ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2019, 51(4): 437-449 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00437


接受还是拒绝? 反应模式助推基础课与拓展课均衡选择

刘隽1,2, 张震1,2, 孙彦2,3, 韩布新1,2, 陆勤4, 刘萍萍,1,2

1 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室(中国科学院心理研究所), 北京 100101

2 中国科学院大学心理学系, 北京 100049

3 中国科学院行为科学重点实验室(中国科学院心理研究所), 北京 100101

4 香港理工大学电子计算学系, 香港

Accept or reject?The nudge effect of response options on making a balanced choice between enhancement and enrichment classes

LIU Jun1,2, ZHANG Zhen1,2, SUN Yan2,3, HAN Bu-Xin1,2, LU Qin4, LIU Ping-Ping,1,2

1 CAS Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Beijing 100101, China

2 Department of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

3 CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science, Institute of Psychology, Beijing 100101, China

4 Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

通讯作者: 刘萍萍,

收稿日期: 2018-08-14   网络出版日期: 2019-04-25

基金资助: * 国家自然科学基金项目.  31600887

Received: 2018-08-14   Online: 2019-04-25


近年课外辅导成为学生学习生活的重要部分, 人们普遍选择拓展课数较多, 选择基础课数较少。为了实现基础课及拓展课学习的均衡发展, 本研究在“接受或拒绝反应模式” ( Shafir, 1993)的理论框架指导下, 通过3个实验探索反应模式对小学生课外辅导课程类型(基础课/拓展课)选择的影响。实验1探讨来自不同家庭的三代人(小学生/父母/祖辈)在不同反应模式(接受/拒绝)下的课程决策差异。为排除不同家庭环境因素的可能影响, 实验2探讨来自同一家庭的三代人在不同反应模式下的课程决策差异。实验3在真实的课外辅导现场报名点检验反应模式助推基础课选择的生态化效度。结果表明, (1)父母组选择的辅导课总数显著多于祖辈组和小学生组; (2)三代人在接受和拒绝反应模式下均偏好选择拓展课; (3)同接受反应模式相比, 三代人均在拒绝反应模式下选择更多课程, 具体表现在拒绝反应模式下对基础课和拓展课的选择数均相对增加, 但对拓展课的选择比例相对减少, 对基础课的选择比例相对增加, 课程的选择趋于均衡。鉴于此, 在选课中简单地采用拒绝反应模式, 便可助推小学生家庭选择更多基础课, 从而实现基础课及拓展课的均衡选择。本研究成功验证了拒绝反应模式在儿童教育决策领域的适用性, 对儿童教育者及学生家庭有重要现实指导意义。

关键词: 反应模式 ; 助推 ; 课外辅导 ; 课程类型 ; 决策者角色


In recent years, extracurricular classes have always been hot topics of research in areas such as Education, Economics and Sociology. Taking extracurricular classes have become an important part of student lives. There are two types of curricula for students: (1) the enhancement classes which aim to improve the learning abilities and academic performance; (2) the enrichment classes which focus on developing the comprehensive abilities, such as interests and specialties. Recent studies have shown that enrichment classes of various kinds are much more popular than enhancement classes targeted for improvement of academic performances. Primary school students and their parents tend to choose enrichment classes which are more enjoyable than enhance classes which have long-term benefit academically. How can we achieve the balance in choosing between the two types of curricula? Guided by the theoretic framework of the Nudge Effect of the two response options - Accept and Reject, this work explores the task-type effect of accept and reject as different options to influence the selection of different types of classes through three experiments.

Experiment 1 observes the difference in class selection strategy categorized by generations as three groups (students/parents/grand-parents) of different families under the two response options. Experiment 2 observes the difference in class selection strategy by three generations of the same family under the two response options. The design and procedures of the two experiments are similar except participants invited under the laboratory scenario. It adopts a 2 (response options: accept/reject; between-subjects variable) × 2 (curricula types: enhancement classes / enrichment classes; within-subjects variable) × 3 (types of decision makers: primary school students / primary school parents / grandparents; between-subjects variable) mixed design. Results show that (1) people in the parent group tend to select more classes than that of both the student group and the grand-parent group; (2) all three groups tend to select more enrichment classes than academic enhancement classes no matter which response option is used; and (3) when comparing the two response options, all three groups tend to select more number of classes under the reject option. More specifically, under the reject option, people tend to select more enhancement classes relatively than that in the accept option. However, under the reject option, the differences between enrichment classes and enhancement classes are narrowed, which means the selection of enrichment classes and academic enhancement classes are more balanced under the reject option.

Experiment 3 is conducted as a field study to directly talk to people who are submitting applications for extracurricular classes to see whether the use of different response options can indeed influence their decision making on the spot. It adopts a 2 (response options: accept/reject; between-subjects variable) × 2 (curricula types: enhancement classes / enrichment classes; within-subjects variable) mixed design. Consistent with those results of Experiment 1 & 2, Experiment 3 shows that parents tend to select more classes in the rejection response condition than in the acceptance response condition. Participants also tend to select enrichment classes in both response conditions. However, their preference to enhancement classes in the rejection response condition was significantly higher than that in the acceptance response condition. All the three experiments show that the rejection response option has a significant boost to a more balanced selection of primary school parents.

This study successfully proved that the use of the reject option is also applicable to decision making strategies of child education. The result of this work can serve as a direct reference to both educators as well as student families when making choices on extracurricular classes.

Keywords: response options ; nudging ; extracurricular classes ; curricula types ; decision makers

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刘隽, 张震, 孙彦, 韩布新, 陆勤, 刘萍萍. 接受还是拒绝? 反应模式助推基础课与拓展课均衡选择 . 心理学报[J], 2019, 51(4): 437-449 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00437

LIU Jun, ZHANG Zhen, SUN Yan, HAN Bu-Xin, LU Qin, LIU Ping-Ping. Accept or reject?The nudge effect of response options on making a balanced choice between enhancement and enrichment classes. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2019, 51(4): 437-449 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2019.00437

1 前言

课外辅导指学生在学校教育系统之外的补充或拓展, 现已成为学生生活的重要方面(Liu & Bray, 2017; Mark & Ora, 2013; 薛海平, 2015)。《2017年中国教育培训行业白皮书》显示参加课外辅导的学生平均选择2.6门课, 其中选课者是小学生的比例最高(91%)。课外辅导课程分两种, 一种是旨在提高学生学习能力及补习文化知识的基础课, 如英语、作文、奥数等, 另一种是旨在培养学生才艺技能且有趣好玩的拓展课, 如音乐、绘画、游泳等(张冰, 2017)。基础课培养学生的基础学力, 为其毕生发展和适应未来社会奠定基石; 拓展课则从知识广度方面培养学生的发展性学力, 满足其个性化需求。两类课程相互依存, 重要程度相当(沈建民, 谢利民, 2001)。

鉴于有趣好玩、多样性和对学校课程的互补性, 人们可能倾向选择拓展课辅导。伍青生和俞晔(2011)以上海400位小学生家长为样本, 发现人们主要从短期内孩子是否开心、感兴趣的角度选择课外辅导。课外辅导的多样性体现在课程科目和教学形式, 课程科目的多样性指提供常规学校没有开设的课程, 教学形式的多样性指提供特色的场景教学及个性化服务等。拓展课的多样性显而易见, 一般从课程名称(如跆拳道课)即可感知其与学校课程的差异。但是基础课以教学形式的多样性为主, 其在内容上的多样性相对隐蔽, 科目更少(主要围绕语文、数学、英语三学科), 且同学校课程相似度高, 易让人感到“课程重复” (陈晓陆, 2014)。因此, 人们更可能选择拓展课而非基础课辅导。

