ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2020, 52(9): 1121-1131 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.01121



李树文,, 罗瑾琏,

同济大学 经济与管理学院, 上海 201804

Linking emotional appraisal ability congruence of leader-followers with employee voice: The roles of perceived insider status and gender similarity

LI Shuwen,, LUO Jinlian,

School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China

通讯作者: 李树文,;罗瑾琏,

收稿日期: 2019-12-23   网络出版日期: 2020-09-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金项目.  71772138
国家自然科学基金项目.  71472137
教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目.  20YJC630042
教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目.  19YJA630125
上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题.  2019EGL015

Received: 2019-12-23   Online: 2020-09-25


基于人-环境匹配和资源保存理论, 研究构建了一个调节-中介模型, 从二元视角分析了领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力一致对员工建言的影响路径与边界。通过对43位领导与182位下属的配对问卷调研, 结果表明:(1) 相较“低领导-低下属”情绪评价能力一致, 在“高领导-高下属”情绪评价能力一致情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高; (2) 相较“高领导-低下属”情绪评价能力不一致, 在“低领导-高下属”情绪评价能力不一致情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高; (3) 内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与促进性建言、抑制性建言间起部分中介作用; (4) 相较领导-下属性别相同, 当领导-下属性别不同时, 员工内部人身份感知的中介作用更强。研究从情绪评价能力、性别的二元匹配视角揭示了员工建言的前因, 为领导与下属间交互影响提供了更多解释路径。

关键词: 领导-下属性别相似 ; 情绪评价能力 ; 员工建言 ; 内部人身份感知 ; 响应面分析


In recent years, employee voice has become a popular topic in organizational behavior research. However, existing research has failed to identify that voice is a risky behavior on the basis of employees and leaders’ evaluation of each other. Among the few studies that have examined the antecedents of voice behavior from employees or leaders, little attention has been paid to the interaction or mutual evaluation process between leaders and employees, leading to an incomplete understanding of the antecedents of voice. Hence, the present study attempts to broaden our understanding of improving voice behavior.

Specifically, based on theory of person-environment fit and conservation of resource, we suggest that emotional appraisal ability congruence between leaders and subordinates is an effective way to improve employees’ voice. Subordinates can make voice according to the observed changes in leaders’ emotions, and leaders can also set voice expectations according to the changes in subordinates’ emotions. Importantly, we highlight the role of perceived insider status as an important path. Interaction between leaders and employees can help employees develop a sense of mutual responsibility and thus strengthen the perception of insider status. Meanwhile, employees more likely make voice to maintain insider status. Furthermore, we suggest that certain significant differences determine whether subordinates can perceive insider status in cognition and behavior between men and women. Therefore, this study constructs a moderated mediation model and analyzes the influential path and boundary of emotional appraisal ability congruence on employees’ voice from the gender similarity between leaders and subordinates.

To test our conceptual model, we collected sample in three phases at a monthly interval from multiple department employees and their direct leaders from four large manufacturing enterprises in Shandong, Shanghai, and Hong Kong of China. Through the paired questionnaire survey of 43 leaders and 182 subordinates, the data were tested by polynomial regression analysis, response surface analysis, and bootstrapping method. The results reveal that (1) four matching situations exist between leaders and subordinates’ emotional appraisal ability. Compared with “low leader and low subordinate” emotional appraisal ability congruence, employees’ perceived insider status is stronger in “high leader and high subordinate” emotional appraisal ability congruence; (2) compared with “high leader and low subordinate” emotional appraisal ability in-congruence, employees’ perceived insider status is stronger in “low leader and high subordinate” emotional appraisal ability in-congruence; (3) perceived insider status plays a mediating role among emotional appraisal ability congruence, promotive voice, and prohibitive voice; (4) when the gender between leaders and subordinates is different, the mediating effect of perceived insider status is stronger than when the gender is the same.

This study makes three main contributions to literature. First, responding to researchers’ recommendations in recent years, the study investigated the antecedents of voice behavior from the perspective of leader and subordinate congruence. Second, the research explained the effects of emotional appraisal ability congruence on voice, thereby enhancing our understanding of why employees respond to leaders with voice. Third, the study drew on theory of person-environment fit to highlight the boundary condition of gender similarity in the relationship between emotional appraisal ability and perceived insider status, clarifying when emotional appraisal ability congruence more likely or less likely leads to perceived insider status and thus enhancing voice behavior.

Keywords: gender similarity between leader and follower ; emotional appraisal ability ; voice ; perceived insider status ; response surface analysis

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李树文, 罗瑾琏. 领导-下属情绪评价能力一致与员工建言:内部人身份感知与性别相似性的作用. 心理学报[J], 2020, 52(9): 1121-1131 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.01121

LI Shuwen, LUO Jinlian. Linking emotional appraisal ability congruence of leader-followers with employee voice: The roles of perceived insider status and gender similarity. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2020, 52(9): 1121-1131 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2020.01121

1 问题提出

众多研究已经证实员工建言是企业改进现状与提升效率、领导者了解前沿市场动态信息、员工获得高绩效与高社会地位的重要手段(Weiss & Morrison, 2019; Mcclean, Martin, Emich, & Woodruff, 2018)。但也有部分研究指出中国传统文化中就有“木秀于林风必摧之”、“枪打出头鸟”、“沉默是金”的思想, 员工在工作中迫于心理风险、资源得失等原因而时常选择“事不关己、高高挂起”的工作姿态(李树文, 罗瑾琏, 梁阜, 2020)。Huy (2015)曾针对诺基亚76位中高层管理者的访谈发现, 诺基亚之所以会败走麦城, 是因为其在苹果、三星等企业迅速崛起并快速占领智能手机市场后, 他们全体员工心生畏惧, 并随声附和高层管理者, 进而加速了诺基亚企业在智能手机市场的消亡。为此, 鉴于建言的积极效应和消极现状, 研究者逐渐从管理制度(赵红丹, 陈元华, 郑伟波, 2019)、组织战略(段锦云, 施嘉逸, 凌斌, 2017)、团队氛围(Morrison, Wheeler-Smith, & Kamdar, 2011)、领导行为(胥彦, 李超平, 2018)、个体压力(卢红旭 等, 2019)等多层面、多视角解析建言的发生机制。

