ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报, 2018, 50(9): 965-974 doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00965


内隐知识具有抽象性吗?——来自内隐序列学习迁移的证据 *

戴惠1, 朱传林2, 刘电芝,2

1 南京工业大学学生事务部, 南京 210000

2 苏州大学教育学院, 苏州 215000

Is implicit knowledge abstract? Evidence from implicit sequence learning transfer

DAI Hui1, ZHU Chuanlin2, LIU Dianzhi,2

1 Student Affairs Office, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 210000, China

2 School of Education, Soochow University, Suzhou 215000, China

通讯作者: 刘电芝,

收稿日期: 2017-06-2   网络出版日期: 2018-09-15

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金.  31271084
江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目.  2017SJBFDY366
江苏省高校辅导员工作研究会专项.  16FYHYB030

Received: 2017-06-2   Online: 2018-09-15


内隐知识是否具有抽象和概括性, 已有研究有着不同的争议, 而迁移是检验习得知识是否具有抽象性的有效手段。探索RSI从0 ms至1000 ms中5种条件下内隐序列学习的迁移差异, 并试图证实随着RSI的变化, 迁移发生从无到有的变化, 以迁移来证明内隐知识的抽象性。结果发现:随着RSI的增加, 迁移出现了从无到有的质变, 证明了内隐知识可具有抽象性; 内隐序列学习效应和转移组段的新异刺激效应共同促进了迁移的产生, 纯粹的内隐序列学习是产生迁移的必要非充分条件, 转移组段(新异刺激)则加速促进了内隐知识的学习; 本实验条件下产生的不可知但可迁移的内隐知识具有边缘意识特点。

关键词: 内隐知识 ; 序列学习 ; 迁移 ; RSI ; 边缘意识


Studies have shown that whether implicit knowledge is abstract is still under dispute, and transfer is an effective way to test this. The present study was designed to investigate transfer of implicit sequence knowledge under five different RSI conditions, to explore the status of consciousness underlying transfer, and then to prove the abstractness of implicit knowledge.
Ninety volunteers (college students) were randomly assigned to five experimental groups. Twelve randomly selected college students were assigned to the control group. A classic implicit sequence learning task was adopted. Participants were required to press a key corresponding to the spatial location of the dark dot as quickly and accurately as possible. Each experimental group completed this task under one of five RSI conditions (0 ms, 250 ms, 500 ms, 750 ms, and 1000 ms). The task included a training and a transfer phase. In both phases, the spatial location arrangement for the sequence of dots followed the second-order conditional rule, but differed slightly. The control group did not undergo the training phase and were tested directly during the transfer phase, with the procedure being similar to that of its matched experimental group. Pure and novelty-influenced learning magnitude, two different indexes of implicit learning magnitude, were adopted. Similarly, two different indexes of implicit transfer magnitude, pure and novelty-influenced, were adopted.
The results showed: (1) By using a transfer design changed first-order structure, we found that the migration occurs with the increase of RSI, which proves that the implicit knowledge is abstract. (2) Implicit sequence learning is a necessary condition for migration learning. The novelty stimulus promotes implicit learning and transfer, and the effect is more obvious when RSI is small. (3) Moreover, in this study, a special type of fringe consciousness was found (RSI = 500 ms, 750 ms, 1000 ms), in which people can transfer knowledge that has cognitive flexibility and availability, but they cannot orally report the specific rules.
By using a transfer design changed first-order structure, this study proves that implicit knowledge is abstract under the fringe consciousness. Additionally, the effects of RSI、implicit sequence learning, and stimulus novelty on implicit learning and transfer were proved. This study provides abundant first-hand information to the field of implicit learning.

Keywords: implicit knowledge ; implicit sequence learning ; transfer ; RSI ; fringe consciousness

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戴惠, 朱传林, 刘电芝. 内隐知识具有抽象性吗?——来自内隐序列学习迁移的证据 *. 心理学报[J], 2018, 50(9): 965-974 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00965

DAI Hui, ZHU Chuanlin, LIU Dianzhi. Is implicit knowledge abstract? Evidence from implicit sequence learning transfer. Acta Psychologica Sinica[J], 2018, 50(9): 965-974 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.00965

1 引言

在内隐学习早期研究中, Reber、Knowlton等人认为内隐知识具有抽象和概括性(Knowlton & Squire, 1996; Reber, 1976), 但后续一些研究发现内隐学习获得的是片段知识, 不具有抽象性(Abrahamse & Verwey, 2008; Jiménez, Vaquero, & Lupiáñez, 2006; Schwarb & Schumacher, 2010)。迁移是指已学知识在不同的环境中仍然能得到有效提取利用, 或者已有知识促进类似新知识的学习和获取。Pothos将迁移引入内隐学习领域, 并认为迁移是检验内隐学习知识是否具有抽象性的良好方式(Pothos, 2007)。内隐知识只有具有一定程度的抽象性, 才能发生迁移(Kuhn & Dienes, 2006; Reber, 1976)。

对内隐序列反应时任务中迁移的研究主要集中于近15年间, 研究成果大相径庭。Dienes用一系列研究证实, 改变部分规则, 迁移能够有效发生(Dienes, Kuhn, Guo, & Jones, 2011; Dienes & Longuet-Higgins, 2004; Kuhn & Dienes, 2005; Huang, Dai, Ye, Zhu, Li, & Liu, 2017)。Rünger等人探索了学习过的规则对全新规则的影响, 发现学习过规则的实验组对全新规则的意识程度比未学习过规则的实验组显著更高(Rünger & Frensch, 2008)。研究者使用新异刺激理论来解释这个结果, 即实验组中由于新规则的意外事件效应, 使得恒常刺激规则和新异刺激规则产生了对比, 促进了被试对新规则的意识程度。此研究中, 两个规则除了都是序列规则外, 没有任何相似之处, 所以其实验组对新规则的意识程度的提高, 并非学习本身的迁移。全新规则的应用只能探测新异刺激的效应, 不适合用于研究迁移效应。Tanaka和Watanabe让所有被试学习某套序列规则, 然后分成三组, 分别学习完全镜像规则, 部分镜像规则和不重叠规则, 结果发现完全镜像规则组的习得量最高, 即迁移效果最好(Tanaka & Watanabe, 2014)。Tanaka和Watanabe进一步探究了不同的学习时间(即学习的组段数量)对内隐规则学习是否有影响, 结果发现通过短期学习即可发生镜像迁移(Tanaka & Watanabe, 2015)。

而另一些研究则表明内隐知识不具有抽象性, 受到刺激形式、呈现方式、呈现时间等因素的制约, 导致迁移无法发生(Abrahamse & Verwey, 2008; Jiménez et al., 2006; Schwarb & Schumacher, 2010)。Sanchez等人认为未能检测到迁移的一个关键因素在于测量的敏感度, 以往研究往往采用定性的迁移指标, 因此无法定量检测到部分迁移(Sanchez, Yarnik, & Reber, 2015)。因此, 他们用规则序列与随机序列正确率的差值作为学习量和迁移量的定量指标, 再用迁移量与学习量的比值作为迁移程度的指标, 然后在内隐序列学习的复杂变式(Serial Interception Sequence Learning Task, 简称SISL)中分别改变线索呈现时间和线索呈现方式, 发现两组条件下都发生了部分迁移。Sanchez等人的研究进一步指出, 刺激表征与规则的绑定差异会导致迁移效应的差异, 改变绑定效应强的刺激表征特征会妨碍迁移发生, 但是改变绑定效应弱的刺激表征特征仍能发生部分迁移(Sanchez et al., 2015)。

