ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R


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    Conceptual Framework
     Dual-theory of experiential consumption and material consumption: Phenomenon, mechanism, and influence factors
    LI Bin, WEI Haiying, LI Aimei, LI Fangjun, CHEN Xiaoxi
    2018, 26 (5):  761-769.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00761
    Abstract ( 3062 )   PDF (449KB) ( 3610 )  
     China has already entered an important stage of both the consumer demand sustained growth and consumption structure upgraded being speeded up, thus the question of how to make the happy consumption or how to “buy” happiness has caused wide concern in public and government. Psychologist found that people derive more happiness from experiential consumption than from material consumption. And money priming would activate “value maximization mindset”; time priming would activate “emotional mindset” on the other hand, then to influence consumer’s decision-making. Based on these findings, this project started from the perspective of dual-process theory, using both the method of behavioral science and cognitive neuroscience, to reveal essence of the phenomenon of dual cognitive processing in consumer decision, and to clarify the relationship between money, time, consumer and happiness.
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    Research Methods
     Technology of text analysis in the big data era: Application of the topic model
    CAO Ben, XIA Mian, REN Zhihong, LIN Xiubin, XU Sheng, LAI Lizu, WANG Qi, JIANG Guangrong
    2018, 26 (5):  770-780.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00770
    Abstract ( 3543 )   PDF (488KB) ( 4855 )  
     Topic Model is a computerized text analysis method and has been used widely in the field of psychology. For counseling research, this method has the potential for exploring themes of conversations between the therapist and patient, comparing the semantic similarity of different treatments and establishing behavioral coding systems. Using data from social media, researchers may use topic model to identify and predict various mental disorders, carry out calculations pertaining personality. Further, this paper discusses needed improvements of the topic model, and its application in the Chinese language environment. Topic model can be used to explore the psychological meaning of Chinese texts.
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     The analyses of multilevel moderation effects based on structural equation modeling
    FANG Jie, WEN Zhonglin, WU Yan
    2018, 26 (5):  781-788.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00781
    Abstract ( 4579 )   PDF (425KB) ( 6248 )  
     In recent years, multilevel models (MLM) have been frequently used for studying multilevel moderation in social sciences. However, there still exist sampling errors and measurement errors even after separating the between-group effects from the within-group effects of multilevel moderation. To solve this problem, a new method has been developed abroad by integrating MLM with structural equation models (SEM) under the framework of multilevel structural equation models (MSEM) to set latent variables and multiple indicators. It has been showed that the method could rectify sampling errors and measurement errors effectively and obtain more accurate estimation of moderating effects. After introducing the new method by modeling with random coefficient prediction and with latent moderated structural equations, we propose a procedure for analyzing multilevel moderation by using MSEM. An example is illustrated with the software Mplus. Totally 29 articles, published in Chinese psychological journals from 2010 to 2017, are reviewed for evaluating the situation of using multilevel moderation analysis methods in psychological researches in China. Directions for future study on multilevel moderation and MSEM were discussed at the end of the paper.
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    Regular Articles
     Text-belief consistent effect and the way of avoidance
    LIN Wenyi, ZHANG Jing, LI Guanzheng
    2018, 26 (5):  789-795.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00789
    Abstract ( 1194 )   PDF (339KB) ( 1275 )  
     Prior beliefs that people already have would lead to a biased process of new information. The text-belief consistent effect demonstrates that the process of text which is inconsistent with prior beliefs is better than the process of text which is consistent in text base; in situation model, however, the process of the text which is consistent is better than the process of text which is not. The text-belief consist effect can partly be explained by the combination of the plausibility evaluation theory and the dual processing models of cognition. The way to eliminate the negative impact of the text-belief consistent effect, such as manipulate the presentation of text, is also discussed and prospected in this paper.
