ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (6): 905-912.

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Approaching to the Integrative Research of Mind:
A Review on Demetriou’s Theory of Experiential Structuralism in Cognition

WANG Yuan;ZHANG Xiang-Kui   

  1. Department of Psychology,Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China
  • Received:2008-02-04 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-11-15 Published:2008-11-15
  • Contact: ZHANG Xiang-Kui

Abstract: According to the theory of Experiential Structuralism in cognition, the architecture of developing mind included three levels: environment-oriented system, hypercognitive system, and processing system. Different types of information from environment were represented and processed in the environment-oriented system. The processing system was in charge of the information processing. Meanwhile the two systems were monitored and regulated by the hypercognitive system. Because these three levels were independent and interacting developmentally, the developing mind was a dynamic system and there were three models of changes: bottom-up, top-down and horizontal changes. The development in and between levels obeying four mechanisms of the development were also introduced. As an integrative theory of mind, it had its predominance as well as some details need to be discussed, such as the inconsistent conceptions, the doubts about hypercognition and the role of executive function in mind

Key words: experience, Theory of Experiential Structuralism in Cognition, architecture of mind, development of mind

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