ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (11): 1488-1498.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2024.01488

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭存1, 谢瑞波1, 喻艳玲1, 夏月1, 王振梁1, 伍新春2,3   

  1. 1浙江师范大学心理学院, 金华 321004;
    2北京师范大学心理学部, 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室, 儿童阅读与学习研究院, 北京 100875;
    3北京师范大学文理学院心理系, 广东 珠海 519087
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-18 发布日期:2024-09-05 出版日期:2024-11-25
  • 通讯作者: 谢瑞波, E-mail:; 伍新春, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

The relationships among compounding morphological awareness, word structure awareness and vocabulary knowledge in Chinese primary school children in middle and upper grades: A cross-lagged model

GUO Cun1, XIE Ruibo1, YU Yanling1, XIA Yue1, WANG Zhenliang1, Wu Xinchun2,3   

  1. 1School of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China;
    2Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology, Research Institute of Children’s Reading and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
    3Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai 519087, China
  • Received:2023-04-18 Online:2024-09-05 Published:2024-11-25

摘要: 为考察复合语素意识、词语结构意识与词汇知识在发展中的关系, 对278名小学三年级儿童进行为期2年3次的追踪测试。在控制了年龄、一般认知能力、语音意识和自回归效应后, 交叉滞后分析结果显示:(1)在三到四年级阶段, 词汇知识显著预测复合语素意识与词语结构意识; 复合语素意识显著预测词语结构意识和词汇知识; (2)在四到五年级阶段, 复合语素意识显著预测词语结构意识与词汇知识; 词语结构意识显著预测复合语素意识和词汇知识。研究表明, 复合语素意识、词语结构意识和词汇知识在中高年级的发展关系是动态变化的, 具有阶段性特点。词汇知识在中年级阶段对两种语素意识具有预测作用, 词语结构意识在高年级阶段对词汇知识具有预测作用, 复合语素意识对词汇知识的预测作用在中高年级阶段一直存在。两种语素意识的关系在中年级阶段表现为复合语素意识单向预测词语结构意识, 在高年级阶段表现为双向关系, 二者能够相互预测。

关键词: 复合语素意识, 词语结构意识, 词汇知识, 汉语儿童, 交叉滞后模型

Abstract: Morphological awareness stands as a pivotal facet of metalinguistic awareness, exerting a significant influence on children's linguistic progression. Morphological awareness in Chinese has three aspects: word level, character level and sub-lexical level. At the word level, morphological awareness encapsulates children's comprehension of morpheme meanings and structures, comprising compounding morphological awareness and word structure awareness. These components scrutinize Chinese vocabulary, elucidating morpheme semantics and grammatical structure, respectively. Through these facets of morphological awareness, children achieve a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of vocabulary semantics and syntax, thereby enhancing the efficacy of vocabulary acquisition. Given the intricate interplay between compounding morphological awareness, word structure awareness, and vocabulary knowledge, it is imperative to explore their interconnectedness within the realm of children's language development.
The study investigated changes in the developmental interplay among compounding morphological awareness, word structure awareness, and vocabulary knowledge in elementary school children from third to fifth grade. A cohort of 278 third-graders underwent three follow-up tests over a span of two years. The assessments were conducted at Time 1 (fall semester of Grade 3), Time 2 (fall semester of Grade 4), and Time 3 (fall semester of Grade 5), each separated by a one-year interval. Age, IQ, and phonological awareness were treated as control variables and measured at Time 1. Utilizing a cross-lagged model, the study examined the dynamic relationships among compounding morphological awareness, word structure awareness, and vocabulary knowledge across different time points.
The results showed that after controlling for the above additional variables: (1) Vocabulary knowledge at Time 1 significantly predicted compounding morphological awareness and word structure awareness at Time 2. Similarly, compounding morphological awareness at Time 1 significantly predicted word structure awareness and vocabulary knowledge at Time 2. However, word structure awareness at Time 1 did not significantly predict compounding morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge at Time 2. (2) Compounding morphological awareness at Time 2 significantly predicted word structure awareness and vocabulary knowledge at Time 3. Likewise, word structure awareness at Time 2 significantly predicted compounding morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge at Time 3. However, vocabulary knowledge at Time 2 did not significantly predict compounding morphological awareness and word structure awareness at Time 3. Overall, the developmental interplay among compounding morphological awareness, word structure awareness, and vocabulary knowledge during grades 3 to 5 exhibited dynamic characteristics with distinct stages.
The study findings addressed a gap in prior research by incorporating the grammatical aspects of words into the exploration of Chinese morphological awareness. This investigation elucidated the developmental patterns of morphological awareness at the word level, offering a nuanced comprehension of its relationship with vocabulary knowledge. Moreover, the results hold implications for enhancing vocabulary instruction among elementary school students in the middle and upper grades, thus contributing to pedagogical practices in language education.

Key words: compounding morphological awareness, word structure awareness, vocabulary knowledge, Chinese children, cross-lagged study
