ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (3): 259-269.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2022.00259 cstr: 32110.14.2022.00259

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


崔丽莹, 卜炜玮, 高权丽, 吴琴, 黄瑶, 韩宪国(), 罗俊龙()   

  1. 上海师范大学心理学系, 上海 200234
  • 收稿日期:2019-10-12 发布日期:2022-01-25 出版日期:2022-03-25
  • 基金资助:

The development of discriminatory perception of junior high school students and influence on the cooperative behavior of internal and external groups

CUI Liying, BU Weiwei, GAO Quanli, WU Qin, HUANG Yao, HAN Xianguo(), LUO Junlong()   

  1. Department of Psychology, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China
  • Received:2019-10-12 Online:2022-01-25 Published:2022-03-25


本文通过两个研究揭示歧视知觉对初中生合作倾向与行为的影响, 研究1采用问卷法对752名初中生进行为期一年的追踪, 运用潜变量交叉滞后结构方程模型分析歧视知觉与合作倾向之间的纵向预测关系; 研究2采用动态公共物品困境实验考察歧视知觉对合作行为的影响, 以及群体类型的调节作用。结果发现:(1)初中生的歧视知觉与合作倾向存在显著负相关; T1合作倾向可负向预测T2歧视知觉, T2歧视知觉可负向预测T3合作倾向; (2)在公共物品困境前三轮投资比和贡献率上, 歧视知觉和群体类型的交互效应显著; 而在后三轮仅发现歧视知觉在投资比和贡献率上的主效应, 以及群体类型在贡献率上的主效应。以上结果表明, 歧视知觉与合作倾向之间存在纵向螺旋式影响; 歧视知觉对前期合作行为的影响受到群体类型的调节, 但随着互动时间延长, 该调节作用消失。

关键词: 歧视知觉, 合作倾向, 合作行为, 初中生


Discrimination perception refers to the unfair, negative or harmful treatment that an individual perceives due to membership in a group. This experience is subjective and affects the individual’s psychology and behaviour. Cooperation is the basic form of social interaction, which is an essential part of personal social development and an important issue for sustainable human growth. Junior high school students undergo puberty, a stage of rapid development of mind and body. This development is inseparable from the interaction with and feedback from the environment. In this study, the purpose is to reveal the influence of discrimination perception on the cooperative tendency and behaviour of junior high school students from the perspective of traits and status.
The first part of the study was measured using Cai Min's Education Discrimination Questionnaire. Survey participants were 752 first-year students who performed three measurements in November 2016, April 2017 and November 2017 (T1 to T3, respectively) to explore the influence of discrimination perception on their cooperative tendencies. The second part of the study was carried out using a multi-round investment public goods dilemma paradigm. This experiment was organised into a 2 (discrimination perception level: high discrimination perception, low discrimination perception) × 2 (group type: inner group, outside group) factorial design. The discrimination perception level is the inter-subject variable and the group type is the intra-subject variable. Each participant carries out 12 rounds of investment, in which the cooperation object of the first six rounds is a member of the outside group and that of the last six rounds is a member of the inner group. The dependent variable is the cooperative behaviour of the participants, measured as the investment ratio (ratio of each round of investment to the current round of principal) and the contribution rate (ratio of each round of investment to the bottom line of public accounts return of 200). The participants in the experiment were 68 junior high school students selected from results of the T3 discrimination perception questionnaire, namely, the top 27% with high discrimination perception and bottom 27% with low discrimination perception. The outside group situation was controlled by the simulated point estimation experiment.
Results showed that: (1) At the three time points, a significant negative correlation was observed between the discrimination perception among junior high school students and the cooperative tendency. From the vertical point of view, the cooperative tendency of T1 could negatively predict the discrimination perception in T2, which in turn negatively predicted the cooperative tendency in T3; (2) in the first three rounds of investment ratio and contribution rate of public goods dilemma, the interaction effect of discrimination perception and group type was significant; in the last three rounds, only the main effects of discrimination perception on investment ratio and contribution rate and of group type on contribution rate were observed.
Findings suggest a vertical spiral between the discrimination perception and cooperative tendency. At the beginning of the interaction, the cooperative behaviour of the inner group preference is only observed in the low discrimination perception group, and the influence of discrimination perception on the cooperative behaviour is regulated by the group type. With the extension of interaction time, the regulatory effect of the group type disappears and the inner group preference of cooperative behaviour generally increases.

Key words: discrimination perception, cooperative tendency, cooperative behaviour, junior high school students
