ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R


    2003, Volume 11 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    The Role of Psychology to Social Alarming System
    Wang Erping,Zhang Benbo,Chen Yiwen,Shi Wei
    2003, 11 (4):  363-367. 
    Abstract ( 2263 )   PDF (758KB) ( 2220 )  
    This Article discusses first the need of social alarming to instable factors for a society, and the importance of the social alarming system to make public policies and administrative decisions. Social alarming system refers to a social attitude survey network by which social crisis events can be predicted and ceased. The next part of this article introduces the surveys of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan and the National Center for Social Research in the United Kingdom. In the last part, the authors highlight two important methodological issues – the relationship between attitudes and actions, and the sampling.
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    Scare Buying under Emergency and Crisis Situations: Its Occurrence and Prevention
    Fan Chunlei, Mao Mouchao, Wang Yong, Ding Xiaqi
    2003, 11 (4):  368-374. 
    Abstract ( 2059 )   PDF (780KB) ( 3106 )  
    Scare buying phenomena occurred in China recently can be explained by the dual-process model (e.g., Jacoby, 1991). Human information process is generally influenced simultaneously by controlled and automatic processes, and many psychological findings suggest that emotional arousal impairs controlled process but increases automatic process. Under uncertainty and risk conditions, one’s behavioral response is usually fast or automatic. In this situation, pre-trainings and well-learned behaviors will dominate one’s response. During SARS broke out and spread in China, many panic legends were communicated amongst citizens and people’s emotional arousal was further enhanced. So, buying as quickly as possible to avoid the severe risk becomes the dominant choice at the huge scale across residents, which ultimately results in the emerging of the scare buying.
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    Risk Communication and Public Rationality
    Xie Xiaofei,Zheng Rui
    2003, 11 (4):  375-381. 
    Abstract ( 2321 )   PDF (790KB) ( 3567 )  
    The panic induced by the sudden risk events is much more harmful than the risk events themselves. When risk events come, the extent of public rationality is an important foundation to cope with crisis. This article proposes the concept of public rationality, explains definition and its construct, and influence factors. Taking SARS as an example, this article also analysis the nature and characteristics of risk communization, and the possible ways and related conditions for risk communication to influence public rationality. This article provides the theory foundation to make an inclusion on SARS risk crisis, to study the psychological system in coping with risk events in order to promote the research and practice in risk communication field.
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    A Review of Crisis Intervention of Critical Incident
    Tone Huge,Yang Xuelong
    2003, 11 (4):  382-386. 
    Abstract ( 2491 )   PDF (771KB) ( 5416 )  
    Reviewing the research of crisis intervention of critical incident. Two aspects should be paid much attention to: 1. the importance of assessment in the crisis intervention. Assessment is the precondition of intervention, running through the whole process of the intervention. 2. Many intervention models have three characters: (1) Technology for stage partition which divide the intervention process as different stages and take different tactics. (2) Integration trend. It integrates different intervention models and resource of support to improve the effect of intervention to the best level. (3) Taking different tactics for the different people and different stress situations. SARS prevalence is a serious test for the crisis intervention system in our country. As the crisis intervention system in our country is not perfect, the intervention models, experience and lesson deserve to use for reference.
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    Specialty of Mood Disorders and Treatment During Emergent Events of Public Health
    Wang Yiniu,Luo Yuejia
    2003, 11 (4):  387-392. 
    Abstract ( 2482 )   PDF (766KB) ( 4472 )  
    Mental stress and mood disorders may be induced in some population when the emergent events of public health take place. Influence to control effectiveness and time course by factors of social and psychological aspects is marked out. Emotional disorders are often shown during the emergent events of public health, e.g., hypochondriac, panic, anxious, depressive and compulsive trouble. Appropriate countermeasures should be taken according to different population. Emergent events of public health provide a widely research stage and prospect.
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    The Role of Psychological Counselors in Crisis Intervention
    Shi Zhanbiao,Zhang Jianxin
    2003, 11 (4):  393-399. 
