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    Analyses of Mediating Effects: The Development of Methods and Models
    WEN Zhonglin;YE Baojuan
    Advances in Psychological Science    2014, 22 (5): 731-745.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2014.00731

    Mediation models are frequently used in the research of psychology and other social science disciplines. Mediation indicates that the effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable is transmitted through a third variable, which is called mediator. In most applied research, Baron and Kenny’s (1986) causal steps approach has been used to test mediating effect. In recent years, however, many methodological researchers questioned the rationality of the causal steps approach, and some of them even attempted to stop its use. Firstly, we clarify the queries on the causal steps approach one by one. Secondly, we propose a new procedure to analyze mediating effects. The new procedure is better than any single method that constitutes the procedure in terms of Type I error rate and power. The proposed procedure can be conducted by using observed variables and/or latent variables. Mplus programs are supplied for the procedure with observed variables and/or latent variables. Finally, this article introduces the development of mediation models, such as mediation model of ordinal variables, multilevel mediation, multiple mediation, moderated mediation, and mediated moderation.

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    Sweet poison: How does benevolent sexism affect women’s career development?
    ZHANG Shanshan, XIE Jinyu, WU Min
    Advances in Psychological Science    2019, 27 (8): 1478-1488.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2019.01478

    Benevolent sexism (BS) is a set of interrelated attitudes toward women that are subjectively positive in tone but viewing women stereotypically in traditional gender roles. These attitudes failed to be detected as prejudice by the perceiver but still reinforces women’s subordinate status. Benevolent sexism revealed in family education and intimate relationships and in workplace contexts restricts the career development of women by disarming them and, rather than compelling them directly, persuading women to internalize these restrictions. To explain the function mechanism, previous studies have investigated how women perceive and react to benevolent sexism with corresponding theories such as stereotype threat, fear of success, and system justification theory. However, the objective and neutral standpoint that the researchers hold in the study of benevolent sexism is worth debating from the perspective of feminist psychology because masculine value has been implicitly admired and heterogeneity among women has been ignored. Considering the recent trend of feminist psychology, some further research ideas are implied and discussed in this review.