尽管既有众多研究对员工建言的前因做了有益尝试, 但却鲜有关注个体情绪对建言的推动或阻碍作用, 尤其缺乏关注个体与他人间情绪感知与情绪理解对建言的影响。一方面已有研究表明个体情绪可以通过触发员工的态度、认知变化而影响组织公民行为(Little, Gooty, & Williams, 2016; Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996); 而建言行为作为一种典型的挑战-提升型组织公民行为(李树文 等, 2020), 其很可能同样受到情绪的影响。另一方面《哈佛商业评论》(2019)的一项研究显示, 在领导与下属关系中, 二者能否感知和理解彼此情绪, 并在情绪层面保持动态共鸣, 对员工是否愿意建言尤为重要。本研究尝试将领导与下属间彼此情绪感知纳入员工建言的影响模型中, 并回答二者间情绪关系匹配能否增进建言及通过何种机制对建言产生影响。情绪评价能力(emotional appraisal ability)是反映个体与他人间情绪评价和情绪识别关系的典型构念, 它指个体感知、理解他人情绪及在工作中能准确评价和认知他人情绪以引导个体行为的一种能力(Wong & Law, 2002)。为此, 本研究将领导与下属间情绪关系聚焦于二者间的情绪评价能力匹配以解决该研究问题。

从情绪评价能力一致到员工建言, 这中间还存在着系列复杂机制, 而这些机制恰好是我们理解和解构情绪评价能力一致对员工建言影响的关键所在。基于人-环境匹配理论中附助性匹配(supplementary fit)观点, 领导与员工间彼此相似性匹配能够促使员工改变认知方式、缩小心理距离(孔茗, 袁悦, 钱小军, 2017; Zhang, Wang, & Shi, 2012), 并以此增加内部人身份感知程度。而基于资源保存理论, 为了降低心理风险和资源增值, 高内部人身份感知的员工更易于通过实施建言附和领导期望、获得高绩效评价与高社会地位(李燕萍, 郑馨怡, 刘宗华, 2017; Li, Wu, Liu, Kwan, & Liu, 2014)。为此, 本文推测, 从领导与下属间情绪评价能力一致到员工建言, 员工仍需经历一段内部人身份感知的心路历程。进一步看, 虽然内部人身份感知可能是领导与下属情绪评价能力对建言的影响路径, 但由于性别角色差异, 致使不同性别匹配的领导与下属在情绪应用和转化中存在显著差异(Pelled & Xin, 1997; Tsui & Egan, 1992; Ridgeway, 2001)。而基于人-环境匹配理论中补偿性匹配(complementary fit)观点, 领导与下属在性别方面相互满足对方角色需求更能增进下属认知活动中的情绪转化(Cable & Edwards, 2004)。为此, 本文尝试将领导-下属性别相似性作为情绪评价能力通过内部人身份感知影响建言的情境条件, 以进一步回答如何强化情绪评价能力对建言的影响效应。

1.1 领导与下属情绪评价能力一致

从领导与下属的二元评价属性来看, 在工作场所中, 情绪评价能力可以分为领导情绪评价能力和下属情绪评价能力。其中, 领导情绪评价能力是指领导者对下属情绪的观察和理解能力, 而下属情绪评价能力是指下属对领导者情绪的观察和理解能力。根据二者的高低程度, 形成如图1所示的4种配对情况:其中, ①属于情绪评价能力一致(leader- follower emotional appraisal ability congruence)“低能”状态, ④属于情绪评价能力一致“高能”状态, ②③属于情绪评价能力不一致(leader-follower emotional appraisal ability in-congruence)。


图1   领导-下属情绪评价能力匹配情境

1.2 领导-下属情绪评价能力匹配对内部人身份感知的影响

内部人身份感知(perceived insider status)指个体在组织中感受到自己为组织“内部人”身份的程度(Stamper & Masterson, 2002)。基于人-环境匹配理论中的附助性匹配观点, 个体需求与环境供给在情绪等方面实现相似性匹配能够增进个体认知(刘海洋, 刘圣明, 王辉, 徐敏亚, 2016; 孔茗 等, 2017)。如果个人与领导能够在情绪评价能力方面呈现出较高相似契合度, 个体在认知方面就会表现出较高的情境适应性, 进而对他们的认知产生积极影响(Zhang et al., 2012)。具体而言, 当领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力均处于“高能”一致性情境下, 领导与其下属会形成“情感共识” (Zhou & George, 2003; Sosik & Megerian, 1999), 并能了解彼此情绪变化与认知趋向, 而领导者为实现资源支持与员工资源需求间的附助性匹配, 更易于通过采取符合下属期望的社会化策略以推动下属建构内部人心理契约, 或通过社会交换策略获得下属的内部人感知反馈(Stamper & Masterson, 2002; 李树文 等, 2020)。而在低领导情绪评价能力与低下属情绪评价能力一致情境下, 虽然二者也达成了一致, 但该一致是一种“低能”一致性状态, 这并未满足附助性匹配中彼此相容性条件(Cable & Edwards, 2004), 即领导者不具备感知和准确识别下属情绪的能力, 而下属也不具备观察和感知领导情绪变化的能力, 该状态无疑会降低双方行为预测性及增加下属认知模糊性(刘海洋 等, 2016), 进而不益于下属感知内部人身份。以往研究指出领导与下属间的低能一致更易于导致下属产生低归属感、低承诺感及低满意度(Rupprecht, Kueny, Shoss, & Metzger, 2016; Audenaert et al., 2018), 进而表现出更低的内部人身份感知(Ding & Shen, 2017; Stamper & Masterson, 2002)。为此, 本文提出如下假设:

