心理学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (6): 920-929.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2023.00920
张丹丹1,2(), 李宜伟1, 于文汶2, 莫李澄1,2, 彭程3, 刘黎黎3
ZHANG Dandan1,2(), LI Yiwei1, YU Wenwen2, MO Licheng1,2, PENG Cheng3, LIU Lili3
“负性偏向”指人们往往优先感知、注意和记忆负性(而非正性)信息, 负性偏向是情绪领域能观察到的最稳定的情绪加工现象, 普遍存在于幼儿、儿童、青少年和成人之中。但是在婴儿中如何呢?本研究采用近红外成像技术, 考察了45名0岁新生儿(日龄5.2 ± 1.7天, 23名男孩)和45名1周岁婴儿(月龄12.7 ± 1.4月, 21名男孩)对快乐和愤怒语音韵律的大脑反应。结果表明, 在大脑右半球的额叶、颞叶和顶叶的脑功能连接中出现了情绪和组别的交互作用:在新生儿组, 快乐语音条件下的脑功能连接强度高于愤怒语音条件; 在婴儿组, 愤怒语音条件下的脑功能连接强于快乐语音条件。此结果证实了我们的假设:人类刚出生时情绪加工偏向是正性的, 之后才转变成为负性。因此, “负性偏向”不是与生俱来的, 情绪加工偏向在个体发展的早期阶段会发生转变。本研究首次从发展的角度揭示了情绪偏向的变化, 该发展规律不但有利于及早发现自闭症等情绪和认知发育障碍, 还能指导家长运用恰当的交流和抚养方式科学育儿。
张丹丹, 李宜伟, 于文汶, 莫李澄, 彭程, 刘黎黎. (2023). 0~1岁婴儿情绪偏向的发展:近红外成像研究. 心理学报, 55(6), 920-929.
ZHANG Dandan, LI Yiwei, YU Wenwen, MO Licheng, PENG Cheng, LIU Lili. (2023). Development of emotional bias in infants aged from 0 to 1 year old: A near-infrared spectroscopy study. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 55(6), 920-929.
通道编号 | 解剖位置(AAL标签) | 通道编号 | 解剖位置(AAL标签) |
1 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) left | 8 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) right |
2 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) left | 9 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) right |
3 | Superior temporal gyrus left | 10 | Superior temporal gyrus right |
4 | Postcentral gyrus left | 11 | Postcentral gyrus right |
5 | Superior temporal gyrus left | 12 | Superior temporal gyrus right |
6 | Supramarginal gyrus left | 13 | Supramarginal gyrus right |
7 | Angular gyrus left | 14 | Angular gyrus right |
表1 近红外通道的空间定位(婴儿头模)
通道编号 | 解剖位置(AAL标签) | 通道编号 | 解剖位置(AAL标签) |
1 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) left | 8 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) right |
2 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) left | 9 | Inferior frontal gyrus (triangular) right |
3 | Superior temporal gyrus left | 10 | Superior temporal gyrus right |
4 | Postcentral gyrus left | 11 | Postcentral gyrus right |
5 | Superior temporal gyrus left | 12 | Superior temporal gyrus right |
6 | Supramarginal gyrus left | 13 | Supramarginal gyrus right |
7 | Angular gyrus left | 14 | Angular gyrus right |
图2 情绪类别对脑功能连接的主效应。第一行图:愤怒语音比中性语音引起的更强的脑功能连接(愤怒 > 中性)。第二行图:快乐语音比中性语音引起的更强的脑功能连接(快乐 > 中性)。对主效应显著(FWE矫正91次)的脑功能连接, 在愤怒、快乐、中性三种条件间进行两两比较(Bonferroni矫正), 图中为情绪间差异显著的脑功能连接(FWE矫正91次)。脑功能连接的颜色(见colorbar)和粗细(越粗值越大)均反映t值。
通道编号 | 组别×情绪 | 新生儿组 快乐 > 愤怒 | 婴儿组 愤怒 > 快乐 | 快乐语音 新生儿 > 婴儿 | 愤怒语音 婴儿 > 新生儿 | |
F | p | |||||
2-9 | 9.73 | 0.011 | t = 4.59, p = 0.004 | |||
2-13 | 12.18 | 0.001 | t = 4.08, p = 0.027 | |||
3-9 | 8.48 | 0.031 | t = 3.91, p = 0.016 | |||
6-13 | 10.47 | 0.007 | t = 3.61, p = 0.046 | |||
7-8 | 12.15 | 0.001 | t = 4.06, p = 0.029 | t = 3.66, p = 0.039 | ||
7-10 | 9.81 | 0.012 | t = 3.96, p = 0.041 | t = 4.16, p = 0.007 | ||