然而, 参照国内外的教育评价体制及日益竞争激烈的人才选拔现状, 为学生奠定基石的基础课理应得到更多关注。季林飞(2015)发现, 受全球化和教育指标国际排名的影响, 欧盟各成员国普遍偏好数学、科学和语言等基础课辅导, 主要源于这些科目是升学考试科目, 重视它们对学生发展更有利。基础课在我国同样是升学考试学科, 学生可以通过校外辅导奠定基础, 获取个性化服务, 更好地适应学校教育并达到评价标准。而家长希望通过课外辅导弥补学校教育的不足(黄笛, 2015), 促进孩子全面且个性化发展。因此, 如何实现基础课与拓展课均衡的选择成为目前教育的一个难点。

大量研究发现, 信息呈现方式影响人们的选择偏好(Bertini, Ofek, & Dan, 2009; Dhar & Wertenbroch, 2000; 黄元娜, 宋星云, 邵洋, 李纾, 梁竹苑, 2018)。换言之, 我们通过更改信息呈现方式, 可能会助推(nudge)人们的选择行为。助推是一种行为改变的方法, 通过设计决策环境, 提供简约且低成本的选择架构, 使人们的行为朝着预期的方向改变, 已在医疗健康、能源使用等多个领域的行为改变中取得显著成果(Benartzi et al., 2017; Chapman, Li, Colby, & Yoon, 2010; Li, Sun, & Chen, in press; Sunstein & Reisch, 2014; Thaler & Benartzi, 2004; Thaler & Sunstein, 2008; 李纾, 2016)。在本研究中, 我们将借助行为经济学手段, 通过改变决策偏好的方法, 检验反应模式效应(response mode)对人们教育决策的助推作用。

1.1 反应模式效应及其发生机制

人们的决定通常以“接受”或“拒绝”的反应模式表现出来(李纾, 2016), 其决策偏好受到反应模式的显著影响(Chen & Proctor, 2017; Mourali & Nagpal, 2013; Shafir, 1993; Tversky & Kahneman, 1981; 黄元娜 等, 2018)。Shafir (1993)基于离婚案件、度假地点和彩票选择等多个决策场景的实证研究发现, 率先提出接受或拒绝的反应模式会影响甚至逆转人们偏好的现象。以离婚案件为例, 他设置了两个选项, 一个是在不同维度上的积极和消极特征均表现突出(enriched)的选项[即家长A——收入维度: 高水平(积极); 工作时间维度: 出差频繁(消极)], 另一个是在不同维度上均表现平均(impoverished)的选项[即家长B——收入维度: 中等水平(平均); 工作时间维度: 朝九晚五(平均)], 检验被试在不同反应模式中选择孩子抚养者的偏好变化。结果发现, 人们在接受反应模式下大多选择积极特征突出的选项, 而在拒绝反应模式下大多拒绝消极特征突出的选项, 这导致了一个“矛盾”的结果, 即家长A选项既被大部分人接受, 同时也被大部分人拒绝。且同接受反应模式相比, 人们在拒绝反应模式下对不同选项的偏好分布更均衡(如: 家长A和B在接受反应模式下的被选比例为64%对36%, 但在拒绝反应模式下变为55% 对45%)。这种怪现象便引出了什么反应模式才真正测量出人们的真爱的争论。

Shafir (1993)借助兼容性原则(Tversky, Sattath, & Slovic, 1988)解释该现象, 即当反应模式与选项的属性兼容度(匹配)更高时, 该选项的决策权重得以增强。Shafir (1993)发现人们习惯通过挑选而非拒绝做决策, 倾向关注积极特征, 聚焦于自身想要的是什么。据此, 积极特征与接受反应模式更兼容, 在决策中所赋予的权重更大, 在该模式下个体更偏好积极特征突出的选项。而在拒绝反应模式下, 人们会考虑什么是我不需要的, 因此消极特征的兼容性更高, 且在决策中所赋予的权重更大, 个体更容易拒绝消极特征突出的选项。在该拒绝反应模式下, 人们可能会对多个选项充分权衡, 降低偏差(biases)概率, 对积极和消极特征均表现平均的选项偏好有所提升, 因而对两种选项的偏好分布更均衡。

如前所述, 拓展课更倾向于被类比为积极和消极特征均突出的选项, 而基础课则倾向于被类比为表现平均的选项。首先, 从积极的角度看, 拓展课指向多元教育目标, 其体验趣味性更强, 多样化程度更高, 更注重知识的横向拓展, 内容更丰富(沈建民, 谢利民, 2001; 王维臣, 2002; 伍青生, 俞晔, 2011), 可视为其积极特征更突出。相反, 基础课辅导科目较少, 其主要功能(提高学生学习能力及补习文化知识)因疑似与学校教育重复而更少被关注, 其体验趣味性低, 多样化程度较低, 可视为其积极特征相对不明显(陈晓陆, 2014; 付洪秀, 2014; 刘维朝, 2002; 沈建民, 谢利民, 2001)。其次, 从消极的角度看, 拓展课“泛而不精”, 不利于学生系统地掌握知识, 在当前的应试环境下, 促进升学考试的作用有限(王维臣, 2002), 可视为其消极特征更突出。相反, 基础课因同学校教育相关密切, 更利于学生系统掌握知识, 有利于升学考试, 可视为其消极特征相对不明显。综上, 我们假设在接受反应模式下, 人们更接受积极特征突出的拓展课; 而在拒绝反应模式下, 人们更拒绝消极特征突出的拓展课(对消极特征突出的拓展课的偏好减少), 由此对特征表现平均的基础课的选择相对增加, 实现基础课与拓展课均衡的选择。

接受或拒绝的反应模式不仅会在二择一决策中引起偏好改变, 还会导致多择多决策的选中项目数量发生显著变化。Park, Jun和Macinnis (2000)发现人们在拒绝反应模式(在包括了所有产品配置选项的完整型产品中删除选项)比在接受反应模式(在只有基本产品配置的基本型产品上添加选项)下选择了更多产品, 并以“参考依赖和损失厌恶理论”解释其发生机制。人们在接受反应模式下以基本型产品为参考, 添加选项获得产品效用但损失金钱, 因此少添加以规避金钱损失; 而在拒绝反应模式下以完整型产品为参考, 拒绝选项将损失产品效用但节省金钱, 因此少拒绝以规避效用损失, 从而保留更多产品。Levin, Schreiber, Lauriola和Gaeth (2002)援引禀赋效应(Kahneman, Knetsch, & Thaler, 1991)来解释此现象, 指人们觉得已拥有的东西(即拒绝反应模式下的备择选项)比未拥有的东西(即接受反应模式下的备择选项)价值更大, 从而在拒绝反应模式下保留更多选项。因此我们假设, 人们在拒绝比在接受反应模式选择更多课外辅导课程。鉴于反应模式效应广泛应用于医疗、通讯、房地产、旅游、餐饮等领域(Goldstein, Johnson, Herrmann, & Heitmann, 2008; Levin et al., 2002; Peng, Xia, Ruan, & Pu, 2016; Pornpitakpan, 2009; 黄元娜 等, 2018; 金立印, 邹德强, 裘理瑾, 2009; 刘扬, 孙彦, 2014; 张广宇, 张梦, 2016), 本研究试图利用该效应影响消费者在教育培训中的决策, 助推均衡选择基础课和拓展课。

1.2 不同决策者的选择偏好

儿童教育消费是典型的家庭消费决策, 每位家庭成员对决策均有一定的影响力(袁胜军, 张新阳, 段亚丽, 2017)。在中国较为普遍的三代同堂家庭中, 儿童教育消费通常需要全家参与: 孩子体验, 父母付费, 祖辈辅助。那么, 三代人对课外辅导的决策是否有显著差异?

