Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 2303-2320.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2022.02303
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LUO Fang
CLC Number:
YUAN Yuzhuo, LUO Fang. Early screening and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder assisted by artificial intelligence[J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2022, 30(10): 2303-2320.
研究者 | 工具名称 | 缩写 | 适用范围(单位:月) | 形式 |
Baron-Cohen等( | Checklist for Autism in Toddlers | CHAT | 18~24 | 父母报告 专业观察 |
Robins等( | Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers | M-CHAT | 16~30 | 父母报告 专业观察 |
Siegel ( | Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test-II | PDDST-Ⅱ | 12~48 | 父母报告 |
Dietz等( | the Early Screening for Autistic Traits | ESAT | 14~15 | 父母报告 临床观察 |
Reznick等( | the First Year Inventory | FYI | 9~12 | 父母报告 |
Krug等( | Autism Behavior Checklist | ABC | >18 | 父母报告 |
Schopler等(2010) | Childhood Autism Rating Scale | CARS | >24 | 父母报告 专业观察 |
Matson等( | Baby and Infant Screen for Children with Autism Traits | BISCUIT | 17~37 | 父母报告 |
Stone等( | Screening Tool for Autism in Two-Year-Olds | STAT | 24~36 | 基于互动项目 的观察 |
Bryson等(2000) | the Autism Observation Scale for Infant | AOSI | 6~18 | 基于半结构化游戏活动的观察 |
Young ( | Autism Detection in Early Childhood | ADEC | 12~36 | 基于游戏项目 的观察 |
研究者 | 工具名称 | 缩写 | 适用范围(单位:月) | 形式 |
Baron-Cohen等( | Checklist for Autism in Toddlers | CHAT | 18~24 | 父母报告 专业观察 |
Robins等( | Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers | M-CHAT | 16~30 | 父母报告 专业观察 |
Siegel ( | Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test-II | PDDST-Ⅱ | 12~48 | 父母报告 |
Dietz等( | the Early Screening for Autistic Traits | ESAT | 14~15 | 父母报告 临床观察 |
Reznick等( | the First Year Inventory | FYI | 9~12 | 父母报告 |
Krug等( | Autism Behavior Checklist | ABC | >18 | 父母报告 |
Schopler等(2010) | Childhood Autism Rating Scale | CARS | >24 | 父母报告 专业观察 |
Matson等( | Baby and Infant Screen for Children with Autism Traits | BISCUIT | 17~37 | 父母报告 |
Stone等( | Screening Tool for Autism in Two-Year-Olds | STAT | 24~36 | 基于互动项目 的观察 |
Bryson等(2000) | the Autism Observation Scale for Infant | AOSI | 6~18 | 基于半结构化游戏活动的观察 |
Young ( | Autism Detection in Early Childhood | ADEC | 12~36 | 基于游戏项目 的观察 |
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