ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3): 453-457.

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  1. 首都师范大学心理系,北京 100089
  • 收稿日期:2007-12-31 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-05-15 发布日期:2008-05-15
  • 通讯作者: 于萍

The Relationship Between Brain Acetylcholine Release And Cognitive Activity

YU Ping;QU Chun-Huan;LI Xin-Wang;GUO Chun-Yan   

  1. Department of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100089, China
  • Received:2007-12-31 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-05-15 Published:2008-05-15
  • Contact: Yu Ping

摘要: 脑内细胞外乙酰胆碱(ACh)的变化主要反映胆碱能神经元的活动,皮层和海马等脑区的ACh主要来源于基底前脑胆碱能神经元的纤维投射。应用微透析等技术在体检测清醒、自由活动动物认知过程中脑内乙酰胆碱的含量,可以研究ACh与特定行为反应和认知活动之间的关系。研究发现当机体需要对新刺激进行分析时,在学习与记忆、空间工作记忆、注意、自发运动和探究行为等认知活动中,基底前脑胆碱能神经元被激活,脑内ACh的释放也随之改变。结果提示脑内胆碱能递质系统活动与认知过程密切相关

关键词: 乙酰胆碱, 学习与记忆, 注意, 自发活动量, 探究行为

Abstract: Abstract: Changes in acetylcholine extracellular levels correlate the activity of the cholinergic nerve endings in the brain. Extracellular acetylcholine in both cortex and hippocampus is mainly originated from the afferent basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. Acetylcholine release is detected during cognitive processes in awake and free moving animals in vivo by ways of microdialysis technique, to investigate the relationship between brain acetylcholine release and specific cognitive activity. Activation of the forebrain cholinergic system and enhancement of acetylcholine release has been demonstrated in conditions in which the animals are required to analyze novel stimuli and during performance of learning and memory, spatial working memory, attention, motor activity and exploratory behavior. These results suggest that central cholinergic system activity be closely involved in cognitive procedure

Key words: acetylcholine, learning and memory, attention, locomotor activation, exploratory behavior