面对同样情境, 为自己与为他人决策往往存在差异(Liu, Polman, Liu, & Jiao, 2018; Polman, 2010, 2012; 刘永芳 等, 2014)。Polman (2010, 2012)发现, 人们在为他人决策时多采用提升焦点, 关注事物的积极特征; 而为自己决策时多采用防御焦点, 关注事物的消极特征; 同为自己决策相比, 为他人决策经历更多决策前失真(predecisional distortion), 即根据事物的突出属性决策。依据解释水平理论(construal level theory) (Trope & Liberman, 2003), 人们为自己决策时采用低解释水平(更关注具体和细节信息)的认知方式, 倾向考虑选项在多个维度上的表现; 而为他人决策时采用高解释水平(更关注抽象和整合信息)的认知方式, 倾向把选项的突出特征看为整体信息(陆静怡, 尚雪松, 2018)。换言之, 人们为自己决策时可能权衡多属性, 对消极信息更敏感, 为他人决策时可能考虑突出属性, 对积极信息更敏感。

在课外辅导的选择上, 小学生为自己决策, 父母和祖辈为他人决策。父母通常是儿童教育消费的主要决策者和付费者, 对课外辅导的需求和体验比祖辈更直接, 卷入度更高。因此, 父母对课外辅导的决策偏好可能更接近小学生而非祖辈。与低卷入相比, 高卷入时人们愿意付出更多认知努力, 多维度权衡选项(姚杰, 刘俊杰, 高成, 2016)。由此推测, 面对课外辅导时, 父母与小学生倾向于多维度权衡且对消极属性敏感, 可能降低偏差概率, 对基础课偏好有所提升; 祖辈倾向于考虑课程的突出属性, 对积极属性敏感, 更可能偏好积极特征明显的拓展课。综上, 我们假设父母与小学生的决策更接近, 两者比祖辈更偏好基础课。

1.3 研究概观

本研究从反应模式切入, 结合实验室场景(实验1和实验2)及真实场景(实验3), 探讨小学生家庭对课外辅导的决策偏好, 检验反应模式设置对现实中小学生家庭教育决策的助推作用。实验1考察各决策者(小学生/父母/祖辈)在不同反应模式下的课程选择差异。其中, 小学生为自己选课, 父母及祖辈为孩子选课。实验2以来自同一家庭的小学生、父母、祖辈为被试, 进一步验证反应模式对不同决策者的课程决策的影响。实验3在真实的课外辅导报名场景中, 选取为小学生报名的父母为被试, 探讨反应模式在现实中对消费者课程选择的助推作用。如果证明该简单易行的助推方法有效, 则现实中可以通过更改反应模式, 促使学生家庭关注并主动选择更多基础课, 助推学生基础课及拓展课均衡发展。

2 实验1: 反应模式对不同决策者课程选择的影响

2.1 被试

681位来自北京和广东省的被试参与实验。为保证准确理解实验材料, 选择四年级以上小学生参与实验。因年级不符及随意选择答案等, 删除81位无效被试数据。600位有效被试包括200位小学生(M = 11.25 ± 0.68岁, 88位男生)、200位小学生父母(M = 37.24 ± 3.35岁, 62位男性)和200位家有在读幼儿园或小学孙辈的老年人(M = 64.92 ± 3.92, 114位男性)。小学生父母的数据通过问卷网采集, 小学生和老年人的数据通过一对一访谈采集。

2.2 实验设计

2 (反应模式: 接受/拒绝) × 2 (课程类型: 基础课/拓展课) × 3 (决策者角色: 小学生/父母/祖辈)的混合设计。其中, 课程类型为组内变量, 反应模式和决策者角色为组间变量, 因变量为被试选择的课程数量。

2.3 自变量的操作检验

5门基础课和5门拓展课的筛选和评定步骤如下。首先, 我们参考市场常见、开班较多的课外辅导课程, 经过预调查筛选出10个选项。其次, 邀请20位被试对10门课程的类型进行5点评价(1 = 基础课, 5 = 拓展课)。儿童情商课等5门课程的得分均值都显著大于3, 即拓展课属性显著; 语文作文等5门课程的得分均值都显著小于3, 即基础课属性显著。这说明本实验有效设定了两种不同的课程类型(见表1)。

表1   实验1和实验2课程类型控制的分析结果


注:t(19)中,19为自由度; ***代表p < 0.001

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为了验证两种课程类型分别对应于我们所假设的特征突出选项和特征平均选项, 我们对不同课程类型的选项特征进行了操纵检验。我们又邀请了50位小学生父母对10门课程在不同特征维度上的符合程度进行7点评价(1 = 程度非常低, 7 = 程度非常高)。依据以往研究(陈晓陆, 2014; 沈建民, 谢利民, 2001; 王维臣, 2002; 伍青生, 俞晔, 2011)和预调查的结果, 我们选定了4个特征维度: 趣味性体验、多样化程度、促进升学考试和系统知识掌握的程度。其中, 在“趣味性体验”和“多样化程度”维度上, 得分越高, 代表积极特征越明显; 而在“促进升学考试”和“系统知识掌握”的维度上, 得分越低, 代表消极特征越突出。我们分别对每个维度的评分进行2 (课程类型: 基础课/拓展课) × 5 (每个课程类型下的5门课程)的重复测量方差分析。结果显示, 课程类型在4个维度下评分的主效应均显著。两类课程的特征评分如图1所示, 拓展课在趣味性体验[M拓展 = 5.06, M基础 = 4.31, F(1, 49) = 16.75, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.26]、多样化程度[M拓展 = 4.96, M基础 = 4.21, F(1, 49) = 14.40, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.23]维度下的积极特征均比基础课更突出; 而在促进升学考试[M拓展 = 4.15, M基础 = 5.46, F(1, 49) = 28.75, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.37]、系统知识掌握[M拓展 = 4.11, M基础 = 4.95, F(1, 49) = 22.10, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.31]维度下的消极特征均比基础课更突出。即, 相对于基础课而言, 拓展课在各特征维度上的积极和消极特征均表现得相对更突出。操纵检验的结果表明: 将拓展课对应于“特征突出”的选项, 而将基础课对应于“特征平均”的选项是合理、可接受的。


图1   基础课和拓展课在不同维度上的积极与消极特征评分(实验1)

2.4 实验程序

参照Levin等(2002)的实验, 本研究适度修改形成实验材料。被试首先浏览10门课程名称及其简介并完成选课任务, 然后填报人口学信息。选课任务分接受和拒绝两个版本(见图2), 每位被试只完成其中一种。所有被试的任务几乎完全一样, 区别是小学生被试的实验要求是为自己选择课程; 而其他被试都假设要为孩子选择课程。


图2   不同反应模式下的选课任务(实验1和实验2)

为尽可能保证真实客观, 并避免课程价格、上课时间、课程顺序和被试的理解偏差等影响, 实验材料控制如下: (1)按照普通家庭的消费标准, 将课程价格统一确定为每门课500元; (2)上课频率为每两周一次课, 上课时间为每天最后一节学校课之后(不影响周末安排); (3)统一采用市场上同类课程的描述; (4)课程随机排列; (5)强调材料匿名及选择无对错, 请按自己的真实意愿填写。

