ISSN 0439-755X
CN 11-1911/B

心理学报 ›› 2003, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (增刊): 51-63. cstr: 32110.14.2003.00051

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陈文锋, 焦书兰   

  1. 中国科学院心理研究所,北京,100101
  • 发布日期:2021-06-18

Object-based Attention in Hierarchical Pattern

Chen Wenfeng, Jiao Shulan   

  1. Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100101
  • Online:2021-06-18
  • Supported by:
    The research was supported by grants from National Science Foundation (39770262).

摘要: 视觉系统对等级模式的整体和局部水平的加工是不对称的,通常是整体的加工优于局部的加工。以前的研究在空间注意的范畴内认为注意分配范围的大小是整体局部不对称的原因。该研究把等级模式的注意研究扩展到客体注意范畴,对等级模式的客体注意因素进行了研究,认为客体注意是整体优势的一种可能机制。研究通过三个实验进行,探讨了客体选择性注意在等级模式加工的作用。实验一和实验二采用客体重复程序,探讨等级模式在靶子水平恒定和水平变化任务中的客体注意,发现了等级模式加工的客体重复效应;并且发现了客体重复效应在等级模式整体水平和局部水平的不对称性,揭示了标准等级模式不同水平在客体因素方面的差异是整体局部加工差异的原因。在实验一和实验二的基础上,实验三从偏向竞争模型出发,考察了内源偏向和外源偏向等不同客体因素对等级模式整体和局部水平的不同影响,再次验证了等级模式不同水平在客体注意上的不对称,并证明了不同注意偏向的合作竞争对等级模式整体局部差异的影响。结论(1)等级模式的不同水平存在着客体注意方面的差异,是整体局部加工差异的重要影响因素;(2)等级模式的整体局部的加工差异取决于等级模式加工中内外源注意偏向的合作竞争结果。

关键词: 等级模式, 整体优势, 客体注意, 偏向竞争模型

Abstract: Previous researches suggested that the asymmetric processes in hierarchical pattern were attributed to the size of spatial attention. The study extended the researches of attention in hierarchical pattern to the domain of object-based attention, and suggested an alternative view of global precedence. The object repetition procedure was applied in exp1 and exp2 to investigate the object-based attention. Results showed there was an object repetition effect in hierarchical pattern, and the effect in global level is larger than that in local level. Based on the results of exp1-2 and the theoretical account of biased competition, Exp3 were conducted to investigate how the top-down and bottom-up aspects of object attention influence the processes of global/local level of hierarchical pattern. Results showed the asymmetric pattern between global and local level obtained in exp1-2 was found in exp3, and provided evidence that the cooperation and competition of top-down and bottom-up biases influence the asymmetric processes of global/local level. In conclusion, (1) There were differences in object attention between global and local level in hierarchical pattern, on which the global precedence may depend; (2) The global-local difference of processes depended on the cooperation and competition of top-down and bottom-up biases in hierarchical pattern.

Key words: hierarchical pattern, global precedence, object attention, biased competition
