergarten: A longitudinal investigation of children at risk for mathematics difficulties

Child Development, 77( 1), 153-175.

DOI:10.1111/cdev.2006.77.issue-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kane, M. J., & Engle, R. W. ( 2002).

The role of prefrontal cortex in working-memory capacity, executive attention, and general fluid intelligence: An individual-differences perspective

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 9( 4), 637-671.

[本文引用: 1]

Klingberg T., Fernell E., Olesen P. J., Johnson M., Gustafsson P., Dahlström K., … Westerberg H. ( 2005).

Computerized training of working memory in children with ADHD: A randomized, controlled trial

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 44( 2), 177-186

Krichner, W. K. ( 1958).

Age differences in short-term retention of rapidly changing information

Journal of Experimental Psychology, 55( 4), 352-358.

DOI:10.1037/h0043688      URL     PMID:13539317     

J Exp Psychol. 1958 Apr;55(4):352-8.

*Kroesbergen, E. H., Van't Noordende, J. E., & Kolkman, M. E. (2012).

Number sense in low-performing kindergarten children: Effects of a working memory and an early math training

In: Z. Breznitz, O. Rubinsten, V. Molfese, & D. Molfese (Eds.), Reading, writing, mathematics and the developing brain: Listening to many voices (pp. 295-313). Netherlands: Springer.

[本文引用: 3]

*Kroesbergen E. H., Van't Noordende J. E., & Kolkman M. E. ( 2014).

Training working memory in kindergarten children: Effects on working memory and early numeracy

Child Neuropsychology, 20( 1), 23-37.

DOI:10.1080/09297049.2012.736483      URL     PMID:23098260      [本文引用: 4]

This study investigated the relationship between working memory and early numeracy. It aimed to explore the possibility of training young children working memory and to investigate the effects of such training both on working memory and on the specific domain of early numerical skills. Measures of working memory and numeracy were used with low-performing children in kindergarten. A total of 51 five-year-old children received one of two different versions of working memory training or no training at all. The two versions differed in the type of information the children were given to practice: non-numerical or numerical. After a pretest, 4 weeks of intervention took place, followed by a posttest. Children who participated in one of the working memory interventions significantly improved their working memory skills. Furthermore, their early numeracy skills also improved. Differences between both experimental conditions were small.

Kuhn, J.-T., & Holling, H. ( 2014).

Number sense or working memory? The effect of two computer-based trainings on mathematical skills in elementary school

Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 10( 2), 59-67.

DOI:10.5709/acp      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Kyttälä M., Aunio P., Lehto J. E., Van Luit J., & Hautamäki J. ( 2003).

Visuospatial working memory and early numeracy

Educational and Child Psychology, 20( 3), 65-76.

[本文引用: 1]

*Kyttälä M., Kanerva K., & Kroesbergen E. ( 2015).

Training counting skills and working memory in preschool

Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56( 4), 363-370.

DOI:10.1111/sjop.12221      URL     PMID:26011162      [本文引用: 2]

Previous studies have shown that early numeracy skills predict later mathematics learning and that they can be improved by training. Cognitive abilities, especially working memory (WM), play an important role in early numeracy, as well. Several studies have shown that working memory is related to early numeracy. So far, existing literature offers a good few examples of studies in which WM training has led to improvements in early numerical performance as well. In this study, we aim at investigating the effects of two different training conditions: (1) counting training; and (2) simultaneous training of WM and counting on five- to six-year-old preschoolers' (N = 61) counting skills. The results show that domain-specific training in mathematical skills is more effective in improving early numerical performance than WM and counting training combined. Based on our results, preschool-aged children do not seem to benefit from short period group training of WM skills. However, because of several intervening factors, one should not conclude that young children's WM training is ineffectual. Instead, future studies should be conducted to further investigate the issue.

*Mansur-Alves, M., & Flores-Mendoza, C. ( 2015).

Working memory training does not improve intelligence: Evidence from Brazilian children

Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 28( 3), 474-482.

