ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 2050-2066.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2024.02050

• 研究方法 • 上一篇    下一篇


水心宇1, 肖雅珩1, 陈菁菁2, 胡鑫1, 张丹1()   

  1. 1清华大学心理与认知科学系
    2清华大学教育研究院, 北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-14 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-09-24
  • 通讯作者: 张丹, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

A profile-perspective on daily-life multi-situational individual differences assessment

SHUI Xinyu1, XIAO Yaheng1, CHEN Jingjing2, HU Xin1, ZHANG Dan1()   

  1. 1Department of Psychological and Cognitive Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
    2Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  • Received:2023-11-14 Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-09-24


随着心理测量理论与方法的发展, 个体差异具有的情境依赖性正得到广泛关注。为了实现全面、准确的个体差异测量, 促进个人和社会的优化发展, 近年来研究者日益重视在多种真实的日常情境下测量个体状态并构建个体差异计算模型, 来达到相比传统实验室情境更加全面客观的个体差异测量。目前, 以智能传感和穿戴式设备为代表的技术进步使得在日常生活中进行个体差异测量更加便捷高效, 推动包括主观报告、行为表现、生理反应等方面的日常多情境个体差异研究取得新进展, 形成了面向日常多情境高维数据的个体中心档案视角分析思想和方法。未来研究应关注日常多情境测量与档案视角分析方法的结合, 以促进个体差异机制的深入理解, 推动个体差异理论的深化与发展。

关键词: 日常情境, 多情境, 个体差异, 档案视角, 心理测量


The burgeoning field of psychological measurement has shifted its focus towards the situation-dependent nature of individual differences, spurred by the evolution of psychometric theories and methods. This paradigm shift acknowledges that the manifestation of individual differences is not consistent across various situations, necessitating a more nuanced approach to assessment that transcends the traditional laboratory setting. The pursuit is to achieve a comprehensive and accurate understanding of individual differences, which is essential for the optimal development of both individuals and society.

Recent advancements in technologies, particularly the advent of smart sensors and wearable devices, have democratized the process of individual differences assessment, making it more accessible and efficient in everyday life. This technological leap has facilitated new strides in researching individual differences in real-world daily-life situations, encompassing subjective reports, behaviors, and physiological responses. The aggregation of such data has given rise to a novel perspective that centers on the analysis of high-dimensional data from an individual-centered viewpoint, known as the profile perspective.

The profile perspective offers a radical departure from the variable-centered approach that has historically dominated psychological research. It posits that individual differences are best understood by examining the individual as a whole, within the context of various situations, rather than by isolating and measuring discrete variables. This approach recognizes the existence of distinct subgroups within a population, each characterized by a unique pattern of responses and behaviors across different situations. By aggregating multidimensional data on individual states and the interrelationships among these dimensions, the profile perspective aims to capture a more holistic representation of individual differences.

The application of the profile perspective in the assessment of individual differences is gaining traction, with researchers employing a variety of methods to construct individual profiles. These methods include self-assessments, behavioral observations, and physiological measurements, each contributing to a richer understanding of the individual's psychological state and behavior. Self-assessments, while subject to biases and limitations, provide insights into an individual's subjective experience and emotional states within different situations. Behavioral observations, on the other hand, offer a more objective measure of an individual's actions and responses, unconfounded by self-report biases. Physiological measurements, a relatively objective form of data collection, have emerged as a powerful tool in the construction of individual profiles. They leverage the body's responses to capture the individual's reactions to various situations, offering a unique window into the person's psychological state. The use of wearable devices has made the collection of such data more practical and less obtrusive, allowing for continuous monitoring over extended periods.

The integration of data from multiple sources and dimensions presents both opportunities and challenges. While it enriches the profile by providing a more comprehensive view of the individual, it also complicates the analysis due to the complexity of the interrelationships among variables. To address this, researchers have turned to sophisticated statistical models, such as structural equation modeling and machine learning algorithms, to uncover the underlying patterns and dynamics of individual differences.

Looking ahead, the field of individual differences research stands at the cusp of significant advancements, propelled by technological innovations and the adoption of the profile perspective. This approach promises to unravel the intricacies of how individual differences operate within the fabric of daily life, offering insights that can inform personalized interventions and strategies for optimal development. However, this progress is not without its challenges. The complexity of daily situations and the dynamic nature of individual responses require sophisticated methods for situation classification and individual assessment. Moreover, the ethical implications of collecting and analyzing vast amounts of personal data, particularly in the context of wearable devices and digital health technologies, cannot be overlooked. The onus is on researchers to navigate these waters with care, ensuring that the benefits of these technologies are harnessed without compromising individual privacy or autonomy.

In conclusion, the profile perspective on daily-life multi-situational individual differences assessment marks a significant shift in the way we understand and study human behavior. By embracing a holistic and individual-centered approach, researchers are poised to make strides in personalized psychological assessment and intervention, ultimately contributing to a more nuanced and effective approach to promoting individual and societal well-being.

Key words: daily-life situation, multi-situation, individual difference, profile perspective, psychological assessment
