ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (05): 539-546.

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  1. (1山东师范大学心理学院, 济南 250014) (2温州大学瓯江学院商务系, 温州 325000)
  • 收稿日期:2009-07-21 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2010-05-30 出版日期:2010-05-30

Eye Movements of Individuals with Different Cognitive Styles while Reading Text with Distraction

LI Shou-Xin;XU Zeng-Jie;CHEN Hui-Yuan   

  1. (1 Department of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jnan 250014, China)
    (2 Oujiang College, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325000, China)
  • Received:2009-07-21 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2010-05-30 Published:2010-05-30

摘要: 采用眼动追踪技术探讨了当干扰材料的意义性不同和干扰材料位置可预测性不同时, 不同认知方式个体在语篇阅读中抑制外来无关干扰的特点, 结果表明: 不同认知方式个体在语篇阅读中抑制外部干扰的能力存在差异, 场独立者好于场依存者, 而且这种差异发生在抑制加工的后作用过程, 本研究支持Dywan等人提出的理论观点。不管是场依存者还是场独立者在语篇阅读中, 相对于无意义干扰材料, 有意义的外部干扰更能吸引阅读者的注意力, 对语篇阅读的干扰作用更明显; 相对于可预测位置的干扰, 读者在阅读过程中更难避开不可预测位置的干扰材料, 其产生的干扰作用更大。

关键词: 语篇阅读, 抑制, 外部干扰, 认知方式, 眼动

Abstract: In the process of the cognition, the inhibition is defined as the mechanism of preventing the irrelevant information from entering the working memory or eliminating the irrelevant information from the working memory. In the age-related research, Connelly et al (1991) found that the individual differences in inhibition mainly happened in the former role of inhibitory processes, however, Dywan et al (1995) found that the individual differences in inhibition mainly took place in the latter role of inhibitory processes. Both of the above conclusions were supported by eye-tracking researches. Some researches indicated that individuals with different cognitive styles (field-dependence/ independence) have the difference in the inhibiting capacity. But does the difference in the inhibition of individuals with different cognitive styles take place in the former or in the latter role of inhibitory processes? If the meaning and location of distracting material are changed, then what about the inhibition? By using eye-tracking technology, we intend to answer these questions. We used the Embedded Figure Test to divide participants into field dependence and independence. Participants first read the short articles and then answered questions following each text. At the same time, some indexes of their eye-movements were recorded.
In experiment 1, the fixed design is 2 (cognitive styles: field dependence, field independence) × 3 (distraction: true words, false words, no distraction). In experiment 2, the fixed design is 2 (cognitive styles: field dependence, field independence) × 3 (distraction location: predictable location, unpredictable location, no distraction). In both experiment 1 and experiment 2, the results indicated that reading efficiency of FI was significantly higher than that of FD, but there was no significant difference between FD and FI in the fixation duration and the number of fixation of distractions. These findings support the conclusion which was found by Dywan et al. While the other results indicated that, compared to distraction of the meaningless material, the meaningful material was harder to inhibit, for such material was much more absorbing to the readers; compared to the distraction of the predictable location, the distraction of unpredictable location was harder to inhibit, as it was harder for the readers to avoid this distraction.

Key words: reading, inhibition, distracting information, cognitive styles, eye-movements