H1:在情绪评价能力一致情况中, 高领导-高下属情绪评价能力比低领导-低下属情绪评价能力更能增进下属内部人身份感知。

在领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力不一致情境下, 我们期望低领导-高下属情绪评价能力比高领导-低下属情绪评价能力更能提升员工的内部人身份感知。附助性匹配的不同主体影响了资源要求与供给的分配模式(陈乐妮, 王桢, 骆南峰, 罗正学, 2016)。具体而言, 在低领导-高下属情绪评价能力不一致情境下, 虽然领导不具备理解和感知下属情绪变化的能力, 但下属具备理解和观察领导情绪变化的能力。这是一种下属主动感知资源要求、领导根据下属要求提供所需资源的附助性匹配。基于Meindl (1995)的研究结果, 下属的认知变化源于其对领导情绪及行为等领导特征的感知。而能够准确感知和理解领导情绪变化的员工更易于获得领导偏私倾向及资源支持(刘超, 柯旭东, 刘军, 王雅晨, 2015)。以往研究已经证实领导的这种社会化与交换策略能够显著提升下属的内部人身份感知(Ding & Shen, 2017; Stamper & Masterson, 2002)。相比之下, 在高领导-低下属情绪评价能力不一致情境下, 领导者具备感知和理解下属情绪变化的能力, 但下属并不能有效获得领导的情绪信息。这是一种领导主动供给资源、下属被动接受资源安排的附助性匹配。这种匹配易于导致在领导与下属的互动活动中, 领导对下属设定高角色期望(彭坚和王霄, 2016), 并通过自身感知到的下属情绪变化采取行为策略(Sosik & Megerian, 1999), 但下属却无从得知领导的行为意图与期望, 这种领导资源支持与员工资源需求间的信息不对称无疑会加剧下属心理不安全感和风险感知(Wang, Blanc, Demerouti, Lu, & Jiang, 2019), 进而降低员工内部人身份感知(Stamper & Masterson, 2002)。为此, 本文提出如下假设:

H2:在情绪评价能力不一致情况中, 低领导-高下属情绪评价能力比高领导-低下属情绪评价能力更能增进下属内部人身份感知。

1.3 内部人身份感知的中介作用

员工建言指员工非正式地、自愿地向上级反映工作中存在的问题, 或发表自己的看法与建议以提升组织运行效率、促进组织变革的一种行为, 其中促进性建言强调提升组织效率的功能, 而抑制性建言强调改变组织现状的功能(Farh, Hackett, & Liang, 2007)。而既有研究也曾证实内部人身份感知对促进性与抑制性建言的影响不存在显著差异(李树文 等, 2020)。为此, 本文将建言作为整体性构念予以阐释。正由于建言兼具改进组织现状与提升组织效率的功能, 进而它是一种典型的挑战-提升型组织公民行为(李树文 等, 2020)。以往众多研究指出, 员工是否建言源于其对建言有效性的评估, 即当建言能为自身带来地位提升(Weiss & Morrison, 2019; Mcclean et al., 2018)、领导认可(Duan et al., 2017)等资源增值时, 员工才会实施建言。为此, 建言也被认为是员工获得工作资源的重要方式(卢红旭 等, 2019)。而内部人身份感知对建言的影响正是根植于这种资源增值和资源可得性逻辑。高内部人身份感知的员工具备更多心理资源(李燕萍 等, 2017), 且更易于获得领导资源支持(Wang et al., 2019)。而基于资源保存理论, 高内部人身份感知的员工为了维护内部人身份、保护既得资源, 更趋向实施建言等资源增值行为(李燕萍 等, 2017; Li et al., 2014)。Grant (2013)也曾从情绪视角研究发现, 员工建言的目的在于情绪表达和获得高绩效评价。为此, 综合假设H1和H2, 本文提出如下假设:


1.4 领导-下属性别相似性的调节作用

性别是典型的人口统计学特征, 且众多研究已经证实不同性别间的角色差异(Ridgeway, 2001; Mccoll-Kennedy & Anderson, 2005), 如女性注重参与、相互依赖和集体性, 男性注重自我满足、自主、竞争和独立(Lanaj & Hollenbeck, 2015; Mccoll-Kennedy & Anderson, 2005)。而这种性别角色差异致使在领导-下属二元关系研究中, 我们需要基于不同性别的角色特征综合考虑领导与下属的性别匹配(Mccoll- Kennedy & Anderson, 2005; Richard, Mckay, Garg, & Pustovit, 2017)。性别的内核是员工扮演的特定社会角色, 即不同性别间具有互补性的角色差异(Lanaj & Hollenbeck, 2015), 需要通过角色互补与角色合作以满足工作中多样性角色需求(Arvate, Galilea, & Todescat, 2018; Major, Morganson, & Bolen, 2013)。因此, 性别间的匹配属于补偿性匹配范畴。基于Cable & Edwards (2004)提出的人-环境匹配理论的雇佣关系模型, 补偿性匹配水平决定了附助性匹配在多大程度上积极影响员工结果。本文预期在不同性别间补偿性匹配情境下, 领导-下属附助性匹配的后效影响程度有所不同。具体而言, 当领导与下属的性别不同时, 领导的性别角色优势能够弥补员工工作中的角色需求(Arvate et al., 2018; Major, Morganson, & Bolen, 2013), 而这种性别角色互补能够强化员工对领导的信任(Molders, Brosi, Sporrle, & Welpe, 2019), 并将“情感共识”作为感知内部人身份的重要来源(Stamper & Masterson, 2002; Jaffé, Rudert, & Greifeneder, 2019)。反之, 当领导与下属性别相同时, 领导为了维护自身地位, 需要证明其在组织环境中与其它同性下属有所不同(Landau, 1995; Ng, Eby, Sorensen, & Feldman, 2005; Arvate et al., 2018), 这增加了领导在工作中的权力动机和权力距离(Schuh et al., 2014)。在这种情况下, 员工与领导间心理距离会逐渐拉长, 并认为其感知到的领导者情绪不足以产生信任(Costigan et al., 2006), 进而抑制领导-下属情绪评价能力间附助性匹配对内部人身份感知的作用。基于此, 提出如下假设:

