ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (6): 978-993.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2023.00978 cstr: 32110.14.2023.00978

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


肖家乐1, 申子姣1,2, 李晓燕1, 林丹华1()   

  1. 1北京师范大学发展心理研究院
    2北京师范大学心理健康教育与咨询中心, 北京 100875
  • 收稿日期:2021-11-25 发布日期:2023-03-06 出版日期:2023-06-25
  • 通讯作者: 林丹华, Email:
  • 基金资助:

Peer victimization trajectories and their relationships with depressive symptoms and externalizing problems: Risk enhancement or risk susceptibility

XIAO Jiale1, SHEN Zijiao1,2, LI Xiaoyan1, LIN Danhua1()   

  1. 1Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
    2Mental Health Education and Counseling Center, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • Received:2021-11-25 Online:2023-03-06 Published:2023-06-25


采用纵向设计, 对1580名四年级、初一和高一学生进行连续4次追踪测量, 考察同伴侵害在第1次至第3次的变化轨迹及其群体异质性, 并探讨同伴侵害的初始水平和变化速度如何协同影响第4次的抑郁情绪和外化问题。结果表明: (1)同伴侵害的变化轨迹呈现出线性递减的特点, 且递减趋势因不同的流动状态呈现异质性的特点。具体而言, 流动儿童、留守儿童和农村儿童在同伴侵害的初始水平上均高于城市儿童, 且流动儿童和留守儿童同伴侵害的下降速度比城市儿童更快; (2)在控制人口学因素和基线水平的抑郁情绪和外化问题后, 同伴侵害的初始水平和变化速度对抑郁情绪的影响以压力敏感的模式发挥作用, 在外化问题中以压力增强的方式发挥作用。可见, 同伴侵害的初始水平和变化速度对抑郁情绪和外化问题的影响具有独特性, 未来预防/干预研究需要因不同的问题行为制定针对性方案, 以有效地提高干预效果。

关键词: 同伴侵害, 变化轨迹, 抑郁情绪和外化问题, 压力敏感, 压力增强


Peer victimization (PV) is widespread among children and adolescents in China. Extant research indicated that children of adverse backgrounds, such as rural-to-urban migrant children and left-behind children, are more vulnerable to PV. Relatively few longitudinal studies, however, have examined how PV changes over time and whether children exposed to adversity are consistently victimized over time. Furthermore, PV can lead to serious psychological problems. Consistent with interpersonal risk and social information processing models, the deleterious effects of PV on externalizing problems and depressive symptoms are well-documented in both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. However, previous studies mainly examined the separate effects of the initial level and change rates of PV on externalizing problems and depressive symptoms and ignored possible synergistic effects of the initial level and change rates of PV. Three competing models—the additive, stress-amplification, and stress-sensitization models—can explain how the synergistic effects of the initial level and change rates contribute to externalizing problems and depressive symptoms. Thus, the present study used a longitudinal design to explore changing trajectories of PV and investigated whether the PV trajectories differed across migrant status. This study further examined how the initial level and change rates of PV synergistically predicted externalizing problems and depressive symptoms among children and adolescents at two years later.
This study employed a 4-wave longitudinal design spanning two years. Participants included 1, 580 students from three provinces in China who were recruited through multiple schools including elementary (43.2%), middle (33.1%) and high (23.7%) schools. The mean age of participants at the baseline was 12.37 years (SD = 2.52, range = 9 to 19 years old; 54.9% boys). All measures in this study were based on participants’ self-report. At baseline, participants completed demographic information, including gender, grade, migrant status and subjective socioeconomic status. Multidimensional PV Scale was used to measure PV at waves 1 to 3. At baseline and wave 4, Child Behavior Checklist and Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale were used to measure externalizing problems and depressive symptoms, respectively. All analyses were conducted using Mplus 8.0. The analyses were conducted in three steps. First, the unconditional latent growth model was used to estimate individual change in PV over time. Second, multi-group latent growth models were used to examine whether the initial level, change rates and the correlation between initial level and change rates of PV differed across migrant status. Finally, conditional latent growth models with latent variable interactions (between initial level and change rates) were used to examine how the initial level and change rates across wave 1 to wave 3 jointly predict externalizing problems and depressive symptoms at wave 4.
First, unconditional latent growth modeling revealed a significant linear decline in PV over the three time points, and that individuals with higher initial levels of PV showed a faster decline; Second, multi-group latent growth model revealed significant differences in the trajectory of PV across migrant status. Specifically, compared to urban children, rural-to-urban migrant children, left-behind children and rural children had significantly higher initial levels of PV. Moreover, rural-to-urban migrant children and left-behind children exhibited a steep decline in PV; Third, conditional latent growth model with latent variable interactions showed that the interaction between the initial level and change rates of PV significantly predicted depressive symptoms and externalizing problems two years later, after controlling for demographics and depressive symptoms and externalizing problems at baseline. Supported by stress-sensitization model, individuals who were exposed to higher initial levels showed more depressive symptoms even when they exhibited a steeper decline in PV. But individuals exposed to lower initial levels would require more severe stress to trigger stronger stress reactivity (in our case, reflected as more depressive symptoms) at the slower rate of PV. Supported by stress-amplification model, individuals with higher initial levels of PV would have greater externalizing problems when experienced a slower change rate of PV. In contrast, individuals with lower initial levels would have fewer externalizing problems even when experienced a slower rate of PV.
The present study provides methodological and conceptual contribution: (1) we examined three key components— the initial level, change rates and the correlation between initial level and change rates of PV —to elaborate changing trends in PV over time and distinct victimization trajectories across children of different migrant status. These findings contribute to more comprehensive understanding of PV from developmental perspectives and precise detection and intervention aimed at supporting high-risk children and adolescents; (2) The analysis examining the interaction between initial level and change rates of PV adds novelty to extant literature and provides nuanced insights into synergistic effect that the initial level and change rates of PV affect problem behavior in an synergistic (rather than isolated) manner; (3) This study revealed that the initial level and change rates of PV play a unique role in depressive symptoms (risk sensitivity) and externalizing problems (risk enhancement). This highlights that the synergistic effect of initial level and change rates of PV may have significant implications for developmental science on adolescence health.

Key words: peer victimization, trajectory, depressive symptoms and externalizing problems, stress sensitization, stress-amplification