上述研究得到相悖的结论, 其原因可能有两个因素:一方面, 以往研究使用的迁移指标不纯粹。最初研究多采用新异组块与前后两个规则组块平均反应时之差作为内隐学习量(D°Angelo, Milliken, Jiménez, & Lupiáñez, 2013; Frensch & Miner, 1994; Fu, Bin, Dienes, Fu, & Gao, 2013), 而后一些研究陆续证明, 新异刺激会促进内隐学习和意识程度, 在分析内隐学习量和迁移量以及两者的关系时须考虑此因素(Rünger, 2012; Rünger & Frensch, 2008; 张剑心, 武燕, 陈心韵, 刘电芝, 2014) 。鉴于此, 有些研究尝试将第一组段和新异刺激前的组段的平均反应时做比较来衡量被试的内隐学习效果(Norman, Price, Duff, & Mentzoni, 2007; 张剑心等, 2014), 但其中不可避免的受到了练习效应和疲劳效应的影响。因此, 本研究在表征质量和新异刺激理论研究基础上, 改进前人分析路径, 打破了惯用分析模式, 分离出了表征质量内隐学习量(RT8- RT7)和受新异刺激影响的学习量(RT8-RT9), 表征质量内隐迁移量(RT15-RT14)和受新异刺激影响的迁移量(RT15-RT16), 并考察它们与迁移的关系, 试图得到发生迁移的RSI区间, 并探究在不同的RSI 情况下发生迁移的条件, 与此同时, 通过设置匹配的控制组尽可能地排除了练习效应和疲劳效应的干扰。

另一方面, 以往研究大多忽略了一个影响内隐学习的重要因素——RSI, 即反应与下一个刺激出现之间的时间间隔。内隐认知是一个渐进的意识加工过程, 意识性成分的贡献随着学习的推进而发生变化(张润来, 刘电芝, 2014; Norman et al., 2007; Kuhn & Dienes, 2006), 而在这个渐进过程中, RSI是一个影响意识和无意识成分变化的关键因素。例如, Destrebecqz和Cleeremans的研究表明, 随着RSI的增加(0 ms、250 ms、1500 ms), 意识成分对内隐学习的贡献不断增加(Destrebecqz & Cleeremans, 2001)。当RSI为1500 ms时, 被试的无意识学习已经完全转化成意识性学习。Cleeremans认为随着RSI增加, 加工时间增加, 内隐序列规则的表征质量会逐渐提高, 导致意识程度增加(French & Cleeremans, 2002)。陈寒采用PDP (Process Dissociation Procedure, PDP)加工分离程序分别计算了0~1500 ms的意识-无意识加工的贡献率, 发现随着RSI的增加由无意识加工占主导逐渐过渡到由意识加工占主导(陈寒, 杨治良, 韩玉昌, 曾玉君, 2009)。张剑心等人考察了高低情感开放性者在不同RSI条件 (0 ms、250 ms、500 ms、750 ms和1000 ms)下学习主序列和非主序列的复杂概率内隐序列的区别, 发现随着RSI的增加, 高低情感开放性者对非主序列的学习/包容程度都能增加, 表明RSI不但影响意识程度, 还影响内隐学习加工过程本身(张剑心等, 2014)。在前人研究中相同固定的RSI条件下, 有些实验中知识可迁移(Tanaka & Watanabe, 2015; Kuhn & Dienes, 2005), 有些则不能(Abrahamse & Verwey, 2008; Schwarb & Schumacher, 2010), 其中很重要的原因可能是由于在不同的实验状态下, 被试、具体实验材料、实验程序等不一致, 导致被试的意识程度和学习水平是不一样的。因此, 前人在运用序列反应时任务研究内隐知识的迁移时缺乏同一条件下RSI设置的比较。其次, 前人研究中即便有考虑到RSI, 也对RSI设置有限(Destrebecqz & Cleeremans, 2001; Norman et al., 2007; 陈寒 等, 2009), 且未有应用于迁移的研究中, 难以细致揭示RSI对内隐学习、迁移的不同影响。由于RSI为影响意识程度和内隐学习的重要因素, 因此, 在同一实验条件下, 通过对RSI的细分操纵, 考察其对知识的学习程度, 即对内隐学习迁移效果的影响, 进而验证内隐知识是否具有抽象性。

此外, 以往文献还表明, 在内隐学习过程中可能会出现边缘意识(Norman, Price, & Duff, 2006; Norman et al., 2007; Norman, 2010)。边缘意识是指由特定知识经验所引起的一类可被主体意识到的体验情感, 而这些特定的知识本身却不能进入意识层面。在边缘意识状态下的知识既具有认知的灵活性, 又具有内容的不可知性(James, 2010; Price, 2002)。Norman采用改进的序列反应时任务考察了序列学习中的边缘意识结果表明学习任务中, 被试表达出对习得序列片段的可靠熟悉感, 或是对后续序列位置的期待感, 同时又不知道序列规则的存在, 从而证明边缘意识的存在(Norman et al., 2007)。Dienes等人采用人工语法学习范式提出了判断知识和结构知识, 并认为判断知识是意识性的, 而结构知识是无意识的, 研究结果表明学习结果是两者的混合体, 并称为“直觉知识”, 这种直觉知识也符合边缘意识的定义。边缘意识揭示的意义在于, 内隐学习的过程中存在边缘意识这种中间状态。如果对这一过程进行不同视角的检测, 也许可以发现更多的符合边缘意识定义的不同程度的中间意识状态, 从而细化、拓展对边缘意识的认识。由此本研究假设:随着RSI的增加, 随着刺激表征质量的提高, 内隐知识的迁移情况发生变化, 由不可迁转为受新异刺激后可迁移, 再转为稳定的迁移; 在较长RSI条件下获得的内隐知识不可口语报告但可产生迁移, 此时获得的内隐知识未进入意识层面但具有认知灵活性的边缘意识特点。

2 方法

2.1 被试

本实验由实验组和控制组组成。实验组随机选取在校大学生130人, 分为5组, 书面报告显示, 所有被试均未发现规则, 因数据记录有误, 删除无效被试6人, 共收集实验组有效数据124人, 其中, 男性57名, 女性67名, 平均年龄21.71 ± 2.35 岁; 控制组由75名大学生组成, 其中, 男性40名, 女性35名, 平均年龄22.85 ± 1.72岁。被试均为右利手, 视力或矫正视力正常, 身体健康无疾病, 且自愿参加实验, 实验结束后获得相应的报酬。实验组有效被试分组如表1所示。

表1   不同RSI实验被试分布情况

组别0 ms250 ms500 ms750 ms1000 ms共计

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2.2 实验任务与材料

采用内隐序列学习范式, 要求被试对出现在屏幕上的黑色圆点尽快尽准按键。反应刺激间隔(RSI)为0 ms、250 ms、500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms。学习阶段的刺激参照按照Destrebecqz等人的研究(Destrebecqz & Cleeremans, 2001), 序列规则出现在4个象限之一, 出现的位置顺序符合SOC1:342312143241。刺激的位置及按键的示意图如图1所示。分为4个象限, 每个象限对应一个按键。迁移阶段规则出现变化, 规则为SOC2:413423214312, 这是由原规则旋转一个象限得到的, 所谓同形异构。


图1   学习阶段刺激位置及按键

采用清华同方电脑17寸CRT显示器, 分辨率为1280×1024像素, 刷新频率为75 Hz, 程序用Eprime 2.0 编写。

2.3 实验设计与程序

2.3.1 实验设计

实验组采用单因素(5个RSI:0 ms、250 ms、500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms)的实验设计。其中RSI是被试间变量。每个RSI由学习阶段10个组段和迁移阶段6个组段组成。每个组段的刺激呈现顺序遵循SOC规则。

实验组采用迁移, 并通过规则的改变来构成迁移。学习阶段与迁移阶段的规则采用经典的SOC规则。SOC1规则为:342312143241, SOC2规则为:413423214312, 这是由原规则旋转一个象限得到的, 两者都是遵从前两个刺激位置决定第三个刺激位置的高阶规则, 这两个序列中的位置频率、成对位置间的转换频率、位置倒转频率和可能出现的所有位置的平均数都是一致的。

2.3.2 实验程序

本实验分两步:首先是考察RSI不同是否会产生迁移的变化, 然后对产生迁移的实验组设立相应的控制组, 进一步证实迁移确实来自于第一阶段SOC1规则的学习。

实验进程是先进行24个试次的随机位置按键练习。参照经典的Norman(2007)的实验程序, 学习阶段共10个组段, 每个组段96试次, 共960个试次, 1~7是学习组段, 每个学习组段中SOC1序列循环7次, 在每一组段中插入一个随机序列。组段8为随机序列组成的转移组段。组段9、10为回归组段, 仍然是SOC1序列。每个组段之间至少会有15 s的休息时间, 之后被试按任意键继续, 直到反应结束。实验记录反应时和正确率。

