ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2011, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 123-131.

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  1. 江苏省语言科学与神经认知工程重点实验室; 徐州师范大学语言研究所, 徐州 221009
  • 收稿日期:2010-04-07 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2011-02-28 出版日期:2011-02-28

An fMRI Study of Chinese Causative Sentences: the Syntactic Independence of Chinese

FENG Shi-Wen;SHEN Xing-An;Yang Yi-Ming   

  1. Key Laboratory of Language Sciences and Neurocognitive Engineering of Jiangsu Province; Institute of Linguistics, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou 221009, China
  • Received:2010-04-07 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-02-28 Published:2011-02-28

摘要: 大脑中的句法加工模式是神经认知科学研究的重要课题, 而句法加工是否存在独立性一直是研究者争论较多的问题。有形态标记的英语等印欧语语言的句法可以通过形态变化表现, 而汉语不具备与印欧语有明确对应关系的形态变化, 因此汉语的句法变化几乎不能通过外在形态标记。通过3T场强功能性磁共振成像, 以汉语语义等值使动句为研究材料, 对不依赖形态变化来标记句法变化的汉语句法加工的独立性进行了初步研究。结果显示, 大脑左侧额叶对于汉语句法加工具有重要的作用, 尤其是大脑左侧额叶中回的BA44区和额叶下回的BA47区都对汉语句法加工较为敏感, 这表明即使不通过形态改变来标记句法变化, 汉语句子加工中的句法加工仍然可以被分离, 句法独立性的加工主要由大脑左侧额叶中回及大脑左侧额叶下回等脑区承担, 大脑左侧颞叶并未参与汉语句法的独立性加工。

关键词: 汉语, 句法, 大脑左侧额叶, 功能性磁共振成像

Abstract: The brain processing models of syntactic and semantics are important issues in the cognitive neurosciences. In 1957, Noam Chomsky put forward the framework of Syntax Independence. Even today, the hypothesis of Syntax Independence is one of the central topics of linguistics. However, this important language hypothesis has not been well studied by neuroscience researchers. Boland (1997), Grodzinsky et al. (2008) and other researchers showed evidence of syntactic independence, and even proposed specific brain regions involved in independent syntactic processing. However, these studies have been challenged by some other researchers (e.g.,Willems & Hagoort 2009). In fact, there are many morphological and syntactic markers in English and other Indo-European languages, and the syntactic variations in these languages can be embodied by morphological changes. In contrast, a language like Chinese does not have clear correspondent morphological changes like the Indo-European languages do. Consequently, if in the current experiment we can get at the neural processing of a morphologically impoverished languages like Chinese, we can find more conclusive evidence for the hypothesis of Syntax Independence in the brain.
The materials in this study are two types of Chinese Causative Sentences with an equivalent meaning. For example, (1) Shichang Shi Jingji Fanrong (DCS);(2) Shichang Fanrong Le Jingji (RCS). These two sentences have the same meaning “The market made the economy prosperous” in Chinese. The sentence (1) is termed Dominant Causative Sentences (DCS) and the (2) is termed Recessive Causative Sentences (RCS).
The fMRI acquisistion was done on a GE 3.0T machine with an event-related design. The participants were 19 healthy, right-handed, native Chinese speakers, 10 males and 9 females, with ages ranging from 20 to 26 years. The experimental data was analyzed with the AFNI software package. Images were spatial normalized to the Talairach and Tournoux brain atlas and smoothed with a FWHM=5mm kernel and eliminate the linear drift. The average impulse response function of the different conditions were obtained in an ANOVA analysis.
The results showed that the left inferior frontal gyrus, the left middle frontal gyrus, and some other gyus in the left and right hemisphere were activated in the processing of Chinese Causative sentences. Further analysis showed that the left frontal lobe plays an important role in Chinese syntactic processing. The left inferior frontal lobe areas BA44 and BA47 are more sensitive to the Chinese syntactic processing when comparing the brain activations of DCS and RCS with a corrected p value 0.05. These results indicate that Chinese syntactic processing without morphological changes can be separated from semantics. The processing of syntactic independence is more closely related with the left inferior frontal gyrus than the left middle frontal gyrus, and the temporal lobe is not found in Chinese syntactic independence processing.

Key words: Mandarin Chinese, syntactic, left frontal brain area, functional magnetic resonance imaging