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    Processing Efficiency Theory to Attentional Control Theory: New Perspective for Anxiety-performance Relationship in Sport Psychology
    SUN Guoxiao;ZHANG Liwei
    Advances in Psychological Science    2013, 21 (10): 1851-1864.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.01851
    Sport psychology literature extensively reveals that competitive anxiety affects athletic performance (Sarason, 1984). However, the specific mechanisms of such negative relationship occurred between anxiety and performance still need to be further examined. Recently, processing efficiency theory and attentional control theory are further studied for attempting to explain the anxiety-performance relationship specifically in the areas of working memory and executive functions. Based on the research findings (Eysenck & Calvo, 1992), there are two theoretical assumptions for the processing efficiency theory: (1) anxiety impairs processing efficiency more than performance effectiveness, and (2) anxiety impairs the central executive system of working memory. Whereas, attentional control theory is a major development of processing efficiency theory (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007). Accordingly, there are also two theoretical assumptions for attentional control theory: (1) anxiety impairs goal-directed attentional system, (2) anxiety impairs efficiency of inhibition and shifting functions. Evidently, processing efficiency theory and attentional control theory both provide the useful frameworks to explain the specific mechanisms of anxiety-performance relationship, which is an imperative topic in sport psychology. Thus, the main purpose of this presentation is twofold: (1) to review the empirical research studies based on these two theories and (2) to recommend the implications for future research. Hopefully, our presentation would promote to further examine other anxiety-performance theories, improve the consistency of research protocol, take the cognitive perspectives into consideration of our research endeavor, and pay more attention to the effect of state anxiety for the purpose of enriching applied research literature.
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    A meta-analysis on effects of praise on children’s intrinsic motivation
    GAO Shuang; ZHANG Xiangkui
    Advances in Psychological Science    2016, 24 (9): 1358-1367.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2016.01358

    A meta-analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship between praise and intrinsic motivation in children. Sixteen papers including 30 independent samples (N = 2339) met the criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis. The result of the meta-analysis showed that there is a medium positive correlation between praise and intrinsic motivation, persistence and self-evaluation. Statistically significant heterogeneity was found between studies in the size of the correlation between praise and persistence and between praise and self-evaluation. Moderator analyses revealed that cultural background had a significant moderating effects on the relationship between praise and persistence; no significant moderating effects were found for age and proportion of boys. Western samples show a significantly higher relation between praise and persistence than eastern samples.

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    The cognitive and neural mechanisms of statistical learning and its relationship with language
    XU Guiping, FAN Ruolin, JIN Hua
    Advances in Psychological Science    2020, 28 (9): 1525-1538.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01525

    Statistical learning (SL), which was first addressed in the seminal study on speech segmentation of infants by Saffran et al. (1996), is a process of detecting the statistical regularities such as transitional probability in continuous flow of stimuli. Previous studies have proven the general existence of SL, and in recent years close attention has been placed on its specificity and its impact on other cognitive activities, especially revealing the cognitive neural mechanisms of SL and its interaction with language by exploring the process and the specificity of SL. According to the multimodal data from brain and behavior measures, future studies should seek more behavioral and neural indexes to evaluate the performance of SL, to explore the dynamic changes in neural activities of different types of SL and to construct the connection between neural correlates and behavioral performance, which will help to have an in-depth understanding of SL. Based on previous discoveries on the interaction between SL and language, future studies could determine whether SL is an effective intervention to improve language acquisition and how it works in the improvement, through exploring the effect of music SL training on second language learning of adult learners.