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    Statistical Remedies for Common Method Biases
    Zhou Hao,Long Lirong
    null    2004, 12 (06): 942-942~950.  
    The problem of common method biases has being given more and more attention in the field of psychology, but there is little research about it in China, and the effects of common method bias are not well controlled. Generally, there are two ways of controlling common method biases, procedural remedies and statistical remedies. In this paper, statistical remedies for common method biases are provided, such as factor analysis, partial correlation, latent method factor, structural equation model, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed separately. Finally, suggestions of how to choose these remedies are given.
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    Structure, Method and Antecedents of Career Exploration
    QU Ke-Jia; ZOU Hong
    null    2009, 17 (02): 442-450.  
    his article reviews the literature on career exploration. Career exploration refers to the process whereby individuals engage in exploration of the self and the career-related environment. Skills, cognition and emotional reflection obtained during this process serve the further purpose of self-development and self-integration. Past researches have examined the concept, structure, measurement and antecedents of career exploration. Researches on structure have increasingly focused on content and process, while studies of antecedents consider the family context and individual factors. This article concludes with suggestions for future research, including a deeper understanding of structure, development of measures and the antecedents of career exploration
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    Research on Terror Management: New development, Criticism and Controversy
    LIU Ya-Nan; XU Yan; YU Sheng-Kai
    null    2010, 18 (01): 97-105.  
    Terror management theory regards worldview, self-esteem and close relationship as the basic three defensive mechanisms of terror management. The author introduces some researches on these mechanisms first and then reviews several new interpretations on mortality salience effect from perspective of cognitive closure, meaning pursuit, offensive defense, coalitional and control motivation. After that, the author presents his own idea, which differentiates terror management strategy into two categories: approach and avoidance. The approach strategy aims to control the uncertain death and transcendent the inevitable demise, the avoidance strategy indicates that individuals react to the potential reminder of death negatively. Meanwhile, the author points that TMT probably misinterprets the function of the cultural worldview. Additionally, some recommendations on terror management research in china are proposed.
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    Measurement, Antecedents and Models of Entrepreneurial Intentions
    JIAN Dan-Dan; DUAN Jin-Yun; ZHU Yue-Long
    null    2010, 18 (01): 162-169.  
    Entrepreneurial intention refers to entrepreneurs’ states of mind that direct attention, experience, and action toward a business concept, which set the form and direction of organizations at their inception. Entrepreneurial intention is the best predictor of entrepreneurial behaviors. Demographic variables、personality and environment factors can affect entrepreneurial intention. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Model of the Entrepreneurial Event (SEE) provide theoretical frameworks of entrepreneurial intention. Entrepreneurial intent can be used as not just a dependent variable, but also as an independent variable or a control variable.
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    Processing Efficiency Theory to Attentional Control Theory: New Perspective for Anxiety-performance Relationship in Sport Psychology
    SUN Guoxiao;ZHANG Liwei
    Advances in Psychological Science    2013, 21 (10): 1851-1864.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2013.01851
    Sport psychology literature extensively reveals that competitive anxiety affects athletic performance (Sarason, 1984). However, the specific mechanisms of such negative relationship occurred between anxiety and performance still need to be further examined. Recently, processing efficiency theory and attentional control theory are further studied for attempting to explain the anxiety-performance relationship specifically in the areas of working memory and executive functions. Based on the research findings (Eysenck & Calvo, 1992), there are two theoretical assumptions for the processing efficiency theory: (1) anxiety impairs processing efficiency more than performance effectiveness, and (2) anxiety impairs the central executive system of working memory. Whereas, attentional control theory is a major development of processing efficiency theory (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007). Accordingly, there are also two theoretical assumptions for attentional control theory: (1) anxiety impairs goal-directed attentional system, (2) anxiety impairs efficiency of inhibition and shifting functions. Evidently, processing efficiency theory and attentional control theory both provide the useful frameworks to explain the specific mechanisms of anxiety-performance relationship, which is an imperative topic in sport psychology. Thus, the main purpose of this presentation is twofold: (1) to review the empirical research studies based on these two theories and (2) to recommend the implications for future research. Hopefully, our presentation would promote to further examine other anxiety-performance theories, improve the consistency of research protocol, take the cognitive perspectives into consideration of our research endeavor, and pay more attention to the effect of state anxiety for the purpose of enriching applied research literature.
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    The Double-edged Effect and Mechanism of Time Pressure
    LI Aimei; YAN Liang; WANG Xiaotian; MA Xueqian; LI Fangjun
    Advances in Psychological Science    2015, 23 (9): 1627-1636.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2015.01627

    Time pressure has been identified as a pervasive societal problem. Researchers have been studying its influence on individuals for decades. Earlier researches concentrated mainly on the negative consequences of time pressure. Recently, however, many studies have revealed the motivating effects of it. This paper introduced the concept and measurement of time pressure and summarized its detrimental effects and motivating effects. The attentional focus model, activation theory, vitamin model and the challenge-hindrance model were used to explain the mechanism of the double-edged effect of time pressure. Future researches should have more concern on: (1) Examining the time pressure in different domains (working and nonworking) based on mental accounting theory of time; (2) The motivational and affective mechanisms underlying the positive effects of time pressure; (3) Exploring personal and situational factors which might alleviate the detrimental effects of time pressure.

