ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 367-384.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.00367 cstr: 32110.14.2014.00367

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  1. (1广东技术师范学院教育学院, 广州 510665) (2华南师范大学心理学院, 广州 510631)
  • 收稿日期:2012-05-28 发布日期:2014-03-25 出版日期:2014-03-25
  • 基金资助:

    广东省哲社规划项目“问题发现思维研究” (GD11HXL01)。

An Eye-movement Study on Problem Finding Process of Undergraduates

CHEN Lijun;ZHENG Xue   

  1. (1 Educational school, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, Guangzhou 510665, China) (2 Psychological school, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)
  • Received:2012-05-28 Online:2014-03-25 Published:2014-03-25


在潜藏式与矛盾式两类问题发现情境中, 以眼动仪为研究工具, 问题发现能力高与低的大学生各20名为被试, 探讨大学生在问题发现总体和4个兴趣区中的眼动特征及其与发现问题数量和质量之间的关系。研究表明:(1)不同能力大学生在不同情境及其兴趣区中的问题发现差异, 能够体现在眼动指标上。回视是反映问题发现能力的敏感指标。回视次数和发现问题数量与质量之间的正相关, 以及在高能力组学生上的优势, 体现了信息的联系和整合性加工在问题发现中具有积极意义。(2)潜藏式问题发现中, 个体平均注视时间更长, 反映其认知加工难度更大。在提供重要信息的区域, 被试会投入更多精力, 表现为在注视时间、注视次数和瞳孔直径大小等指标的上升。(3)眼睛注视区域与发现问题区域间存在对应关系, 显示出“眼随心动”现象。在问题发现的最初和最终阶段, 被试都会出现跨区信息搜寻行为, 分别代表了对问题线索的寻找和最后的检查评估。高能力被试在每个稳定注视阶段的注视时间更短, 这种信息转换的灵活性体现出其信息加工上的优势。动态眼动轨迹分析揭示了单个静态指标难以反映的新特点。

关键词: 问题发现, 兴趣区, 眼动, 问题情境, 眼动轨迹


Using the eye tracker, the present study was conducted to explore the cognitive process of problem finding of undergraduates in the contradictory and potential conditions, which focused on the four eye-movement areas of interest. Based on our hypothesis, we expected the quality and quantity of problem finding of two groups (high ability group and low ability group) would show significant difference in the contradictory and potential problem finding conditions, which would be reflected in the eye movement model. Furthermore, the eye movement characteristics would be correlated with the quantity and quality of problem finding. We think the analysis of eye track can show the eye movement rules which could not be reflected by the static indicators. The mixed design with 2 (question situation: a contradictory situation, a potential situation) ×2 (subject category : high ability group, low ability group) × 4 (interest areas: the first to the fourth interest area) was conducted in the study. The question situation and interest area were within-group factors, while the subject category was a between-group factor. The dependent variable included the quantity and quality of problem finding and the eye movement indexes (e.g. the fixation duration, fixation frequency, regression frequency, pupil diameter and eye track in the overall and four areas of interest). In the experiment, subjects were required to find problems in the contradictory and potential situations. The eye tracker recorded eye movement parameters when subjects found problems. The results were as follows. First, the average fixation duration in the potential situation was significant longer than the time in the contradictory situation, which may reflect that the cognitive processing in the potential situation was much more difficult than it in the contradictory situation. The pupil diameter size in the contradictory situation was bigger than it in the potential situation. The regression frequency for high ability group was more than that for low ability group, which indicated the positive role of the relationship and integration of information in the problem finding. Second, the eye movement in problem finding was significant different in the four areas of interest. In the region with essential information, many eye movement indexes raised, such as fixation duration, fixation frequency, and pupil diameter, which indicated subjects would put more effort. Particularly, the total fixation duration and fixation frequency in the second, third and fourth areas were more than these in the first area. The average fixation duration and pupil diameter size of undergraduates in the rear area were more than these in the front area. The regression frequency in the second area was more than it in the first area. In the contradictory situation, the total fixation duration, fixation frequency and regression frequency were correlated significantly with the quantity of problems, while the regression frequency was correlated significantly with the quality of problems in the contradictory situation. The regression frequency was correlated significantly with the quantity of problems in the potential situation. The relationship between the eye movement indexes and the quantity or the quality of problems in the areas of interest was almost the same with in total. Third, the fixation area matched the problem finding area which indicated the eye movement followed the thinking in problem finding. Searching behavior across area was observed in the first and the last fixation area which means the search for clues and final inspection and evaluation. High ability group spent less time in a stable fixation phase, which reflected their superiority of the flexibility in information conversion. For problem finding, the factors of group category and situation were reflected in eye movement indexes. Because of the differences in material property and difficulty, there was a significant difference of eye movement in the situation between each area of interest. All kinds of static eye movement indexes could better reflect the quantity rather than the quality of problem finding. However, the regression frequency was a sensitive index of reflecting the problem-finding ability, and the analysis of the dynamic eye track revealed the rules that a single static index cannot. Overall, using the eye tracker to investigate the cognitive process of problem finding could not only improve the accuracy of the experimental research, but also conduce to deeply explore the internal information processing mechanism of problem finding.

Key words: problem finding, area of interest, eye movement, problem situation, eye track