DOI:10.1590/1678-7153.201528306      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Investiga0401es recentes utilizando a memória de trabalho tem mostrado que é possível treinar a inteligência. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a efetividade de um programa de treinamento de memória de trabalho para melhorar a inteligência de crian04as. Participaram do estudo cinquenta e três crian04as brasileiras do sexto ano do ensino fundamental (M= 11,17 anos, DP= 0,37), as quais foram aleatoriamente designadas para compor o grupo experimental/GE (n=27) e o grupo controle/GC (n = 26). No pré-teste e no pós-teste, as crian04as foram avaliadas com medidas cognitivas e de desempenho escolar. Para o programa de treinamento foram utilizadas três tarefas de memória de trabalho. O treinamento cognitivo foi administrado ao GE duas vezes por semana por oito semanas. O pós-teste foi realizado duas semanas após o final do treinamento. N00o foram encontradas diferen04as significativas entre o grupo de treinamento e controle no pós-teste para nenhuma das medidas cognitivas e de desempenho escolar. Os resultados encontrados encontram suporte parcial na literatura e apontam para dificuldade de se encontrar mudan04as intelectuais genuínas com programas de interven0400o de curta dura0400o.

Melby-Lervåg, M., & Hulme, C. ( 2013).

Is working memory training effective? A meta-analytic review

Developmental Psychology, 49( 2), 270-291.

DOI:10.1037/a0028228      URL     PMID:22612437      [本文引用: 6]

It has been suggested that working memory training programs are effective both as treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other cognitive disorders in children and as a tool to improve cognitive ability and scholastic attainment in typically developing children and adults. However, effects across studies appear to be variable, and a systematic meta-analytic review was undertaken. To be included in the review, studies had to be randomized controlled trials or quasi-experiments without randomization, have a treatment, and have either a. treated group or an untreated control group. Twenty-three studies with 30 group comparisons met the criteria for inclusion. The studies included involved clinical samples and samples of typically developing children and adults. Meta-analyses indicated that the programs produced reliable short-term improvements in working memory skills. For verbal working memory, these near-transfer effects were not sustained at follow-up, whereas for visuospatial working memory, limited evidence suggested that such effects might be maintained. More importantly, there was no convincing evidence of the generalization of working memory training to other skills (nonverbal and verbal ability, inhibitory processes in attention, word decoding, and arithmetic). The authors conclude that memory training programs appear to produce short-term, specific training effects that do not generalize. Possible limitations of the review (including age differences in the samples and the variety of different clinical conditions included) are noted. However, current findings cast doubt on both the clinical relevance of working memory training programs and their utility as methods of enhancing cognitive functioning in typically developing children and healthy adults.

Melby-Lervåg M., Redick T. S., & Hulme C. ( 2016).

Working memory training does not improve performance on measures of intelligence or other measures of "far transfer": Evidence from a meta-analytic review

Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11( 4), 512-534.

DOI:10.1177/1745691616635612      URL     [本文引用: 1]

*Minear M., Brasher F., Guerrero C. B., Brasher M., Moore A., & Sukeena J. ( 2016).

A simultaneous examination of two forms of working memory training: Evidence for near transfer only

Memory & Cognition, 44( 7), 1014-1037.

[本文引用: 1]

Morrison, A. B., & Chein, J. M. ( 2011).

Does working memory training work? The promise and challenges of enhancing cognition by training working memory

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18( 1), 46-60.

[本文引用: 1]

*Nelwan, M., & Kroesbergen, E. H. ( 2016).

Limited near and far transfer effects of Jungle Memory working memory training on learning mathematics in children with attentional and mathematical difficulties

Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1384.

[本文引用: 2]

Nunes T., Bryant P., Barros R., & Sylva K. ( 2012).

The relative importance of two different mathematical abilities to mathematical achievement

British Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 136-156.

DOI:10.1111/j.2044-8279.2011.02033.x      URL     PMID:22429062      [本文引用: 1]

Background. Two distinct abilities, mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skill, might make separate and specific contributions to mathematical achievement. However, there is little evidence to inform theory and educational practice on this matter.Aims. The aims of this study were (1) to assess whether mathematical reasoning and arithmetic make independent contributions to the longitudinal prediction of mathematical achievement over 5 years and (2) to test the specificity of this prediction.Sample. Data from Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) were available on 2,579 participants for analyses of KS2 achievement and on 1,680 for the analyses of KS3 achievement.Method. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to assess the independence and specificity of the contribution of mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skill to the prediction of achievement in KS2 and KS3 mathematics, science, and English. Age, intelligence, and working memory (WM) were controls in these analyses.Results. Mathematical reasoning and arithmetic did make independent contributions to the prediction of mathematical achievement; mathematical reasoning was by far the stronger predictor of the two. These predictions were specific in so far as these measures were more strongly related to mathematics than to science or English. Intelligence and WM were non-specific predictors; intelligence contributed more to the prediction of science than of maths, and WM predicted maths and English equally well.Conclusions. There is clear justification for making a distinction between mathematical reasoning and arithmetic skills. The implication is that schools must plan explicitly to improve mathematical reasoning as well as arithmetic skills.