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    Monitoring and Resolution of Cognitive and Emotional Conflict: Evidence from Mild Cognitive Impairment
    LI Hui-Jie;LIU Han-Hui
    null    2011, 19 (4): 480-486.  
    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a transitional stage between normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Recently, executive control deficits were considered as one of the core characteristics of MCI. At the present, we have little knowledge about the characteristics of conflict monitoring and resolution and the corresponding neural mechanisms of MCI. In the present proposal, we aim to explore whether persons with amnestic MCI (aMCI) would show impairments in the behavioral and neural mechanisms with cognitive and emotional conflict tasks. Meanwhile, through the comparison of neural circuit during processing cognitive and emotional conflict tasks between persons with aMCI and healthy controls, we intend to explore whether aMCI have deficits in neural circuit. Totally, we try to explore whether persons with aMCI have general deficits in conflict monitor and resolution of executive control, and we also try to find the cognitive and neurobiological markers of executive controls in aMCI. The present study will be helpful to understand the progression of AD, and also has important theoretical and practical implications for early identification and early intervention of MCI and AD.
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    Employee Creativity: Conceptualization, Formation Mechanism and Future Directions
    WANG Xian-Hui; DUAN Jin-Yun; TIAN Xiao-Ming; KONG Yu
    null    2010, 18 (05): 760-768.  
    Employee creativity is the generation of new and potentially valuable ideas concerning new products, services, manufacturing methods, and administrative processes. The direct outcomes that employee creativity and team creativity bring are organizational innovation. Based on the early research framework and the cognitive evaluation theory, the paper emphasized that those such as job characteristics, personal characteristics and organizational supportive climate would affect employee’s inner creative motivation and creativity. Later on, a general analysis of all factors that can accelerate or inhibit employee creativity was conducted, combining with the perspective of the identification of individual creativity and team creativity, creative self-efficacy model and social network theory. Based on that, an integrative model was built, and future studies were discussed as well.
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    The Person-Fit Researches in Psychological Tests
    Wang Zhao;Guo Qingke;Yue Yan
    null    2007, 15 (03): 559-566.  
    Person-fit research which based on Guttman model, Item response theory and Nonparametric Item Response Theory is a new kind of method to discriminate the aberrant responses behaviors in psychological tests. Traditional person-fit statistics were used to discriminate the abroad aberrant behaviors but current person-fit researches are more special and visual. The researches of specialized statistics, graph and regression analysis have become the focus of current study. However, all kind of person-fit statistics are influenced by many irrelevant factors. How to control these factors and improve the practical value of person-fit statistics will become the main research tendency in this area
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    Structure and Pharmacology Properties of NMDA Receptor
    HAN Tai-Zhen ;LI Yan-Hai
    null    2008, 16 (03): 464-474.  
    Abstract: Within the large family of excitatory ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs), N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) constitute a subfamily which involved in refinement of the neural circuits during development and various forms of synaptic plasticity. In recent years, increasing evidence indicates that different NMDA receptor subunits confer complex physiological and pharmacological properties. The number, distribution and subunit composition of NMDA receptors are not static but dynamic in a cell-specific and synaptic specific change during development and neuronal activities. The bi-directional changes in NMDA receptors are the basis of synaptic plasticity remodeling, and the abnormal regulation can lead to the occurrence of nerve - mental illness, such as cocaine addiction and schizophrenia
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    Status Quo and Prospect of Counseling Process-Outcome Research
    HU Shu-Jing;JIANG Guang-Rong
    null    2008, 16 (04): 567-575.  
    Counseling process-outcome research studies process variables’ impact on outcome. Person-centered theory, cognitive theory, behavior theory, psychoanalytic theory and some other theories all contributed to this research field. Process-outcome research focuses on the relationships between process variables and outcome. Main process variables under research are therapist response modes, client behavior in counseling, therapeutic alliance and important contents in counseling. Fruits in this field are not so rich at present, probably because the relationship itself is very complicated. Besides, there are some limitations with research methods, such as some designs are too simple for complicated relationships, too many measure tools lead to hardness of results comparison, some measure tools are not mature, reliability and validity are poor. In addition to conquering these problems, future research should consider more on theory construction, inner variables’ moderator and mediator effects, and client variables. Besides, research methods should be more integrative and diversified
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    The Musical Brain

