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    Mate Copying: An Adaptive Sexual Selection Strategy
    ZHUANG Jin-Ying;XU Jing;ZHANG Sen;YU Fei
    Advances in Psychological Science    2012, 20 (10): 1672-1678.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01672
    Mate Copying (or Mate Choice Copying) describes a strategy of mate choice. In this review, we demonstrate the basic concepts and the research paradigms of mate copying and show how the related factors work in this process. Such recent achievements and developing trend in this field are summarized as the gender effect (compared with men, women are more likely to use mate copying in mate choice), and other factors, which have impact on mate copying, like physical attractiveness, age, sexual strategy and sexual experience, etc. Further implications are discussed that the process of generalization of mate copying is one of the reasons causing the in-group congruent and inter-group incongruent effects on mate preferences. Finally, we conclude that mate copying is an adaptive social-learning-based strategy on sexual selection.
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    ‘Good Right and Bad Left’ or ‘Good Left and Bad Right’: The Relation Between Handedness and Space Affective Valence
    YIN Rong;QU Fang-Bing;YE Hao-Sheng
    Advances in Psychological Science    2012, 20 (12): 1971-1979.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01971
    Good things and bad things are often associated with the right or the left, which is the affective valence of left space and right space. The studies basing on theories of embodied cognition and body-specificity hypothesis show that right-handers implicitly associate “good” with “right” and the opposite is true for left-handers. The motor experience of dominant hand and nondominant hand shape space valence. Space valence can be reversed as a result of changes in motor experience of dominant hand and nondominant hand. The brain areas that support approach motivation functionally are related to areas that support motor actions of dominant hand. Future research should focus on the relationship between the laterality of motivation and the laterality of manual motor control and determine how influences of cultural and bodily experiences combine to shape space valence.
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    Statistical Remedies for Common Method Biases
    Zhou Hao,Long Lirong
    null    2004, 12 (06): 942-942~950.  
    The problem of common method biases has being given more and more attention in the field of psychology, but there is little research about it in China, and the effects of common method bias are not well controlled. Generally, there are two ways of controlling common method biases, procedural remedies and statistical remedies. In this paper, statistical remedies for common method biases are provided, such as factor analysis, partial correlation, latent method factor, structural equation model, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed separately. Finally, suggestions of how to choose these remedies are given.
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    Analyses of Mediating Effects: The Development of Methods and Models
    WEN Zhonglin;YE Baojuan
    Advances in Psychological Science    2014, 22 (5): 731-745.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00731

    Mediation models are frequently used in the research of psychology and other social science disciplines. Mediation indicates that the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable is transmitted through a third variable, which is called mediator. In most applied research, Baron and Kenny’s (1986) causal steps approach has been used to test mediating effect. In recent years, however, many methodological researchers questioned the rationality of the causal steps approach, and some of them even attempted to stop its use. Firstly, we clarify the queries on the causal steps approach one by one. Secondly, we propose a new procedure to analyze mediating effects. The new procedure is better than any single method that constitutes the procedure in terms of Type I error rate and power. The proposed procedure can be conducted by using observed variables and/or latent variables. Mplus programs are supplied for the procedure with observed variables and/or latent variables. Finally, this article introduces the development of mediation models, such as mediation model of ordinal variables, multilevel mediation, multiple mediation, moderated mediation, and mediated moderation.

