ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2003, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (增刊): 93-98. cstr: 32110.14.2003.00093

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谭北平, 郑希耕, 隋南   

  1. 中国科学院心理研究所心理健康重点实验室,北京,100101
  • 发布日期:2021-06-18

Effects of Repeated Morphine-Exposure on Behaviors of Stress response and Novelty Seeking on “Playground Maze”

Tan Beiping, Zheng Xigeng, Sui Nan   

  1. Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101, PRC
  • Online:2021-06-18
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by Innovation Grants (KSCXZ-2-03) from Chinese Academy of Sciences, and by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 39970256).

摘要: 为了研究反复吗啡注射对应激行为与新颖寻求行为的作用,本研究中结合旷场模型与运动场迷宫模型来比较吗啡反复处理过的大鼠与对照组大鼠在行为上的差异。吗啡组(n=10)大鼠连续20天腹腔注射10mg/kg吗啡,而对照组(n=10)用生理盐水进行处理后,两组大鼠分别置入同一旷场中,每次15分钟,连续3天,但第三天在旷场中心放置一个小型新颖物体。第一天大鼠对旷场的反应可以被认为是一种应激反应;经过前两天对旷场的适应之后的第三天,大鼠面对的是熟悉环境中的新颖物体,大鼠接近新物体的次数与在新物体附近停留的时间被纪录为新颖行为指标。研究发现,第一天吗啡组大鼠对旷场刺激表现出较低的运动反应,第三天放入新颖物体后,两组大鼠都表现出新颖寻求行为,但是吗啡组大鼠比对照组在新颖物体附近停留的时间比对照组更长。研究结果表明,吗啡仿佛处理能够降低大鼠的应激反应但是增强新颖反应,吗啡对动物行为的这种复杂作用可能与成瘾药物作用后多巴胺系统的改变有关。

关键词: 吗啡, 应激, 新颖寻求, 旷场

Abstract: To investigate the effect of repeated morphine-exposure on the behavior of stress response and novelty seeking, a method referring to open-field and playground maze was designed and used to investigate the behavior difference of repeated morphine-exposure rats and naive rats. Ten rats (morphine group) were injected ip with morphine (10 mg/kg), and the other ten rats (vehicle group) were injected saline solution. After treatment on consecutive 20 days, all rats were placed in the same playground maze for 15 min on each of 3 consecutive days, but a small novel object was put at the center of it the last day. On the first day, the locomotor response to novel playground maze could be recorded as response to the stressor. Then after adapted the maze environment twice, rats were attracted to the novel object in familiar environment, and the duration and number of approach the novelty could be recorded as graded response of novelty-seeking. It was detected that the morphine group rats exhibited lower initial locomotor response to novelty maze stress on the first test day. As there was a novel object at the center the third day, the two groups rats spent more time near the center and approach the center more frequently than the first two days, and the morphine group rats behaved more duration approach to the novelty than the vehicle group. These results indicated that morphine-exposure could alter traits of rats by decreasing the level of stress response and increasing the novelty seeking.

Key words: morphine, stress, novelty-seeking, open-field