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     Are both neural mechanisms of Internet gaming and heroin addicts the same? Research evidence based on MRI
    HE Jinbo, NIE Yufeng, ZHOU Zongkui, CHAI Yao
    Advances in Psychological Science    2017, 25 (8): 1327-1336.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.01327
     There are several similar clinical manifestations between Internet gaming and heroin addicts; however, it is still unclear whether their neural mechanisms are the same or not. Recent five years of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies found that these two types of addicts illustrate brain structural and functional impairments, and also enhanced activity (partially in the same field) in four addiction related circuits (the cognitive control, reward, motivation, and memory-learning circuits) under the addictive information-induced state, which induces strong craving. On one hand, the brain damage of heroin addicts cover larger brain areas, such as cognitive control and reward circuits that causes wider range of damage (four circuits all decreased in functional connectivity). On the other hand, the brain collapse of gaming addicts occurs mainly on relatively low-level brain areas, such as memory learning and motivation circuits, which causes a relatively narrow range of lost (functional connectivity reduction occurs only in cognitive control and memory-learning circuits). All these results indicate that the neural mechanisms of the Internet gaming and heroin addicts have both similarities and differences.
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     The poverty problem: Based on psychological perspective
    XU Fu-ming, ZHANG Hui, MA Hong-yu, DENG Ying, Shi Yan-wei, LI Ou
    Advances in Psychological Science    2017, 25 (8): 1431-1440.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.01431
     As the latest psychological application in the field of poverty, psychology poverty is a new research approach to poverty through the lenses of psychology. The extant research on the psychology poverty is mainly focused on three areas, which are subjective well-being, mental health, and decision-making. And the poverty culture theory, scarcity theory, and ego depletion theory emphasize explanations on the mental mechanism of poverty by respectively viewing from the perspectives of poverty culture, scarcity mindset, as well as the resources of willpower. In order to break the vicious cycle of poverty and consequently escape poverty, in-depth investigations of the psychology of poverty should be conducted to further explore its mental and neurophysiological mechanisms, its localization, and its application of psychology in term of poverty relief.
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    How meteorological factors affect consumer behavior? The mechanism of meteo-marketing based on contextual marketing theory
    LI Chenxi, YAO Tang
    Advances in Psychological Science    2019, 27 (2): 191-200.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2019.00191

    There is a growing body of literature investigating the significant impacts of meteorological factors on human behavior, ranging from individual emotion swings to the prosperity and decline of social economics. Based on contextual marketing theory, this study proposes the concept of meteo-marketing, which is particularly applicable for the era of big data. By identifying the meteorological factors that affect consumer’s psychology and behavior in the dynamic weather environment, this study proposes the influential mechanisms of the “meteorological factors-consumer psychology-consumption behavior” logical chain for further verification. The research mainly focuses on the three issues, i.e., the meteorological factors in contextual marketing, the impact of meteorological factors on consumer’s psychology and behavior and the interaction effect of meteorological factors and marketing strategies. Relevant research findings are expected to further extend and enrich the existing contextual marketing theory, and serve as a useful supplement to the discipline of environmental consumer psychology.

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    Network analysis and its applications in psychology
    CAI Yuqing, DONG Shuyang, YUAN Shuai, HU Chuan-Peng
    Advances in Psychological Science    2020, 28 (1): 178-190.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.00178

    Network analysis models (or Network Psychometrics) have been widely used in psychology research in recent years. Unlike latent variable models which conceive observable variables as outcomes of unobservable latent factors, network analysis models apply the graph theory to construct a network to depict the associations among observable variables. The observable variables are treated as nodes and the associations between them are treated as edges. As such, network analysis models reveal the relationships among observable variables and the dynamic system resulted from the interactions between these observable variables. With indices reflecting individual nodes’ characteristics (such as centrality) and network structural characteristics (such as small-worldness), network analysis models provide a new perspective for visualization and for studying various psychological phenomena. In the past decade, network analysis models have been applied in the fields of personality, social, and clinical psychology as well as psychiatry. Future research should continue to develop and improve the methods of network analysis models, making them applicable to more types of data and broader research fields.