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     Influential factors in musical syntactic processing
    ZHANG Jingjing, YANG Yufang
    Advances in Psychological Science    2017, 25 (11): 1823-1830.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.01823
     Musical syntax refers to a set of regularities which organize discrete elements into musical sequence. Musical syntactic processing is affected by both music structures and listeners’ personal characteristics. The current article focuses on several factors which have been discussed extensively in these years, including dependency distance, musical temporal structure, listeners’ age and musical expertise. Future research should explore musical syntactic integration within different distances, clarify when and how syntactic processing is influenced by musical temporal structure, examine the effects of heredity and environment on musical syntactic processing, and investigate how these factors are combined to influence musical syntactic processing.
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    Self-Construal: Review and Prospect
    LIU Yan
    null    2011, 19 (3): 427-439.  
    Based on the review of the development of self-construal theories, the methods for measuring chronic self-construal and activating situational self-construal are introduced. Cultural differences and gender differences in self-construal, the relationships between self-construal and relevant variables, such as cognitive styles, social comparison, interpersonal interaction, personal autonomous and self-regulatory are also reviewed. Further researches in this field depend on the perfection in basic ideas of self-construal theory, the improvement of self-construal measurement, and researchers applying a dialectical perspective on the relationships among variables. In addition, further effort is needed to study the mechanisms of how chronic self-construal affect one’s stable personality characters and social adjustment, and the influencing factors of chronic self-construal’s individual differences.
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    Cultural Frame Switching Amongst Biculturals: Its Influencing Factors and Outcomes
    YANG Xiao-Li; LIU Li; ZHANG Xiao-Xiao
    null    2010, 18 (05): 840-848.  
    Cultural and cross-cultural psychology has moved from documenting cultural differences towards exploring the interaction of culture and psyche. Based on a dynamic constructivist approach, Hong and her colleagues proposed a model of cultural frame switching (CFS) which assumes bicultural individuals could navigate between their ethnic and host cultures. CFS is affected by lay theory of race and bicultural identity integration (BII). Multicultural experience, which is accumulated by CFS, can enhance an individual’s creativity and cognitive complexity, and may lead to cultural stereotyping and cultural exclusion. Future studies should pay much attention to the applicability of CFS for majority groups. The implications of CFS model to investigating the multicultural identities and their conflict of ethnic minorities in China are discussed.
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    The Relationship between Working Memory and Attention in Researches of General Fluid Intelligence
    Luo Ting,Jiao Shulan,Wang Qing
    null    2005, 13 (04): 448-453.  
    The relationship between working memory and attention is regarded as the key to the relationship between general fluid intelligence and those 2, with researches on general fluid intelligence go on recently. Since function of the central executive of working memory is not identified, the relationship between controlled attention and working memory is still a problem. Two different points are hold among researchers: (1) working memory and attention interact in most situations; (2) they are with identical function and frame, thus actually one cognitive component.
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    Resilience: The Psychological Mechanism for Recovery and Growth during Stress
    Yu Xiaonan,Zhang Jianxin
    null    2005, 13 (05): 658-665.  
    Resilience refers to the effective coping and adaptation although faced with loss, hardship, or adversity. This biological imperative for self-protection will be exhibited when people are faced with stress, threats, or life changes. Coping resources or protective factors on personal, family, and social aspects interact with each other into a dynamic system in order to resist the effect of adversity. The process model argues that resilience refers to the higher homeostasis than original level, and it is different from recovery. The hierarchy of resilience demonstrates its adaptive nature on different developmental stages, and the meaning of resilience varies according to the specific situations. Although there is no consensus on the measurement of resilience, some scales have been employed widely for their convenience and efficiency. The aim of resilience research is to examine strength and promote adaptation of people, and resilience interventions conducted by schools, clinical institutions, communities, and enterprises have been proven good effects.
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    A Review of Fear of Failure Researches
    Sun Xiaoling;Wang Ling
    null    2007, 15 (04): 637-641.  
    Fear of failure (FF) has drawn more and more attention as an avoidance motivation or as a negative emotion in recent years. The paper introduced the evolution of FF concept and structures, the FF measure tools which changed from unidimensional to multidimensional, the development and prevention of FF based on psychodynamic theory and the intervention using new multidimensional measure tool. Proposed issues for further studies include determining whether fear of failure has cross-cultural or cross-contextual differences and finding the realistic significance of FF researches in China
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    A Review on the Psychology of Suicide Terrorism
    SHI Wei;JIA Feng-Xiang
    null    2011, 19 (9): 1378-1386.  
