ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (1): 1-17.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2025.0001 cstr: 32110.14.2025.0001

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夏莲香1, 刘凯歌1, 李新宇1,2, 叶群1,2()   

  1. 1浙江师范大学心理学院, 浙江省儿童青少年心理健康与危机干预智能实验室, 金华 321004
    2浙江全省智能教育技术与应用重点实验室, 金华 321004
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-07 发布日期:2024-11-20 出版日期:2025-01-25
  • 通讯作者: 叶群, E-mail:
  • 作者简介:


  • 基金资助:

Encoding types and narrative coherence modulate the impact of emotions on temporal order memory

XIA Lianxiang1, LIU Kaige1, LI Xinyu1,2, YE Qun1,2()   

  1. 1Zhejiang Philosophy and Social Science Laboratory for the Mental Health and Crisis Intervention of Children and Adolescents, School of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China
    2Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Intelligent Education Technology and Application, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China
  • Received:2024-01-07 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2025-01-25


时间顺序信息作为记忆项目之间的重要联结要素之一, 易受到情绪的干扰。本研究通过3项实验探究编码方式与叙事连贯性是否以及如何调节情绪对于时间顺序记忆的干扰。实验1采用2 (编码方式:叙事编码/离散编码) × 3 (情绪类型:正性/负性/中性)的混合实验设计, 其中编码方式为被试间变量, 探究编码方式是否能调节图片材料中情绪信息对时间顺序记忆的干扰。结果显示, 在离散编码组, 负性情绪条件下的时间顺序记忆正确率显著比其他两种条件低; 相反, 在叙事编码组, 三种情绪类型下的时间顺序记忆没有显著差异。实验2采用两种情绪类型(中性和负性)的词语刺激, 检验编码方式对时间顺序记忆的影响是否跨材料具有普适性。实验3通过操纵项目之间的叙事连贯性程度, 进一步探究上述效应是否依赖于项目间连贯性程度。结果显示, 上述叙事编码效应仅在项目之间具有高连贯性时出现。本研究不仅发现了叙事编码对于情绪记忆中时间信息的保持机制, 还指明了叙事编码效应中连贯性程度的重要性。

关键词: 情绪, 叙事编码, 时间记忆, 情景记忆, 叙事连贯性


This study explored how encoding types and emotion affect temporal order memory through three experiments. Central to this investigation is the notion that while emotions heighten the recall of core event details, they often impair the memory of peripheral details and their sequence. Temporal order memory, vital for linking various memory items, is particularly vulnerable to emotional disruption. However, narrative-based stimuli, which involve storylines, appear to fortify this type of memory against negative emotions by shifting focus from inter-item associations to intra-item coherence.
Experiment 1 used picture stimuli within a 2 (encoding type: narrative encoding/discrete encoding) × 3 (emotional valence: positive/negative/neutral) mixed design. Encoding type was a between-subjects variable, with participants divided into two groups, while emotional valence was a within-subjects variable. Results showed that those in the narrative encoding group maintained stable accuracy in temporal order memory across all emotional valences. Conversely, the discrete encoding group exhibited notable declines in temporal memory accuracy when exposed to negative emotions, highlighting that narrative context can shield memory from emotional disruptions.
Experiment 2 replicated the previous findings using word stimuli, focusing on two emotional valences: neutral and negative. Similar to Experiment 1, narrative encoding proved effective in protecting temporal order memory from the detrimental effects of negative emotions. Participants again showed higher accuracy in recalling the order of words when using narrative encoding, even under negative emotional conditions, reinforcing the protective role of narrative encoding.
Experiment 3 delved deeper into the influence of narrative coherence on the efficacy of narrative encoding. Using word stimuli, a within-subject design compared high and low coherence levels under negative and neutral emotional conditions. The findings indicated that narrative coherence significantly enhances the protective effect of narrative encoding. When the narrative was coherent, participants’ temporal order memory was more resilient to negative emotional interference. Conversely, low coherence narratives did not provide the same level of protection, underlining the importance of coherence in narrative-based memory encoding.
Throughout the study, we consistently demonstrated that negative emotions disrupt temporal order memory. However, narrative encoding emerged as a powerful mechanism to counteract this effect, especially when the narrative is coherent and well-constructed. These findings suggest that incorporating narrative frameworks could be an effective strategy to buffer against the impairing effects of emotions on memory functions. This has potential applications in educational and cognitive-behavioral strategies, where storytelling and structured narratives could enhance learning and information retention even in emotionally charged contexts. Overall, the study provides robust evidence that narrative encoding benefits the preservation of temporal order memory against emotional disruptions.

Key words: emotion, narrative encoding, temporal memory, episodic memory, narrative coherence
