ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (9): 1041-1050.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2018.01041

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇

相对剥夺感与大学生网络游戏成瘾的关系:一个有调节的中介模型 *

丁倩1,2, 唐云2,3, 魏华1,2, 张永欣1,2(), 周宗奎2,3()   

  1. 1 信阳师范学院教育科学学院, 河南 信阳 464000
    2 青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室
    3 华中师范大学心理学院, 武汉 430079
  • 收稿日期:2017-07-17 发布日期:2018-07-27 出版日期:2018-09-15
  • 基金资助:

The relationship between relative deprivation and online gaming addiction in college students: A moderated mediation model

DING Qian1,2, TANG Yun2,3, WEI Hua1,2, ZHANG Yongxin1,2(), ZHOU Zongkui2,3()   

  1. 1 College of Education Science, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China
    2 Key Laboratory of Adolescent Cyberpsychology and Behavior, Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430079, China
    3 School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • Received:2017-07-17 Online:2018-07-27 Published:2018-09-15


为探讨相对剥夺感与大学生网络游戏成瘾的关系及其作用机制, 在病态网络使用(Pathological Internet Use, PIU)的认知-行为模型视角下, 采用经济相对剥夺感问卷、非适应性认知量表、内隐人格观量表和网络游戏成瘾量表, 对1008名具有网络游戏使用经验的大学生进行调查。结果表明:(1)在控制性别和年龄的条件下, 相对剥夺感能够显著正向预测大学生网络游戏成瘾; (2)相对剥夺感通过非适应性认知的中介作用预测网络游戏成瘾; (3)非适应性认知的中介作用受到内隐人格观的调节。具体来说, 相对于持渐变观的大学生, 持实体观的大学生的非适应性认知对其网络游戏成瘾的预测作用更大。研究结果有助于揭示大学生网络游戏成瘾的形成机制, 对大学生网络游戏成瘾的干预具有一定启示意义。

关键词: 相对剥夺感, 非适应性认知, 内隐人格观, 网络游戏成瘾, 大学生


Online gaming is very popular among college students in China. Whereas low to moderate levels of online gaming may be entertaining and provide opportunities to interact with other players online, excessive gaming can lead to online gaming addiction and associated problems such as depression and anxiety. Prior studies have investigated the risk for online gaming addiction in terms of the ecological context in which addiction occurs. The present study has taken a further step by focusing on students’ perceptions of relative deprivation as a macrosystem influence on online gaming addiction. According to the cognitive-behavior model of Pathological Internet Use (PIU), the perception of relative deprivation may increase the risk for online gaming addiction by inducing negative thoughts and emotions or by increasing escape motivation. Importantly, the effect of relative deprivation may be mediated by maladaptive cognition; that is, the perception of relative deprivation may lead to maladaptive cognition, which in turn would predict online gaming addiction. Furthermore, individual differences in mindset may moderate this mediation process, in that entity theorists may be more vulnerable to maladaptive cognition than incremental theorists. In sum, we proposed a moderated mediation model to account for online gaming addiction. Specifically, we tested the relationship between relative deprivation and online gaming addiction, the mediating effect of maladaptive cognition, and the moderating effect of mindset, in a sample of college students.
The participants of this study were 1,008 college students (mean age = 19.03 years, SD = 0.97 year; 795 males, 213 females) who had experience in online game playing. Their average time gaming was 1.74 hours (SD = 2.21 hours) per day in the past half year. The participants completed a battery of questionnaires, including the Financial Relative Deprivation Questionnaire, Maladaptive Cognitions Scale, Implicit Person Theory Measure, and Internet Gaming Disorder Scale.
The proposed moderated mediation model was tested using regression analysis and the PROCESS macro. Previous studies have suggested that online gaming addiction may differ by gender and age. Hence, the effects of gender and age were controlled in all analyses. Results showed that: (1) Relative deprivation positively predicted online gaming addiction in college students. (2) Maladaptive cognition partially mediated this association. (3) This mediating effect was moderated by student mindset, in that it was stronger for students who were entity theorists than for those who were incremental theorists.
The present study is the first to demonstrate the detrimental impact of perceived relative deprivation and the moderated mediation effect of maladaptive cognition and mindset on online gaming addiction. Our findings provide further evidence of the role of ecological context in the risk for online gaming disorder. They also have potential applied value with regard to online gaming addiction in college students. Because incremental theory may be more helpful than entity theory for online gaming addicts, and because incremental theory can be learned through training, understanding students’ self-theories can inform the development of prevention and intervention programs for online gaming addiction.

Key words: relative deprivation, maladaptive cognition, mindsets, online gaming addiction, college students