    Suicide terrorism refers to that someone actively and intentionally kills themselves along with the chosen innocent targets to meet with a success of the mission, in the service of catching the attention of the target objects or the public and creating an atmosphere of terror, and eventually achieving certain political, religious or social purposes. There is no single profile of the individual suicide terrorist. And their motivations are complex. Perhaps they are motivated by religious or political purpose, or it’s the choice after rational analysis. The Quest-for-Significance Model is a comprehensive model that integrates all the levels of analysis and links related theories or views. There is not much difference of male and female suicide terrorists. But females may want to strive for gender equality. And they are more likely to be driven by personal causes. Because it’s arduous for us to collect actual data and information of suicide terrorist, the conclusions may be speculative. In future we have to apply more other empirical approaches.
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    A Review of the Theory of Planned Behavior
    Duan Wenting;Jiang Guangrong
    null    2008, 16 (02): 315-320.  
    Theory of planned behavior (TPB) is the most famous theory about attitude-behavior in social psychology and has been found to be well supported by empirical evidences. According to TPB, intentions to perform behaviors of different kinds can be predicted with high accuracy from attitudes toward the behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, account for considerable variance in actual behavior. In this paper, various aspects of TPB were introduced, including its derivation, general picture, measurements, new researches and developments. Other issues that remain unresolved and further studies were discussed in the end
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    Motivated Information Processing Model: Theory and Applications
    WU Meng;BAI Xin-Wen
    Advances in Psychological Science    2012, 20 (11): 1889-1898.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01889
    Based on “groups as information processor perspective”, motivated information processing (MIP) model emphasizes that information processing and sharing depends on two types of motivations, epistemic motivation and social motivation, respectively. Epistemic motivation refers to the willingness to expend effort to achieve a thorough, rich, and accurate understanding of the world. It determines the depth of information processing. Social motivation is defined as the individual preference for outcome distributions between oneself and others. It influences which information will be processed. Epistemic motivation and social motivation, alone and in combination, interpret information processing at both individual and team level, and information sharing at team level. MIP model contributes to the industrial/organizational psychology literature by integrating the dual-process theory and groups as information processor perspective, and by providing a new perspective in the fields of negotiation, creativity, and team effectiveness. Limitations and implications for future study of MIP model are discussed.
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    The Application of Social Relations Model in Family Study
    GUO Suran;WU Xinchun
    Advances in Psychological Science    2013, 21 (3): 561-570.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.00561
    Social relations model was introduced to the family study in 1984, and applied in multiple family relations study. Round-robin design is adopted in family researches with social relations model; individual effect, relational effect and family effect could be evaluated, and individual and relational reciprocal effects, inter-generational and intra-generation reciprocal effects, and the similarity between family members could also be evaluated by social relations model. Data in social relation model is analyzed by single family effect size or by structural equation modeling. Four points should be paid attention to in the future study with social relations model, that are, reflecting more complex of family relations, analyzing data from the three-person group, finding validity indexes of effect and processing missing values.
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    What Is Emotional Contagion? The Concept and Mechanism of Emotional Contagion
    ZHANG Qiyong;LU Jiamei
    Advances in Psychological Science    2013, 21 (9): 1596-1604.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.01596
    After studying the literature available about emotional contagion, we found that there existed two different perspectives in the concept of emotional contagion: One is primitive emotional contagion, which considers the emotional contagion as an automatic and unconscious process, and the other is conscious emotional contagion, which sees the emotional contagion as a consciousness-involved process. The reasons of the differences suggested researchers could not distinguish between types of emotional information, i.e. low-level emotional information and high-level emotional information, and between differences in emotional transference mechanism for the both. As a result, the meanings of emotional contagion expanded more and more, and could not indicate what the exact concept was. Disagreements on the concept of emotional contagion brought about a distinction between views of its mechanism. In this article we traced the origin of “contagion” in order to deduce what the emotional contagion is, and made clear what kind of emotional information could be transmitted by emotional contagion. We suggested that only low-level emotional information could be transferred by emotional contagion, and emotional contagion was an automatic, nonconscious process. At the end of the paper, the mechanism of emotional contagion was discussed on the base of above-defined concept and the literature available. The mechanism of emotional contagion: Perception→(Mimicry→Feedback (eliciting mirror neurons))→Emotion.
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    The Application of IRT and MIRT in Test Vertical Equating
    WANG Yi;TANG Wenqing;LIU Jing;ZHANG Minqiang;LI Ming;LI Guangming
    Advances in Psychological Science    2014, 22 (5): 881-888.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00881

