ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 350-359.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2023.00350 cstr: 32111.14.2023.00350

• 研究构想 • 上一篇    下一篇


冯廷勇(), 张碧滢   

  1. 西南大学心理学部, 重庆 400715
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-02 出版日期:2023-03-15 发布日期:2022-12-22
  • 通讯作者: 冯廷勇, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

The cognitive neural model of procrastination and related interventions

FENG Tingyong(), ZHANG Biying   

  1. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
  • Received:2022-11-02 Online:2023-03-15 Published:2022-12-22


拖延是一种普遍存在, 具有跨时间和跨情景稳定性的问题行为, 它会危害到人们的学习、工作和身心健康。然而目前拖延行为的认知神经机制仍不清晰, 且缺乏因果证据, 本项目拟从拖延的时间决策模型和三重神经结构网络模型出发, 构建拖延的认知神经模型, 并利用认知干预和神经调控技术, 检验和完善拖延行为的认知神经模型, 进而试图制定拖延的精准化干预方案。本项目分为3部分:(1)从记录与关联研究的视角出发, 利用多模态神经影像方法系统考察拖延行为的认知神经机制; (2)从因果/近因果研究视角出发, 利用认知干预和神经调控技术, 验证并完善拖延的认知神经模型; (3)从临床应用的视角出发, 建立拖延行为障碍的临床筛查-诊断体系, 并制定精准化治疗方案。本项目的开展对于探明拖延产生的核心认知神经机制具有十分重要的理论贡献, 同时对于拖延行为的有效预防和精准治疗具有重要的现实意义。

关键词: 拖延, 认知神经模型, 认知干预, 神经调控


Procrastination is defined as a voluntary but irrational delay of an intended course of action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay. The previous studies have indicated that chronic procrastination exists in different cultural backgrounds, which 15% to 20% adults are chronically procrastinators, and more than 70% students admit to academic procrastination, with approximately 16% of them experiencing severe procrastination problem. Procrastination not only impacts people's study, work performance, but also impairs physical and mental health. However, procrastination has complex psychological process, including at least three stages, such as evaluation, decision-making and execution. To date, the cognitive neural mechanism of procrastination behavior was still unclear with a lack of causal evidence. Therefore, based on the time decision model of procrastination and the triple neural structure network model, this project intended to build a cognitive neural model of procrastination, then using cognitive interventions and neural regulation techniques to test it. According to the cognitive neural model of procrastination, this project tried to develop precise intervention plans for procrastination.
This project was divided into three parts: (1) From the perspective of recording and association research, cognitive behavioral experiments, multimodal neuroimaging methods, such as task state, resting state, structural state, and cognitive neural computational modeling was used to construct a cognitive neural model of procrastination. In the process of building the model, we systematically investigated the corresponding cognitive components and characteristics of neural circuits in the evaluation, decision and execution stages of procrastination. (2) From the perspective of causal/quasi-causal studies, this project manipulated core competencies including episodic prospection, self-control and emotion regulation, in which to investigated the changes before and after the intervention, such as the functional connectivity of the brain network of episodic prospection, and network efficiency. This part intended to further examine and develop the cognitive neural model of procrastination behavior. (3) From the perspective of clinical application, this project developed a screening-diagnosis system for patients with clinical procrastination behavior disorder according to the psychiatric symptom diagnosis system and the criteria of psychosocial impairment. This system would be applied to distinguish patients with mild, moderate and severe procrastination. Based on this, effective intervention programs with distant migration effect for procrastination behavior disorder patients were developed, including cognitive intervention and neuroregulatory treatment strategies.
To sum up, this project has built a cognitive neural model of procrastination from the perspective of the dynamic psychological process of procrastination, and improved it through the causal manipulation of cognitive intervention and neural regulation. This study not only reaped important theoretical contribution to the exploration of the core cognitive neural mechanisms of procrastination, but also obtained practical implications for the effective prevention and precise treatments of procrastination.

Key words: procrastination, cognitive neural model, cognitive intervention, neuro-regulation
