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SU Tao, ZENG Haowen, ZHONG Xiaolin, MA Wencong, CHEN Xiude.
Woe-fortune interdependence: A meta-analysis of the two-sided effect of narcissistic leadership on subordinates’ work efficiency
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LIU Zhengguang, LI Mengyin.
Being a good parent helps to be a better leader? A leadership development model from parent-leader enrichment perspective
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ZHAO Kai, YANG Runshu, YU Xi, PENG Gege.
Exploring the proximal and distal ripple effects of star employees in the organizational context: The theoretical framework of social influence
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LI Yuhui, YANG Chenlu.
The concept of team temporal leadership and its mechanisms on team and individual effectiveness
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CHEN Silu, ZHANG Guanglei, LIU Wenxing, TIAN Yuan.
The driving mechanism and its function mechanism of gratitude-focused human resource management practices
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LIU Xia, WEI Wu.
The interpersonal effects and mechanisms of workplace mindfulness
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CHENG Xiang, LI Fangjun.
The ambivalent reaction of being envied: A perspective of self-based agency and communion
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HUANG Min-xue, LIU Yuan.
Psychological mechanisms underlying adopting human-machine collaboration in augmented managerial decision-making: A perspective of Self-Determination Theory
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CAO Man, ZHAO Shuming, ZHANG Qiuping, LÜ Hongjiang.
The effect of team leaders’ Simmelian brokerage on team cooperation from the social network perspective
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ZHANG Xinggui, HU Xiandan, SU Tao.
Do high performance work systems impair employee well-being? Evidence from a meta-analysis
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FU Chunjie, ZHANG Qian, JIANG Jianwu, LI Rui, WANG Wei.
The dynamic mechanism of voice behavior oriented human resource practice promoting employee subsequent voice behavior
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SUN Jianqun, YE Wenjuan, LI Rui, TIAN Xiaoming.
The antecedents and consequences of team constructive deviation: A routine-evolution perspective
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ZHOU Kong, ZHOU Xuan, YING Xueqing.
From idea generation to idea implementation: The effects of team pay-for-performance on team innovation
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CHENG Ken, WANG Yifei, LIN Yinghui, WANG Jing.
Observer reactions to unethical pro-organizational behavior and their feedback effects
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CHEN Xiao, XIE Bin, PENG Jian, NIE Qi.
The antecedents and consequences of workplace loneliness: A regulatory focus theory perspective
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