*Partanen P., Jansson B., Lisspers J., & Sundin Ö. ( 2015).

Metacognitive strategy training adds to the effects of working memory training in children with special educational needs

International Journal of Psychological Studies, 7( 3), 130-140.

DOI:10.5539/ijps.v7n4p130      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT This paper aims at exploring the influences that learner’s factors have on second language teaching and learning. Firstly, this paper gives brief definitions of cognitive theory and the theory of behaviorism, which are relevant to learner’s individual factors. And then a learner’s most important factors such as motivation, aptitude and self-confidence are introduced to illustrate the influences these factors have made on second language learning and teaching. Some suggestions are given for English teaching and after a presentation of the taxonomy of language learning strategies, the training of language learning strategies is mentioned so as to throw light on the future work of language teaching and learning.

*Passolunghi, M. C., & Costa, H. M. ( 2016).

Working memory and early numeracy training in preschool children

Child Neuropsychology, 22( 1), 81-98.

DOI:10.1080/09297049.2014.971726      URL     PMID:25366543      [本文引用: 4]

Many factors influence children performance in mathematical achievement, including both domain-specific and domain-general factors. This study aimed to verify and compare the effects of two types of training on early numerical skills. One type of training focused on the enhancement of working memory, a domain-general precursor, while the other focused on the enhancement of early numeracy, a domain-specific precursor. The participants were 48 five-year-old preschool children. Both the working memory and early numeracy training programs were implemented for 5 weeks. The results showed that the early numeracy intervention specifically improved early numeracy abilities in preschool children, whereas working memory intervention improved not only working memory abilities but also early numeracy abilities. These findings stress the importance of performing activities designed to train working memory abilities, in addition to activities aimed to enhance more specific skills, in the early prevention of learning difficulties during preschool years.

Peijnenborgh J. C., Hurks P. M., Aldenkamp A. P., Vles J. S., & Hendriksen, J. G. M. ( 2016).

Efficacy of working memory training in children and adolescents with learning disabilities: A review study and meta-analysis

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 26( 5-6), 645-672.

DOI:10.1080/09602011.2015.1026356      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Phillips N. L., Mandalis A., Benson S., Parry L., Epps A., Morrow A., & Lah S. ( 2016).

Computerized working memory training for children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

Journal of Neurotrauma, 33( 23), 2097-2104.

DOI:10.1089/neu.2015.4358      URL    

Pollack I., Johnson L. B., & Knaff P. R. ( 1959).

Running memory span

Jounal of Experimental Psychology, 57( 3), 137-146.

DOI:10.1037/h0046137      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Raghubar K. P., Barnes M. A., & Hecht S. A. ( 2010).

Working memory and mathematics: A review of developmental, individual difference, and cognitive approaches

Learning and Individual Differences, 20( 2), 110-122.

DOI:10.1016/j.lindif.2009.10.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

*Redick T. S., Shipstead Z., Harrison T. L., Hicks K. L., Fried D. E., Hambrick D. Z., .. Engle R. W. ( 2013).

No evidence of intelligence improvement after working memory training: A randomized, placebo-controlled study

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142( 2), 359-379.

DOI:10.1037/a0029082      URL     [本文引用: 2]

*Roberts G., Quach J., Spencer-Smith M., Anderson P. J., Gathercole S., Gold L., .. Wake M. ( 2016).

Academic outcomes 2 years after working memory training for children with low working memory: A randomized clinical trial

JAMA Pediatrics, 170( 5), e154568.

DOI:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.4568      URL     [本文引用: 2]

*Rode C., Robson R., Purviance A., Geary D. C., & Mayr U. ( 2014).

Is working memory training effective? A study in a school setting

PLoS One, 9( 8), e104796.

DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0104796      URL     PMID:25162637      [本文引用: 2]

We tested the effectiveness of an intensive, on average 17-session, adaptive and computerized working-memory training program for improving performance on untrained, paper and pencil working memory tasks, standardized school achievement tasks, and teacher ratings of classroom behavior. Third-grade children received either a computerized working memory training for about 30 minutes per session (n = 156) or participated in regular classroom activities (n = 126). Results indicated strong gains in the training task. Further, pretest and posttest transfer measures of working memory and school achievement, as well as teacher ratings, showed substantial correlations with training task performance, suggesting that the training task captured abilities that were relevant for the transfer tasks. However, effect sizes of training-specific transfer gains were very small and not consistent across tasks. These results raise questions about the benefits of intensive working-memory training programs within a regular school context.

