心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 873-885.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.00873 cstr: 32111.14.2024.00873
• 研究构想 • 下一篇
刘海宁1(), 董现玲2, 刘海虹1, 刘艳丽2, 李现文3
LIU Hai-ning1(), DONG Xian-ling2, LIU Hai-hon1, LIU Yan-li2, LI Xian-wen3
阿尔茨海默病具有极高的发病率和致死率。遗忘型轻度认知障碍(Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment, aMCI)作为临床前驱期, 探究其形成和发展机制有助于预防阿尔茨海默病的发生。现有研究显示, 多个执行域缺陷与aMCI记忆衰退密切相关, 但尚未回答何种执行域是关键致病因子、关键干预治疗靶标等科学问题。为突破以往研究将执行功能视作整体抑或割裂元素的局限性, 本研究拟从执行功能结构全貌着眼, 在提出aMCI执行功能与记忆损害关系假说的基础上, 利用脑电技术系统考察aMCI抑制、刷新和转换三种执行功能子成分的时域、时频和动态脑网络特征; 并结合三维卷积神经网络筛选、识别执行功能缺陷的特异性神经靶标, 探索将抑制域相关神经标记物加入aMCI早期识别的可能性; 最后, 通过纵向因果设计分析不同靶向数字干预对aMCI患者的训练效果及神经基础, 以揭示抑制域相关额顶控制网络在干预中的重要作用。本研究有望从计算认知神经视角阐明抑制是aMCI执行功能缺损和干预的认知新靶点, 进而为aMCI早期识别和制定精准化诊疗方案提供循证依据。
刘海宁, 董现玲, 刘海虹, 刘艳丽, 李现文. (2024). 老年遗忘型轻度认知障碍执行功能的神经机制及数字干预. 心理科学进展 , 32(6), 873-885.
LIU Hai-ning, DONG Xian-ling, LIU Hai-hon, LIU Yan-li, LI Xian-wen. (2024). Neural mechanisms and digital promotion of executive function in older adults with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Advances in Psychological Science, 32(6), 873-885.
作者(年份) | ERP范式 | ERP成分 | 电极位置 | 波幅/能量效应 | 潜伏期效应 |
抑制 | |||||
Chiang et al. (2018) | 语义 Go/no-go | N200; P300 | N200: Fz, FCz, Cz; P300: FCz, Cz, Pz | NS | N200: aMCI > HC P300: aMCI > HC |
Mudaret al. ( | 语义 Go/no-go | N200; P300 | N200: Fz, FCz, Cz; P300: FCz, Cz, CPz | NS | N200:aMCI > HC P300: NS |
Lydia T. Nguyen et al. ( | 语义 Go/no-go | Theta; Alpha 1; Alpha 2 | Fz, F1, F2, Cz, C1, C2, Pz, P1, P2 | Theta: aMCI< HC Alpha 1: NS Alpha 2: NS | / |
Cid-Fernández et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Fz, Cz, Pz | N200 (Cz): aMCI < HC; P300: NS | NS |
Cid-Fernández et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300; PSW | Fz, Cz, Pz | N200: aMCI<HC P300: NS; PSW (Cz): sd-aMCI> md-aMCI, HC | N200: Go Md-aMCI> HC; P300: NS |
Cid-Fernández et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Cz, Pz | NS | N200: No-go aMCI>HC(Cz); P300: Go aMCI>HC(Pz) |
Lopez Zunini et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Fz, FCz, Cz, CPz, Pz | N200: NS; P300: aMCI < HC | NS |
Gu et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Fz, Cz, Pz | N200: No-go md-aMCI< HC(Fz, Pz) sd-aMCI< HC(Pz) N200: Go md-aMCI< HC(all) P300: NS | NS |
Rabi et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | FC1, FCz, FC2, C1, Cz, C2, CP1, CPz, CP2 | N200: NS; P300: aMCI < HC | NS |
刷新 | |||||
Gu et al. ( | N-back | P300 | CP1, CPz, CP2, P1, Pz, P2 | aMCI < HC (CPz, CP2, P1, P2) | NS |
Gu et al. ( | N-back | P300 | CP1, CPz, CP2, P1, Pz, P2 | 0-back: aMCI< HC(P1) 1-back: md-aMCI< HC (CP2, P1, Pz, P2) | NS |
