ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 15-31.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2022.00015 cstr: 32111.14.2022.00015

• 研究构想 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨建锋1, 郭晓虹1,2, 明晓东1()   

  1. 1江西财经大学工商管理学院, 南昌 330013
    2南昌工程学院工商管理学院, 南昌 330099
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-11 出版日期:2022-01-15 发布日期:2021-11-25
  • 基金资助:

The decision-making process of offering help in the workplace

YANG Jianfeng1, GUO Xiaohong1,2, MING Xiaodong1()   

  1. 1School of Business Adeministration, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China
    2School of Business Adeministration, Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China
  • Received:2021-01-11 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2021-11-25


本项目突破了以往研究过于聚焦“助人行为”这一瞬时行为的局限, 把工作场所中的助人决策理解为一种基于动态性心理契约的社会性风险投资决策过程, 认为人力资源管理的相关实践能够在组织内部为员工之间的这种社会性风险投资决策, 创建和维持适宜的投资环境, 促使员工愿意、能够、敢于进行助人这种社会性风险投资决策。基于上述思路, 项目首先构建工作场所中助人决策的过程机制模型, 然后就该模型与以往模型存在的核心差异——反思调整——进行深入探索。随后, 就影响助人决策投资环境的重要因素, 从人力资源管理职能的角度, 分别探讨工作设计和薪酬管理两个方面的重要变量对助人决策的影响机制。最后, 基于本项目研究成果, 提出能切实促进员工助人决策的、体系化的人力资源管理实践建议。

关键词: 助人决策, 社会性风险投资, 动态性心理契约, 资源分配框架


This project addresses the limitation of traditional literature on helping decision-making, which excessively focuses on transient "helping behavior." This project considers helping decision-making in the workplace as a social venture investment decision process, which involves a series of steps corresponding to dynamic psychological contracts. This includes preparation, strategic conception, and follow-up adjustment when the help giver and the help seeker sign contracts for help in the workplace. Simultaneously, a crucial task of managers is to create an environment that promotes employees' mutual help in the organization. Furthermore, the project proposes that human resource management practice can create and maintain an appropriate investment environment within the organization. This environment can boost social venture investment decision among staff and encourage them to accept social investment risk in workplace helping decision-making.
Based on the above ideas, this project will be conducted in two parts, comprising of four studies. In the first part, based on the dynamic psychological contract theory, the interview and case study methods will be used to develop the process model of workplace helping decision-making (Study 1). The workplace helping decision-making process proposedly includes six steps: heeding the dilemma of the help seeker, explaining the help seekers’ dilemma, confirming whether and how much responsibility individuals have to assist the help seeker, formulating strategies to assist the help seeker, implementing helping behavior, and adjusting further helping decisions based on the reflection of previous helping results. This project then focus on the last step, which is the main difference between our workplace helping decision-making model and those of previous research. This project will use a daily-diary survey to explore how help givers would reflect the feedback of help seekers and adjust further help based on their reflection (Study 2). In the second part, based on the above proposed six-step model of helping decision-making in the workplace, human resource management practice is regarded as an important environmental factor that influences individuals to conduct social venture investments, such as helping decision-making in the workplace. Using the multi-wave survey method, this project focuses on the influential mechanism of two key variables of human resource management practice on helping decision-making in the workplace: job design (Study 3) and salary management (Study 4). Specifically, Study 3 examines the mediating role of work engagement between job characteristics and workplace helping decision-making, and the moderating mechanism of task interdependence on this mediating process. Study 4 explores the mediating role of team identity between team performance payment and workplace helping decision-making, and the moderating mechanism of organizational identity on the mediating role of team identity.
Through the above four studies, this project will make the following theoretical and practical contributions. Theoretically, from the dynamic psychological contract perspective, this project regards the workplace helping decision-making process as a social venture investment decision process, thus providing a new theoretical perspective for literatures in the field of help. Thus, this project addresses the limitation of previous literatures focusing on "helping behavior," which is a transient behavior, and instead regards help in the workplace as a decision-making process. Therefore, future researchers could further explore this process and find more effective ways to encourage workplace helping behavior. Moreover, previous studies conventionally applied the psychological contract theory to explain the relationship between organizations and employees. This project is the first to adopt the psychological contract theory to elucidate the relationship between employees in the workplace, thus expanding the boundaries of the psychological contract theory. Regarding practice, this project examines the antecedents of the decision-making process of help in the workplace from different modules of human resource management, which can guide the practice of human resource management and promote employees’ mutually helping behavior.

Key words: helping decision-making, social venture investment, dynamic psychological contract, resource allocation framework
