Conscientiousness and Its Applications
WANG Meng-Cheng;CHU Yan-Min;DAI Xiao-Yang
2011, 19 (3):
Conscientiousness describes individual differences on impulse control, task- and goal-oriented implementation, consideration before act, delay of gratification, and compliance of norms and rules. Conscientiousness has played a significant role in the field of applied psychology (e.g., I/O psychology), thus, a growing body of researches were conducted to explore the sturcture of Conscientiousness and its applications in many field such as education, health psychology and organization behavior. This present article comprehensively reviewed the lower-order structure of conscientiousness and its applications in management, education and health in personality psychology, meanwhile, we have pointed out that future research should focus on issues relevant to the lower-order structure and measurement of conscientiousness, the hypothetical relationships between conscientiousness and job performance, and more clear relationships between Conscientiousness and health and longevity and several other prospects and trends.
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