通过前期预实验, 迁移阶段设6个组段(即组段11~16), 每个组段96试次, 共576个试次。其中组段11~14为迁移序列SOC2。组段15为随机序列组成的转移组段。组段16仍为回归组段即SOC2序列。每个组段之间也至少有15s的休息时间。同样记录反应时和正确率。在被试完成实验之后, 需要填写问卷, 由3个问题组成:1)你认为下一个目标位置的出现是由什么决定的?2)用自己的话来描述目标移动的规则?3)你是什么时候发现目标的?以考察被试的学习是否外显。三个问题均为开放式问题, 被试如果没有发现规律或者发现错误规律则认为其学习内隐学习, 则进入统计处理数据。


2.4 数据分析

参考Weiermann的标准(Weiermann, Cock, & Meier, 2010), 剔除错误率超过10%的被试, 将每个被试的错误反应、反应时低于100 ms或高于1000 ms的数据剔除。对于实验组中的被试, 将每个组段中的12个随机试次也剔除。口语报告显示, 所有被试均不能将隐含的序列规则准确的描述出来, 因而都在内隐序列学习范畴内。运用SPSS 16.0对数据进行统计分析。

本研究中内隐学习量采用两种指标:(1)纯粹学习量:组段8与7的差异量, 即RT8-RT7。即前7个组块纯粹序列学习后的学习量。(2)受新异刺激影响的学习量:转移组段8与其后一组段(组段9)的平均反应时差异量, 即RT8-RT9, 此指标含有转移组段的新异刺激效应产生的效果。

迁移量同样采用两种指标:(1)纯粹迁移量:组段14与15的差异量, 即RT15-RT14。(2)受新异刺激影响的迁移量:转移组段15与其后一组段(组段16)的平均反应时差异量, 即RT15-RT16, 此指标含有转移组段的新异刺激效应产生的效果。

3 结果

3.1 短RSI (0 ms、250 ms)实验组的内隐学习和迁移结果

对于纯粹学习量(RT8-RT7), 如果第7组块反应时显著快于第8组块(随机组块)反应时, 表明产生了内隐学习效应。分别对0 ms、250 ms实验组的学习阶段第7和8组块反应时做配对样本t检验, t0(25) = 4.28, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.65; t250(21) = 3.94, p < 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.65。实验组的组块7反应时均显著快于组块8反应时, 表明被试已经产生内隐学习效应。

对于受新异刺激影响的内隐学习量(RT8-RT9), 如果第9组块反应时显著快于第8组块(随机组块)反应时, 表明产生了包含新异刺激效应的内隐学习效应。分别对两种RSI条件实验组的学习阶段转移组块8与9的平均反应时配对样本t检验, t0(25) = 6.64, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.80; t250(21) = 2.81, p < 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.53。实验组的组块9反应时均显著快于组块8反应时, 表明新异刺激后也显现出内隐序列学习效应。

图2可以看出, 迁移阶段由于规则改变, 被试的平均反应时上升, 之后趋于平缓。分别对两种RSI的转移组段15(随机组段)与组段14的平均值做配对样本t检验, 结果显示t0(25) = 0.63, p > 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.13; t250(21) = 1.97, p > 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.34。分别对两种RSI的转移组段15与组段16的平均值做配对样本t检验, 结果显示当RSI = 0 ms时, 实验组的组块16和组块15反应时差异不显著, 当RSI = 250 ms时, 实验组的组块16反应时均显著快于组块15反应时, t0(25) = 1.76, p > 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.33; t250(21) = 2.86, p < 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.53。表明当RSI = 0 ms时, 被试在学习阶段习得的规则并没有迁移至后面的迁移阶段中, 即没有发生迁移。但当RSI = 250 ms时, 转移组段出现之前未发生迁移, 而在转移组段出现后迁移产生了, 表明在250 ms时, 在新异刺激的作用下, 迁移产生了。


图2   RSI = 0 ms、250 ms各组段反应时变化曲线图

3.2 实验组三种较长的RSI = 500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms的内隐习得及迁移结果

对于纯粹学习量(RT8-RT7), 分别对500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms中组段8和7做配对样本t检验, 发现在三种情况下, 转移组段8(随机序列)的平均反应时显著高于组段7(t500(25) = 2.88, p < 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.50; t750(23) = 2.96, p < 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.53; t1000(25) = 3.80, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.61), 说明被试已经产生内隐学习效应。对于受新异刺激影响的学习量(RT8-RT9), 分别对三个实验组的组段8和9做配对样本T检验, 发现转移组段8(随机序列)的平均反应时显著高于组段9(t500(25) = 5.47, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.74; t750(23) = 3.75, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.62; t1000(25) = 4.45, p < 0.001), Cohen’s d = 0.66, 结合图3, 可见新异刺激后出现更强的出内隐序列学习效应。


图3   RSI = 500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms各组段反应时变化曲线图

根据所设立的两种迁移指标, 分别对500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms三种情况下迁移组段进行分析, 发现不论是在转移组段前(t500(25) = 3.01, p < 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.52; t750(23) = 3.04, p < 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.55; t1000(25) = 5.23, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.72)还是转移组段后(t500(25) = 3.11, p < 0.01, Cohen’s d = 0.53; t750(23) = 5.33, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.74; t1000(25) = 5.32, p < 0.001, Cohen’s d = 0.73), 都发现了迁移效应, 说明被试在学习阶段习得的规则迁移到了迁移阶段的学习之中。

3.3 RSI = 500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms的控制组实验结果

在实验组中, 在一些情况下检测到了内隐序列学习的迁移, 有可能是由于:即使没有学习阶段SOC1规则的学习, 被试只学习6组段(包括转移组段)的SOC2就能发生有效的内隐学习, 而实验组在此时检测到的迁移只不过是SOC2自身的内隐学习而已。因此, 我们选取检测到迁移且迁移效果较好的RSI = 500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms三组, 设立只接受迁移阶段训练的控制组, 进一步来排除这一可能性。三组各自的关键组块平均反应时(配对样本t检验)结果见表2

表2   RSI = 500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms控制组数据

RSIBlock contrasttdfpCohen’s d
RSI = 500 msB5-B40.91240.370.18
RSI = 750 msB5-B40.20230.840.04
RSI = 1000 msB5-B40.09250.930.02

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表2结果可见, 无论使用纯粹迁移量还是受新异刺激的迁移量, 控制组均未出现显著的内隐学习效应, 说明6个组块的训练量不足以产生有效的内隐学习。因此, RSI = 500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms实验组显著的迁移效应应该是SOC1学习对SOC2学习的迁移, 而不是单纯的SOC2学习效应。

3.4 不同RSI学习量和迁移量的差异比较

依据Sanchez, Yarnik, Reber的观点(Sanchez et al., 2015), 本研究计算了不同RSI条件下内隐学习和迁移的量化指标。图4表明, 不同RSI学习量、迁移量均有差异。进一步的量化分析及多重比较见表3

表3   不同RSI内隐学习量和迁移量的数据比较[M (SD)]

0 ms250 ms500 ms750 ms1000 ms
纯粹学习量(RT8-RT7)21.95 (5.12)19.90 (5.05)11.37 (3.94)11.74 (2.11)14.60 (3.83)
受新异刺激影响的学习量(RT8-RT9)37.93 (5.71)14.36 (5.11)16.57 (3.03)16.02 (2.74)16.43 (3.70)
纯粹迁移量(RT15-RT14)5.63 (8.91)12.42 (6.29)13.23 (4.40)10.01 (4.81)12.83 (2.45)
受新异刺激影响的迁移量(RT15-RT16)5.29 (3.01)16.63 (5.81)16.52 (5.31)19.35 (4.35)19.84 (3.72)

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图4   不同RSI学习量、迁移量条形图

不同RSI实验组均显现内隐学习效应。对不同RSI实验组的纯粹学习量和受新异刺激影响的学习量做5(组别)×2(指标)重复测量方差分析, 发现交互作用不显著, RSI主效应显著, 对不同RSI分组的纯粹学习量做单因素方差分析, 发现差异不显著(p > 0.05), 而对不同RSI分组受新异刺激影响的学习量做单因素方差分析, 差异显著, F(4, 123) = 5.71, p < 0.01, η2 = 0.87。进一步LSD差异检验经Bonferroni Correction校正后, 结果显示RSI = 0 ms时, 受新异刺激影响的学习量显著大于其他分组(p < 0.05), 而其他RSI分组之间差异并不显著。说明, 当RSI为0时, 受新异刺激影响的内隐学习量达到最大, 且新异刺激对内隐学习的促进作用此时也最为明显。