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    Cognitive Characteristics of Communicative Gestures
    ZHANG Hengchao
    2018, 26 (5):  796-809.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00796
    Abstract ( 2061 )   PDF (440KB) ( 2375 )  
    Gesture is an important nonverbal medium in the process of language communication, which is not only closely related to the interaction of language, but also has different cognitive characteristics of communication. The key points are summarized as follows: the relationship between gestures and language communication, the relatively independent communication features of gestures, and the characteristics of gesture communication in educational situations. This paper puts forward: Firstly, the joint expression of gestures and language promotes language occurrence and semantic understanding, integration and memory; Secondly, gestures have a certain degree of independent communication, and mismatches between gestures and language reflect changes in the communicative information and communicative cognition; Finally, in the context of education, teachers’ gesture expressions can guide students’ attention and clarify language information. Students’ gesture communication can help to promote the cognitive process of learning. Future studies are needed to furtherly explore: impact of gesture on language communication function; the characteristics and advantages of the cognitive mechanism of gesture communication in language communication; cognitive mechanism of gesture communication efficiency in education environment; influencing factors, general characteristics and individual differences of gesture communication.
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     An integrated perspective on western creativity theories
    ZHANG Yakun, CHEN Lung An, ZHANG Xingli, SHI Jiannong
    2018, 26 (5):  810-830.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00810
    Abstract ( 2250 )   PDF (3123KB) ( 5102 )  
     One of the long-standing state among scholars researching the psychology of Creativity is that while western theories stress the importance of big-C, little-C, the process, the person, the product, the press and other concepts of Creativity from an ever-expanding variety of disciplines. But these systems are various and complicated, making man difficult grasp the point of the problem. In order to analyze the scope of application of each theory (mainly including Kaufman’ Four-C Model, Csikszentmihalyi’s Systems Model of Creativity, Sternberg’s Propulsion Theory of Creative Contributions, Amabile’s Componential Model of Creativity, and Gl?veanu’s 5A Theory of Creativity), we summarized these systematic theories of creativity from two directions, forming a rectangular coordinate system that we called the Galaxy Developmental Model for it is analogous to the process of galaxy development. One direction is perspective of development (from Mini-C to Little-C, then Pro-C, and finally Big-C); Another is perspective of connection (from the cognitive neural basis of creativity to the process of creativity…finally the socio-cultural aspect of creativity). We are trying to provide a method allowing us to understand each theory clearly and to establish systems view of creativity, as well as paving a way for further research and application.
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     Visual motion perception in Autism Spectrum Disorder
    LI Kaiyun, CHEN Gongxiang, FU Xiaolan
    2018, 26 (5):  831-845.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00831
    Abstract ( 1449 )   PDF (804KB) ( 2097 )  
     Visual motion perception is the process human brain perceives the dynamic/motion characteristics of objects. Individuals with autism spectrum disorders exhibit deficits in visual processing, such as in optical flow, second-order motion, coherent motion, biological motion, motion speed, and obsessing in repetitive moving objects. While various hypotheses (the Dorsal/Magnocellular pathway-specific hypothesis, Complexity-specific hypothesis, Neural noise hypothesis, Flatter-prior hypothesis, Temporo-spatial processing deficit, Extreme male brain hypothesis, and Social brain hypothesis) have been proposed to explain the abnormal visual processing in autism, none of them has been proven definitively so far. Future study should focus on investigating individual differences and neural mechanism of abnormal visual motion perception, integrating and verifying the hypotheses, as well as exploiting effective evaluation tools and interventions.
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     The plasticity of aging brain: Evidence from cognitive training
    HUO Lijuan, ZHENG Zhiwei, LI Jin, LI Juan
    2018, 26 (5):  846-858.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00846
    Abstract ( 1713 )   PDF (406KB) ( 4021 )  
    Healthy aging is associated with cognitive impairment, which generally attributed to declines in brain structure and functioning. However, the aging brain retains structural and functional plasticity. With the development of neuroimaging technologies, a large number of brain imaging studies have confirmed that cognitive training positively impacts brain structure and functioning. After training, the aged individuals show: (1) increased structural gray matter volume and integrity of white matter tracts; (2) functional reorganization of brain network when performing cognitive tasks; (3) functional reorganization in intrinsic brain activity and enhancement functional connectivity during resting state. Further studies of cognitive training are required to investigate various factors that influence individual differences of brain plasticity and determine the lasting effects and transfer effects by using longitudinal studies.