H4:当领导-下属性别不同时, 情绪评价能力一致对内部人身份感知的影响更强, 进而增进员工建言。

基于以上所述, 本文提出图2所示研究模型。


图2   研究模型

2 研究方法

2.1 研究样本与程序

本研究的调研对象为4家中国传统制造企业的领导及其员工。当前制造企业正处于固化体制打破、观念转变和结构调整的关键期, 这使其具有强烈的建言和上下一致性需求(李树文 等, 2020)。研究为了保证数据质量及降低同源偏差的影响, 采用三时点收集数据, 且每次数据收集的间隔时间为1个月。在问卷发放前一天, 研究者直接与企业总经理或董事长联系, 并与发放部门的主管沟通、索要员工名单与现场观察。在问卷发放前, 研究者对领导与下属的问卷进行编码, 以匹配领导与其下属, 编码原理只有研究团队人员知道。调研问卷均以纸质形式现场发放, 现场不方便填写或当日不在现场的员工, 研究者不予考虑。第一次问卷由员工填写性别、年龄、学历等特征变量及情绪评价能力, 共收集302份问卷。第二次问卷由直接领导填写性别、年龄、学历等特征变量及情绪评价能力, 共收集281对领导-下属配对问卷, 研究者在数据统计时, 将第一次对应编码的21位员工数据予以剔除。第三次问卷由员工填写内部人身份感知与员工建言, 收集254位员工问卷, 有27位第二次填答的员工不在现场。因此, 最终剔除第一次填答问卷的48位员工问卷, 剔除第二次填答问卷的27位员工问卷, 获得254位员工问卷。然后, 在剔除严重缺失及作答不认真的无效问卷后, 最终获得43位领导与182位下属的配对问卷, 有效回收率71.7%。最终分析的领导样本中, 性别为男性占81.0%, 女性占19.0%; 年龄25~35岁占2.4%, 35~45岁占42.9%, 45~60岁占54.7%; 学历为大专占2.4%, 本科占61.9%, 硕士占21.4%, 博士占14.3%。最终分析的样本中, 被调研员工性别为男性占60.4%, 女性占39.6%; 年龄小于25岁占1.1%, 25~35岁占20.9%, 35~45岁占50.5%, 45~60岁占27.5%; 学历为高中占4.9%, 大专占15.9%, 本科占63.7%, 硕士占14.8%, 博士占0.7%。

2.2 测量工具

本研究变量均采取Likert 5点量表(1 = 完全不同意; 5 = 完全同意)予以测量。情绪评价能力采用Wong和Law (2002)发展的他人情绪评价的测量量表, 共4个题项。领导情绪评价能力与员工情绪评价能力条目相同, 只是变换了填写条目的主语。领导情绪评价能力的Cronbach α系数为0.88, 示例条目有“我经常可以从我的员工的行为中观察到他们的情绪”; 员工情绪评价能力的Cronbach α系数为0.89, 示例条目有“我经常可以从我的领导的行为中观察到他的情绪”。内部人身份感知采用Stamper和Masterson (2002)发展的量表, 由于第三和第五个题项恰好相反, 为此本文将两个题项相互对比作为测谎题项, 并在数据分析中删除第三个题项, 最终保留5个条目, Cronbach α系数为0.91, 示例条目有“我能强烈地感觉到自己是公司的一员”。员工建言采用Liang, Farh和Farh (2012)的测量工具, 促进性和抑制性建言各5个测量条目, Cronbach α系数分别为0.88、0.93, 示例条目有“就可能会造成公司损失的问题, 我实话实说, 即使其他人持有不同意见”、“我就改善公司工作程序积极地提出了建议”。借鉴刘海洋等(2016)的研究, 领导-下属性别相似性采用虚拟变量衡量, 其中0 = 相同性别、1 = 不同性别。研究将员工年龄、学历、领导-下属年龄相似性、领导-下属学历相似性作为本研究控制变量。

3 数据分析结果

3.1 描述性统计分析

表1列示了各变量的均值、标准差及相关系数, 员工建言与下属情绪评价能力、内部人身份感知正相关, 这为主效应及中介效应检验奠定了基础。

表1   研究变量的描述性统计及相关系数


注:N = 43, n = 182; 对角线为信度系数; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 (双尾检验)

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3.2 验证性因子分析

本研究运用Lisrel 8.7结构方程对本研究员工评价的四因子进行了构念间的区分效度检验, 分析结果如表2。比较可知, 在各因子模型中, 四因子模型的拟合度最好(χ2/df = 2.45, RMSEA = 0.09, SRMR = 0.06, CFI = 0.97, NFI = 0.95)。除了四因子基准模型外, 本文对变量间组合的三个竞争模型进行检验, 其拟合优度均弱于基准模型, 表明本文的4个变量之间具有良好的区分效度。

表2   研究变量的验证性因子分析结果


注:四因子模型:下属情绪评价能力、内部人身份感知、促进性建言、抑制性建言; 三因子模型:下属情绪评价能力、内部人身份感知、促进性建言+抑制性建言; 二因子模型:下属情绪评价能力+内部人身份感知、促进性建言+抑制性建言; 单因子模型:下属情绪评价能力+内部人身份感知+促进性建言+抑制性建言

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3.3 领导-下属情绪评价能力匹配对内部人身份感知的影响

本研究采用跨层次多项式回归与响应面分析检验一致性假设。在假设检验前, 本文对样本的分布比例进行统计, 以判断是否适合采用响应面和多项式回归方法。结果显示, 领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力间一致的样本比例为14.20%, 领导情绪评价能力大于下属情绪评价能力的样本比例为48.35%, 领导情绪评价能力小于下属情绪评价能力的样本比例为37.45%, 均大于阈值10%。因此, 本文样本适合采用响应面与多项式回归方法。遵照Edwards和Parry (1993)等学者建议, 构建Z = b0 + b1F + b2L + b3F2 + b4F×L + b5L2 + e回归方程, 其中b0均为常数项, b1等均为回归系数, e为误差项。表3中响应面分析结果表明, 沿一致线(F = L), 横截面的斜率显著为正(斜率 = 0.54, p < 0.01), 说明相较于“低领导-低下属”情绪评价能力一致, 在“高领导-高下属”情绪评价能力一致情况下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高; 沿不一致线(F = -L), 横截面的斜率显著为负(斜率 = -0.95, p < 0.01), 说明相较于“高领导-低下属”情绪评价能力不一致情境, 在“低领导-高下属”情绪评价能力不一致情况下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高。同时, 响应面沿着一致线的曲率不显著(曲率 = -0.09, n.s.), 沿着不一致线的曲率也不显著(曲率 = 0.05, n.s.), 表明领导-下属情绪评价能力匹配与内部人身份感知间具有线性关系。假设H1和H2得到支持。

