ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

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蒋建武, 龙晗寰, 胡洁宇   

  • 收稿日期:2023-11-02 修回日期:2024-06-01 接受日期:2024-06-19
  • 通讯作者: 龙晗寰
  • 基金资助:

A Meta-analysis of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence Applications on Employees in the Workplace

Long Han-Huan   

  • Received:2023-11-02 Revised:2024-06-01 Accepted:2024-06-19
  • Contact: Long Han-Huan

摘要: 随着数字科技的发展,人工智能为组织带来了新的机会和挑战,其在工作场所中的应用对员工行为与心理的影响日益得到学术界的密切关注。但相关影响方向、边界和影响程度等研究结论尚未取得共识。本研究对包含85个结果变量,150个效应量的64篇国内外文献进行了元分析。研究发现:工作场所AI应用有助于触发员工工作投入、组织承诺、工作幸福感等积极心理,调动其知识共享、数字创新、工作重塑等积极行为,但同时也会引发员工焦虑、离职倾向、工作不安全感等消极心理,出现知识隐藏、退缩行为、服务破坏等消极行为,且AI应用类型、行业类型以及AI应用测量方式对上述关系有不同程度的调节作用。研究结论表明工作场所AI应用是一柄双刃剑,它既可以作为技术支持丰富员工心理资源,激发积极行为,亦会给员工造成威胁消耗心理资源,引发消极行为。本研究在工作要求-资源模型的理论框架下,明晰了工作场所AI应用与员工行为与心理结果变量间的关系效果以及边界条件,对组织科学地调整AI管理方式,引导员工正确认识AI以有效发挥其价值具有指导意义。

关键词: 关键词:工作场所, 人工智能应用, 积极行为和心理, 消极行为和心理, 元分析

Abstract: Despite the burgeoning number of studies on Artificial Intelligence (AI), there hasn't been a systematic and comprehensive understanding of its impact on employee psychology and behavioral outcomes. Based on 64 domestic and foreign studies (N = 150), a meta-analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between AI application and employee outcomes. The results found that AI application had a significant positive correlation with positive psychology such as work engagement, organizational commitment, and work happiness, as well as the positive correlation with positive behaviors such as knowledge sharing, digital innovation, and job crafting. However, this meta-analysis also found a positive relationship between AI application and employees' negative psychology such as anxiety, turnover intention, and job insecurity, as well as negative behaviors such as knowledge hiding, withdrawal behavior, and service destruction. Further, this study examined the moderating effects of the type of AI application, the type of industry and the measurement method of AI application. The data results showed that, the application of AI in the workplace is a double-edged sword, which can enrich employees' psychological resources as technical support and stimulate positive behaviors, but also threaten employees to consume psychological resources and cause negative behaviors. Under the theoretical framework of Job Demand-Resource model, this meta-analysis provides a comprehensive and reliable conclusion for the impact of AI application on individual work outcomes, and also offers theoretical references and practical guidance for future research.

Key words: Key words: workplace, Artificial Intelligence applications, positive behavior and psychology, negative behavior and psychology, meta-analysis