对不同RSI之间的纯粹迁移量和受新异刺激影响下的迁移量进行单因素方差分析, 发现差异不显著(p > 0.05)。但为了进一步揭示在不同RSI情况下的差异, 因此进一步LSD差异检验经Bonferroni Correction校正后, 结果显示RSI = 0 ms情况下受新异刺激影响的迁移量显著小于RSI为750 ms和1000 ms两个分组(p < 0.05), 而其他RSI分组之间差异并不显著。

从图中, 也可以看出, 在迁移阶段, 受新异刺激影响下, 各RSI情况下的迁移量均有所增加, 尤其是在RSI较短组中尤为明显, 前面结果分析中曾指出, 在RSI为0 ms时, 新异刺激前后均未表现出迁移效应, 而在RSI为250 ms时, 在新异刺激后才表现出迁移效应, 说明新异刺激对内隐学习的迁移有一定的促进作用, 只是在某些情况下还不足以表现出来。

4 讨论

4.1 随RSI增加, 迁移发生从无到有的变化, 内隐知识逐渐具有抽象性。

对于内隐学习能否迁移, 前人采用不同的研究范式得到了不同的结果(Abrahamse & Verwey, 2008; Jiménez et al., 2006; Sanchez et al., 2015; Tanaka & Watanabe, 2014)。本研究发现随着RSI增加, 内隐序列学习的迁移发生了由无到有的变化。本研究迁移阶段学习规则与原规则虽然本身截然不同, 但都必须遵循同样的高阶规则, RSI的增加, 为获得抽象的高阶规则创造了条件, 从而促进了迁移。当RSI = 0 ms内隐知识不能发生迁移, 当RSI = 250 ms时, 发生弱迁移, 即表现在新异刺激影响下出现迁移现象。当RSI = 500 ms、750 ms、1000 ms时, 发生了迁移。之所以RSI条件影响迁移效应, 很可能源于前人所提及的内隐序列学习表征质量和意识程度随RSI增加而逐渐提高的原因(Destrebecqz & Cleeremans, 2001; Kuhn & Dienes, 2006):在短RSI条件下(0 ms和250 ms), 内隐知识的表征质量和抽象性较低, 导致迁移困难; 而在较长与长RSI条件下(500 ms、750 ms和1000 ms), 内隐知识的表征质量和抽象性得以显著提高, 至某一节点(本研究条件下为500 ms)内隐知识具备了获得迁移的抽象性特点, 从而迁移发生。

本研究的实验结果证实了Mathews提出的最佳学习效果来自意识和无意识成分的交互作用的观点(Mathews et al., 1989)。内隐认知是一个渐进的意识加工过程, 意识性成分的贡献随着学习的推进而发生变化(张润来, 刘电芝, 2014; Norman et al., 2007; Kuhn & Dienes, 2006), 而在这个渐进过程中, RSI是一个影响意识和无意识成分变化的关键因素。Destrebecqz等人在实验中也发现RSI = 0 ms时, 缺乏序列的外显知识, 序列学习是内隐的, 而在其他RSI较大的情况下, 序列学习存在外显的成分(French & Cleeremans, 2002)。本研究发现, 仅在RSI = 0 ms情况下未出现迁移, 其他情况均发现迁移现象, 可能是由于随着RSI的增加, 意识成分和无意识成分的贡献程度随着学习进程不断发生变化, 迁移的产生可能是由于两者的协同, 虽然不可口语报告出具体规则, 但此时的内隐知识却同时具有抽象、概括、灵活、可用等特点。

4.2 内隐序列学习是产生迁移的必要非充分条件

本研究结果证实, 在5种RSI情况下, 被试均产生了内隐学习, 表现为在学习7个组段的纯粹学习量上的反应时显著下降, 但在0 ms时未产生迁移, 其他情况均有迁移效应产生。且在控制组实验中, 控制组因为没有经过前期的内隐序列学习, 因而和实验组的结果相去甚远。因此推断, 纯粹的内隐序列学习是产生迁移的必要非充分条件, 即迁移的发生以内隐序列学习为基础, 但内隐序列学习不一定产生迁移。

且本研究发现, 在RSI = 0 ms时, 不论是纯粹学习量还是受新异刺激影响的学习量都处于5种情况下的最高水平, 尤其是受新异刺激影响的学习量显著大于其他分组, 而此时, 却是5种情况下唯一未检测到迁移的情况, 说明内隐序列学习是迁移的基础, 但内隐学习量并不是迁移发生的充分条件。可推论在RSI = 0 ms时, 迁移未发生可能是由于以下两种原因:(1)迁移是检验内隐学习获得的知识是否具有抽象性的一种很好的指标。迁移需要对所学知识进行高度的抽象和概括(Pothos, 2007), 而在RSI = 0 ms时, 高强度的刺激-反应, 中间完全无间隔, 耗费过多的心理资源, 缺乏瞬间抽象需要的足够时间与能量, 很难抽象出规则; (2)郭秀艳、杨治良等人用实验证实在学习过程中, 内隐学习和外显学习相互作用, 时而相互促进, 时而相互冲突(郭秀艳, 杨治良, 2002)。本研究推论, 迁移需要内隐学习和外显学习达到一定的配比并协同作用, 而RSI = 0 ms时, 内隐学习占绝对主导, 因而难以迁移。具体是以上哪种原因导致RSI = 0 ms未产生迁移, 仍需后续进一步研究。

4.3 转移组段新异刺激促进内隐知识的学习及迁移

已有研究多采用经典的转移组段与其前后组段平均反应时之差作为内隐学习量的指标(D°Angelo et al., 2013; Fu et al., 2013; Fu, Dienes, & Fu, 2010)。但转移组段作为新异刺激, 能够影响主序列的内隐学习量和意识程度, 该指标并不能反映出纯粹的内隐学习量(黄建平, 张剑心, 刘电芝, 2015; 张剑心等, 2014)。因此, 本研究采用两种学习量, 即纯粹学习量和受新异刺激影响的学习量, 来测量被试内隐学习程度, 采用两种迁移量, 即纯粹迁移量和受新异刺激影响的迁移量, 来测量被试迁移程度。

图5所示, 5个RSI情况下, 受新异刺激影响的学习量均大于纯粹学习量(RSI = 250 ms时除外, 在此情况下两者差异并不显著), 受新异刺激影响的迁移量均大于纯粹迁移量。尤其在RSI较短的情况下, 在RSI = 0 ms时, 受新异刺激影响的学习量显著大于其他分组, 在RSI = 250 ms时, 转移组段之前, 并未发现迁移, 但在新异刺激后就出现了迁移效应。据此, 我们推断, 新异刺激确实能够对内隐学习及迁移产生影响, 究其深层原因可能是新异刺激加速促进了内隐学习, 促进了内隐成分和外显成分达到一定配比并协同的边缘意识状态, 从而达到了迁移的效果。这与已有研究一致(D'Angelo et al., 2013; Fu et al., 2010)。本研究中还发现这种影响在RSI较小时作用更为明显。造成这种情况可能是由于新异刺激对内隐学习的促进作用更大, 当RSI越小, 内隐学习越纯粹, 越接近完全内隐, 更容易受到新异刺激加速学习的影响, 而随着RSI的逐渐增大, 外显成分越多, 新意刺激的促进会越小。

4.4 具有认知灵活性却未能进入意识层面的边缘意识的发现

本研究采用了旋转一个象限的近迁移(同形异构)作为新的衡量指标, 可能揭示出新的介于完全内隐和口语报告之间的边缘意识:即在内隐学习下发生了迁移, 此时被试处于完全意识和完全无意识之间的中间意识状态, 即边缘意识。

Norman等人在以往研究中也发现过边缘意识的存在(Norman et al., 2006; Norman et al., 2007; Rünger & Frensch, 2010)。并指出, 由于边缘意识很难归结为纯粹的内隐或外显, 处于边缘意识状态的知识不仅具有与意识状态一样的认知灵活性和相关意识性体验, 同时还具有和无意识状态一致的知识来源的主观不可知性, 因而以意识程度而言, 应该是处于完全意识和完全无意识的中间状态(Norman, 2010)。