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    The cognitive and neural mechanisms of statistical learning and its relationship with language
    XU Guiping, FAN Ruolin, JIN Hua
    Advances in Psychological Science    2020, 28 (9): 1525-1538.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01525

    Statistical learning (SL), which was first addressed in the seminal study on speech segmentation of infants by Saffran et al. (1996), is a process of detecting the statistical regularities such as transitional probability in continuous flow of stimuli. Previous studies have proven the general existence of SL, and in recent years close attention has been placed on its specificity and its impact on other cognitive activities, especially revealing the cognitive neural mechanisms of SL and its interaction with language by exploring the process and the specificity of SL. According to the multimodal data from brain and behavior measures, future studies should seek more behavioral and neural indexes to evaluate the performance of SL, to explore the dynamic changes in neural activities of different types of SL and to construct the connection between neural correlates and behavioral performance, which will help to have an in-depth understanding of SL. Based on previous discoveries on the interaction between SL and language, future studies could determine whether SL is an effective intervention to improve language acquisition and how it works in the improvement, through exploring the effect of music SL training on second language learning of adult learners.

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    Lasso regression: From explanation to prediction
    ZHANG Lijin, WEI Xiayan, LU Jiaqi, PAN Junhao
    Advances in Psychological Science    2020, 28 (10): 1777-1788.   DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01777
    Regression analysis, a method to evaluate the relationship between variables, is widely used in psychological studies. However, due to its highly focus on the interpretation of sample data, the traditional ordinary least squares regression has several drawbacks, such as over-fitting problem and limitation on dealing with multicollinearity, which may undermine the generalizability of the model. With the rapid development of methodology research, a shift from focusing on interpretation of the regression coefficients to improving the prediction of the model has emerged and become more and more important. Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (Lasso) regression has been emerged to better compensate for the limitations of traditional methods. By introducing a penalty term in the model and shrinking the regression coefficients to zero, Lasso regression can achieve a higher accuracy of model prediction and model generalizability with the cost of a certain estimation bias. Besides, Lasso regression can also effectively deal with the multicollinearity problem. Therefore, it is helpful for the construction and improvement of psychological theory.
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    Social Comparison: Contrast Effect or Assimilation Effect?
    Xing Shufen;Yu Guoliang
    null    2006, 14 (06): 944-949.  
    Social comparisons influence self-evaluations in multiple ways. Sometimes self-evaluations are assimilated toward a given standard. At other times, they are contrasted away from the standard. The paper systematically reviewed the researches on the contrast and assimilation effect of social comparisons. At the same time, we expatiated the moderators of the social comparison effects. Finally, from an integrative perspective we expatiated the psychological mechanism of contrast and assimilation effect—selective accessibility model
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    Eudaimonic Well-being: A Review on Psychological Well-being
    Zhang Lu;Zuo Bin
    null    2007, 15 (01): 134-139.  
    According to the Eudaimonic philosophical roots, psychological well-being researchers suggest that well-being involves more than happiness, rather it is characterized by the quest to actualize potential, and the structure and measurement of PWB should be based on the psychological theories. The results of relative researches show that some internal and external variables such as demographic variables, personality and life contexts can be predictors of PWB. Recently there has been an integration tendency between PWB and SWB. And the study of Chinese well-being should be based on the Chinese culture
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    Interdependence and Teamwork
    Ren Jing;Wang Erping
    null    2007, 15 (01): 146-153.  
    Interdependence is defined as the extent on which team members rely on each other when they are working together. According to its sources, it is classified into two types, task interdependence and outcome interdependence. This article first introduces the definition and classifications of interdependence, as well as its measurement. Next, empirical researches of interdependence in teamwork after the 1990s are reviewed. Findings reveal that interdependence has significantly effect on a lot of team variables, especially on outcome variables, and there are interaction effects between different types of interdependence, or between interdependence and other variables. Finally, based on the limitations of these researches, future directions about interdependence and teamwork study are suggested
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    Biological Genetics Factors Influencing Sensation Seeking
    Zhang Ming;Mei Songli
    null    2007, 15 (02): 249-252.  
    In this article, some issues are argued about the biological factors of sensation seeking that is a kind of personality traits. The discussion are from three aspects: (1) the relationship between sensation seeking and monoamine substance; (2) the influence of hormone to sensation seeking;(3) biological genetics of sensation seeking
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