2.5 结果与讨论

以反应模式(接受/拒绝)、决策者角色(小学生/父母/祖辈)为组间自变量, 课程类型(基础课/拓展课)为组内自变量, 以选择课程数量为因变量, 进行多因素重复测量方差分析。结果表明, 反应模式影响选课数量的主效应显著(见图3), 被试在拒绝反应模式下选择更多课程, F(1, 594) = 432.18, p < 0.001,η2 = 0.42; 决策者角色的主效应显著, F(2, 594) = 14.88, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.05, 父母组选择的课程最多(M = 5.52), 其次是小学生组(M = 4.54), 祖辈组选择的课程最少(M = 4.33); 课程类型的主效应显著, 被试选择的拓展课显著多于基础课, F(1, 594) = 51.78, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.08。


图3   被试在不同反应模式下选择的课程数量(实验1)

注: 误差线为标准误

反应模式和课程类型交互作用显著, F(1, 594) = 11.34, p = 0.001, η2 = 0.02。简单效应分析发现(见图4), 被试在接受和拒绝反应模式下均选择更多拓展课; 不同的是, 接受反应模式下被试选择基础课与拓展课的平均数量差异较大(0.70门), F(1, 594) = 55.78, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.09, 而拒绝反应模式下选择基础课与拓展课的平均数量差异显著减小(0.29门), F(1, 594) = 7.33, p = 0.007, η2 = 0.01。课程类型和决策者角色交互作用显著, F(2, 594) = 9.42, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.03。简单效应分析发现, 各被试组对基础课的偏好有显著差异, F(2, 594) = 3.47, p = 0.032, η2 = 0.01, 父母组选择的基础课(M = 2.29 ± 1.98)比祖辈组(M = 1.89 ± 1.95)更多; 其他组间偏好比较(即小学生组(M = 2.20 ± 1.91)与父母组、小学生组与祖辈组)的差异未达到统计显著(ps > 0.05)。反应模式、决策者角色和课程类型三因素无显著交互作用, F(2, 594) = 0.93, p = 0.39。


图4   被试在不同反应模式下选择的课程类型数量(实验1)

注: 误差线为标准误

为进一步明确被试在不同反应模式下对课程类型的偏好比例变化, 进行卡方检验。结果发现,被试在接受反应模式下选择的基础课占总选课程比例的36%, 在拒绝反应模式下该比例显著上升到48%, χ2 (1) = 35.28, p < 0.001, Ø = 0.11。也就是说, 同接受反应模式相比, 被试在拒绝反应模式下对基础课的偏好比例显著提升, 拓展课的偏好比例相对下降, 拓展课和基础课的偏好分布趋于均衡, 符合预期假设。

本实验发现: (1)人们在拒绝反应模式下均比接受反应模式下选择更多课程; (2)人们在接受和拒绝反应模式下均偏好拓展课程, 但同接受反应模式相比, 拒绝反应模式下对基础课的偏好显著提升, 拓展课和基础课的偏好差异减小。换言之, 通过操纵反应模式, 人们在拒绝反应模式下选择了更多课程, 对课程的关注点从拓展课延伸到了基础课, 助推了基础课选择, 最终实现拓展课和基础课均衡选择。

本实验还发现不同决策者对课程偏好有显著差异。父母组选择的课程显著多于祖辈组和小学生组, 且比祖辈组更偏好基础课。但假设“父母与小学生的决策更接近, 两者比祖辈更偏好基础课”未得到完全验证。本实验选取的小学生、父母、祖辈来自不同家庭, 生活环境的差异可能增加混淆因素, 影响实验结果。为进一步验证反应模式对不同决策者角色的课程决策影响, 我们邀请来自同一家庭中的小学生、父母、祖辈为被试, 实施了实验2。

3 实验2: 反应模式对同一小学生家庭课程决策的影响

3.1 被试

100个来自北京、上海和广东省的三代同堂的小学生家庭参与实验。因全部题目选择相同答案删除3个无效被试家庭(15位被试)数据。97个有效被试家庭包括426位被试, 其中小学生98人(M = 9.77 ± 1.45岁, 50位男生)、父母173人(M = 41.7 ± 4.68岁, 79位男性)和祖辈155人(M = 68.62 ± 6.58岁, 79位男性)。52个家庭共227名被试参与接受反应模式决策, 45个家庭共199位被试参与拒绝反应模式决策。

3.2 实验设计、实验材料及实验程序

实验设计、实验材料及实验程序等和实验1一致, 除了实验2以同个家庭的三代人为施测对象。实验完成后赠送每个家庭礼品一份。

3.3 结果和讨论

以反应模式(接受/拒绝)、决策者角色(小学生/父母/祖辈)为组间自变量, 课程类型(基础课/拓展课)为组内自变量, 选择课程数量为因变量, 进行多因素重复测量方差分析。同实验1结果类似, 反应模式的主效应显著(见图5), 被试在拒绝反应模式下选择更多课程, F(1, 420) = 283.21, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.40; 课程类型的主效应显著, 被试选择的拓展课平均数量显著多于基础课, F(1, 420) = 52.92, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.11; 决策者角色的主效应显著, F(2, 420) = 11.11, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.05, 父母组平均选课最多(M = 5.09), 其次是祖辈组(M = 4.36), 小学生组最少(M = 4.05)。反应模式和课程类型交互作用显著, F(1, 420) = 5.69, p = 0.018, η2 = 0.01。简单效应分析发现, 同实验1一致, 被试在接受[F(1, 420) = 50.18, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.11]和拒绝反应模式下[F(1, 420) = 11.17, p = 0.001, η2 = 0.03]均选择更多拓展课, 且同接受反应模式(0.91门)相比, 被试在拒绝反应模式下选择基础课与拓展课的数量差异(0.53门)显著减小(见图6)。课程类型和决策者角色, 以及反应模式、决策者角色和课程类型三因素均无显著交互作用(ps > 0.05)。


图5   同一家庭被试在不同反应模式下选择的课程数量(实验2)

注: 误差线为标准误


图6   被试在不同反应模式下对不同类型课程的选择(实验2)

注: 误差线为标准误

通过卡方检验进一步分析被试在不同反应模式下对课程类型的偏好比例变化。结果发现, 被试在接受反应模式下选择的基础课占总选课程的35%, 而在拒绝反应模式下该比例显著上升到 46%, χ2 (1) = 21.74, p < 0.001, Ø = 0.11。即在拒绝反应模式下, 被试对基础课的偏好比例显著提升, 对拓展课的偏好比例相对下降, 拓展课和基础课的偏好分布趋于均衡, 符合预期假设。

与实验1结果几乎一致, 实验2同样验证了通过操纵反应模式, 可以提高人们对基础课的关注和选择, 最终均衡选择拓展课和基础课。两个实验一致发现父母组比其他两组选择了更多课程, 可能是因为父母期望孩子通过课外辅导在学校教育外得到更多补充。与实验1不同的是, 实验2中各决策者角色对课程类型的偏好并无显著差异。尽管我们要求每位家庭成员单独完成实验任务, 但实验场景仍可能影响家庭成员的感知和决策。当实验在小学生家庭内部进行时, 家庭成员可能更容易感受到选课任务与自己的高相关度, 即场景卷入度较高, 从而导致三代人的选择呈现较高一致性。

意外的是, 两个实验均表明, 天性爱玩的孩子同样显著受到反应模式效应的影响。同父母和祖辈类似, 小学生在拒绝反应模式下选择更多课程, 且增选更多基础课。这可能与小学生面临学业竞争有关。拒绝反应模式下, 小学生更容易意识到基础课辅导带来的学业帮助, 而学业成就带来的愉悦可能抵消学生参加基础课辅导的压力(彭湃, 2008), 从而使小学生主动选择更多基础课。此外, 由于小学生是课外辅导的直接体验者, 对辅导内容、教学方式及自己的补课需求均更了解。换言之, 拒绝反应模式可能唤起小学生主动学习的动机, 让他们做出看似违背“天性”实则对长期发展有利的决策。