本研究采用迁移作为衡量内隐抽象规则掌握的指标。与Norman等人(2007)采用的旋转排除任务指标比较, 本研究采用迁移作为任务指标, 原规则和迁移规则虽遵循同样的高阶规则, 但具体规则本身截然不同, 因此, 被试需要具备更高意识程度的边缘意识才可能实现迁移, 对被试提出更高要求和挑战。据此推测, 本研究中产生的边缘意识是一种新的边缘意识——即能够近迁移但不能口语报告出来, 并与Norman等人(2007)所发现的边缘意识有本质差异。在本研究中的边缘意识状态下, 无意识和意识成分的组合模式和协同工作模式是怎样的, 边缘意识对迁移产生有何作用, 如何作用尚无法证明, 有待进一步的行为实验或脑机制研究, 如考察被试脑区的激活及P3的波幅来确定。

5 结论

本研究通过设置不同RSI条件探索考察内隐知识的抽象性及其迁移效应, 发现:

(1) RSI是影响迁移能否发生的重要因素。随着RSI的增加, 迁移出现了从无到有的变化。随着RSI的增加, 内隐知识可成为能迁移的抽象知识。

(2) 内隐序列学习效应和转移组段的新异刺激效应共同促进迁移的产生。纯粹的内隐序列学习是产生迁移的必要非充分条件, 转移组段(新异刺激)则加速促进了内隐知识的学习, 特别是在RSI较小时(当RSI = 0 ms)作用更为明显。

(3) 揭示了具有认知灵活性却未能进入意识层面的新的边缘意识。在本实验条件下, 内隐序列学习获得的迁移知识, 是一种不可口语报告, 具有规则结构的不可知性但又可以产生近迁移的边缘知识。


Abrahamse, E, L., & Verwey, W, B. ( 2008).

Context dependent learning in the serial RT task

Psychological Research, 72( 4), 397-404.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-007-0123-5      URL     PMID:2367391      [本文引用: 4]

This study investigated the development of contextual dependencies for sequential perceptual-motor learning on static features in the learning environment. In three experiments we assessed the effect of manipulating task irrelevant static context features in a serial reaction-time task. Experiment 1 demonstrated impaired performance after simultaneously changing display color, placeholder shape, and placeholder location. Experiment 2 showed that this effect was mainly caused by changing placeholder shape. Finally, Experiment 3 indicated that changing context affected both the application of sequence knowledge and the selection of individual responses. It is proposed either that incidental stimulus features are integrated with a global sequence representation, or that the changed context causes participants to strategically inhibit sequence skills.

Chen H., Yang Z. L., Han Y. C., & Zeng Y. J . ( 2009).

A review of researches on the consciousness of implicit learning

Psychological Science, 32(4), 891-893.


The existence of implicit learning has been tacitly accepted but the relationship of implicit learning with consciousness has been controversial.This research reviewed and explored the focuses of the research on the consciousness of implicit learning in terms of whether or not implicit learning is unconscious,how the second tasks influence implicit learning,and the relation of implicit learning with explicit learning.

[ 陈寒, 杨治良, 韩玉昌, 曾玉君 . ( 2009).


心理科学, 32( 4), 891-893.]

URL     [本文引用: 2]


D'Angelo, M C., Milliken B., Jiménez L., & Lupiáñez J . ( 2013).

Implementing flexibility in automaticity: Evidence from context-specific implicit sequence learning

Consciousness and Cognition, 22( 1), 64-81.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2012.11.002      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Destrebecqz, A., & Cleeremans, A. ( 2001).

Can sequence learning be implicit? New evidence with the process dissociation procedure

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8( 2), 343-350.

[本文引用: 4]

Dienes Z., Kuhn G., Guo X., & Jones, C.( 2011). Communicating structure, affect, and movement. In P. Rebuschat, M. Rohmeier, J. A. Hawkins, & I. Cross(Eds.), Language and music as cognitive systems (pp. 156-169). Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]

Dienes, Z., & Longuet-Higgins, C. ( 2004).

Can musical transformations be implicitly learned?

Cognitive Science, 28( 4), 531-558.

DOI:10.1207/s15516709cog2804_2      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The dominant theory of what people can learn implicitly is that they learn chunks of adjacent elements in sequences. A type of musical grammar that goes beyond specifying allowable chunks is provided by serialist or 12-tone music. The rules constitute operations over variables and could not be appreciated as such by a system that can only chunk elements together. A series of studies investigated the extent to which people could implicitly (or explicitly) learn the structures of serialist music. We found that people who had no background in atonal music did not learn the structures, but highly selected participants with an interest in atonal music could implicitly learn to detect melodies instantiating the structures. The results have implications for both theorists of implicit learning and composers who may wish to know which structures they put into a piece of music can be appreciated.

French R. M., & Cleeremans, A.,( 2002) .Implicit learning and consciousness: An empirical, philosophical, and computational consensus in the making (pp160-170) Psychology Press An empirical, philosophical, and computational consensus in the making (pp.160-170). Psychology Press.

[本文引用: 2]

Frensch, P. A., & Miner, C. S . ( 1994).

Effects of presentation rate and individual differences in short-term memory capacity on an indirect measure of serial learning

Memory & Cognition, 22( 1), 95-110.

[本文引用: 1]

Fu Q., Bin G., Dienes Z., Fu X., & Gao X . ( 2013).

Learning without consciously knowing: Evidence from event-related potentials in sequence learning

Consciousness and Cognition, 22( 1), 22-34.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2012.10.008      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Fu Q., Dienes Z., & Fu X . ( 2010).

Can unconscious knowledge allow control in sequence learning?

Consciousness and Cognition, 19( 1), 462-474.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2009.10.001      URL     PMID:19910211      [本文引用: 2]

This paper investigates the conscious status of both the knowledge that an item is legal (judgment knowledge) and the knowledge of why it is legal (structural knowledge) in sequence learning. We compared ability to control use of knowledge (Process Dissociation Procedure) with stated awareness of the knowledge (subjective measures) as measures of the conscious status of knowledge. Experiment 1 showed that when people could control use of judgment knowledge they were indeed conscious of having that knowledge according to their own statements. Yet Experiment 2 showed that people could exert such control over the use of judgment knowledge when claiming they had no structural knowledge: i.e. conscious judgment knowledge could be based on unconscious structural knowledge. Further implicit learning research should be clear over whether judgment or structural knowledge is claimed to be unconscious as the two dissociate in sequence learning.

Guo, X. Y., & Yang, Z. L . ( 2002).

The research history of implicit learning

Psychological Development and Education, 18( 3), 85-90.

[ 郭秀艳, 杨治良 . ( 2002).


心理发展与教育, 18( 3), 85-90.]

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-4918.2002.03.016      URL     [本文引用: 1]


Huang J., Dai H., Ye J., Zhu C., Li Y., & Liu D . ( 2017).

Impact of response stimulus interval on transfer of non-local dependent rules in implicit learning: An ERP investigation

Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2107.

DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02107      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Huang J. P., Zhang J. X., & Liu D Z . ( 2015).

The inlfuence of transfer chuck number and position on implicit sequence learning

Journal of Psychological Science, 38( 6), 1326-1333.

[ 黄建平, 张剑心, 刘电芝 . ( 2015).


心理科学, 38( 6), 1326-1333.]

URL     [本文引用: 1]


James, W. ( 2010).

The principles of psychology, Vol I. In Dover books on philosophy & psychology.

Mineola, New York: Dover Publications.

DOI:10.1037/10538-000      URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT This book provides a foundation to the principles of psychology. It draws upon the natural sciences, avoiding metaphysics, for the basis of its information. According to James, this book, assuming that thoughts and feelings exist and are vehicles of knowledge, thereupon contends that psychology, when it has ascertained the empirical correlation of the various sorts of thought or feeling with definite conditions of the brain, can go no farther as a natural science. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Jiménez L., Vaquero J. M., & Lupiáñez J . ( 2006).