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     Cognitive bias modification of interpretation for social anxiety: A “bottom-up” intervention?
    LIU Bingqian, LI Xuebing
    2018, 26 (5):  859-871.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00859
    Abstract ( 2099 )   PDF (488KB) ( 2976 )  
     Cognitive models of social anxiety propose that socially anxious individuals tend to interpret ambiguous social events differently than healthy controls, embodying the presence of a negative interpretation bias and a lack of positive interpretation bias. This interpretation bias has been considered to play an important role in the etiology, maintenance, and recurrence of the disease. Many studies suggest that interpretation bias, as well as negative affect, can be directly shifted through repeated experiential practice, known as Cognitive Bias Modification of Interpretation (CBM-I). This has led to a growing interest in exploring the clinical potential of this “bottom-up” intervention. However, there has been some controversy about the heterogeneity of studies and the uncertainty about the cognitive mechanisms of this approach in the recent decade. The present article summarizes the frequently-used paradigms and reviews studies in terms of participants’ age and clinical status. Moreover, it focuses on discussing the potential cognitive mechanisms of CBM-I. An intervention model for the underlying mechanisms is proposed based on established cognitive models of social anxiety disorder and relevant factors (self-imagery, self-esteem, evaluation of threatening messages, fear of positive evaluation, long-term memory, anxiety sensitivity, and avoidance). Limitations of the studies reviewed are analyzed from five aspects: interpretation bias, social anxiety, transfer effect, experimental design and study heterogeneity. Directions for future research are addressed as well.
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     Sense of agency in the minimal self
    TIAN Haoyue, LI Lihong, XU Zhe, LI Fei, JIN Dan, AN Canling
    2018, 26 (5):  872-885.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00872
    Abstract ( 988 )   PDF (551KB) ( 1624 )  
     Sense of agency (SoA), an important part of minimal self, is the experience of influencing the outside world through controlling one’s behavior. Many researchers divided SoA into two parts according to the level of consciousness: feeling of agency (FoA) and judgment of agency (JoA). Different implicit and explicit paradigms are used to investigate the mechanism and connection of these two parts. Among the three core theories in this domain (i.e. comparator model, theory of apparent mental causation, and integration theory), integration theory has been supported by more evidence in recent years. Furthermore, researchers have made significant progress in the areas of distorted SoA and factors which influence SoA. In future, researchers could focus more attention on the changes in SoA in the social environment, the development of SoA, the multimodal integration in SoA, the relationship between SoA and sense of ownership (SO), as well as the neural mechanisms of SoA.
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     The occurrence of ethical leadership: Antecedents and mechanisms
    LI Fangjun, XIONG Yushuang, LI Bin
    2018, 26 (5):  886-895.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00886
    Abstract ( 1122 )   PDF (416KB) ( 2996 )  
     Leader unethical behaviors cause serious damages to organizations, thus it is critical to understand the occurrence mechanisms and antecedents of ethical leadership. The connotation of ethical leadership should include the perceived ethical leadership. Theoretical perspectives on the occurrence of ethical leadership include social learning theory, moral identity theory, personal trait perspective, three-factor model, organizational neuroscience perspective, ethics position theory, CPM theory, and leadership categorization theory. The influencing factors of ethical leadership and perceived ethical leadership include leader personal traits and cognitive factors, subordinates’ justice perception and status, and situational factors. Future research should pay more attention to the empirical research on the influencing factors of ethical leadership.
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     The depletion effects of sleep deprivation among employees: A new topic in organization and management research
    SHI Jian, LONG Lirong
    2018, 26 (5):  896-909.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00896
    Abstract ( 1576 )   PDF (489KB) ( 2617 )  
     Sleep deprivation, a generally neglected topic in organizational research, has brought about increasingly salient social dilemma. Nowadays plenty of employees are working without enough sleep. The state of diminished capacity induced by insufficient sleep would damage employees’ psychological state, behavior and performance, and thus influence organizational effectiveness and management practices. By reviewing the existing research, we clarify the definition, measurement, basic theoretical framework, and mechanisms of sleep deprivation within the organizational and management context. Next, we summarize the specific factors affecting employees’ sleep deprivation, and its effects on individual, leadership, and team level. Then, we conclude the prevention and mitigation strategies for organizational sleep management. Finally, we suggest that future research could explore the types of concept, antecedents, process mechanism, research methods and research levels.