表3   内部人身份感知的多项式回归与响应面分析结果

截距4.03** (0.54)3.48** (0.42)3.62** (0.45)
员工性别-0.17 (0.14)-0.16 (0.10)-0.23* (0.12)
员工年龄-0.01 (0.13)0.15 (0.09)0.12 (0.11)
员工学历0.13 (0.09)0.13* (0.07)0.16* (0.07)
领导-下属性别相似性-0.01 (0.15)0.03 (0.11)0.05 (0.12)
领导-下属年龄相似性-0.01 (0.14)-0.11 (0.11)-0.02 (0.11)
领导-下属学历相似性-0.01 (0.21)0.23 (0.16)0.09 (0.17)
领导情绪评价能力(L)-0.22 (0.25)-0.21 (0.16)
下属情绪评价能力(F)0.74** (0.06)0.74** (0.09)
领导情绪评价能力平方(L2)-0.02 (0.05)
领导×下属情绪评价能力(LF)-0.07 (0.26)
下属情绪评价能力平方(F2)-0.01 (0.06)
一致性斜率0.52** (0.26)0.54** (0.18)
一致性曲率-0.09 (0.27)
不一致性斜率-0.96** (0.26)-0.95** (0.18)
不一致性曲率0.05 (0.27)

注:+p < 0.1; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, 括号中为标准误

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为了更形象的揭示领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力对内部人身份感知的影响, 本研究进一步以领导情绪评价能力为X轴, 以下属情绪评价能力为Y轴, 以内部人身份感知为Z轴, 拟合得到领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力的三维模式图(见图3)。由图可见, 响应面大致呈平面, 表明该关系为线性关系; 后角(高-高)的内部人身份感知比前角(低-低)更高, 左角(低-高)比右角(高-低)更高, 并且领导与下属情绪评价能力在“低-高”情境下最高, 这进一步支持了假设H1和H2。


图3   领导-下属情绪评价能力一致对员工内部人身份感知的影响

3.4 内部人身份感知的中介作用

鉴于以上研究结果, 本文遵照Edwards和Cable (2009)提出的块变量(block variable)计算方法, 将F、L、F2、F×L、L2的原始值与其表3模型3多项式回归系数乘积后加总作为情绪评价能力一致的区集变量, 并运用SPSS 23.0及其PROCESS宏程序进行假设验证。表4列示了中介效应检验结果。结果显示, 情绪评价能力一致对促进性建言的直接效应为0.41, 95% CI为[0.14, 0.68], 不包含0; 通过内部人身份感知的间接效应为0.25, 95% CI为[0.02, 0.48], 不包含0, 这表明内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与促进性建言间起部分中介作用。同理可知, 情绪评价能力一致对抑制性建言的直接效应为0.30, 95% CI为[0.05, 0.55], 不包含0; 通过内部人身份感知的间接效应为0.32, 95% CI为[0.11, 0.55], 不包含0, 这表明内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与抑制性建言间起部分中介作用。为使中介效应结论更加稳健, 本文采用sobel test对中介效应进行再检验。结果显示, 内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与促进性建言、抑制性建言间的中介效应分别为2.50 (p < 0.05)、3.35 (p < 0.01), 表明内部人身份感知具有显著中介作用。假设H3得到支持。

表4   内部人身份感知中介作用检验

因变量Sobel test效应类别效应大小标准误95%置信区间

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3.5 领导-下属性别相似性的调节作用

由于领导-下属性别相似性为类别变量, 为此本文采用在不同类别情境下测试内部人身份感知的中介作用, 以检验领导-下属性别相似性的调节效应, 结果如表5所示。当领导-下属性别相同时, 内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致和促进性建言的中介作用在10%水平上显著(β = 0.21, p < 0.1); 在情绪评价能力一致和抑制性建言的中介作用不显著(β = 0.20, n.s.)。当领导-下属性别不同时, 内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致和促进性建言、抑制性建言间的中介作用分别在5%和1%水平上显著(β = 0.36, p < 0.05; β = 0.53, p < 0.01)。可见, 较领导-下属性别相同情境, 内部人身份感知在领导-下属性别不同情境下具有更显著的中介作用。为此, 假设H4得到支持。

表5   领导-下属性别相似性的调节作用检验

Model 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Model 7Model 8

注:+p < 0.1; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01

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4 讨论

4.1 结果和贡献讨论

本研究以中国传统制造企业的182对领导-下属为调研对象, 结合人-环境匹配与资源保存理论, 探讨了领导与下属情绪评价能力一致对员工建言影响的路径与边界。尽管既有研究从管理制度(赵红丹, 陈元华, 郑伟波, 2019)、组织战略(段锦云 等, 2017)、团队氛围(Morrison et al., 2011)、领导行为(胥彦, 李超平, 2018)、个体压力(卢红旭 等, 2019)等多层面、多视角对建言的前因做了有益尝试, 但却鲜有关注个体情绪对建言的推动或阻碍作用。而本研究的目的在于从领导-下属的情绪评价能力匹配视角来探讨员工建言的发生机制。我们发现内部人身份感知在领导-下属情绪评价能力一致与员工建言间扮演中介角色; 而在领导-下属情绪评价能力一致情境下, 高领导-高下属情绪评价能力更能带来高员工内部人身份感知; 在领导-下属情绪评价能力不一致情境下, 低领导-高下属情绪评价能力更能带来高员工内部人身份感知。同时, 我们将领导-下属性别相似性引入研究模型中, 发现领导-下属性别不同更能增进情绪评价能力一致对下属内部人身份感知的影响, 进而提升员工建言。综合本文的研究结果, 其理论贡献主要体现于三方面。