Qualitative differences between implicit and explicit sequence learning

Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition, 32( 3), 475-490.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.32.3.475      URL     PMID:16719660      [本文引用: 3]

Abstract Four experiments investigate the differences between implicit and explicit sequence learning concerning their resilience to structural and superficial task changes. A superficial change that embedded the SRT task in the context of a selection task, while maintaining the sequence, did selectively hinder the expression of implicit learning. In contrast, a manipulation that maintained the task surface, but decreased the sequence validity, affected the expression of learning specifically when it was explicit. These results are discussed in the context of a dynamic framework (Cleeremans & Jim茅nez, 2002), which assumes that implicit knowledge is specially affected by contextual factors and that, as knowledge becomes explicit, it allows for the development of relevant metaknowledge that modulates the expression of explicit knowledge.

Knowlton, B. J., & Squire, L. R . ( 1996).

Artificial grammar learning depends on implicit acquisition of both abstract and exemplar-specific information

J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn, 22( 1), 169-181.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.22.1.169      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Kuhn, G., & Dienes, Z. ( 2005).

Implicit learning of nonlocal musical rules: Implicitly learning more than chunks

J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn., 31( 6), 1417-1432.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.31.6.1417      URL     PMID:16393055      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Dominant theories of implicit learning assume that implicit learning merely involves the learning of chunks of adjacent elements in a sequence. In the experiments presented here, participants implicitly learned a nonlocal rule, thus suggesting that implicit learning can go beyond the learning of chunks. Participants were exposed to a set of musical tunes that were all generated using a diatonic inversion. In the subsequent test phase, participants either classified test tunes as obeying a rule (direct test) or rated their liking for the tunes (indirect test). Both the direct and indirect tests were sensitive to knowledge of chunks. However, only the indirect test was sensitive to knowledge of the inversion rule. Furthermore, the indirect test was overall significantly more sensitive than the direct test, thus suggesting that knowledge of the inversion rule was below an objective threshold of awareness.

Kuhn, G., & Dienes, Z. ( 2006).

Differences in the types of musical regularity learnt in incidental- and intentional- learning conditions

The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59( 10), 1725-1744.

DOI:10.1080/17470210500438361      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Mathews R. C., Buss R. R., Stanley W. B., Blanchardfields F., Cho J. Ryeul., & Druhan B . ( 1989).

Role of implicit and explicit processes in learning from examples: A synergistic effect

Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition, 15( 6), 1083-1100.

DOI:10.1037/0278-7393.15.6.1083      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Focuses on the extensive experience gained with artificial grammars in explicit and implicit processing tasks. Sufficiency of implicit processing for learning a finite state grammar; Communication of implicit knowledge of the grammars; Indication of verbal protocols.

Norman, E. ( 2010).

“The Unconscious” in current psychology

European Psychologist, 15( 3), 193-201.

DOI:10.1027/1016-9040/a000017      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Abstract A series of vignette examples taken from psychological research on motivation, emotion, decision making, and attitudes illustrates how the influence of unconscious processes is often measured in a range of different behaviors. However, the selected studies share an apparent lack of explicit operational definition of what is meant by consciousness, and there seems to be substantial disagreement about the properties of conscious versus unconscious processing: Consciousness is sometimes equated with attention, sometimes with verbal report ability, and sometimes operationalized in terms of behavioral dissociations between different performance measures. Moreover, the examples all seem to share a dichotomous view of conscious and unconscious processes as being qualitatively different. It is suggested that cognitive research on consciousness can help resolve the apparent disagreement about how to define and measure unconscious processing, as is illustrated by a selection of operational definitions and empirical findings from modern cognitive psychology. These empirical findings also point to the existence of intermediate states of conscious awareness, not easily classifiable as either purely conscious or purely unconscious. Recent hypotheses from cognitive psychology, supplemented with models from social, developmental, and clinical psychology, are then presented all of which are compatible with the view of consciousness as a graded rather than an all-or-none phenomenon. Such a view of consciousness would open up for explorations of intermediate states of awareness in addition to more purely conscious or purely unconscious states and thereby increase our understanding of the seemingly nconscious aspects of mental life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)

Norman E., Price M. C., & Duff S. C . ( 2006).

Fringe consciousness in sequence learning: The influence of individual differences

Consciousness and Cognition, 15( 4), 723-760.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2005.06.003      URL     PMID:16154763      [本文引用: 2]

We first describe how the concept of “fringe consciousness” () can characterise gradations of consciousness between the extremes of implicit and explicit learning. We then show that the NEO-PI-R personality measure of ). This provides empirical evidence for the proposed phenomenology and functional role of fringe consciousness in so-called implicit learning paradigms (Mangan, 1993b). Introducing an individual difference variable also helped to identify possible limitations of the exclusion task as a measure of conscious sequence knowledge. Further exploration of individual differences in fringe awareness may help to avoid polarity in the implicit learning debate, and to resolve apparent inconsistencies between previous SRT studies.

Norman E., Price M. C., Duff S. C., & Mentzoni R. A . ( 2007).

Gradations of awareness in a modified sequence learning task

Consciousness and Cognition, 16( 4), 809-837.

DOI:10.1016/j.concog.2007.02.004      URL     PMID:17433717      [本文引用: 10]

We argue performance in the serial reaction time (SRT) task is associated with gradations of awareness that provide examples of fringe consciousness [Mangan, B. (1993b). Taking phenomenology seriously: the “fringe” and its implications for cognitive research. Consciousness and Cognition, 2, 89–108, Mangan, B. (2003). The conscious “fringe”: Bringing William James up to date. In B. J. Baars, W. P. Banks & J. B. Newman (Eds.), Essential sources in the scientific study of consciousness (pp. 741–759). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.], and address limitations of the traditional SRT procedure, including criticism of exclusion generation tasks. Two experiments are conducted with a modified SRT procedure where irrelevant stimulus attributes obscure the sequence rule. Our modified paradigm, which includes a novel exclusion task, makes it easier to demonstrate a previously controversial influence of response stimulus interval (RSI) on awareness. It also allows identification of participants showing fringe consciousness rather than explicit sequence knowledge, as reflected by dissociations between different awareness measures. The NEO-PI-R variable Openness to Feelings influenced the diversity of subjective feelings reported during two awareness measures, but not the degree of learning and awareness as previously found with traditional SRT tasks [Norman, E., Price, M. C., & Duff, S. C. (2006). Fringe consciousness in sequence learning: the influence of individual differences. Consciousness and Cognition, 15(4), 723–760.]. This suggests possible distinctions between two components of fringe consciousness.

Reber, A. S . ( 1976).

Implicit learning of artifical grammars

Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 6( 6), 855-863.

DOI:10.1016/S0022-5371(67)80149-X      URL     [本文引用: 2]

ABSTRACT Two experiments were carried out to investigate the process by which Ss respond to the statistical nature of the stimulus array, a process defined as “implicit learning”. An artificial grammar was used to generate the stimuli. Experiment I showed that Ss learned to become increasingly sensitive to the grammatical structure of the stimuli, but little was revealed about the nature of such learning. Experiment II showed that information gathered about the grammar in a memorization task could be extended to a recognition task with new stimuli. Various analyses of the data strongly implied that Ss were learning to respond to the general grammatical nature of the stimuli, rather than learning to respond according to specific coding systems imposed upon the stimuli. It was argued that this “implicit” learning is similar in nature to the “differentiation” process of perceptual learning espoused by Gibson and Gibson (1955).

Pothos, E. M . (2007).

Theories of artificial grammar learning

Psychological Bulletin, 133( 2), 227-244.

DOI:10.1037/0033-2909.133.2.227      URL     PMID:17338598      [本文引用: 2]

Abstract Artificial grammar learning (AGL) is one of the most commonly used paradigms for the study of implicit learning and the contrast between rules, similarity, and associative learning. Despite five decades of extensive research, however, a satisfactory theoretical consensus has not been forthcoming. Theoretical accounts of AGL are reviewed, together with relevant human experimental and neuroscience data. The author concludes that satisfactory understanding of AGL requires (a) an understanding of implicit knowledge as knowledge that is not consciously activated at the time of a cognitive operation; this could be because the corresponding representations are impoverished or they cannot be concurrently supported in working memory with other representations or operations, and (b) adopting a frequency-independent view of rule knowledge and contrasting rule knowledge with specific similarity and associative learning (co-occurrence) knowledge.

Price, M. C . ( 2002).

