ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

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薛笑然, 崔伟, 张丽   

  • 收稿日期:2024-10-10 修回日期:2024-12-13 接受日期:2024-12-17

  • Received:2024-10-10 Revised:2024-12-13 Accepted:2024-12-17

摘要: 空间导航是不可或缺的基本认知能力。目前已有大量研究探讨了空间导航能力的性别差异,然而关于性别差异是否存在以及差异的大小还没有定论。为明确空间导航能力的性别差异是否存在以及性别差异可能的调节变量,对173项研究(总样本量N=26604)和372个独立效应量进行三水平元分析。结果表明,空间导航能力存在性别差异,男性的空间导航能力强于女性。此外,年龄、表征方式、时间限制、任务环境、测试场景、辅助装备对空间导航能力性别差异的调节作用显著。本研究明确了空间导航能力是否存在性别差异以及样本选择、研究设计对性别差异大小的调节作用,为教育实践中如何缩小空间导航能力的性别差异提供了方向参考。

关键词: 空间导航能力, 性别差异, 三水平元分析, 调节效应

Abstract: Spatial navigation is an essential and fundamental cognitive ability. Despite numerous studies examining gender disparities in this ability, the results remain highly variable. In order to clarify gender differences in spatial navigation ability and the moderating factors that account for this divergence, a there-level meta-analysis was conducted. A total of 173 studies were included, with a total of 372 independent effect sizes and 26604 participants. The results confirmed the existence of gender differences in spatial navigation ability, with males having stronger spatial navigation ability than females. A series of variables was then tested for moderating effects, and the results showed significant moderating effects of age, representation mode, time constraints, task environment, test scene, and auxiliary equipment. These results not only deepen our understanding of gender differences on the spatial navigation, but also provide valuable insights for future intervention aimed at reducing gender differences of spatial navigation.

Key words: spatial navigation, gender differences, there-level meta-analysis, moderating effect