那么, 反应模式效应在现实课外辅导中有效吗?真的可以助推学生家庭均衡选择基础课和拓展课吗?为了验证反应模式助推课程均衡选择的生态化效度, 我们实施了实验3, 由于课程的报名人主要为学生父母, 因此该实验的被试群体仅为小学生父母。

4 实验3: 反应模式影响小学生父母的课程决策的现场实验

4.1 被试

118位广东省潮州市某区文化馆学生的课程报名人参与了现场实验, 成功报名课程的学生于2018年下学年按选定的课程上课。因学生年级不符(幼儿园及中学生), 删除10位无效被试数据。108位有效被试均为小学生父母(M = 38.04 ± 3.58岁, 22位男性)。55名被试参与接受反应模式决策, 53位被试参与拒绝反应模式决策。

4.2 实验设计

2 (反应模式: 接受/拒绝) × 2 (课程类型: 基础课/拓展课)的混合设计。其中, 反应模式为组间变量, 课程类型为组内变量, 因变量为被试选择的课程数量。

4.3 自变量的操作检验

3门基础课和3门拓展课的筛选和评定步骤如下。首先, 在文化馆新学年拟开设的课程中, 选择6门市场上较常见的小学生课外辅导课程。其次, 邀请20位被试对6门课程类型进行5点评价(1 = 基础课, 5 = 拓展课)。结果表明, 书法课、美术课及合唱团3门课程的得分均值都显著大于3, 即拓展课属性显著; 语文作文辅导、数学辅导及英语辅导3门课程的得分均值都显著小于3, 即基础课属性显著。说明实验3有效设定了课程类型(见表2)。由于本实验与实验1中所使用的具体课程名称有所不同, 因此再次做了操纵检验。我们采用与实验1相同的特征维度评定和分析步骤, 邀请了50位小学生父母分别对本实验中的6门课程的4个特征维度进行评定。结果显示, 拓展课在趣味性体验[M拓展 = 4.82, M基础 = 4.33, F(1, 49) = 7.25, p = 0.01, η2 = 0.13]、多样化程度[M拓展 = 4.69, M基础 = 4.29, F(1, 49) = 4.44, p = 0.04, η2 = 0.08]维度上的积极特征均比基础课更突出, 而在促进升学考试[M拓展 = 3.77, M基础 = 5.44, F(1, 49) = 34.98, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.42]、系统知识掌握[M拓展 = 4.01, M基础 = 5.01, F(1, 49) = 24.13, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.33]维度上的消极特征均比基础课更突出(见图7)。操纵检验的结果再次表明: 将拓展课对应于“特征突出”的选项, 将基础课对应于“特征平均”的选项是相对可接受的。

表2   实验3课程类型控制的分析结果


注:t(19)中,19为自由度; ***代表p < 0.001

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图7   基础课和拓展课在不同维度上的积极与消极特征评分(实验3)

4.4 实验程序

首先告知准备在文化馆上课的学生家长, 可提前报名2018年下学年部分课程, 报名方式为现场报名。家长在报名表上浏览6门课程名称并完成选课任务, 然后填报人口学信息, 并完成其他报名手续(由于文化馆的课程免费向市民开放, 故不存在缴纳费用环节)。选课任务分接受和拒绝反应模式两个版本(见图8), 每个反应模式各有6种课程随机排序版本, 每位被试随机获取一种反应模式的报名表。


图8   不同反应模式下的选课任务(实验3)

4.5 结果与讨论

以反应模式(接受/拒绝)为组间自变量, 以课程类型(基础课/拓展课)为组内自变量, 以被试选择的课程数量为因变量, 进行双因素重复测量方差分析。同前两个实验的结果类似, 反应模式的主效应显著(见图9), 被试在拒绝反应模式下选择更多课程, F(1, 106) = 47.71, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.31; 课程类型的主效应显著, 被试选择的拓展课显著多于基础课, F(1, 106) = 41.55, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.28。反应模式和课程类型交互作用显著, F(1, 106) = 10.15, p = 0.002, η2 = 0.09。简单效应分析发现, 被试在接受和拒绝反应模式下均选择更多拓展课; 不同的是, 接受反应模式下被试选择基础课与拓展课的数量差异较大(0.83门), F(1, 106) = 47.27, p < 0.001, η2 = 0.31, 拒绝反应模式下选择基础课与拓展课的差异显著减小(0.28门), F(1, 106) = 5.22, p = 0.024, η2 = 0.05。


图9   被试在不同反应模式下选择的课程数量(实验3)

注: 误差线为标准误

用卡方检验进一步分析被试在不同反应模式下对课程类型的偏好比例变化。结果显示, 被试在接受反应模式下选择的基础课数量仅占总选课程的17%, 而在拒绝反应模式下该比例显著上升为44%, χ2(1) = 13.88, p < 0.001, Ø = 0.27。即是说, 被试在接受和拒绝反应模式下均偏好拓展课, 但在拒绝反应模式下, 对基础课的偏好比例显著提升, 对拓展课的偏好比例相对下降, 基础课和拓展课的偏好分布趋于均衡, 符合预期假设。

实验3在真实场景中考察了反应模式对消费者课程选择的影响。小学生父母在接受反应模式下选择的拓展课比例具有压倒性优势(83%), 而在拒绝反应模式下呈现出拓展课(56%)和基础课(44%)平分秋色的趋势。与前两个实验结论一致, 实验3中被试在接受和拒绝反应模式下均偏好拓展课, 但在拒绝反应模式下对基础课的偏好显著提升, 基础课和拓展课的偏好差异减小。如图9所示, 被试在拒绝反应模式下比接受反应模式下平均多选一门课程, 而这门课程几乎就是基础课。也就是说, 被试在拒绝反应模式下增选了基础课, 从而选择了数量相当的拓展课和基础课。可见, 调整反应模式助推了小学生父母对基础课的关注和选择, 实现基础课及拓展课均衡发展。

5 总讨论

本研究分别在实验室(实验1和2)和真实场景(实验3)中探讨不同反应模式下人们对基础课和拓展课的决策差异, 确定了反应模式在现实中对学生课外辅导选择的助推作用, 验证了反应模式效应的稳健性及在儿童教育消费场景中的现实适用性。同以往反应模式效应的结果一致(Levin et al., 2002; Peng et al., 2016; Pornpitakpan, 2009; 黄元娜 等, 2018; 金立印 等, 2009; 马京晶, 马欣昕, 张黎, 2008), 本研究发现小学生、父母和祖辈三代人在拒绝反应模式下均比在接受反应模式下选择更多课程; 明确了三代人虽在接受和拒绝反应模式下均偏好拓展课, 但在拒绝反应模式下对基础课和拓展课的选择数均相对增加, 且对拓展课的选择比例相对减少, 两种课程的选择趋于均衡。

现有反应模式的研究主要应用于二选一或多选一情境, 本研究将其应用于多选多情境, 有效拓展了现有反应模式效应研究的范畴(Park et al., 2000; Peng et al., 2016; Sokolova & Krishna, 2016)。本研究发现, 人们在拒绝比在接受反应模式下选择了更多课程。依据普遍存在的参考依赖及损失厌恶现象, 人们以结果偏离参照点的程度作为得失双方的判断标准(Park et al., 2000; 李鹏娜, 王延伸, 杨金花, 孙彦, 2017)。在接受反应模式下以不选任何课程为参考点, 选择更少以规避金钱损失; 而在拒绝反应模式下以选择全部课程为参考点, 保留更多课程以规避效用损失。另一种可能性是锚定效应(anchoring effects)的影响, 即人们的判断受到初始呈现数值的影响。在接受反应模式下人们内心的锚值为0门课, 但在拒绝反应模式下该锚值分别为10或6门课, 人们参照锚值进行调整, 但调整不充分导致选择结果接近锚值(Tversky & Kahneman, 1974)。因此在接受反应模式下选择更少课程, 而拒绝反应模式下选择更多课程11 感谢一位审稿专家提出该宝贵建议。)。