Measuring the fringes of experience

Psyche, 7( 7), 8-16.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

ABSTRACT Mangan's (2001) concept of fringe consciousness is too heavily based on informal introspection, and too all-embracing to constitute a coherent family. It lacks the tight operationalisation needed to identify individual examples of fringe consciousness, and to test Mangan's theoretical account against detailed findings from empirical research. I propose a more focused two-component operationalisation of the fringe. The first component addresses how we can operationalise the consciousness of the fringe; here I draw lessons from research in implicit cognition, and suggest implications for the wider understanding of consciousness. The second component addresses the informational content of the fringe.

Rünger, D. ( 2012).

How sequence learning creates explicit knowledge: The role of response-stimulus interval

Psychological Research, 76( 5), 579-590.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-011-0367-y      URL     PMID:21786123      [本文引用: 1]

Abstract; Attention and implicit learning. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, pp 181–213, ) reported that increasing the response–stimulus interval (RSI) during incidental sequence learning improved participants’ ability to discriminate old and new sequences in a recognition test. However, the original experimental design confounded RSI effects during training and test. I therefore repeated the experiment with an improved design in which RSI was varied systematically during the training phase and the recognition task. Participants learned a sequence of response locations either incidentally or intentionally. As a result, sequence recognition was not affected by the RSI manipulations in the group of incidental learners. With intentional learning instructions, recognition was unaffected by training RSI, but a long RSI in the test phase improved recognition performance over a short RSI. Response latencies while executing the test sequences indicated no effect of training RSI on sequence learning. However, sequence knowledge was expressed more readily when the RSI in the test phase matched the RSI in the training phase.

Rünger, D., &Frensch, P. A . ( 2008).

How incidental sequence learning creates reportable knowledge: The role of unexpected events

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 34( 5), 1011-1026.

DOI:10.1037/a0012942      URL     PMID:18763888      [本文引用: 2]

Research on incidental sequence typically is concerned with the characteristics of implicit or nonconscious . In this article, the authors aim to elucidate the cognitive mechanisms that contribute to the generation of explicit, reportable sequence knowledge. According to the unexpected-event hypothesis (P. A. Frensch, H. Haider, D. R nger, U. Neugebauer, S. Voigt, & J. Werg, 2003), individuals acquire reportable knowledge when they search for the cause of an experienced deviation from the expected task performance. The authors experimentally induced unexpected events by disrupting the sequence process with a modified serial reaction time task and found that, unlike random transfer sequences, a systematic transfer sequence increased the availability of reportable sequence knowledge. The lack of a facilitative effect of random sequences is explained by the detrimental effect of random events on the presumed search process that generates reportable knowledge. This view is corroborated in a final experiment in which the facilitative effect of systematic transfer blocks is offset by a concurrent secondary task that was introduced to interfere with the search process during transfer.

Rünger, D., &Frensch, P. A . ( 2010).

Defining consciousness in the context of incidental sequence learning: Theoretical considerations and empirical implications

Psychological Research PRPF, 74( 2), 121-137.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-008-0225-8      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Sanchez D. J., Yarnik E. N., & Reber P. J . ( 2015).

Quantifying transfer after perceptual-motor sequence learning: How inflexible is implicit learning?

Psychological Research, 79( 2), 327-343.

DOI:10.1007/s00426-014-0561-9      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Schwarb, H., & Schumacher, E. H . ( 2010).

Implicit sequence learning is represented by stimulus—response rules

Memory & Cognition, 38( 6), 677-688.

DOI:10.3758/MC.38.6.677      URL     PMID:20852232      [本文引用: 3]

For nearly two decades, researchers have investigated spatial sequence learning in an attempt to identify what specifically is learned during sequential tasks (e.g., stimulus order, response order, etc.). Despite extensive research, controversy remains concerning the information-processing locus of this learning effect. There are three main theories concerning the nature of spatial sequence learning, corresponding to the perceptual, motor, or response selection (i.e., central mechanisms underlying the association between stimulus and response pairs) processes required for successful task performance. The present data investigate this controversy and support the theory that stimulus—response (S—R) rules are critical for sequence learning. The results from two experiments demonstrate that sequence learning is disrupted only when the S—R rules for the task are altered. When the S—R rules remain constant or involve only a minor transformation, significant sequence learning occurs. These data implicate spatial response selection as a likely mechanism mediating spatial sequential learning.

Tanaka, K., & Watanabe, K. ( 2014).

Implicit transfer of reversed temporal structure in visuomotor sequence learning

Cognitive Science, 38( 3), 565-579.

DOI:10.1111/cogs.12098      URL     PMID:24215394      [本文引用: 2]

Some spatio-temporal structures are easier to transfer implicitly in sequential learning. In this study, we investigated whether the consistent reversal of triads of learned components would support the implicit transfer of their temporal structure in visuomotor sequence learning. A triad comprised three sequential button presses ([1][2][3]) and seven consecutive triads comprised a sequence. Participants learned sequences by trial and error, until they could complete it 20 times without error. Then, they learned another sequence, in which each triad was reversed ([3][2][1]), partially reversed ([2][1][3]), or switched so as not to overlap with the other conditions ([2][3][1] or [3][1][2]). Even when the participants did not notice the alternation rule, the consistent reversal of the temporal structure of each triad led to better implicit transfer; this was confirmed in a subsequent experiment. These results suggest that the implicit transfer of the temporal structure of a learned sequence can be influenced by both the structure and consistency of the change.

Tanaka, K., & Watanabe, K. ( 2015).

Effects of learning duration on implicit transfer

Experimental Brain Research, 233( 10), 2767-2776.

DOI:10.1007/s00221-015-4348-z      URL     PMID:26070899      [本文引用: 2]

Implicit learning and transfer in sequence acquisition play important roles in daily life. Several previous studies have found that even when participants are not aware that a transfer sequence has been transformed from the learning sequence, they are able to perform the transfer sequence faster and more accurately; this suggests implicit transfer of visuomotor sequences. Here, we investigated whether implicit transfer could be modulated by the number of trials completed in a learning session. Participants learned a sequence through trial and error, known as the m n task (Hikosaka et al. in J Neurophysiol 74:16521661, 1995 ). In the learning session, participants were required to successfully perform the same sequence 4, 12, 16, or 20 times. In the transfer session, participants then learned one of two other sequences: one where the button configuration Vertically Mirrored the learning sequence, or a randomly generated sequence. Our results show that even when participants did not notice the alternation rule (i.e., vertical mirroring), their total working time was less and their total number of errors was lower in the transfer session compared with those who performed a Random sequence, irrespective of the number of trials completed in the learning session. This result suggests that implicit transfer likely occurs even over a shorter learning duration.

Weiermann, B. Cock, J., & Meier, B. ( 2010).

What matters in implicit task sequence learning: Perceptual stimulus features, task sets, or correlated streams of information?

Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition, 36( 6), 1492-1509.

DOI:10.1037/a0021038      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Zhang, R. L., Liu, D. Z . ( 2014).

The development of graded consciousness in artificial grammar learning

Acta Psychologica Sinica, 46( 11), 1649-1660.