    Abstract ( 2503 )   PDF (780KB) ( 6162 )  
    Psychological counselors are increasingly needed as a very special kind of professional in various crisis-intervention. This is because that psychological counselors have basic and professional attributes such as morality, self-consciousness, honesty, calmness, agility, sympathy and empathy, which are usually acquired through a series of long term professional training. Besides, psychological counselors have learned a lot of special crisis intervention techniques, which prepare themselves in dealing with various crises. These techniques include those of attending, listening, assessing individuals in crisis state and some practical intervention programs. In the end, some important working areas, in which psychological counselor usually play key roles, are introduced, and some ideas about the roles of Chinese counselor in crisis intervention are discussed.
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    Application Assessment of Psychological Counseling through Hotline under the Emergent Events of Public Health
    Gao Wenbin,Chen Zhiyan
    2003, 11 (4):  400-404. 
    Abstract ( 2193 )   PDF (762KB) ( 1990 )  
    The epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)in 2003 brought influence on the mental health of Chinese people. Some hotlines of psychological counseling opened in the SARS period, which became a effective support channel to people and help to release the social pressure and promoted the recover of social system. The present paper discussed the effect and characters of hotline coping with the emergent event of public health, basing on the data from SARS Hotline by Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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    Some New Developments in the Research of Implicit Learning Mechanism
    Fu Qiufang,Liu Yongfang
    2003, 11 (4):  405-410. 
    Abstract ( 2762 )   PDF (785KB) ( 2160 )  
    Implicit learning may require a certain amount of attention and working memory, but there are still some controversies on their roles in implicit learning; with the development of the study of implicit serial learning, more and more researchers have paid attention to the representation of implicit serial knowledge, which provides a new way for searching for the underlying mechanism of representation of the implicit knowledge; there is evidence that the brain areas such as the basal ganglia, association cortex, frontal lobes may be involved in implicit learning
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    An Introduction of an Integrated Model of Emotion Processes and Cognition in Children’s Social Information Processing
    Wang Pei,Hu Lincheng
    2003, 11 (4):  411-416. 
    Abstract ( 1317 )   PDF (798KB) ( 3896 )  
    Literature on the contributions of social cognitive and emotion processes to children’s social competence is reviewed. Crick and Dodge’s cognitive model of social decision-making is introduced. Based on this model, Lmerise and Arsenio proposed an integrated model of emotion processes and cognition. The article focuses on the influence of emotion processes on the children’s encoding and interpretation of social information cues, clarification of goals, response access, response decision and behavior enactment.
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    Method of Assessing Children's Conceptions of Personality Traits
    Wang Meifang
    2003, 11 (4):  417-422. 
    Abstract ( 1816 )   PDF (781KB) ( 3015 )  
    This review of literature on children's conceptions of personality traits examines three assessing methods extensively employed in the past three decades:(a) free descriptions, (b) behavior predictions, both of which were regarded as the main approaches before 1990s, and (c) psychological predictions newly developed in 1990s influenced by the research of theory of mind. It is suggested that future research in this area requires further exploration of fundamental issues theoretically and empirically.
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    Relationship of Emotion and Decision Making
    Zhuang Jinying
    2003, 11 (4):  423-431. 
    Abstract ( 2739 )   PDF (820KB) ( 11785 )  
    This article is a review on the relationship of emotion and decision making. Early researches on decision making didn’t give any room to emotions. They were mostly the Mathematical models. Later, Kahneman and Tversky proposed a model called prospect theory, since then several models were proposed, all of them began to give emotion some roles to play in decision making. By the late nineties, with the development of neural science and social psychology, deep concern was given to emotions in several aspects of decision making.
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    Exploring into Establishing the Best Psychic Structure by Analytical Hierarchy Process
    Xia Lingxiang
    2003, 11 (4):  432-436. 
    Abstract ( 1831 )   PDF (774KB) ( 2094 )  
    Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP)is a new method of systems analysis and decision.It combines quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.Pointing out problems in the application of AHP in the psychic system,and exploring the feasible way of establishing the best psychic structure by AHP for the first time.The psychic system must have operational definition and uniform standard for determining the best psychic structure,so this method can be used in psychological scales.This paper introduces how to offer power weights to dimensionalities of psychological scales and the method of application and validation.
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    Content, Dimension, and Type of Psychological Contract
    Chen Jiazhou,Ling Wenquan,Fang Liluo
    2003, 11 (4):  437-445. 