三个实验均发现, 人们在接受反应模式下更偏好拓展课, 在拒绝反应模式下对拓展课的偏好减弱, 但对基础课的偏好增加, 两种课程的选择差异减少, 偏好分布趋于均衡, 与反应模式效应(Shafir, 1993)的预期假设相符。我们猜测, 这是因为课外辅导与学校课程互补的特点是个“双面硬币”: 一面是积极的“得到”, 小学生得以有更多趣味性体验, 得以学习多样化的课程; 一面是消极的“失去”, 小学生相对减少了与升学考试关系更密切的课程学习机会, 相对降低了系统知识掌握的程度, 这对于既希望孩子学业成绩好, 又希望孩子全面发展的家长而言, 是两难的抉择。同基础课相比, 拓展课的趣味性更高、科目内容更多样化, 其积极特征更突出, 与接受反应模式兼容性更强, 因此人们在接受反应模式下更容易选择拓展课。然而, 拓展课“泛而不精”, 不利有效地促进学生系统深入地掌握知识, 其消极特征也更突出, 与拒绝反应模式的兼容性更强, 因而人们在拒绝反应模式下也更容易拒绝拓展课。利用人们在拒绝反应模式下会更拒绝消极特征突出的拓展课(对消极特征突出的拓展课的偏好减少)的特点, 我们即可助推人们相对增加对特征表现平均的基础课的选择, 实现基础课与拓展课均衡的选择。

这些重要发现验证了在现实教育场景中, 无需更改原有课程内容, 仅以调整反应模式这种低成本、易操作的方式, 即可促使学生家庭充分权衡, 将关注点从拓展课延伸到基础课, 助推基础课和拓展课均衡发展。值得注意的是, 课外辅导中是否均衡选择基础课和拓展课, 需根据现实情况灵活调整。如小学生在学校已很好掌握了基础课内容, 在课外辅导中选择基础课则可能不明智22 我们感谢两位审稿专家提出该宝贵意见。); 如果小学生认为基础课辅导更能满足自身的个性化需求, 有意愿参与, 则可鼓励孩子参与。教育的最终目标是“引出”, 因材施教, 引出其兴趣和天分, 激发其潜能, 促其最优发展, 最终使其拥有自我实现的能力。因此, 基础课和拓展课的平衡发展应按需而行。

本研究通过行为实验初步考察了儿童教育领域中反应模式对课程偏好决策的影响机制, 存在一些不足, 值得未来研究探讨。首先, 未来研究可采用眼动追踪、事件相关电位和功能性磁共振成像等多种技术手段, 深入探讨反应模式效应的发生机制。其次, 如果以同样包括基础课和拓展课的学校教育体系为研究场景, 是否仍得出类似结论?现在很多学校采用课程选修制, 若得出类似结论, 将对助推学生的学科均衡发展起重要作用。第三, 本研究的操纵检验(课外辅导课程的类型确定及特征评价)被试均为小学生家长, 样本代表范围有局限性, 检验得出的结论是否可推广至其他群体(例如小学生等)仍需进一步探讨。第四, 本文未考察就读年级、家庭经济水平、地域等可能调节反应模式和课程偏好关系的变量。这些重要而有趣的科学研究值得深入探讨, 将为儿童教育决策提供理论价值和科学指导。

本文验证了反应模式效应适用于儿童教育决策领域, 聚焦小学生选择课外辅导的现实热点问题, 为儿童教育研究提供了跨领域的理论线索。更重要的是, 我们用现场实验证明, 无需更改原有选项, 仅调整反应模式这种简单易行的方式, 即可助推小学生家庭关注并选择更多基础课, 促进基础课和拓展课均衡选择。这种反应模式效应在实验室及真实的课外辅导场景中均能影响课程选择, 可为儿童教育者及学生家庭提供科学指导, 有重要的现实指导意义。

致谢: 感谢李纾研究员、沈丝楚博士和栾胜华研究员对本文多次的悉心指导。感谢梁兴丽和王晨茜对本文数据分析提供的建议。感谢黄婉芳和袁娟娟协助收集实验一数据, 感谢杨雨衡、王熠柯和刘潇协助收集实验二数据, 感谢广东省潮州市湘桥区文化馆协助收集实验三数据。


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中小学课外辅导又称为影子教育.分析韩国、日本与欧盟中小学课外 辅导可以发现,韩国课外辅导教育较为成熟;日本私塾讲师需要经过考试认证,学校教师也可以兼职课外辅导;欧盟的课外辅导起步较晚,欧盟成员国之间也有一定 差异,参加辅导的科目以数学、科学、语言为主.我国中小学课外辅导市场较为混乱,有待于进一步治理.国外中小学课外辅导的经验对我国课外辅导具有借鉴意 义:针对市场管理不到位的问题及时通过行业及管理部门加强监管;针对课外辅导热应改革招生制度,设置个性化课程满足学生所需,由政府出资进行放学后教育, 以及在学校开设选修语言课解决学生外语学习需求.

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Consumers in the U. S. and Italy were asked to either build up from a consumable base product (pizza) by adding components or scale down from a fully-loaded product by subtracting components. In each country consumers ended up with significantly more ingredients, and a pizza for a higher cost, in the Scale Down Condition than in the Build Up Condition. Results are discussed in terms of the principle of "loss aversion" underlying phenomena such as "the endowment effect," marketing implications of this effect, and future research needs.

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Private tutoring has expanded and intensified in China. However, no government statistical data or other empirical studies fully capture its extent and characteristics. This paper analyses private tutoring received by students in Grades 1 12 as indicated by a nationwide representative survey entitled China Family Panel Studies. The paper employs a Hurdle model to examine determinants of demand for tutoring, focusing on factors related to students and their parents. The first step is concerned with the decision to receive tutoring or not; and the second step explores factors influencing expenditures on tutoring among those who decide to receive it.

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When people make choices, they both identify their options and research the unique details that comprise their options. Respectively, these two search behaviors are called alternative- and attribute-search. The literature treats these separate information search behaviors as a trade-off: Choosing to examine extant alternatives (alternative-search) means suffering the costs of not analyzing the details of alternatives (attribute-search), and vice versa. Here, we found that in choices people make for others, they search for more alternatives and more attributes than in choices people make for themselves. Moreover, we found that when people face a trade-off between searching for alternatives and attributes, people choosing for others will favor alternatives, whereas people choosing for themselves will favor attributes. Thus, we found that the pursuit of information is different when people choose for others (vs. themselves), suggesting a novel pivot to a range of areas in decision making where the alternative-attribute trade-off is ubiquitous.

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心理科学进展, 22(4), 580587.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00580      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The existing studies on self-other differences in decision-making still have many inconsistencies in the used tasks, the related findings and theoretical explanations, and lack of exploration of psychological mechanisms and neural basis of this phenomenon. Although some researchers have used psychological distance hypothesis to explain their research results, the manipulation of psychological distance in their experiment are still too simple to form a general theoretical model. In recent years, we have found in a series of studies that: The asymmetry in self-other differences in decision-making exist under gain and loss situations; Manipulation of psychological distance is more effective in inducing self–other differences in decision-making than manipulation of social distance and decision-makers’ roles; Self-esteem levels of decision-makers affect self-other differences in decision-making. Future studies should further explore the essence of psychological distance, the change in psychological distance caused by reversal of decision-makers’ role, as well as the brain mechanisms of self-other differences in decision-making.

