ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 211-220.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2016.00211

• 论文 • 上一篇    



  1. (武汉大学 经济与管理学院 市场营销与旅游管理系, 武汉 430072)
  • 收稿日期:2015-03-18 发布日期:2016-02-25 出版日期:2016-02-25
  • 通讯作者: 朱华伟, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:


Money or romance: How should companies lead consumers in we-media sharing?

HUANG Minxue; LEI Lei; ZHU Huawei   

  1. (Department of Marketing and Tourism Management, Economics and Management School, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
  • Received:2015-03-18 Online:2016-02-25 Published:2016-02-25
  • Contact: ZHU Huawei, E-mail:


社交网络的发展弱化了传统媒体的影响力, 强化了消费者的影响力; 在这种情况下, 企业需要思考如何借助消费者传播营销信息, 以影响其他消费者。本文从企业如何设计营销信息入手, 探究消费者与企业所处的关系范式对消费者信息转发行为的影响。通过二手数据分析与实验法, 本文得出如下结论:经济类刺激对触发交易关系范式下消费者的转发行为更有效; 情感类刺激对触发共有关系范式下消费者的转发行为更有效; 交易关系范式下消费者出于回报企业的动机分享, 共有关系范式下消费者出于利己动机而分享。

关键词: 营销传播, 营销刺激, 关系范式, 社交网络, 自媒体


Company we-media is a new information dissemination channel which is developing quickly in the mobile internet environment. This communication channel weakens the impact of companies’ direct communication with their consumers but strengthens the mutual influence among consumers. Compared to information from company, consumers rely more on other consumers’ comments when making their decision. In such environment, companies need to consider how to facilitate the communication among consumers (e.g., how to choose information exposed to consumers; how to motivate consumers to share information with their peers). Since different consumers may have interest in different content, we explore the moderating effect of relationship norms on the relationship between we-media content and consumers’ intent to share.
To get some preliminary insights, we collected 20 companies’ micro-blog posts and coded them as either emotional posts or economic posts. The analysis of this secondary data showed that company’s fans (nonfans) shared more emotional (economic) posts.
We conducted two laboratory studies to further examine our hypothesis. In study 1, we used a 2 (Relationship norms: exchange vs. communal) × 3 (Economic information: no discount, 65% discount, 85% discount) between-subject design. Results indicated that participants in exchange (vs. communal) norm conditions were more willing to share economical information, and that this effect is driven by participants’ motivation to help company in return. In study 2, we examine the moderating role of relationship norm in the effect of emotional information on consumers’ sharing intention. A 2 (Relationship norms: exchange vs. communal) × 2 (Emotional information: product information, emotional information) between-subject design is used. As expected, the results showed that participants in communal (vs. exchange) norm condition were more motivated to get better social interaction with other consumers and hence more willing to share emotional information.

 Our findings enrich literature about company’s communication in social media by focusing on consumers’ sharing behavior rather than purchases. First, this study provides a new perspective on company communication by differentiating the content into two types: economical information and emotional information. Second, present paper examined the impact of relationship norm in the domain of company communication by showing that consumers in different relationship norm might share different information. Third, we delineate the underlying mechanism of the interactive effect of information type and relationship norm by examining consumers’ sharing motivation. Besides theoretical contribution aforementioned, this study also provides useful implications for companies to utilize the social networks.

Key words: marketing communication, marketing stimulation, social network, we-media, relationship norms