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.01649      URL    

Consciousness has always been much concerned in cognition science and, with the discovery of implicit learning in artificial grammar learning(AGL) researches, influences of unconscious processes on human cognition have been unprecedentedly highlighted. Dozens of empirical investigations have distinguished two different types of learning, i.e. explicit learning and implicit learning which involve conscious and unconscious processing respectively. Hence their critical attributes and interactive patterns have undergone tentative explorations and several theoretical frameworks have been proposed to demonstrate the underlying mental mechanisms, most of which take the side of dualistic logic. Empirical data tend to indicate that, rather than stand in dichotomy, so often they co-exist only with a quantitative difference. The academic dilemma is now broken through by the graded consciousness hypothesis, as a result of which new perspective arises from the graded consciousness dimension to deeply investigate implicit learning. In the present research the dynamic mental evolution pattern has been explored in artificial grammar learning, concerning both consciousness and knowledge representation. The current research adopts hypothesis of distributive representation and representation rehearsal which indicates that the ever-optimizing distributive representation dominates the learning process. Thus graded consciousness comes into form due to the increasing contribution of conscious processing. A dual-task design was introduced in current study with reference to the PDP paradigm formerly adopted in implicit memory researches. The innovative paradigm adopted a low' learning task and a uick' task and the contribution patterns of consciousness and unconsciousness are different in the two tasks, as a result of which the contributions of conscious and unconscious processes could be extracted dynamically along the learning course. This innovative paradigm also makes possible a direct investigation of graded consciousness during the learning phase. The results of current study show that, in the implicit phase of artificial grammar learning, the contribution of conscious processing exhibited a slow-first-fast-later growing pattern while a slow-first-stable-later pattern was found with unconscious processing. In the beginning unconscious contribution prevailed but was eventually exceeded by conscious process in the subsequent blocks. However, in the first half of learning phase, consciousness contribution suffered an undulating performance while unconsciousness more stable. While entering the second half of learning phase, unconsciousness contribution exhibited a stagnating pattern and the uneven mode faded with consciousness process. These findings, compatible with those empirical researches assuming dichotomy logic, not only define distinguishable features for implicit learning and explicit learning, but also demonstrate the graded consciousness in artificial grammar learning and make possible a learning continuum progressing throughout the learning phase of artificial grammar. In the current study which assumed graded consciousness perspective the structures of knowledge representations have also been discussed indirectly. Conclusions are that the developing of unconscious representations precedes that of conscious representations, considering the undulation in the first half phase for consciousness and the stagnation in the second half phase for unconsciousness, which indicates a possible synergic effect between conscious and unconscious processing.

[ 张润来, 刘电芝 . ( 2014).


心理学报, 46( 11), 1649-1660.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.01649      URL     [本文引用: 2]

Consciousness has always been much concerned in cognition science and, with the discovery of implicit learning in artificial grammar learning (AGL) researches, influences of unconscious processes on human cognition have been unprecedentedly highlighted. Dozens of empirical investigations have distinguished two different types of learning, i.e. explicit learning and implicit learning which involve conscious and unconscious processing respectively. Hence their critical attributes and interactive patterns have undergone tentative explorations and several theoretical frameworks have been proposed to demonstrate the underlying mental mechanisms, most of which take the side of dualistic logic. Empirical data tend to indicate that, rather than stand in dichotomy, so often they co-exist only with a quantitative difference. The academic dilemma is now broken through by the graded consciousness hypothesis, as a result of which new perspective arises from the graded consciousness dimension to deeply investigate implicit learning. In the present research the dynamic mental evolution pattern has been explored in artificial grammar learning, concerning both consciousness and knowledge representation. The current research adopts hypothesis of distributive representation and representation rehearsal which indicates that the ever-optimizing distributive representation dominates the learning process. Thus graded consciousness comes into form due to the increasing contribution of conscious processing. A dual-task design was introduced in current study with reference to the PDP paradigm formerly adopted in implicit memory researches. The innovative paradigm adopted a low learning task and a uick task and the contribution patterns of consciousness and unconsciousness are different in the two tasks, as a result of which the contributions of conscious and unconscious processes could be extracted dynamically along the learning course. This innovative paradigm also makes possible a direct investigation of graded consciousness during the learning phase. The results of current study show that, in the implicit phase of artificial grammar learning, the contribution of conscious processing exhibited a slow-first-fast-later growing pattern while a slow-first-stable-later pattern was found with unconscious processing. In the beginning unconscious contribution prevailed but was eventually exceeded by conscious process in the subsequent blocks. However, in the first half of learning phase, consciousness contribution suffered an undulating performance while unconsciousness more stable. While entering the second half of learning phase, unconsciousness contribution exhibited a stagnating pattern and the uneven mode faded with consciousness process. These findings, compatible with those empirical researches assuming dichotomy logic, not only define distinguishable features for implicit learning and explicit learning, but also demonstrate the graded consciousness in artificial grammar learning and make possible a learning continuum progressing throughout the learning phase of artificial grammar. In the current study which assumed graded consciousness perspective the structures of knowledge representations have also been discussed indirectly. Conclusions are that the developing of unconscious representations precedes that of conscious representations, considering the undulation in the first half phase for consciousness and the stagnation in the second half phase for unconsciousness, which indicates a possible synergic effect between conscious and unconscious processing.

Zhang J. X., Wu Y., Chen X. Y., & Liu D. Z . ( 2014).

Probabilistic implict sequence learning differences between individuals with high vs. low openness /feeling

Acta Psychologica Sinica,46( 12), 1793-1804.

[ 张剑心, 武燕, 陈心韵, 刘电芝 . ( 2014).


心理学报, 46( 12), 1793-1804.]

DOI:10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.01793      URL     [本文引用: 4]

Norman, Price and Duff (2006) found that scores on the openness/feeling scale of NEO-PI-R could predict performance on deterministic implicit sequence learning. In another study, no such correlation was identified in complex probabilistic implicit sequence learning (Norman, Price, Duff, & Mentzoni, 2007). However, Kaufman, et al. (2010) found that performance on probabilistic implicit sequence learning was significantly related to the openness scale (i.e., it includes four dimensions of aesthetics, imagination, feeling and plot) of NEO-PI-R. The researchers concluded that implicit learning might be relate to experience openness rather than to feeling openness. In the present study, by adopting Norman, et al. experimental design (2007), but with fewer blocks (11 blocks) and more response stimulus intervals (5 RSIs), it was found that scores on the openness/feeling scale could predict performance on probabilistic implicit sequence learning. Specifically, individuals with high vs. low openness/feeling tend to show significant differences in implicit gradient process. In Experiment 1, a complex probabilistic implicit sequence learning procedure (Norman, et al., 2007) was used. There were two sequences in the training stage. One was probable sequence (SOC1 or SOC2) with a probability of 0.88, The other was improbable sequence (SOC2 or SOC1) with the probability of 0.12. For the experimental group, a 2 (high vs. low openness/feeling group) 2 (probable vs. improbable sequence) 11 (block) mixed design was used. The procedure for the experimental group was consisted of a training phase, a recognition phase, and a generation test phase (the generation test includes both a contain task and a rotation task). Each openness/feeling group was consisted of 38 subjects. For the control group, a 2 (high vs. low openness/feeling group) 11 (block) mixed design was used. The control group was asked to study a random sequence and received only a training phase. In experiment 2, a 2 (high vs. low openness/feeling group) 4 (RSI: 0 ms, 250 ms, 750 ms, 1000 ms) 2 (probable vs. improbable sequence) 11 (block) mixed design was used. Numbers of subjects for each openness/feeling group were around 20. The experimental process was the same as the experiment 1. No significant reaction time decrement was found in the control group in experiment 1. Therefore, reaction time decrement was used as an indicator of implicit learning for the experimental group. It was found that, when RSI was 500 ms, both high and low openness/feeling groups could learn probable sequence, but only high openness/feeling group eventually acquired improbable sequence. In experiment 2, When RSI was smaller than 500ms, high openness/feeling group failed to acquire either probable or improbable sequence before transfer block 9, but acquire both after transfer block 9. When RSI was greater than or equal to 500ms, high openness/feeling group acquired probable sequence before transfer block 9 and improbable sequence after transfer block 9. In contrast, low openness/feeling group could acquire probable sequence before transfer block 9 in all RSIs, but failed to learn improbable sequence regardless of RSI setting. Different from previous researchs, significant block reaction time differences (i.e., between transfer block 9 and block 8, as well as between transfer block 9 and block 10) used as the amount of implicit learning in previous researchs were not detected for the high and low openness/feeling groups in all RSIs, except for low openness/feeling group in RSI -0 ms. And surprisingly, in all RSIs, participants scores for recognition, contain task and rotation tasks were at or below the random level. Low openness/feeling group performed significantly better than high openness/feeling group in recognition task when RSI was 750 ms and rotation task when RSI was 500 ms. Results from the two experiments proved that scores on the openness/feeling scale of NEO-PI-R can predict individual differences in probabilistic implicit sequence learning. Essential differences between high and low openness/feeling groups exist in implicit acquisition process of probable and improbable sequences along with the increase of the RSI. High openness/feeling group could learn probable and improbable sequences by using collateral elaboration, but low openness/feeling group could only learn probable sequence. For studying implicit learning and individual differences in probabilistic implicit sequence learning, improbable sequence leaning can be a sensitive measure, while other measures such as transfer block, recognition task, and generation task are limited in terms of their predictability because of the interference of improbable sequence learning.


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