Liu, Y., & Sun, Y. , ( 2014).

New avenues for framing effect research in decision-making: From risky to intertemporal and from verbal to graph framing

Advances in Psychological Science, 22(8), 12051217.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 刘扬, 孙彦 . ( 2014).

行为决策中框架效应研究新思路——从风险决策到跨期决策, 从言语框架到图形框架

心理科学进展, 22(8), 12051217.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.01205      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The description invariance principle, which is one of the axioms of normative economic theory, requires that equivalent descriptions of a problem yield the same preference ordering. However, several studies have revealed that people often violate the invariance principle in real world decision-making. This action is known as preference-framing effects in decision-making. We reviewed new findings on the framing effect in the field of risky and intertemporal decision-making. We presented the framing effect research with a verbal as well as graphical frame. We also introduced compensatory models (e.g., prospect theory) and non-compensatory models (e.g., equate-to-differentiate model) as the psychological mechanism. This review encourages future researchers to extend the study of framing effects.

Lu, J. Y., & Shang, X. S . ( 2018).

Making decisions for others: Multi-dimensional psychological mechanisms and decision feelings

Advances in Psychological Science, 26(9), 15451552.

[本文引用: 2]

[ 陆静怡, 尚雪松 . ( 2018).

为他人做决策: 多维度心理机制与决策体验

心理科学进展, 26(9), 15451552.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.01545      URL     [本文引用: 2]


Ma J. J., Ma X. X., & Zhang L . ( 2008).

Preference asymmetry between utilitarian and hedonic products in acquisition and forfeiture - Compact disc versus music CD

Journal of Marketing Science, 4(1), 107119.

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营销科学学报, 4(1), 107119.]

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Mark, B., &Ora, K. ( 2013).

Behind the façade of fee-free education: Shadow education and its implications for social justice

Oxford Review of Education, 39(4), 480497.

DOI:10.1080/03054985.2013.821852      URL    

Most governments, at an official level, espouse the principles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Among its statements is that education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Yet while the fa04ade of government education systems presents an image that instruction is free of charge, families across the world increasingly find it necessary to invest in the so-called shadow education system of private supplementary tutoring. The spread of shadow education, which is no longer confined to relatively prosperous families, has far-reaching implications for social inequalities and therefore social justice. It is a hidden form of privatisation behind the fa04ade of public education systems; and the fact that shadow education is seen by many families as unavoidable appears to be incompatible with the spirit of the Universal Declaration. The question then is whether the spirit of the Universal Declaration should be abandoned, or whether it should be protected—and, if so, how.

Mourali, M., &Nagpal, A. ( 2013).

The powerful select, the powerless reject: Power's influence in decision strategies

Journal of Business Research, 66(7), 874880.

DOI:10.1016/j.jbusres.2011.12.005      URL     [本文引用: 1]

This research examines the influence of power on consumer decision strategies. It proposes that high power directs consumers' attention to options' positive features, making choosing a more preferred strategy than rejecting, whereas low power shifts consumers' focus to negative features, making rejecting a more preferred strategy than choosing. Two studies using different manipulations of power provide consistent support for this effect. The results also indicate that consumers in a state of high power are more satisfied with their choices when they adopt a choosing strategy than when they adopt a rejecting strategy, whereas the opposite is true for consumers in a state of low power. In addition, study 2 shows that the previous effects are reduced when consumers' sense of responsibility is made salient. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Park C. W., Jun S. Y., & MacInnis D. J . ( 2000).

Choosing what I want versus rejecting what I do not want: An application of decision framing to product option choice decisions

Journal of Marketing Research, 37(( 2), 187-202.

DOI:10.1509/jmkr.      URL     [本文引用: 3]

The authors examine the effects of using a subtractive versus an additive option-framing method on consumers' option choice decisions in three studies. The former option-framing method presents consumers with a fully loaded product and asks them to delete options they do not want. The latter presents them with a base model and asks them to add the options they do want. Combined, the studies support the managerial attractiveness of the subtractive versus the additive option-framing method. Consumers tend to choose more options with a higher total option price when they use subtractive versus additive option framing. This effect holds across different option price levels (Study 1) and product categories of varying price (Study 2). Moreover, this effect is magnified when subjects are asked to anticipate regret from their option choice decisions (Study 2). However, option framing has a different effect on the purchase likelihood of the product category itself, depending on the subject's initial interest in buying within the category. Although subtractive option framing offers strong advantages to managers when product commitment is high, it appears to demotivate category purchase when product commitment is low (Study 3). In addition, the three studies reveal several other findings about the attractiveness of subtractive versus additive option framing from the standpoint of consumers and managers. These findings, in turn, offer interesting public policy and future research implications.

Peng H. M., Xia S. Y., Ruan F., & Pu B. Y . ( 2016).

Age differences in consumer decision making under option framing: From the motivation perspective

Frontiers in Psychology, 7: 1736.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01736      URL     PMID:5098115      [本文引用: 3]

Option framing effect is the phenomena that participants often accept more options when they are asked to delete undesired options from a full model (subtractive framing) than they do when they are instructed to add desired options to a base model (additive framing). Whether the same effect exists in different age groups is less well known. To explore the roles of age and purchase motivations on the option framing effect for automobiles purchases, this study adopted a 3 (age group: younger, middle-aged, vs. older) 2 (option framing: additive vs. subtractive) 2 (focus condition: information vs. emotion) mixed design. To manipulate purchase motivations, participants in the three age groups were instructed to focus on the ratio of utility and price of options (information-focus) or the extent of pleasure induced by the options (emotion-focus) when they made purchase decisions in two framing conditions. The results revealed similar option framing effect across all age groups in the information-focus condition regarding the total price paid for accepted options. In contrast, the framing effect was not found in the emotion-focus condition. In addition, older adults accepted more options and an overall higher price than younger and middle-aged adults in both focus conditions. This difference was more obvious in the emotion-focus condition than in the information-focus condition. Moreover, both the number of accepted options and the total accepted price of the younger group in the information-focus condition were higher than those in the emotion-focus condition, whereas the older and middle-aged groups accepted same number of options and price between two focus conditions. These results imply that purchase motivation is a moderator of the option framing effect and age characteristics linked with motivations must be considered in sales.

Peng, P . ( 2008).

Shadow education: Foreign research on private tutoring and its inspiration

Comparative Education Review, 1, 6165.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 彭湃 . ( 2008).

"影子教育": 国外关于课外补习的研究与启示

比较教育研究, 1, 6165.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8495.2007.09.004      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Polman,E. ( 2010).

Information distortion in self-other decision making

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46(2), 432435.

DOI:10.1016/j.jesp.2009.11.003      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Polman,E. ( 2012).

Effects of self-other decision making on regulatory focus and choice overload

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102( 5), 980-993.

DOI:10.1037/a0026966      URL     PMID:22429272      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract A growing stream of research is investigating how choices people make for themselves are different from choices people make for others. In this paper, I propose that these choices vary according to regulatory focus, such that people who make choices for themselves are prevention focused, whereas people who make choices for others are promotion focused. Drawing on regulatory focus theory, in particular work on errors of omission and commission, I hypothesize that people who make choices for others experience a reversal of the choice overload effect. In 6 studies, including a field study, I found that people who make choices for themselves are less satisfied after selecting among many options compared to few options, yet, people who make choices for others are more satisfied after selecting among many options compared to few options. Implications and suggestions for other differences in self-other decision making are discussed.