    Test vertical equating refers to transforming the performance of students in tests of various levels to the same scale. Item Response Theory (IRT) and Multidimensional Item Response Theory (MIRT) are the main methods used in vertical equating. IRT method is an effective way to build a vertical scale because IRT models impose no requirement on the distribution of test-takers’ ability and that item parameters are independent of the samples. However, its application is restricted when the test dose not satisfy the unidimensional assumption. MIRT is a combination of IRT and factor analysis, making it an important tool in vertical equating to estimate ability parameter and item parameter precisely in multidimensional test. Current researches focus on the applicability of IRT and MIRT, calibration method and parameter estimation method in vertical equating and comparison study of the two methods. Future studies should concentrate on including more variables when comparing IRT and MIRT in order to expand their applications.

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    The Training of Inhibition Control: Content, Effect and Mechanism
    ZHAO Xin; CHEN Ling; ZHANG Peng
    Advances in Psychological Science    2015, 23 (1): 51-60.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.00051

    Recent studies suggest that response inhibition can be modified with training. To study the effects of training, researchers often adopt a double-blind randomized controlled experimental design, in which the subjects are composed of children, adults, and special groups. In the current study, we trained response inhibition ability by utilizing go/no-go and stop-signal tasks. The intervention group received inhibitory control training consisting of 45 to 7200 trials for one to three weeks. Subsequently, the training effects were assessed by measuring behavioral parameters and brain activity using brain imaging techniques. Our study found that response inhibition ability improved after training. The behavioral modifications were accompanied by changes in brain activity. In addition, the training effects of an individual’s response inhibition ability transferred to performance in daily life. These findings are in contrast to previous reports showing that response inhibition training did not have any lasting effects. To explain this discrepancy, we have to consider multiple factors such as type of training and evaluation tasks. Further, subjects likely utilize different response strategies, which in turn influence training effects. The observed changes in behavior and brain activity caused by inhibitory control training can be explained by top-down control of inhibition and bottom-up automatic inhibition. Therefore, future research will focus on the precise comparison of training effects on response inhibition and conflict inhibition, on inhibitory control ability training in children and elderly people, as well as the long-term effects of training.

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    The Mechanisms of Preview Benefit in the Perspective of Inhibition of Old Items and Attention Capture by New Items
    CHI Yingying; WANG Jiaying; WANG Aijun; ZHANG Ming
    Advances in Psychological Science    2015, 23 (5): 774-783.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.00774
    Preview benefit refers to prioritize the selection of new items among distracters that have been presented early. The current paper reviews cognitive neural mechanisms of preview benefit. The inhibition of old items account attributes preview benefit to the suppression of the old items, while the attention capture by new onsets account argues that preview benefit is associated with the attention capture by the luminance onsets of the new items. Recent studies have tried to tackle this theoretical controversy in three perspectives: first, they investigate the relationship between preview benefit and the luminance changes of old and new items; second, they determine whether preview benefit can be affected by the relationship between the color of old and new items; third, they explore the boundary conditions that immunize preview benefit from the changing of old items’ shape. This paper suggests that both inhibition of old items and attention capture by new onsets contribute to preview benefit.
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     The plasticity of aging brain: Evidence from cognitive training
    HUO Lijuan, ZHENG Zhiwei, LI Jin, LI Juan
    Advances in Psychological Science    2018, 26 (5): 846-858.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2018.00846
    Healthy aging is associated with cognitive impairment, which generally attributed to declines in brain structure and functioning. However, the aging brain retains structural and functional plasticity. With the development of neuroimaging technologies, a large number of brain imaging studies have confirmed that cognitive training positively impacts brain structure and functioning. After training, the aged individuals show: (1) increased structural gray matter volume and integrity of white matter tracts; (2) functional reorganization of brain network when performing cognitive tasks; (3) functional reorganization in intrinsic brain activity and enhancement functional connectivity during resting state. Further studies of cognitive training are required to investigate various factors that influence individual differences of brain plasticity and determine the lasting effects and transfer effects by using longitudinal studies.
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    PEAK relational training system for children with autism: A novel application based on relational frame theory
    Xiaoyu BAI, S. Mutusva Tawanda, Zhuohong ZHU
    Advances in Psychological Science    2019, 27 (11): 1896-1905.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2019.01896

    The Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK) Relational Training System is the first verbal behavior assessment instrument and treatment protocol that integrates Skinner’s “Verbal Behavior” and Post-Skinnerism analysis of human language and cognition, “Relational Frame Theory”. It aims to address the language and cognitive deficits in children with autism. By the end of 2018, the PEAK system has published four modules: PEAK-Direct Training module (PEAK-DT), PEAK-Generalization module (PEAK-G), PEAK Equivalence module (PEAK-E) and PEAK-Transformation module (PEAK-T). Each of the modules contains a direct pre-assessment, a full 184-itemized skill assessment, and a 184 item curriculum. Based on the previous literature, PEAK-DT has broken the ceiling effect of the VB-MAPP milestone evaluation in patients with ASD, and the entirety PEAK system is prospected to provide a more advanced and comprehensive verbal behavior assessment and training system than VB-MAPP. Since the establishment of the PEAK system in 2014, many published empirical studies indicated that some properties of the PEAK system are: good reliability and validity as an assessment tool, effective treatment for the patients with ASD, and an easily-mastered operation in practice; which makes the PEAK system owning potential application value in the intervention delivered from behavioral analysists as well as autistic parents in the future.

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