7-12 | 8.36 | 0.040 | t = 3.92, p = 0.016 | |||
8-12 | 16.00 | 0.000 | t = 5.69, p = 0.000 | |||
8-13 | 10.03 | 0.015 | t = 4.05, p = 0.030 | |||
8-14 | 18.21 | 0.000 | t = 4.74, p = 0.002 | t = 5.17, p = 0.000 | t = 5.09, p = 0.000 | |
9-10 | 15.10 | 0.000 | t = 4.59, p = 0.004 | t = 4.68, p = 0.003 | t = 5.14, p = 0.000 | |
9-11 | 17.04 | 0.000 | t = 3.93, p = 0.046 | t = 5.41, p = 0.000 | t = 4.39, p = 0.003 | |
9-12 | 15.50 | 0.000 | t = 4.80, p = 0.002 | t = 4.07, p = 0.028 | t = 3.63, p = 0044 | |
9-13 | 14.74 | 0.000 | t = 3.96, p = 0.041 | t = 4.59, p = 0.004 | t = 4.45, p = 0.002 | |
9-14 | 13.26 | 0.001 | t = 4.65, p = 0.003 | t = 4.23, p = 0.005 | ||
10-12 | 9.67 | 0.040 | t = 5.46, p = 0.000 | t = 3.82, p = 0.022 | ||
10-13 | 14.01 | 0.001 | t = 4.01, p = 0.034 | t = 5.20, p = 0.000 | t = 4.00, p = 0.012 | |
10-14 | 17.93 | 0.000 | t = 4.30, p = 0.012 | t = 5.29, p = 0.000 | t = 5.66, p = 0.000 | |
11-13 | 9.46 | 0.016 | t = 4.38, p = 0.009 | |||
11-14 | 11.76 | 0.002 | t = 4.63, p = 0.003 | t = 3.59, p = 0.049 | ||
12-14 | 9.39 | 0.025 | t = 4.27, p = 0.004 |
表2 情绪和组别对脑功能连接的交互作用
通道编号 | 组别×情绪 | 新生儿组 快乐 > 愤怒 | 婴儿组 愤怒 > 快乐 | 快乐语音 新生儿 > 婴儿 | 愤怒语音 婴儿 > 新生儿 | |
F | p | |||||
2-9 | 9.73 | 0.011 | t = 4.59, p = 0.004 | |||
2-13 | 12.18 | 0.001 | t = 4.08, p = 0.027 | |||
3-9 | 8.48 | 0.031 | t = 3.91, p = 0.016 | |||
6-13 | 10.47 | 0.007 | t = 3.61, p = 0.046 | |||
7-8 | 12.15 | 0.001 | t = 4.06, p = 0.029 | t = 3.66, p = 0.039 | ||
7-10 | 9.81 | 0.012 | t = 3.96, p = 0.041 | t = 4.16, p = 0.007 | ||
7-12 | 8.36 | 0.040 | t = 3.92, p = 0.016 | |||
8-12 | 16.00 | 0.000 | t = 5.69, p = 0.000 | |||
8-13 | 10.03 | 0.015 | t = 4.05, p = 0.030 | |||
8-14 | 18.21 | 0.000 | t = 4.74, p = 0.002 | t = 5.17, p = 0.000 | t = 5.09, p = 0.000 | |
9-10 | 15.10 | 0.000 | t = 4.59, p = 0.004 | t = 4.68, p = 0.003 | t = 5.14, p = 0.000 | |
9-11 | 17.04 | 0.000 | t = 3.93, p = 0.046 | t = 5.41, p = 0.000 | t = 4.39, p = 0.003 | |
9-12 | 15.50 | 0.000 | t = 4.80, p = 0.002 | t = 4.07, p = 0.028 | t = 3.63, p = 0044 | |
9-13 | 14.74 | 0.000 | t = 3.96, p = 0.041 | t = 4.59, p = 0.004 | t = 4.45, p = 0.002 | |
9-14 | 13.26 | 0.001 | t = 4.65, p = 0.003 | t = 4.23, p = 0.005 | ||
10-12 | 9.67 | 0.040 | t = 5.46, p = 0.000 | t = 3.82, p = 0.022 | ||
10-13 | 14.01 | 0.001 | t = 4.01, p = 0.034 | t = 5.20, p = 0.000 | t = 4.00, p = 0.012 | |
10-14 | 17.93 | 0.000 | t = 4.30, p = 0.012 | t = 5.29, p = 0.000 | t = 5.66, p = 0.000 | |
11-13 | 9.46 | 0.016 | t = 4.38, p = 0.009 | |||
11-14 | 11.76 | 0.002 | t = 4.63, p = 0.003 | t = 3.59, p = 0.049 | ||
12-14 | 9.39 | 0.025 | t = 4.27, p = 0.004 |
图3 情绪类别和组别对脑功能连接的交互作用(简单效应检验结果)。第一行图:新生儿组的正性偏向(快乐 > 愤怒)和婴儿组的负性偏向(愤怒 > 快乐)。第二行图:加工正性韵律语音的脑功能连接在两个年龄组中的差异(新生儿 > 婴儿)和加工负性韵律语音的脑功能连接在两个年龄组中的差异(新生儿 < 婴儿)。对交互作用显著(FWE矫正)的脑功能连接, 在愤怒、快乐、中性三种条件间进行两两比较(Bonferroni矫正), 图中为情绪间差异显著的脑功能连接(FWE矫正)。
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