Pornpitakpan,C. ( 2009).

Cross-cultural generalization of the effect of option choice framing on product option choices

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 21(3), 342354.

DOI:10.1108/13555850910973838      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT Purpose &ndash; The purpose of this paper is to examine the cross-cultural generalization of the effect of option choice framing on product option choices and other managerial and psychological variables. Design/methodology/approach &ndash; The experiment employs 124 Singaporean and 96 Thai working adults, who add options to a base model or delete options from a full model in a condominium purchase scenario. Hypotheses are derived from the different weights for monetary losses and utility gains from adding options vs utility losses and monetary gains from deleting options. Findings &ndash; For both Singaporeans and Thais, compared to additive framing, subtractive framing results in a higher number of options chosen, higher total option prices, higher expected product prices and higher perceived product prestige. For Thais, compared to additive framing, subtractive framing also results in lower perceived decision difficulty and shorter decision time. For Singaporeans, compared to additive framing, subtractive framing results in shorter decision time and higher perceived value. Research limitations/implications &ndash; The option choice task is a scenario, not a real-life choice task in which participants have to spend real money. Practical implications &ndash; Subtractive option choice framing should be used rather than additive option choice framing. However, in recession time, the use of subtractive framing may backfire because consumers perceive the product as more expensive than its counterpart presented under additive framing, thus lowering their purchase intention of the product. In addition, whenever marketers want consumers to perceive the starting price as low, the price of a base model should be emphasized as opposed to the price of a full model. Originality/value &ndash; This study examines an important issue &ndash; whether the superiority of subtractive framing over additive framing reported in past research is valid in other cultures that are very different from American and whether it is valid in another product category. The results qualify past findings that people give more weight to utility losses than monetary losses.

Shafir,E. ( 1993).

Choosing versus rejecting: Why some options are both better and worse than others

Memory & Cognition, 21(4), 546556.

DOI:10.3758/BF03197186      URL     PMID:8350746      [本文引用: 6]

A previously unobserved pattern of choice behavior is predicted and corroborated. In line with the principle of compatibility, according to which the weighting of inputs is enhanced by their compatibility with output, the positive and negative dimensions of options (their pros and cons) are expected to loom larger when one is choosing and when one is rejecting, respectively. Subjects are presented with pairs of options, one of which—the enriched option—has more positive as well as more negative dimensions than does the other, impoverished , option. Because positive dimensions are weighted more heavily in choosing than in rejecting, and negative dimensions are weighted more heavily in rejecting than in choosing, the enriched option tends to be chosen and rejected relatively more often than the impoverished option. These findings are extended to nonbinary decision problems, and their implications for the rational theory of choice and for everyday decisions are discussed.

Shen, J. M., & Xie, L. M . ( 2001).

On the rejuvenation of the vitality of research-based curriculum - Also on the relationship between research-based curriculum and foundation and enrichment curriculum

Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method,(10), 15.

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Sokolova, T., &Krishna, A. ( 2016).

Take it or leave it: How choosing versus rejecting alternatives affects information processing

Journal of Consumer Research, 43(4), 614635.

DOI:10.1093/jcr/ucw049      URL     [本文引用: 1]

People can make decisions by choosing or by rejecting alternatives. This research shows that changing a task from choice to rejection makes people more likely to rely on deliberative processing, what we label the task-type effect. To demonstrate this effect, we use a set of established decision biases that can be attenuated under deliberative processing. We show that changing a task from choice to rejection makes people express more consistent preferences between safe and risky options in the Asian disease problem (study 1A) and in financial decision making (study 1B), even with real monetary consequences (study 1C). Further, switching a task from choice to rejection increases the quality of consideration sets in the context of hotel reviews (study 2) and leads to more rational decisions in the context of cell phone plan selection (study 3). Studies 4 and 5 tap into the process underlying the effect of task type. We demonstrate that a rejection task produces decisions similar to those observed in a choice task when decision makers are cognitively depleted (study 4) or encouraged to rely on their feelings (study 5). The findings provide insight into the effect of task type on deliberation and decision outcomes.

Sunstein, C. R., & Reisch, L. A . ( 2014).

Automatically green: Behavioral economics and environmental protection

Harvard Environmental Law Review, 38( 1), 127-158.

DOI:10.2139/ssrn.2245657      URL    

Careful attention to choice architecture promises to open up new possibilities for environmental protection possibilities that go well beyond, and that may be more effective than, the standard tools of economic incentives, mandates, and bans. How, for example, do consumers choose between environmentally-friendly products or services and alternatives that are potentially damaging to the environment but less expensive? The answer may well depend on the default rule. Indeed, green default rules may well be a more effective tool for altering outcomes than large economic incentives. The underlying reasons include the power of suggestion; inertia and procrastination; and loss aversion. If well-chosen, green defaults are likely to have large effects in reducing the economic and environmental harms associated with various products and activities. Such defaults may or may not be more expensive to consumers. In deciding whether to establish green defaults, choice architects should consider both consumer welfare and a wide range of other costs and benefits. Sometimes that assessment will argue strongly in favor of green defaults, particularly when both economic and environmental considerations point in their direction. But when choice architects lack relevant information, when interest-group maneuvering is a potential problem, and when externalities are not likely to be significant, active choosing, perhaps accompanied by various influences (including provision of relevant information), will usually be preferable to a green default.

Thaler, R. H.,& Benartzi, S. , ( 2004).

Save more tomorrow using behavioral economics to increase employee saving

Journal of Political Economy, 112( 1), S164-S187.

DOI:10.1086/380085      URL     [本文引用: 1]

As firms switch from defined-benefit plans to defined-contribution plans, employees bear more responsibility for making decisions about how much to save. The em

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Contingent weighting in judgment and choice

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Preference can be inferred from direct choice between options or from a matching procedure in which the decision maker adjusts one option to match another. Studies of perferences between two-dimensional options (e.g., public policies, job applicants, benefit plans) show that the more prominent dimension looms larger in choice than in matching. Thus, choice is more lexicographic than matching. This finding is viewed as an instance of a general principle of compatibility: the weighting of input is enhanced by their compatibility with the output. To account for such effects, we develop a hierarchy of models in which the tradeoff between attributes is contingent on the nature of the response. The simplest theory of this type, called the contingent weighting model, is applied to the analysis of various compatibility effects, including the choice-matching discrepancy and the preference-reversal phenomenon. These results raise both conceptual and practical questions concerning the nature, the meaning and the assessment of preference.

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从学校教育到影子教育: 教育竞争与社会再生产

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本文使用中国家庭追踪调查2012年数据(CFPS 2012),研究了我国义务教育阶段在校生的课外补习活动,发现来自较好家庭社会经济背景以及大中城市的学生更可能接受课外补习;重点校和学习成绩较好的学生参加课外补习的可能性也更高;课外补习对学生数学成绩有提高作用,但对语文成绩的提高作用不明显。由此,本文得出以下主要研究结论:我国义务教育阶段的课外补习活动扩大了城乡和不同阶层义务教育学生获得教育资源和教育结果的差距,影子教育因此成为城乡和阶层差距在代际间维持和传递的一个重要通道,影子教育的社会再生产功能削弱了当前政府在学校教育中的公平政策中的努力成效,对实现义务教育公平目标构成了严重挑战。面对挑战,政府需要提高学校教育服务质量,对影子教育进行适当管控,抑制影子教育的社会再生产功能并促进教育跨越代际效应功能的发挥。

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