首先, 本研究成功地将情绪纳入建言的发生机制, 揭示了领导与下属情绪评价能力一致对员工建言影响的心理过程。建言行为是一种挑战-提升型组织公民行为(李树文 等, 2020), 可能如其它组织公民行为一样, 受到员工情绪、认知变化的影响(Little et al., 2016; Weiss & Cropanzano, 1996)。而且, 基于人-环境匹配理论中的附助性匹配观点, 如果个体与领导能够在情绪评价能力方面呈现出较高相似契合度, 个体在认知方面就会表现出较高情境适应性, 进而对他们的认知产生积极影响(Zhang et al., 2012)。因此, 本文综合考虑了员工情绪评价能力与领导情绪评价能力, 提出了领导-下属情绪评价能力对员工内部人身份感知的匹配影响, 及内部人身份感知在领导-下属情绪评价能力一致与建言间的中介作用。这突破了以往研究仅强调组织、领导或个体等单层面因素对员工认知及建言的作用, 而把焦点放到领导与下属二元情绪评价能力匹配关系中。另一方面, 既有众多研究强调员工是否愿意建言源于其建言有效性, 如建言能够为员工带来地位、绩效、认可等资源(Weiss & Morrison, 2019; Mcclean et al., 2018; Duan et al., 2017), 而高内部人身份感知的员工具备更多资源(李燕萍 等, 2017)。本文在此基础上, 基于资源保存理论, 进一步在领导-下属二元框架下揭示出具备更多资源的“内部人”为了实现资源增值而更倾向于实施建言。这不仅从员工认知视角连接了情绪与建言间关系, 为建言的发生提供了更多解释路径; 而且整合了人-环境匹配理论与资源保存理论, 为人-环境匹配的理论延伸与融合提供了思路。

其次, 本研究在领导-下属二元关系中明确了下属情绪评价能力是实现内部人身份感知与员工建言的必要条件。虽然研究结果表明在一致性情境下, 高领导-高下属情绪评价能力更能带来员工内部人身份感知, 进而增进建言; 而在不一致情境下, 低领导-高下属情绪评价能力更有效。但值得关注得是, 我们在表3中可以看到, 响应面沿着一致线与不一致线的曲率均不显著(曲率 = -0.09, n.s.; 曲率 = 0.05, n.s.), 这表明高领导-高下属情绪评价能力一致与低领导-高下属情绪评价能力不一致间并无显著差异, 即下属是否具备高情绪评价能力是其内部人身份感知与建言的必要条件。这进一步支持了建言是一种基于员工自我概念的角色外行为(Duan et al., 2017), 即员工是否建言源于其本身的观察和感知。同时, 低领导-高下属情绪评价能力不一致对内部人身份感知的影响也支持了附助性匹配中领导按照下属要求配置资源的有效性的结论(陈乐妮 等, 2016)。这不仅在Grant (2013)的情绪调节能力(自我情绪评价)研究基础上, 将建言发生的情绪前因拓展至员工情绪评价能力(他人情绪评价), 从领导-下属匹配关系中厘清了建言的发生条件, 而且为未来建言的情绪机制的实体化研究提供了思路。

最后, 本研究的另一重要理论贡献是将性别纳入领导-下属二元匹配关系中, 从人-环境匹配的补偿性视角提出并检验了领导-下属性别相似性对内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与员工建言间中介效应的调节作用。这回答了领导-下属情绪评价能力一致何时更能通过内部人身份感知影响员工建言。虽然领导-成员交换理论早已表明领导与下属间具有复杂的互动关联, 甚至部分研究也开始强调领导与下属间不同性别组合在认知、行为等方面存在着显著差异(Pelled & Xin, 1997; Tsui & Egan, 1992; Ridgeway, 2001), 但我们不清楚领导与下属间如何组合更能增进员工的认知与行为。且现有组织行为研究多将领导、员工性别作为控制变量, 或将员工性别作为行为转换的边界条件(Capezio et al., 2017), 而鲜有关注领导与下属的性别组合。基于此, 本文将领导-下属性别相似性纳入情绪评价能力对员工建言的影响模型中, 发现了领导与下属性别不同更能增进员工将其与领导间的情绪一致转化为内部人身份感知。这不仅在建言发生机制中找到了人口统计学的性别解释, 实现了性别与领导-下属二元关系的融合; 而且从实证上支持了Cable和Edwards (2004)提出的人-环境匹配理论的雇佣关系模型, 即性别间补偿性匹配能够强化附助性匹配(领导-下属情绪评价能力一致)对建言的影响。

4.2 研究局限与未来方向

虽然本文在情绪评价能力及性别匹配方面具有一定贡献, 但不可避免存在一些不足。首先, 虽然本文采用了多时点采样的研究设计, 但这仍然属于横截面数据, 未实现纵贯设计(Ellis, Nifadkar, Bauer & Erdogan, 2017)。这在一定程度上不能很好的反映各变量间的因果关系。为此, 未来研究可以从两方面着手:一是将所有变量进行多时点采样, 并引入时间变量, 探究各变量间的动态影响关系; 二是采样经验取样法, 在工作日内不同时间点对同一研究对象进行连续抽样, 以此探究各变量间的动态影响关系。其次, 人口统计学指标能够为组织行为研究带来更多解释和研究思路, 虽然本文采用了性别相似性, 但在人口统计学相似性指标中, 还有民族相似性、年龄相似性、教育相似性等等。已有部分社会学学者将管理学概念引入人口统计学的学历相似性和年龄相似性研究中, 并发现这些相似性均有着显著影响。为此, 未来研究可以将管理学与人口统计学指标深度结合, 以获得更有趣和有价值的结论。最后, 为了降低社会称许性对研究结论的影响, 本文虽然采用多时点、多来源数据收集及测谎题项设置, 但这仍难以消除主观成分带来的结果偏差。因此, 未来研究可以着重从方法或测量方面予以控制, 如采用内隐实验法探讨情绪评价能力与员工建言的因果关系, 或在控制变量中加入社会称许性变量。