Rotzer S., Loenneker T., Kucian K., Martin E., Klaver P., & von Aster M. ( 2009).

Dysfunctional neural network of spatial working memory contributes to developmental dyscalculia

Neuropsychologia, 47( 13), 2859-2865.

DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.06.009      URL     PMID:19540861     

The underlying neural mechanisms of developmental dyscalculia (DD) are still far from being clearly understood. Even the behavioral processes that generate or influence this heterogeneous disorder are a matter of controversy. To date, the few studies examining functional brain activation in children with DD mainly focus on number and counting related tasks, whereas studies on more general cognitive domains that are involved in arithmetical development, such as working memory are virtually absent. There are several studies showing a close relationship between DD and spatial working memory [Camos, V. (2008). Low working memory capacity impedes both efficiency and learning of number transcoding in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 99(1), 37–57; McLean, J. F., & Hitch, G. J. (1999). Working memory impairments in children with specific arithmetic learning difficulties. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 74(3), 240–260; Rosselli, M., Matute, E., Pinto, N., & Ardila, A. (2006). Memory abilities in children with subtypes of dyscalculia. Developmental Neuropsychology, 30(3), 801–818; Siegel, L. S., & Ryan, E. B. (1989). The development of working memory in normally achieving and subtypes of learning disabled children. Child Development, 60(4), 973–980]. The relationship between these two mechanisms is still matter of debate, but this study follows the assumption that poor spatial working memory capacity may hinder the acquisition of spatial number representations in children with DD [Geary, D. C. (1993). Mathematical disabilities: Cognitive, neuropsychological, and genetic components. Psychological Bulletin, 114(2), 345–362; von Aster, M., & Shalev, R. S. (2007). Number development and developmental dyscalculia. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 49(11), 868–873]. Using functional MRI the current study compares brain activity associated with spatial working memory processes in 8–10-year-old children with DD and normally achieving controls. Both groups showed significant spatial working memory related activity in a network including occipital and parietal regions. Children with DD showed weaker neural activation compared to the control group during a spatial working memory task in the right intraparietal sulcus (IPS), the right insula and the right inferior frontal lobe. Performance tests outside the scanner showed impaired working memory proficiency in children with DD. Bringing behavioral performance and neural activity together we found significant correlations of right IPS activity with performance on the verbal digit span forward and the spatial Corsi Block Tapping test. Our findings demonstrate for the first time an involvement of spatial working memory processes in the neural underpinnings of DD. These poor spatial working memory processes may inhibit the formation of spatial number representations (mental numberline) as well as the storage and retrieval of arithmetical facts.

*Söderqvist, S., & Nutley, S. B. ( 2015).

Working memory training is associated with long term attainments in math and reading

Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1711.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01711      URL     PMID:26617545      [本文引用: 8]

Training working memory (WM) using computerized programs has been shown to improve functions directly linked to WM such as following instructions and attention. These functions influence academic performance, which leads to the question of whether WM training can transfer to improved academic performance. We followed the academic performance of two age-matched groups during two years. As part of the curriculum in grade 4 (age 9-10), all students in one classroom (n = 20) completed Cogmed Working Memory Training (CWMT) whereas children in the other classroom (n = 22) received education as usual. Performance on nationally standardized tests in math and reading comprehension was used as outcome measures at baseline and two years later. At baseline both classes were normal/high performing according to national standards. At grade 6, reading comprehension had improved to a significantly greater extent for the training group compared to the control group (medium effect size, Cohen d = 0.66, p = 0.045). For math performance the same pattern was observed with a medium effect size (Cohen d = 0.58) reaching statistical trend levels (p = 0.091). Moreover, the academic attainments were found to correlate with the degree of improvements during training (p-values 1 year) effects of WM training on academic performance. We found performance on both reading and math to be positively impacted after completion of CWMT. Since there were no baseline differences between the groups, the results may reflect an influence on learning capacity, with improved WM leading to a boost in students capacity to learn. This study is also the first to investigate the effects of CWMT on academic performance in typical or high achieving students. The results suggest that WM training can help optimize the academic potential of high performers.

Schwaighofer M., Fischer F., & Bühner M. ( 2015).

