ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (9): 1576-1598.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2021.01576 cstr: 32111.14.2021.01576

• 元分析 • 上一篇    下一篇


张建平1,2(), 林澍倩3, 刘善仕2, 张亚4, 李焕荣4   

  1. 1广东金融学院工商管理学院, 广州 510521
    2华南理工大学工商管理学院, 广州 510641
    3岭南师范学院美术与设计学院, 湛江 524048
    4广东财经大学MBA学院, 广州 510320
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-04 发布日期:2021-07-22
  • 基金资助:

Empowering leadership and leadership effectiveness: A meta-analytic examination

ZHANG Jianping1,2(), LIN Shuqian3, LIU Shanshi2, ZHANG Ya4, LI Huanrong4   

  1. 1School of Business Administration, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou 510521, China
    2School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641, China
    3School of Fine Arts and Design, Lingnan Normal University, Zhanjiang, 524048, China
    4MBA School, Guangdong University of Finance & Economics, Guangzhou 510320, China
  • Received:2020-08-04 Published:2021-07-22


基于183项实证研究, 采用元分析法综合考察了领导授权赋能与领导有效性的关系, 包括个体工作态度与绩效(145个样本, 50509名员工)、团队绩效(47个样本, 4856个团队)和组织绩效(9个样本, 1090家企业)。结果表明:领导授权赋能与工作满意度、组织承诺和主观幸福感显著正相关, 与离职倾向、倦怠&压力显著负相关, 与个体(团队)绩效及其各维度显著正相关, 与反生产行为显著负相关, 但与组织绩效的正向关系不显著。其中, 主观幸福感、团队绩效、团队任务绩效的样本文献可能存在出版偏倚, 其元分析结果很可能被高估。在东西方差异上, 领导授权赋能与个体(团队)绩效、个体(团队)任务绩效的相关性均属东亚样本更强、欧美样本更弱, 而与个体(团队)创新绩效、个体(团队)关系绩效之间无显著差异。然而, 团队创新绩效的欧美样本和团队关系绩效的东亚样本仅1份, 故其东西方比较结果可能存在不稳定及不可靠性。此外, 领导授权赋能的量表、数据类型显著调节了领导授权赋能与个体绩效的关系, 行业类型的调节效应不显著。研究结果为领导授权赋能与领导有效性的研究给出了新的阶段性定论。

关键词: 领导授权赋能, 领导有效性, 元分析, 调节效应


With the ever-changing organizational environment, more and more business managers choose to empower their subordinates in exchange for more responsibilities and better performance, in order to help companies gain sustainable competitive advantages. For this reason, empowering leadership has received extensive attention from management practitioners and academic researchers, and has achieved fruitful research results. However, there are still have some disagreements about the effectiveness of empowering leadership in Chinese and foreign studies. Although Kim et al. (2018) and Lee et al. (2018) took the lead in conducting meta-analysis research on the impact of empowering leadership, their research objects were limited to English literature before 2016, and the samples based on the Chinese context were seriously small. As the second largest economy in the world and the “Cultural suzerain” of the Confucian Culture Cluster, China has a huge number of enterprises and labor force. Therefore, the meta-analysis should fully absorb research samples based on the Chinese context to more truly reflect the effectiveness of empowering leadership.

Based on 183 empirical studies (120 in English and 63 in Chinese), the authors use meta-analysis method to comprehensively examine the relationship between empowering leadership and leadership effectiveness, including individual work attitudes and individual performance (145 samples, 50509 employees), team performance (47 samples, 4856 teams) and organizational performance (9 samples, 1090 companies). The research results show that empowering leadership is significantly positively correlated with individual positive work attitudes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and subjective well-being), and significantly negatively correlated with individual negative work attitudes (turnover tendency, burnout & stress), and significantly positively correlated with individual (team) performance and its various dimensions, and is significantly negatively correlated with individual counterproductive behavior, but the positive correlation with organizational performance is not significant. Among them, the sample literatures of subjective well-being, team performance and team task performance may have publication bias, so that the meta-analysis results of empowering leadership with these variables are likely to be overestimated. In addition, the authors also examine the boundary effects of sample differences between East and West, measurement scales of empowering leadership, types of research data, and industry types of research sample on the relationship between empowering leadership and some performance indicators.

In terms of the differences between the Eastern and Western samples, the correlation between empowering leadership and individual (team) performance and individual (team) task performance are stronger in the East Asian samples and weaker in the European and American samples, but its relationship with individual (team) innovation performance and individual (team) contextual performance has no significant difference. However, the western sample of team innovation performance and the East Asian sample of team contextual performance are only one, so that the meta-analysis results of East-West comparison about team innovation performance and team contextual performance may be unstable and unreliable. In addition, the measurement scale of empowering leadership and types of research data are significantly moderated the relationship between empowering leadership and individual performance, but the industry types of research sample had no significant moderating effect on the relationship between empowering leadership and individual performance. The conclusion of this study provides a more comprehensive stage conclusion for the research on effectiveness of empowering leadership.

Key words: empowering leadership, leadership effectiveness, meta-analysis, moderating effect