    Abstract ( 3103 )   PDF (815KB) ( 6676 )  
    Market economy is essentially contractual economy. Contract is the foundation maintaining organization, and at its initial levels contract is the unique coordination of believes held by individuals and organization, which is called psychological contract. With the transformation of economic pattern and globalization of world economy, the psychological contract in employment relationship has changed extremely. The present article first analyzed the content, dimension, and type of psychological contract in western empirical researches, then introduced the period characteristics, finally indicated the limitation in western researches and the implications of psychological contract research for human resource management in Chinese enterprises.
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    Feedback Interventions and the Internal Mechanism of Its Effects on Performance
    Long Junwei
    2003, 11 (4):  452-456. 
    Abstract ( 2533 )   PDF (778KB) ( 3147 )  
    This study first expatiates the definition of feedback interventions, and argues that it is a kind of external feedback, consciously controlled by external agent with purpose. Then discusses three dimensions of feedback interventions, which are feedback style, individual difference and task situation, to illustrate the complex of feedback interventions integration. After that this study analysis the internal mechanism of its effects on performance, considering perceived self-efficacy, coping strategy and internal goal setting are the main internal mediators. In the end this study presents a model to illustrate how feedback interventions affect performance
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    The Structure of Vocational Interest: Theories and Studies
    Liu Changjiang,Hao Fang
    2003, 11 (4):  457-463. 
    Abstract ( 1621 )   PDF (798KB) ( 5041 )  
    The near 70-year studies on the structure of vocational interest richened and developed the theories, mainly including the following: Roe’s circular model, Holland’s hexagonal model, Prediger’s dimensional model, Gati’s hierarchical model, and Tracey-Rounds’ spherical model. Some studies evaluating the fit of various models to the data were organized, and they indicated that Holland’s model was more suitable for the U.S. samples (non-ethnic samples), while the other models needed further evaluation. The studies also suggested that no widely applicable model existed, and so cross-cultural studies on vocational interests would continue to be made and deeply validated.
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    Researches on Brand Image: Viewpoint of Consumer Behavior
    Xu Xiaoyong,Lv Jianhong,Chen Yiwen
    2003, 11 (4):  464-468. 
    Abstract ( 2784 )   PDF (776KB) ( 6562 )  
    Brand image” is the attributes set and the related associations of a brand in the consumers’ mind, and it is the subjective reflections of brands. The authors explored some new viewpoints of consumer behavior on the research of “brand image” based on the introducing of related studies abroad.
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    Characteristics and Trainging of the Global Leaders
    Yu Haibo, Fang Liluo,Ling Wenquan
    2003, 11 (4):  466-451. 
    Abstract ( 1583 )   PDF (777KB) ( 2605 )  
    More and more companies need more global leaders to develop their global business. The article reviews the studies and relational studies on the global leaders’ characteristics .For the success of their companies in the global complex competitive circumstance, the global leaders should not only have general characteristics but also idiosyncratic (especially the culture specific ones ) ones. And this leads to the differences between the training of global leaders and the general managers: training on culture acumen and global ideas. At last, the questions that need to be resolved in the future are also put forward.
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    Global Psychology: A New Approach of Modern Psychology:
    Zheng Rongshuang
    2003, 11 (4):  469-474. 
    Abstract ( 2203 )   PDF (780KB) ( 3032 )  
    Global psychology or the globalization of psychology is a new approach in modern psychology .This article points out that the foundamental motive force of it is the tide of globalization around the world and some limitations of mainstream psychology, the other important reason is the rising of indigenous psychology. Its basic aim is to study the whole human mind and behavior and to establish a kind of integrative psychology.
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    General Discussion on the Research of Positivism and Modern Western Psychology in China
    Yan Youwei
    2003, 11 (4):  475-479. 
    Abstract ( 2604 )   PDF (770KB) ( 3935 )  
    Positivism is a significant theoretical problem which influences the whole development of psychological research. This article makes a systematic summation of the over-20-year research of positivism in Chinese psychology field from three ways as the connotation, positive effect and negative effect of positivism in modern western psychology, and the author puts forward his own view and understanding of the future development of positivism research.
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