ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (11): 1395-1404.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2015.01395 cstr: 32110.14.2015.01395

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  1. (1北京师范大学心理学院, 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875)
    (2中国建筑股份有限公司基础设施事业部, 北京 100044)
  • 收稿日期:2014-12-23 发布日期:2015-11-25 出版日期:2015-11-25

Faking in Job Applicants' Responses in Personality Tests: #br# Evidence from A Eye-Tracking Study of Job Desirability

XU Jianping1; CHEN Jiyue1,2; ZHANG Wei1; LI Wenya1; SHENG Yu1   

  1. (1 School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Key Lab for Applied Experimental Psychology, Beijing 100875, China)
    (2 Department of infrastructure business, China State Construction Engrg. Corp. LTD, Beijing 100044, China)
  • Received:2014-12-23 Online:2015-11-25 Published:2015-11-25


应聘者在人格测验中的作假是人事选拔领域关注的重点问题。研究试图通过眼动追踪技术探讨应聘者在人格测验中作假的反应过程。首先让50名被试对44道大五人格量表(BFI-44)题目进行工作赞许性评定。然后采用被试内模拟实验设计, 在诚实和作假两种情境下由另外50名被试在计算机上作答BFI-44, 使用Tobbi 120眼动仪记录被试作答人格测验时对每道题目的作答反应、反应潜伏期和眼动指标。结果显示, 在作假情境下, 应聘者在5个人格维度上都会作假。在作答受工作赞许题目或不受工作赞许的题目时, 作假反应潜伏期更短, 眼动注视点更少, 更多集中在极端选项上; 在作答无工作赞许性的题目时, 作假反应潜伏期更长, 更多集中在中间选项上。据此结果, 提出了一个基于工作赞许性的“混合加工模型”构想, 解释应聘情境中人格测验作假反应过程。

关键词: 作假, 人格测验, 人事选拔, 眼动



One of the important concerns in personnel selection process has been job applicants’ faking behaviors in Personality tests (or measurement or evaluation). Although many studies have been done on faking behaviors in personality tests, no consensus has yet reached regarding the response processes of faking behaviors in personality tests. At present, researchers have proposed three mutually incompatible social–desirability–based response process models of faking in personality tests: the Self–Schema Model, the Sematic–Exercise Model and the Adopted–Schema Model. In the Adopted–Schema Model, test items are classified as social desirable and social undesirable, but items unrelated to social desirability are neglected. Besides, more and more researchers are inclined to consider faking in personnel selection as a job desirable behavior instead of a social desirable one. Therefore, this study tried to explore job applicants’ faking response in personality tests from the perspective of job desirability with the help of eye–tracking techniques.
First, fifty participants rated the job desirability of 44 items in Big Five Inventory (BFI-44). Based on the rating scores, BFI-44 items were classified into three categories: job desirable items, job undesirable items and items unrelated to job desirability. Second, in a within–subject simulation experiment design, another fifty participants completed the BFI-44 in two conditions – honest vs. faking in an eye–tracking laboratory. To eliminate order effect, these 50 participants were randomly assigned to the two groups. The first group went through the honest condition and then the faking condition. The second group followed the reversed order. The participants were instructed to complete six items from Mensa IQ test as a filler task between the two sessions. Item responses, response latencies, and eye movement index were recorded using Tobii 120.
The results showed that test scores on all of the five dimensions of the Big Five Inventory under the faking condition were significantly higher than the scores under the honest condition.The response latencies on items in the categories of job desirable and job undesirable were significantly shorter in the faking condition than the response latencies in both categories in the honest condition. The number of eye fixations was significantly lower on the question stems than on the extreme options of the categories of items on job desirable and job undesirable in the faking condition, when compared with the honest condition. In the category of items unrelated to job desirability, the number of eye fixations was significantly more in the faking condition than in the honest condition. The same pattern of eye fixations was found on the options in the middle. In the faking condition, the participants’ eyes fixed on extreme options (i.e., strongly disagree and strongly agree) more directly after reading the questions.
These findings support the idea that faking leads to semantic–exercise interpretations on job desirable and job undesirable items, as well as self–schema interpretations on items unrelated to job desirability. The response process in the faking condition seemed to be simpler than the response process in the honest condition, when answering the items in the categories of job desirability and job undesirability. Based on the findings, the job–desirability–based Mixed–Exercise Model has been proposed, in an attempt to explain faking response in personality tests.

Key words: faking, personality test, personnel selection, eye movement