Gu et al. ( | N-back | P300 | P1, Pz, P2 | 0-back: md-aMCI< HC(P1,P2) 1-back: md-aMCI< HC(all) | NS |
Zunini et al. ( | N-back | P200; N200; P300 | Fz, FCz, Cz, CPz, Pz | P200: NS N200: NS P300: aMCI< HC(all) | P200:aMCI>HC (CPz,Pz); N200:aMCI>HC(all); P300: NS |
Francisco J. Fraga et al. ( | N-back | Theta;Alpha; Beta;Gamma | C3, F4, Fz | Theta: NS Alpha: aMCI< HC Beta: aMCI< HC Gamma: NS | / |
转换 | |||||
Tsai et al. ( | Task-switching | P300 | Fz, Cz, Pz | aMCI < HC | aMCI > HC |
表1 遗忘型轻度认知障碍执行功能脑电研究简概
作者(年份) | ERP范式 | ERP成分 | 电极位置 | 波幅/能量效应 | 潜伏期效应 |
抑制 | |||||
Chiang et al. (2018) | 语义 Go/no-go | N200; P300 | N200: Fz, FCz, Cz; P300: FCz, Cz, Pz | NS | N200: aMCI > HC P300: aMCI > HC |
Mudaret al. ( | 语义 Go/no-go | N200; P300 | N200: Fz, FCz, Cz; P300: FCz, Cz, CPz | NS | N200:aMCI > HC P300: NS |
Lydia T. Nguyen et al. ( | 语义 Go/no-go | Theta; Alpha 1; Alpha 2 | Fz, F1, F2, Cz, C1, C2, Pz, P1, P2 | Theta: aMCI< HC Alpha 1: NS Alpha 2: NS | / |
Cid-Fernández et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Fz, Cz, Pz | N200 (Cz): aMCI < HC; P300: NS | NS |
Cid-Fernández et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300; PSW | Fz, Cz, Pz | N200: aMCI<HC P300: NS; PSW (Cz): sd-aMCI> md-aMCI, HC | N200: Go Md-aMCI> HC; P300: NS |
Cid-Fernández et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Cz, Pz | NS | N200: No-go aMCI>HC(Cz); P300: Go aMCI>HC(Pz) |
Lopez Zunini et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Fz, FCz, Cz, CPz, Pz | N200: NS; P300: aMCI < HC | NS |
Gu et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | Fz, Cz, Pz | N200: No-go md-aMCI< HC(Fz, Pz) sd-aMCI< HC(Pz) N200: Go md-aMCI< HC(all) P300: NS | NS |
Rabi et al. ( | Go/no-go | N200; P300 | FC1, FCz, FC2, C1, Cz, C2, CP1, CPz, CP2 | N200: NS; P300: aMCI < HC | NS |
刷新 | |||||
Gu et al. ( | N-back | P300 | CP1, CPz, CP2, P1, Pz, P2 | aMCI < HC (CPz, CP2, P1, P2) | NS |
Gu et al. ( | N-back | P300 | CP1, CPz, CP2, P1, Pz, P2 | 0-back: aMCI< HC(P1) 1-back: md-aMCI< HC (CP2, P1, Pz, P2) | NS |
Gu et al. ( | N-back | P300 | P1, Pz, P2 | 0-back: md-aMCI< HC(P1,P2) 1-back: md-aMCI< HC(all) | NS |
Zunini et al. ( | N-back | P200; N200; P300 | Fz, FCz, Cz, CPz, Pz | P200: NS N200: NS P300: aMCI< HC(all) | P200:aMCI>HC (CPz,Pz); N200:aMCI>HC(all); P300: NS |
Francisco J. Fraga et al. ( | N-back | Theta;Alpha; Beta;Gamma | C3, F4, Fz | Theta: NS Alpha: aMCI< HC Beta: aMCI< HC Gamma: NS | / |
转换 | |||||
Tsai et al. ( | Task-switching | P300 | Fz, Cz, Pz | aMCI < HC | aMCI > HC |
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