ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (06): 714-722.

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  1. 中山大学心理学系,广州 510275
  • 收稿日期:2005-05-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2005-11-30 发布日期:2005-11-30
  • 通讯作者: 高定国

Phonological Information of A Radical Influences Decision of Chinese Pseudo Characters and Non-Characters


  1. Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
  • Received:2005-05-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Published:2005-11-30 Online:2005-11-30
  • Contact: Gao Dingguo

摘要: 通过两个实验探索部件的语音信息在人造汉字判断过程中的作用。实验一通过操纵部件的独立性和部件位置的合法性分别探讨部件语音信息和位置信息对于人造字判断的影响。结果发现,与部件不独立的假字相比,判断部件独立的假字需要更长的时间,正确率也更低;但是部件的独立性并不影响对非字的判断。实验二通过控制部件本身是否发音和部件是否能做真字的声旁这两个因素,发现上述两个语音因素均影响假字的判断:和部件本身不能发音的假字相比,判断部件本身能发音的假字反应时更长,正确率更低;和部件不能做声旁的假字相比,判断部件能做声旁的假字反应时更长,正确率更低。结果还发现部件所包含的语音信息越多,假字判断的正确率就越低。在最后的讨论部分,根据实验结果构建了一个关于识别人造字和低频字的认知加工模型。

关键词: 汉字, 假/非字, 语音信息, 部件, 词汇判断

Abstract: The study, through two experiments, was aimed to investigate the effects of phonological information in a radical on decision of Chinese pseudo-characters and non-characters. Experiment 1 was dedicated to studying the effects of phonological information and positional information in a radical on pseudo or non-characters. The results showed, a) reaction time for pseudo-characters was longer and accuracy rate for pseudo-characters was lower than those for non-characters; b) phonological information in a radical didn’t affect the decision of non-characters but did influence the decision of pseudo-characters; c) in contrast to the pseudo-characters in which radical had no phonological information, those with radical having phonological information were more difficult to judge. Experiment 2 was designated to examine the effect of two phonological factors, i.e., whether radical itself was pronounceable and whether it could function as phonological component of real Chinese characters. The results showed that both factors influenced decision of pseudo-characters. Chinese pseudo-characters with a pronounceable radical were more difficult to judge (i.e., longer reaction time and more errors to make a response) than those without a pronounceable radical. In contrast to the pseudo-characters in which radical couldn’t function as phonological component of a real Chinese character, those with such a radical were more difficult to decide. In addition, results suggested that the more phonological information a pseudo character possessed, the lower accuracy for judging would be. In the general discussion, a model was developed to describe the cognitive processes of judging a Chinese character with low frequency or a Chinese pseudo or non-character based on these findings.

Key words: Chinese character, pseudo-or non-character, phonology, radical/component, lexical decision