    Ye Zheng,  Zhou Xiaolin

    null    2006, 14 (05): 641-647.  
    In recent years a growing number of researches have been conducted to address the neural basis of music comprehension with ERP and fMRI technique. These studies provided new evidences about the on-line processing of pitch, the music-specific syntax and meaning in left and right hemispheres. Additionally, there are studies concerning whether musicians and non-musicians processes music-related information in the same way. Cross-cultural studies also examined whether western and non-western music active same brain areas in the same pattern. New trends and issues pertaining to the study of music processing with fMRI and ERP technique are covered and discussed in this review
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    Item Parceling Strategies in Structural Equation Modeling
    WU Yan;WEN Zhong-Lin
    null    2011, 19 (12): 1859-1867.  
    Item parceling is a technique using in structural equation modeling (SEM). Parceling can improve the quality of indicators and model fit. Bias that due to parceling was often neglectable and can be corrected. Parceling greatly enhances model parsimony, but it greatly reduces falsifiability of the tested model. It could be summarized that the prerequisites of parceling are unidimension and homogeneity, and the applicability of parceling is the analysis of structural models, rather than measurement models. Parcel-building algorithms and the number of parcels were discussed and recommended. A procedure for item parceling was proposed when the scale was unidimensional. If the scale was multidimensional, internal-consistency approach was recommended such that the items of the same dimension are parceled to one or three indicators for structural equation modeling.
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    The Study of Self-Organization in Emotional System
    Li Dongmei,Guo Dejun
    null    2004, 12 (04): 512-518.  
    The study of self-organizaiton in emotion system was reviewed in this article. Theory of self-organization in psychological systems mainly involving four core principles: recursion, emergence, consolidation, interdependence in different time scales. At present the studies in emotion system have begun to concern about dynamical and non-linear methods, even these mothods have been used to instruct some of researches, for example, the studies in cognition-emotion relation, the constructing of emotion theory, attarctive theory, and emotional development psychology theory.
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    Liu Xinming, Zhu Ying
    null    2002, 10 (02): 121-126.  
    Relating information to the self has been shown to produce better recall than purely semantic and other encoding strategies. In this article the basis for the self-reference effect (SRE) are discussed and other related research are reviewed .It seems that the self is a well-developed construct that promotes both elaboration and organization of encoded information. Further SRE related PET research has indicated that the concept of self involved in episodic memory retrieval, which is consistent with the HERA model. The authors also discuss the implications of the new trend in this field: the self, memory and culture.
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    Two Systems in Decision-making and Reasoning:
    Heuristic System and Analytic System
    Sun Yan;Li Shu;Yin Xiaoli
    null    2007, 15 (05): 721-726.  
    Researchers in decision-making and reasoning have recently proposed that there are two distinct cognitive systems: heuristic system and controlled analytic system. The former is a relatively effortless system that relies on prior knowledge, judgmental heuristics, and immediate experience; the latter is a slower, effortful, resource-dependent, rule-based one. The two systems have sharply differing evolutionary histories and neuro-logical substrates. The mechanism of the two systems in decision-making and reasoning process, the relationship of them, the individual difference variables and some limitations were also discussed in this article
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    Working Memory Content-based Attentional Capture and Suppression in the Visual Search
    ZHANG Ming;WANG Ai-Jun
    Advances in Psychological Science    2012, 20 (12): 1899-1907.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2012.01899
    Visual attention is a kind of selection which points at relevant information and restrains irrelevant information. Working memory (WM) plays a role in holding associated information and suppressing unassociated information. This paper is based on systematic reviews of existing literature on guidance of visual attention from WM and combines recent research on event related potential (ERP). From the visual search based on the two points of view of attentional capture and attentional suppression of the content of WM, we summarized the related research of visual working memory (VWM) and visual selective attention. Researchers have mainly been discussing two aspects in this field: (1) the guidance of visual attention from WM; (2) the conditions of the guidance of visual attention from WM. It suggests that no matter the contents of VWM capture or restrain attention, there are top-down and bottom-up two kinds of processing mechanism.
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    Music and Emotional Induced Model
    MA Xie;BA Xuejun;TAO Yun
    Advances in Psychological Science    2013, 21 (4): 643-652.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.00643
    Researches on the relationship between music and emotions is in behavior level to cognition and neuroscience mechanism stage. Cue concordance mode, Expectancy model, Synchronization theory and Multiple-mechanism model respectively from the acoustic cues in music, the listener subject, the interacting between composer and listener and the integrated perspective explain the process of musical inducement of emotions, but three fundamental questions remain.: (1) whether emotions are influenced by music directly or must linked with cognitive? (2) whether the process is domain–specific or domain–general? (3) whether multiple or single mechanisms account for connections between music and emotion ? This paper puts forward some solutions, inconcluding unification concept, use multi-index measurements and think mechanism relations, It also illustrates the field empirical research trend.
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    Analyses of Mediating Effects: The Development of Methods and Models
    WEN Zhonglin;YE Baojuan
    Advances in Psychological Science    2014, 22 (5): 731-745.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00731

