Advances in Psychological Science ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (11): 1814-1835.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2020.01814
• Conceptual Framework • Previous Articles Next Articles
XIANG Shuting1, ZHAO Kai2(), NING Nan1
CLC Number:
XIANG Shuting, ZHAO Kai, NING Nan. The double-edged sword effect of leadership empowerment behavior[J]. Advances in Psychological Science, 2020, 28(11): 1814-1835.
结构维度 | 作者 | 维度划分 |
四维度结构 | 增强工作有意义性(Enhancing the meaningfulness of work) 鼓励参与决策(Fostering participation in decision making) 表达对高绩效的信心(Expressing confidence in high performance) 在科层约束中提供自主性(Providing autonomy from bureaucratic constraints) | |
五维度结构 | 以身作则(leading by example) 决策参与(participative decision making) 指导帮助(coaching) 信息共享(Informing) 表达关心(Showing concern/Interacting with the team) | |
六维度结构 | 信息分享(Informing sharing) 具有责任(Accountability) 自主决策(Self-directed decision making) 发展技能(Skill development) 授予权力(Delegating of authority) 指导创新绩效(Coaching for innovative performance) | |
鼓励自我奖励(Encourage self-reward) 鼓励团队合作(Encourage teamwork) 鼓励机会思考(Encourage opportunity thinking) 参与目标设定(Participative goal setting) 鼓励自我发展(Encourage self-development) 鼓励独自行动(Encourage independent action) | ||
权力委任、过程控制、个人发展支持、工作指导、结果和目标控制、参与决策 |
结构维度 | 作者 | 维度划分 |
四维度结构 | 增强工作有意义性(Enhancing the meaningfulness of work) 鼓励参与决策(Fostering participation in decision making) 表达对高绩效的信心(Expressing confidence in high performance) 在科层约束中提供自主性(Providing autonomy from bureaucratic constraints) | |
五维度结构 | 以身作则(leading by example) 决策参与(participative decision making) 指导帮助(coaching) 信息共享(Informing) 表达关心(Showing concern/Interacting with the team) | |
六维度结构 | 信息分享(Informing sharing) 具有责任(Accountability) 自主决策(Self-directed decision making) 发展技能(Skill development) 授予权力(Delegating of authority) 指导创新绩效(Coaching for innovative performance) | |
鼓励自我奖励(Encourage self-reward) 鼓励团队合作(Encourage teamwork) 鼓励机会思考(Encourage opportunity thinking) 参与目标设定(Participative goal setting) 鼓励自我发展(Encourage self-development) 鼓励独自行动(Encourage independent action) | ||
权力委任、过程控制、个人发展支持、工作指导、结果和目标控制、参与决策 |
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