ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2010, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (05): 599-606.

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关慕桢;刘旭峰;苗丹民;吕 静;洪 霞;杨 海   

  1. (1第四军医大学航空航天医学系心理学教研室, 西安710032)
    (2解放军总医院医学心理科, 北京 100853) (3金州区96113部队卫生队, 大连 116105)
  • 收稿日期:2008-10-06 修回日期:1900-01-01 发布日期:2010-05-30 出版日期:2010-05-30

A Comparison of Violent Attitude Between Passionate Criminals and Recidivists

GUAN Mu-Zhen;LIU Xu-Feng;MIAO Dan-Min;LV Jing;HONG Xia;YANG Hai   

  1. (1 Department of psychology, School of Aerospace Medicine, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, China)
    (2 Department of Psychology, General Hospital of People’s Liberation Army, Beijing 100853, China)
    (3 Health Team, 96113 People’s Liberation Army Troops, Dalian 116105, China)
  • Received:2008-10-06 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2010-05-30 Published:2010-05-30

摘要: 实验采用《FMMU变态人格危险性评估问卷》和内隐联想测验分别测量激情犯和累惯犯的外显和内隐暴力态度, 探讨激情犯和累惯犯外显和内隐暴力态度特点及预测特征。研究发现, 激情犯和累惯犯的外显态度有显著差异, 但是内隐态度未见显著差异。由于部分罪犯在内隐态度中出现反转效应, 将激情犯和累惯犯分为激情犯未反转组和反转组, 累惯犯未反转组和反转组, 这四个组都产生了显著的IAT效应, 并且每个组的外显态度和内隐态度都发生了分离。从结果可见即使是同一犯罪类型, 犯罪时都实施了暴力行为, 但暴力态度却有差异。在测量外显暴力态度的基础上, 结合内隐暴力态度的测量, 将细化犯罪人分类, 为不同特点的犯罪人实施不同的改造和处遇方案提供新的思路。

关键词: 暴力态度, FMMU变态人格危险性评估问卷, 内隐联想测验, 外显态度, 内隐态度

Abstract: With the persistent growth of the crime rate, crime prevention has been recently raised again as a hot field. Evaluation of violent risk is an affective way to prevent crime and violent attitude is one of the most important factors involved in this kind of research. Violent attitude, as an object of attitude, has a structure composed of explicit and implicit facet. Traditionally, the explicit attitude was the focus that people used to evaluate, but we could not reveal the essential of violent attitude and the results will affect the validity of violence prevention as well. The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of explicit and implicit violent attitude of passionate criminals and recidivists based on the methods of explicit measurement and implicit measurement respectively, and to discuss violent attitude from a different point of view.
One hundred and twenty-three male criminals (53 passionate criminals and 70 recidivists) were involved in this study. The explicit violent attitude was assessed using the FMMU Abnormal Personality Risk Factors Inventory (FMMU-APRI), whereas the implicit violent attitude was measured using Implicit Attitude Test (IAT). The data was analyzed in SPSS 13.0 and the t-test and the correlation coefficient were considered.
First, the results showed that there was a significant difference between the score of FMMU-APRI in passionate criminals and that of recidivists, but no IAT effect was found within each group which was probably covered by a “reversed” effect. Then, we divided the passionate criminals group into two sub-groups according to the appearance of “reversed” effect, reversed group (reversed group of passionate criminals, RG-PC) and non-reversed group (NRG-PC). In the same way, we got RG-R (reversed group of recidivists) and NRG-R(non-reversed group of recidivists). The IAT effect was all observed within these four sub-groups. Next, the score of FMMU-APRI of four sub-groups were compared with the norm. The results showed that NRG-PC and NRG-R got the significant higher score than the norm, and no difference was found in the other two groups when compared with the norm. So, we found the disassociation phenomena between explicit violent attitude and implicit violent attitude of passionate criminals as well as recidivists.
Passionate criminals and recidivists have the same behaviors which have already offended the law, but their violent attitudes are not the same. And, even the same type of criminals also has the different violent attitudes. So, we suggest that we should catalogue the criminals not only based on their explicit offensive behavior, but also on their implicit violent attitude, and also consider the individuality to rebuild the criminals as well.

Key words: violent attitude, FMMU Abnormal Personality Risk Factors Inventory, Implicit Association Test, explicit attitude, implicit attitude