ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (12): 1836-1850.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2024.01836

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    

产品包装的医药符号线索对产品偏好的影响: 感知有效性和规避情绪的中介作用

张瑾1, 许销冰2(), 庄晓涵1   

  1. 1暨南大学管理学院、广州品牌创新发展研究基地, 广州 510632
    2海南大学国际商学院, 海口 570228
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-21 发布日期:2024-11-04 出版日期:2024-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 许销冰, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

The effect of iconic packaging cues to pharmaceuticals on product preferences: The mediating roles of perceived effectiveness and aversive emotions

ZHANG Jin1, XU Xiaobing2(), ZHUANG Xiaohan1   

  1. 1School of Management, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China
    2International Business School, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
  • Received:2022-09-21 Online:2024-11-04 Published:2024-12-25


当前市场上, 一些普通产品在包装上加入与医药有关的符号线索, 引发消费者的医药联想。本文从“基于图式的信息加工”理论视角, 通过6个实验研究, 提出并发现产品包装的医药符号线索具有“双刃剑”效应: 一方面, 它提升了产品的感知有效性; 另一方面也会引发消费者规避情绪。在两条路径同时作用下, 医药符号线索并不一定导致更积极的产品态度。进一步研究发现, 购买动机可以调节两条路径的强度, 进而影响产品偏好。当购买动机是实用型, 感知有效性路径的作用更强, 使得相比普通包装的产品, 消费者更偏好包装中含有医药符号线索的产品; 当购买动机是享乐型, 规避情绪路径的作用更强, 使消费者对包装中含有医药符号线索产品的偏好反转。

关键词: 医药符号线索, 感知有效性, 规避情绪, 购买动机


In the current market, some common products add iconic elements and symbols of pharmaceuticals to product packaging. Drawing from schema-based information processing, the current research proposes that these iconic cues to pharmaceuticals have a “double-edged sword” effect: while consumers expect a product with pharmacological cues on its packaging to be more effective, such cues also trigger aversive emotions. Study 1 (N = 200) examined the main effects of pharmacological cues on perceived effectiveness and aversive emotions. In a 2-cell between-subjects design, participants viewed the package of a facial mask without pharmacological cues (control condition) or a package of the same product with quasi-needle and red cross elements. The participants rated the product’s perceived effectiveness and their aversive emotions. The results showed that when the product with (vs. without) pharmacological cues on the packaging was evaluated, consumers perceived the product to be more effective but also felt heightened aversive emotions. Studies 2A (N = 299) and 2B (N = 300) provided further evidence for the “double-edged sword” effect by using different products and manipulations of pharmacological cues. The results replicated the effect observed in Study 1 and showed that perceived effectiveness and aversive emotions have a parallel mediating effect on the influence of pharmacological cues on product attitude. We further propose that purchase motivation moderates the strength of the two paths. When the purchase motivation is utilitarian, the mediating effect of the perceived effectiveness path surpasses that of aversive emotions, making consumers prefer products with (vs. without) iconic pharmaceutical cues on their packaging. When the purchase motivation is hedonic, the mediating effect of aversive emotion becomes stronger, weakening or reversing consumers’ preference for products with (vs. without) iconic pharmaceutical cues. To test the role of purchase motivation, in Study 3 (N = 150), the participants were assigned to one condition in a 3-cell between-subjects design (purchase motivation: utilitarian vs. hedonic vs. baseline). They were first primed with purchase motivation and then selected between the two masks used in Study 2B. The results showed that participants preferred the product with pharmacological cues on its packaging over the control product when they were primed with a utilitarian purchase motivation. However, their preference was reversed when the purchase motivation was hedonic. Studies 4A (N = 500) and 4B (N = 400) tested the overall model. The results of these two studies consistently showed that the perceived effectiveness path was stronger under the utilitarian purchase motivation than the aversive emotion path. In contrast, the aversive emotion path was stronger under the hedonic purchase motivation than the perceived effectiveness path. The findings imply that consumers’ interpretation of iconic cues for specific product categories is largely formed by memory-stored product category schema and that the schema for pharmaceuticals is elaborate and not unidimensional. By showing that iconic pharmaceutical cues on packaging can induce aversive emotions, we partially address the lack of research on consumers’ emotional reactions to packaging design. This study further identifies the role of purchase motivation in synthesizing the competing paths of perceived effectiveness and aversive emotions. In doing so, this study adds evidence to the dual-system literature and the goal-dependent nature of cue utilization and offers rich managerial implications.

Key words: iconic cues to pharmaceuticals, perceived effectiveness, aversive emotion, purchase motivation