5 结论

研究获得如下结论:(1)在领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力匹配的一致性情境中, 相较“低领导-低下属”情绪评价能力一致匹配情境, 在“高领导-高下属”情绪评价能力一致情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高。(2)在领导情绪评价能力与下属情绪评价能力匹配的不一致情境中, 相较“高领导-低下属”情绪评价能力不一致匹配情境, 在“低领导-高下属”情绪评价能力不一致匹配情境下, 员工的内部人身份感知更高。(3)内部人身份感知在情绪评价能力一致与促进性建言、抑制性建言间起部分中介作用。(4)相较领导-下属性别相同, 当领导-下属性别不同时, 员工内部人身份感知的中介作用更强。




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Complementary and supplementary fit represent 2 distinct traditions within the person-environment fit paradigm. However, these traditions have progressed in parallel but separate streams. This article articulates the theoretical underpinnings of the 2 traditions, using psychological need fulfillment and value congruence as prototypes of each tradition. Using a sample of 963 adult employees ranging from laborers to executives, the authors test 3 alternative conceptual models that examine the complementary and supplementary traditions. Results show that an integrative model dominates the other two, such that both traditions simultaneously predict outcomes in different ways.

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Work engagement has been recognized as a positive state of employees, which can lead to the increased effectiveness of individuals and organizations. In exploring the antecedents of work engagement, prior empirical studies ignored the effects of person-environment fit. The congruence and incongruence effects of subordinate- leader traits have caught researchers&rsquo; attentions recently. Extraversion is functioned in daily interactions. We tend to examine the effects of subordinate-leader extraversion fit. Base on the dominance complementarity theory, this study examined the effects of the leader-subordinate extraversion congruence and incongruence on subordinate work engagement. A structured questionnaire was employed as the research instrument for this study. It consisted of four sub-scales designed to measure the variables of interest, namely extraversion, work engagement, conscientiousness and value congruence (the last two are control variables). A field army in northwest China sample was collected in the two time points and from two different raters (soldiers and their immediate monitors) in order to lower the common method biases. 743 dyads&rsquo; information of soldiers and their immediate monitors was valid. Cronbach&rsquo;s alpha coefficients for the above measures were from 0.75 to 0.94, showing acceptable measurement reliabilities. Results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated the discriminate validity of the measurement was also satisfactory. Polynomial regression analysis was employed to explore the effects of congruence and incongruence between leader and subordinate extraversion on subordinate work engagement. Response surface technology was applied to present the results. In line with the hypotheses, results showed that: (1) The more incongruence of subordinate and leader extraversion level, the more work engaged subordinate would be; (2) Under the condition of subordinate and leader extraversion incongruence, the higher level of subordinate extraversion and lower level of leader extraversion, the more work engaged subordinate would be; (3) Under the condition of subordinate and leader extraversion congruence, the relationship of leader-subordinate extraversions and subordinate work engagement presented a &ldquo;inverted U curve&rdquo;, that is, subordinate work engagement level rose to a peak and then fell down as leader-subordinate extraversions levels rose. Theoretically, this study contributed to the areas of work engagement, leadership and person-environment fit. Especially, the results expanded the studies of antecedents of work engagement from person-environment fit perspectives, underlining the significance of employee&rsquo;s subjective initiatives in predicting work engagement. Meanwhile, the results broadened the research of leadership effectiveness from the leader-follower interactive perspectives. Moreover, the results supported the dominant complementarity theory in the person-environment fit domain and draw a detailed picture about the different types of fits. Practically, the studies contributed to effectiveness of recruitment and selection and domain of improvement of leadership effectiveness. Finally, the limitations and future research directions were discussed.

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Speaking up in groups: A cross-level study of group voice climate and voice

Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(1), 183-191.

DOI:10.1037/a0020744      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Despite a growing body of research on employee voice defined as the discretionary communication of ideas, suggestions, or opinions intended to improve organizational or unit functioning the effects of shared or collective-level cognitions have received scant attention. There has also been relatively little research on voice within work groups. Our goal in this study was to address these important gaps by focusing on the effects of group-level beliefs about voice (i.e., group voice climate) on individual voice behavior within work groups. We conducted a cross-level investigation of voice behavior within 42 groups of engineers from a large chemical company. Consistent with our hypotheses, group voice climate was highly predictive of voice and explained variance beyond the effects of individual-level identification and satisfaction, and procedural justice climate. Also consistent with predictions, the effect of identification on voice was stronger in groups with favorable voice climates. These findings provide evidence that voice is shaped not just by individual attitudes and perceptions of the work context, as past research has shown, but also by group-level beliefs. The results also highlight the importance of broadening our conceptual models of voice to include shared cognitions and of conducting additional cross-level research on voice.

Ng, T. W. H., Eby, L. T., Sorensen, K. L., & Feldman, D. C. (2005).

Predictors of objective and subjective career success: A meta-analysis

Personnel Psychology, 58(2), 367-408.

DOI:10.1111/peps.2005.58.issue-2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Pelled, L. H., & Xin, K. R. (1997).

Birds of a feather: Leader- member demographic similarity and organizational attachment in Mexico

The Leadership Quarterly, 8(4), 433-450.

DOI:10.1016/S1048-9843(97)90023-0      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Peng, J., & Wang, X. (2016).

