ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2002, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (01): 2-10.

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周晓林;William Marslen-Wilson   

  1. 北京大学脑科学与认知科学中心,英国医学研究基金会剑桥认知与脑科学研究所 北京大学心理学系,北京100871
  • 出版日期:2002-02-25 发布日期:2002-02-25
  • 通讯作者: 周晓林

Semantic Processing of Phonetic Radicals in Reading Chinese Characters

Zhou Xiaolin (Center for Brain and Cognitive Sciences,and Department of Psychology, Peking University, Beijing, 100871) William Marslen Wilson (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom)   

  • Published:2002-02-25 Online:2002-02-25

摘要: 作为汉字书写系统和意义表达基本单位的汉字可分为独体字 (占 5 % )和合体字 (占 95 % )两大类。绝大多数合体字由两部分组成 :义旁 (通常在左边 )和声旁 (通常在右边 )。声旁能够为这些合体字提供语音信息。根据声旁的读音与整字的读音是否一致 ,可把合体字分为规则字和不规则字。本研究的目的在于考察合体字声旁的亚词汇加工是否仅仅是一个纯粹的语音事件 ,只涉及声旁的语音加工 ,还是同时也是一个语义事件 ,涉及到声旁语义信息的激活。要求被试对屏幕上先后呈现的合体字 (如“冯”)和与其声旁语义相关的字 (“牛”)作语义相关判断。整字之间并无语义关系 ,被试正确的反应应是“否”。实验结果表明 ,相对于完全无关的控制组 (如“冯———后”)来说 ,被试对声旁相关组的反应明显减慢 ,出现了抑制效应。这种效应基本不受整字的读音规则性和呈现顺序的影响。这些实验结果表达了合体字加工中的分解和平行激活过程。在整字加工的同时 ,声旁在心理词典中的语音和语义表征得到了激活。汉字声旁的亚词汇加工既是个语音事件 ,也是个语义事件 ,与词汇水平的加工没有本质的区别。

关键词: 中文阅读, 汉字, 声旁, 亚词汇加工, 语义加工

Abstract: Most complex Chinese characters are composed of a semantic radical on the left and a phonetic radical on the right, which may provide information concerning the pronunciation of the whole character. A semantic judgement task was used to investigate whether sublexical processing of phonetic radicals embedded in complex characters is purely a phonological event, involving activation of phonological information associated with the phonetic radicals, or whether it is also a semantic event, involving activation of semantic properties related to the radicals, which are meaningful characters on their own. Significant inhibitory effects was found for complex characters whose phonetic radicals were semantically related to the other member of the consecutively presented pair of characters. The magnitude of the inhibitory effects was generally not influenced by the regularity of phonetic radicals in providing phonological information for the whole characters, nor by the presentation order of complex characters and semantic associates of the phonetic radicals. It is argued that, in reading Chinese, phonetic radicals embedded in complex characters are decomposed from visual input and used to activate their own phonological and semantic properties, in parallel to the processing of whole characters.

Key words: reading Chinese, Chinese characters, sublexical processing, phonetic radicals