    Mediation models are frequently used in the research of psychology and other social science disciplines. Mediation indicates that the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable is transmitted through a third variable, which is called mediator. In most applied research, Baron and Kenny’s (1986) causal steps approach has been used to test mediating effect. In recent years, however, many methodological researchers questioned the rationality of the causal steps approach, and some of them even attempted to stop its use. Firstly, we clarify the queries on the causal steps approach one by one. Secondly, we propose a new procedure to analyze mediating effects. The new procedure is better than any single method that constitutes the procedure in terms of Type I error rate and power. The proposed procedure can be conducted by using observed variables and/or latent variables. Mplus programs are supplied for the procedure with observed variables and/or latent variables. Finally, this article introduces the development of mediation models, such as mediation model of ordinal variables, multilevel mediation, multiple mediation, moderated mediation, and mediated moderation.

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    The characteristics and neural mechanisms of visual orienting and visual search in autism spectrum disorders
    CHEN Xiaowen, CAI Wenshu, XIE Tong, FU Shimin
    Advances in Psychological Science    2020, 28 (1): 98-109.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.00098

    Orienting network is an important part of attention system and it includes two major tasks: visual orienting and visual search. For these two tasks, typically developed group shows similar neural mechanisms. However, from a perspective of attention to non-social information, different behavioral patterns were observed between visual orienting and visual search in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) group. Regarding visual orienting, the consensus is that ASD individuals are intact in attentional shift but have difficulty in attentional disengagement; however, this conclusion is still controversial. Regarding visual search, ASD individuals have superior search ability, but its time sequence and reasons deserves further exploration. Future studies should identify the hemispherical symmetry of ASD individuals in visual orienting task, the underlying mechanisms of visual search advantage, and the relationships between visual orienting and visual search in ASD populations.

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    Scene Perception and Its Research Paradigms
    WANG Fu-Xing; TIAN Hong-Jie; SHEN Ji-Liang
    null    2009, 17 (02): 268-277.  
    The main purpose of scene perception is to investigate how people perceive and process complex real-world scene information. Objects and background elements are the necessary parts of scene. Furthermore, according to the complexity and reality of the stimuli, meaningless figures or letters, sequences of objects, 3D pictures, and real-world environment could be used as stimuli in scene perception. Previous studies of scene perception mainly used top-down and bottom-up processing to explain the scene perception. Surprisingly, more and more researchers emphasize the interaction of top-down and bottom-up. Based on different purpose of experiments and techniques they used, researchers use different paradigms to study how we perceive and process scenes. These paradigms include eye movement, object detection, contextual cueing, change detection, and follow-the-dot. Further studies should pay more attention to definition of scene perception, relationship of different paradigms, internal validity, and processing patterns of different cognitive stages
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    Shared Mental Model: An Approach to Distribution, Hierarchy and Accuracy
    XU Han-Yi, ;MA Jian-Hong
    Advances in Psychological Science    2008, 16 (06): 933-940.  
    Since the concept of Shared Mental Model was defined, researchers have deemed it an antecedent of team performance. Yet, there remain several issues to be delineated. Shared mental models include various contents that are in various representations, which could be analyzed in terms of heterogeneity/homogeneity and interdependency/independency. Shared Mental Models are hierarchical, including concrete knowledge and abstract categories, as well as attitudes and beliefs directing at them. The only expert-mental model doesn’t exist in logical means. The development and evolution of shared mental models should be of more meanings than approaching to expert-mental models. Finally, “share” is more than an output of team process; it should gain more attention on its role as a team processor
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    Intervention Measure and the Effect on Training Transfer
    WEI Jun;WEI Yan-Yan
    null    2009, 17 (01): 138-146.  
    After reviewed the research about organizational intervention of training transfer, the major three aspects have been discussed including pretraining invention, mid-training invention and posttraining invention. We summarized the various types of intervention factors and their effect on training transfer. We pointed out the limitations of actual theory and several areas such as the interaction between organization and individual for future research.
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