I will perform effectively if you are with me: Leader-follower congruence in followership prototype, job engagement and job performance

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 48(9), 1151-1162.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2016.01151      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In organizational settings, scholars have suggested that individuals naturally tend to classify people into two types: leader and follower. While a substantial body of research has established implicit leadership theories (ILTs) in the past three decades, the corresponding notion of implicit followership theories (IFTs) has relatively received little research attention (Sy, 2010). IFTs are defined as individuals&rsquo; personal assumptions about the traits that characterize followers, which include followership prototype and anti-prototype. To date, most research focuses on the consequence of followership prototype and suggests that followership prototype could enhance job performance through leader&rsquo;s performance expectations, leader-member exchange and liking for followers. From these aforementioned studies, however, some research gaps have not been addressed. Firstly, the previous research on followership prototype becomes less convincing for they failed to integrate the follower&rsquo;s followership prototype into the model for examination. Secondly, prior studies have predominantly focused on the effect of followership prototype on task performance and organizational citizenship behavior, while ingoring contextual performance. Thirdly, very few studies discuss the mediating role of job engagement in the relationship between followership prototype and performance. To fill such research gaps, the present study aims to examine the effects of leader-follower congruence in followership prototype on task and contextual performance, as well as the mediating role of job engagement. Data were collected from 243 leader-follower dyads in 64 teams of nine companies in China. Since our data contained a hierarchical structure in which individual scores were nested within teams, we used hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to conduct cross level polynomial regression combining with response surface analysis. Based on the results, our research presents four conclusions: (1) In terms of the effects on different performance type, leader-follower congruence in followership prototype is positively related to contextual performance but not task performance. (2) In the case of leader-follower congruence, task and contextual performance is higher when followers and leaders are aligned at a high level of followership prototype than when they are at a low level. (3) In the case of incongruence, task and contextual performance is higher when a follower&rsquo;s followership prototype is higher than a leader&rsquo;s as compared to when a leader&rsquo;s followership prototype is higher than a follower&rsquo;s. (4) Job engagement mediates the effect of leader-follower congruence in followership prototype on task and contextual performance. Our findings offer several important theoretical and practical implications. With regard to theoretical implications, the present research extends the extant IFTs literature from a single-sided perspective to a leader-follower congruence perspective, supporting the person-supervision fit theory and contributing to the research on IFTs, job performance and work engagement. As far as practical implications, we suggest that managers should consider testing leader-follower IFTs before building or reconstructing a team and arrange the leaders and followers who share similar self-reported IFTs in a team. Finally, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.

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心理学报, 48(9), 1151-1162.]

[本文引用: 1]

Richard, O. C., Mckay, P. F., Garg, S., & Pustovit, S. (2019).

The impact of supervisor-subordinate racial-ethnic and gender dissimilarity on mentoring quality and turnover intentions: Do positive affectivity and communal culture matter?

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(22), 3138-3165.

DOI:10.1080/09585192.2017.1344288      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Ridgeway, C. L. (2001).

Gender, status, and leadership

Journal of Social Issues, 57(4), 637-655.

DOI:10.1111/0022-4537.00233      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Rupprecht, E. A., Kueny, C. R., Shoss, M. K., & Metzger, A. J. (2016).

Getting what you want: How fit between desired and received leader sensitivity influences emotion and counterproductive work behavior

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21(4), 443-454.

DOI:10.1037/a0040074      URL     PMID:26784688      [本文引用: 1]

We challenge the intuitive belief that greater leader sensitivity is always associated with desirable outcomes for employees and organizations. Specifically, we argue that followers' idiosyncratic desires for, and perceptions of, leader sensitivity behaviors play a key role in how followers react to their leader's sensitivity. Moreover, these resulting affective experiences are likely to have important consequences for organizations, specifically as they relate to employee counterproductive work behavior (CWB). Drawing from supplies-values (S-V) fit theory and the stressor-emotion model of CWB, the current study focuses on the affective and behavioral consequences of fit between subordinates' ideal leader sensitivity behavior preferences and subordinates' perceptions of their actual leader's sensitivity behaviors. Polynomial regression analyses reveal that congruence between ideal and actual leader sensitivity influences employee negative affect and, consequently, engagement in counterproductive work behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record

Schuh, S. C., Hernandez Bark, A. S., Van Quaquebeke, N., Hossiep, R., Frieg, P., & Van Dick, R. (2014).

Gender differences in leadership role occupancy: The mediating role of power motivation

Journal of Business Ethics, 120(3), 363-379.

DOI:10.1007/s10551-013-1663-9      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Although the proportion of women in leadership positions has grown over the past decades, women are still underrepresented in leadership roles, which poses an ethical challenge to society at large but business in particular. Accordingly, a growing body of research has attempted to unravel the reasons for this inequality. Besides theoretical progress, a central goal of these studies is to inform measures targeted at increasing the share of women in leadership positions. Striving to contribute to these efforts and drawing on several theoretical approaches, the present study provides a contemporary examination of (a) whether women and men differ in their levels of power motivation and (b) whether potential gender differences in this motivation contribute to the unequal distribution of women and men in leadership positions. Results from four studies provide converging support for these assumptions. Specifically, we found that women consistently reported lower power motivation than men. This in turn mediated the link between gender and leadership role occupancy. These results were robust to several methodological variations including samples from different populations (i.e., student samples and large heterogeneous samples of employee), diverse operationalizations of power motivation and leadership role occupancy (self- and other ratings), and study design (cross-sectional and time-lagged designs). Implications for theory and practice, including ways to contribute to a more equal gender distribution in leadership positions, are discussed.

Sosik, J. J., & Megerian, L. E. (1999).

Understanding leader emotional intelligence and performance: The role of self-other agreement on transformational leadership perceptions

Group & Organization Management, 24(3), 367-390.

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Insider or outsider? How employee perceptions of insider status affect their work behavior

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Being different: Relational demography and organizational attachment

Administrative Science Quarterly, 37(4), 549-579.

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A social identity perspective on the association between leader-member exchange and job insecurity

European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(6), 800-809.

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Affective events theory: A theoretical discussion of the structure, causes and consequences of affective experiences at work

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Weiss, M., & Morrison E. W. (2019).

Speaking up and moving up: How voice can enhance employees’ social status

Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(1), 5-19.

DOI:10.1002/job.v40.1      URL     [本文引用: 3]

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The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and attitude: An exploratory study

The Leadership Quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.

DOI:10.1016/S1048-9843(02)00099-1      URL     [本文引用: 2]

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How servant leadership influence employees’ voice? The role of trust in leadership and negative attribution

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[本文引用: 2]

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Awakening employee creativity: The role of leader emotional intelligence

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DOI:10.1016/S1048-9843(03)00051-1      URL     [本文引用: 1]


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