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     The regulatory mechanism of the positive and negative effects of subgroup
    NI Xudong, HE Shuangshuang
    2018, 26 (5):  910-921.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00910
    Abstract ( 948 )   PDF (418KB) ( 940 )  
     Subgroup is the subset that is triggered by faultlines and is formed by the differences among team members in identification and information processing methods. As subgroup exists widely in a team, it has drawn more and more attention gradually because of its positive and negative effects on the working of teams. By examining the positive and negative effects of subgroup on team operations, this paper discusses its moderating factors and proposes a regulatory mechanism for this process. Future researches should do further exploration from more perspectives, such as dynamics of subgroup, team leader`s participation, consideration of intra-subgroup processes, subgroup distance, and social relations.
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    Research on intertemporal choice: From single dated outcomes to multiple dated outcomes
    JIANG Cheng-Ming, XIE Kai-Jie, HE Quan
    2018, 26 (5):  922-927.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00922
    Abstract ( 1240 )   PDF (282KB) ( 1536 )  
    Intertemporal choice refers to any decision that requires tradeoffs among outcomes that occur at different times. With an increasing consensus on the psychological process for choices between single dated outcomes, an increasing amount of research focuses on choices between multiple dated outcomes. This paper reviews theories on intertemporal choices between multiple dated outcomes, including the sequences model, reason-based theory, salience account, and tradeoff model. In doing so, this paper suggests directions for future research on intertemporal choices between multiple dated outcomes, including a comparison and reconciliation of different theories, an examination of loss outcomes, and an application of eye-tracking techniques.
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     New avenues for the development of domain-specific nature of risky decision making
    YUE Ling-Zi, LI Shu, LIANG Zhu-Yuan
    2018, 26 (5):  928-938.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00928
    Abstract ( 2384 )   PDF (430KB) ( 4091 )  
     The term “risk-domain specificity” refers to the domain-specific nature of risky decision making due to the presence of factors that are particular to a certain content domain. Based on classical risky decision making theories stemming from laws of expectation, risk-taking propensity is domain-general. On the other hand, substantial evidences from past studies indicate that risk-taking propensity is domain-specific. The literature on risk-domain specificity has witnessed considerable progress in terms of mechanisms, measurements, and independent variables. Theoretically, early mainstream mechanisms deconstructed risk behavior based on a risk-return framework, whereas recent studies have validated the mechanisms with new sets of evidence and explained risk-domain specificity from the perspectives of evolution, personality and motivation. In terms of measurements, Domain-specific Risk Taking Scale (DOSPERT), as a dominant scale, has been further validated in various cultures, content domains, and groups. In comparison, other scales based on different content domains have been proven to be consistent and valid. In terms of independent variables, the regularity of risk-domain specificity has been proposed from various perspectives, such as genetics, environment and individual differences. Future research may focus on content domain integration and theory validation in detailed content domains as well as exploring regularity and mechanisms of risk-domain specificity at an individual level.
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     Collective rituals promote cohesion: Based on action, emotion, and memory
    ZOU Xiaoyan, YIN Keli, LU Lin
    2018, 26 (5):  939-950.  doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00939
    Abstract ( 2577 )   PDF (437KB) ( 4034 )  
     Collective rituals are of great significance to the construction and development of a group. In recent years, foreign psycho-anthropologists have put forward “the theory of modes of religiosity,” which elaborates profoundly on the psychological process of collective ritual to produce group cohesion and prosocial behavior. Psychological research into collective rituals focuses mainly on promotion of cohesion, the influence of synchronic movement on prosocial behavior, and the intergroup conflict caused by collective rituals. Some future study topics should be systematic testing and evaluation, such as the psychological mechanism through which collective ritual influences cohesion, and the collective ritual that arouses pleasure emotion.
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