ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2003, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (02): 246-254. cstr: 32110.14.2003.00246

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  1. 暨南大学人力资源管理研究所,广州 510632
  • 收稿日期:2002-05-10 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2003-03-30 出版日期:2003-03-30


Ling Wenquan,Zheng Xiaoming,Fang Liluo   

  1. The Institute of HR Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China 510632
  • Received:2002-05-10 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2003-03-30 Published:2003-03-30

摘要: 对中、日、美三国的社会规范进行了比较研究。被试为北京1434人,大阪608人,洛杉矶1409人。在3方共同研讨基础上编制了统一的调查问卷,共67个项目。采用SPSS 10.0软件对结果进行了多元统计、解析。结果表明:(1)三国国民的社会规范的基本维度是一致的,包括伦理道德、价值取向、法律规章和社会习俗4个维度。其中,伦理道德和价值取向组成内控规范,法律规章和社会习俗组成外控规范。(2)中日两国的社会规范都是以内控规范为主,外控规范为辅。中国人在内控规范中,以伦理道德为主,价值取向为次;在外控规范中,法律规章为主,社会习俗为辅。而日本人的内控规范中却以价值取向为主,伦理道德为辅。(3)美国人的社会规范以外控为主,内控为辅。在外控的两大维度中,法律规章为主,社会习俗为次;在内控规范中,以价值取向为主,伦理道德为辅。尽管三国之间有着相同的规范维度,但组成各规范维度的具体规范,既有超越特定文化的共同规范,又存在着依存于特定文化的特殊规范。社会规范的文化差异是导致管理冲突的根本原因。

关键词: 社会规范, 伦理道德, 价值取向, 法律规章, 社会习俗

Abstract: The comparative research to social norms of Chinese, Japanese and Americans was carried through. The subjects in Beijing were 1434, in Osaka 608 and in Los Angeles 1409. Sixty-seven items were included in the survey questionnaire, which was made by the three sides through discussion. The SPSS10.0 was used in the statistics. The results showed: (1)The basic two types of social norms of the Chinese, the Japanese and the Americans were the same, including the ethic and moral, value orientation, the law and the rules, and the social custom. The ethic and moral and value orientation builtup the internal control norm, the law and the rules and the social custom builtup the external control norm. (2)The basic structures of the social norms in China and in Japan were the same: the internal control norms played a main role and the external control norm was auxiliary. On one hand, within the internal norm of Chinese, the moral principle was the main force while the value orientation was the supplementary; within the external norm, the law and the rules was the main force while the social culture custom was supplementary. On the other hand, the relationship between the external and the internal dimensions of the Japanese turned out to be contrary to those of the Chinese.(3)For the Americans, the external control norm played a main role while the internal control norm assisted in the structure of the social norms. Furthermore, the law and the rule was the major aspect while the social costumes was the second in the external control dimension. The value orientation led the performance style of the Americans, while the moral principle played the second role in the internal control structure. Although there were the same dimensions among the three countries, the contents of these dimensions had both the common norms surpassing the specific culture and the particular norms depending on the specific culture. The culture differences of the social norms were the fundamental reason of the management conflict.

Key words: the social norms, the ethic and moral, value orientation, the law and the rules, the social custom