Does working memory training transfer? A meta-analysis including training conditions as moderators

Educational Psychologist, 50( 2), 138-166.

DOI:10.1080/00461520.2015.1036274      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Stevenson C. E., Heiser W. J., & Resing, W. C. M.( 2013).

Working memory as a moderator of training and transfer of analogical reasoning in children

Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38( 3), 159-169.

DOI:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2013.02.001      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Working memory is related to children's ability to solve analogies and other inductive reasoning tasks. The aim of this study was to examine whether working memory also plays a role in training and transfer effects of inductive reasoning in the context of a short training procedure within a pretest-training-posttest-transfer design. Participants were 64 children, aged 7-8 years (M = 7.6 years; SD = 4.7 months). All of the children were pre-tested on inductive reasoning and working memory tasks. The children were trained in figural analogy solving according to either the graduated prompts method or practice without feedback. The children were then post-tested on the trained task and three additional inductive reasoning measures. Regression models revealed that visuo-spatial working memory was related to initial performance on each of the inductive "reasoning tasks (r approximate to .35). Children's improvement from pretest to posttest in figural analogy solving, as measured with item response theory models, was somewhat related to visuo-spatial WM but not verbal WM scores or pretest scores. Furthermore, transfer of reasoning skills to an analogy construction task was related to initial ability, but not working memory; transfer to two inductive reasoning tasks with dissimilar content was not apparent. Performance change and ability to transfer trained skills to new tasks are not often used in psycho-educational assessment but may be separate constructs indicative of children's learning and change. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Titz, C., & Karbach, J. ( 2014).

Working memory and executive functions: Effects of training on academic achievement

Psychological Research, 78, 852-868.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-013-0537-1      URL     PMID:24389706      [本文引用: 3]

The aim of this review is to illustrate the role of working memory and executive functions for scholastic achievement as an introduction to the question of whether and how working memory and executive control training may improve academic abilities. The review of current research showed limited but converging evidence for positive effects of process-based complex working-memory training on academic abilities, particularly in the domain of reading. These benefits occurred in children suffering from cognitive and academic deficits as well as in healthy students. Transfer of training to mathematical abilities seemed to be very limited and to depend on the training regime and the characteristics of the study sample. A core issue in training research is whether high- or low-achieving children benefit more from cognitive training. Individual differences in terms of training-related benefits suggested that process-based working memory and executive control training often induced compensation effects with larger benefits in low performing individuals. Finally, we discuss the effects of process-based training in relation to other types of interventions aimed at improving academic achievement.

*van der Molen, M. J., van Luit, J. E., van der Molen, M. W., Klugkist I., & Jongmans M. J. ( 2010).

Effectiveness of a computerised working memory training in adolescents with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities

Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54( 5), 433-447.

DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2010.01285.x      URL     [本文引用: 2]

von Bastian C. C., Langer N., Jäncke L., & Oberauer K. ( 2013).

Effects of working memory training in young and old adults

Memory & Cognition, 41( 4), 611-624.

DOI:10.3758/s13421-012-0280-7      URL     PMID:23263879     

Many cognitive abilities, including working memory and reasoning ability, decline with progressing age. In this study, we investigated whether four weeks of intensive working memory training would enhance working memory and reasoning performance in an age-comparative setting. Groups of 34 young (19-36 years) and 27 older (62-77 years) adults practiced tasks representing the three functional categories in the facet model of working memory capacity: storage and processing, relational integration, and supervision. The data were compared to those of a young and an old active control group who practiced tasks with low working memory demands. A cognitive test battery measuring near and far transfer was administered before and after training. Both age groups showed increased working memory performance in the trained tasks and in one structurally similar, but nontrained, task. Young adults also improved in a task measuring word-position binding in working memory. However, we found no far transfer to reasoning in either age group. The results provide evidence that working memory performance can be improved throughout the life span. However, in contrast to a previous study in which each facet of working memory capacity was trained separately, the present study showed that training multiple functional categories simultaneously induces less transfer.

*Witt, M. ( 2011).

School based working memory training: Preliminary finding of improvement in children's mathematical performance

Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 7, 7-15.

DOI:10.2478/v10053-008-0083-3      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Wu S. S., Meyer M. L., Maeda U., Salimpoor V., Tomiyama S., Geary D. C., & Menon V. ( 2008).

Standardized assessment of strategy use and working memory in early mental arithmetic performance

Developmental Neuropsychology, 33( 3), 365-393.

DOI:10.1080/87565640801982445      URL    


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