ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2000, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 324-331. cstr: 32110.14.2000.00324

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苗丹民;皇甫恩;Rosina C.Chia;Ren Jianjun   

  1. 第四军医大学心理学教研室!西安710032,第四军医大学心理学教研室!西安710032,East Carolina University!USA,East Carolina University!USA
  • 发布日期:2000-09-25 出版日期:2000-09-25


Miao Danmin; Huangfu En(Department of Psychology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an 710032)Rosina C. Chia Ren Jianjun(East Carolina University, USA )   

  • Online:2000-09-25 Published:2000-09-25

摘要: 目的:探讨中文版MBTI人格类型量表的内容效度、效标关税效度和结构效度,为其在中国应用提供操作性技术。方法:大学本科和专科学生力对名,陆军初级军官276名;MBTI-G量表中文修订版;效标测验包括EPQ、16PF、MMPI-2、A-Type和PM测验。结果:(1)经专家评判、中英文版相关分析、自评他评和信度分析,表明中文版MBTI有较好的内容效度。(2)效标关联效度研究发现:EI维度具有明显的内外向人格特征;感觉型个体温和、现实和谨慎,直觉型个体则恃强、敢为、果断和中强度A型行为特征;对事型个体稳重、安详、恃强、自律;判断型个体善于交往和社会化程度高,做事有强的责任感、计划性和有恒性,适应新环境能力较强,成就感强。以上发现与MBTI原设计和国外研究吻合。(3)97项题目因子分析最大负荷落在主因素上平均占82.81%,次级负荷占11.02%,仅6题因子分析不理想。(4)修订版MBTI人格类型测验与PM领导行为类型测验间有一定相关;中国军队初级指挥员以ESFJ、ISTJ人格类型为主。结论:本研究修订的中文版MBTI具有较好的内容效度、效标关联效度和结构效度。

关键词: MBTI, 大学生, 效度, PM

Abstract: Objective: To investigate into the content validity, the criterion referent validity and the construct validity of the Chinese version MBTI. Methods : 2123 students, averaging 21.3 in age, took part in the revised Chinese version MBTI-G test. Such tests as EPQ, 16PF MMPI-2 and A-Type were taken as criteria. Results: (1) Experts' evaluation, cormlation analysis between Chinese and English versions, self assessment leaders' assessment and reliability showed that the Chinese version MBTI had a good content validity. (2) Criterion validity study showed that: Generally, EI was apparent; S Type showed gentle, practical, careful traits; N Type was characterized by competitiveness, venturesomeness,decisiveness and meditim A type; T Type showed placid, decisive, calm, self-disciplined, competitive and responsible traits; J Type presented as sociability and high socialization, strong sense of responsibility, planning, persistency, good adaptability in the new environment and strong sense of achievement. These findings were consistent with the original design of MBTI and researches abroad. (3)Factor analysis for 97 items showed that the maximuxn loading that fell on prime factors was 82.8% on average, secondary loading 11.0%. Factor analysis was beyond anhcipation on only 6 items. (4)Correlations existed between revised MBTI personality type test and PM leadership behavior type test;PLA elementary conunanders presented mainly with ESFJ, ISTJ personality types. Conclusion: Chinese version MBTI has high content validity, criterion referent validity and constrUct validity.

Key words: MBTI, student validity, PM